Tuesday, 26 November 2019
The 1993 Storm of the Century
The 1993 Storm of the Century The blizzard of March 12 to 14, 1993 remains one of the worst U.S. snowstorms since the Great Blizzard of 1888, and its no surprise, considering that the storm stretched from Cuba to Nova Scotia, Canada, affected 100 million people across 26 states, and caused $6.65 billion in damage. By the storms end, 310 fatalities had been reported, more than three times the number of lives lost during Hurricanes Andrew and Hugo combined. Storm Origin and Track On the morning of March 11, a strong ridge of high pressure sat just offshore the U.S. west coast. Its position oriented the jet stream so that it plunged south out of the Arctic, allowing unseasonably cold air to flow into the U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains. Meanwhile, a low-pressure system was developing near Brownsville, TX. Fed by a number of upper air disturbances, energy from jet stream winds, and moisture from the north-central Gulf of Mexico, the low began to rapidly strengthen. The storms center traveled near Tallahassee, FL, in the pre-dawn hours of March 13. It continued north-northeastward, centering over southern Georgia near mid-day and over New England that evening. Near midnight, the storm deepened to a central pressure of 960 mb while over the Chesapeake Bay area. Thats the equivalent pressure of a Category 3 hurricane! Storm Impacts As a result of heavy snow and high winds, most cities across the Eastern Seaboard shut down or were completely inaccessible for days. Because of such societal impacts, this storm has been assigned the highest rank of extreme on the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale (NESIS). Along the Gulf of Mexico: The Florida panhandle received up to 4 inches (10.2 cm) of snowA squall line out ahead of the cold front caused a powerful derecho (straight-line windstorm) with gusts in excess of 100 mph (160 km/h) felt down to Havana, CubaA Supercell spawned 11 tornadoes across the Sunshine State, ranging from F0 to F2 in intensityA 12-foot (3.7 m) storm surge caused flooding along the coasts of western Florida and northern Cuba In the South: Accumulations ranged from 3-5 feet (0.9 to 1.5 m)Snow drifts of up to 15 feet (4.6 m) were reported at Mount Mitchell, NCRare convective elements such as lightning, thundersnow, and snowfall rates of 2 to 4 inches (5.1 to 10.2 cm) per hour were experiencedHundreds of thousands of residents were left without electricity for up to a week In the Northeast Canada: Accumulations ranged from 15 to 45 inches (38.1 cm to 1.1m)Syracuse, NY, broke five of its snowfall records, including 24-hr snowfall, maximum daily snowfalls for March 13 and 14, snowiest March, and snowiest seasonWith the storms passage, New Brunswick, Canada, reported a 45 F (7 C) temperature drop within 18 hours Forecasting Success National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologists first noticed signs that a fierce winter storm was brewing during the preceding week. Due to recent advances in computer forecast models (including the use of ensemble forecasts), they were able to accurately forecast and issue storm warnings two days in advance of the storms arrival. This was the first time the NWS forecasted a storm of this magnitude and did so with several days lead time. But despite warnings that a big one was on the way, public response was one of disbelief. The weather preceding the blizzard was unseasonably mild and didnt support the news that a winter storm of historic proportions was imminent. Record Numbers The Blizzard of 1993 broke dozens of records of its time, including over 60 record lows. The top fives for U.S. snowfall, temperature, and wind gusts are listed here: Snow Totals: 56 inches (142.2 cm) on Mount LeConte, TN50 inches (127 cm) on Mount Mitchell, NC44 inches (111.8 cm) at Snowshoe, WV43 inches (109.2 cm) at Syracuse, NY36 inches (91.4 cm) at Latrobe, PA Minimum Temperatures: -12 F (-24.4 Â °C) in Burlington, VT and Caribou, ME-11 F (-23.9 Â °C) in Syracuse, NY-10 F (-23.3 Â °C) on Mount LeConte, TN-5 F (-20.6 Â °C) in Elkins, WV-4 F (-20 Â °C) in Waynesville, NC and Rochester, NY Wind Gusts: 144 mph (231.7 km/h) on Mount Washington, NH109 mph (175.4 km/h) at Dry Tortugas, FL (Key West)101 mph (162.5 km/h) on Flattop Mountain, NC98 mph (157.7 km/h) at South Timbalier, LA92 mph (148.1 km/h) on South Marsh Island, LA
Friday, 22 November 2019
How Often To Post On Social Media According To 14 Studies
How Often To Post On Social Media According To 14 Studies Posting once on social media every day will get you some engagement, shares, and traffic. Sure. But wouldnt scheduling two social media messages a day get you even bigger results? What about three? And if you shared more messages every day to every social network, wouldnt that also get you even more results? How Often To Post On #SocialMedia? (Proven Research From 14 Studies)Lets just pause for a second because this is probably how youre feeling right now: Those kind of questions bring you down the rabbit hole with the real question being this: How often to post on social media? As it turns out, several studies have sought to answer that exact question, all with varying data. So we decided to compile the best of the best for you so you no longer have to think about how often to post on social media while still getting all of the benefits of increased awareness, engagement, shares, and traffic. ...But First: Set It And Forget It With ReQueue And Best Time Scheduling In Your Favorite Social Media Calendar You don't even have to read this blog post. ReQueue is the magical social media schedule that fills itself. The more messages you add, the more gaps can intelligently fill for you. Keep your social schedule consistent and promote your best content MORE (and better) than ever before (without all the tedious work). For example, let's say you want to tweet 15 times a day to your Twitter handle. But you only have 5 tweets scheduled for today. When you add tweets to ReQueue, will intelligently fill in the gaps with 10 additional tweets to hit your daily social media sharing frequency goal. That means you can set it and forget it with ReQueue. ReQueue automagically fills in the gaps in your #SocialMedia posting schedule!With ReQueue, you can automatically reuse your best social messages and let intelligently: Fill your daily social schedule Keep it consistent Fill the gaps in your social schedule Keep your content front of mind with your audience Then, Best Time Scheduling takes all of those posts and schedules them at the right time to get the maximum number of eyeballs on your content. You don't even have to think about it. This is going to revolutionize the way you manage social media. ;) OK, now let's answer that question behind how often to post on all of your social networks: About The 14 Social Media Frequency Studies... There's a lot of advice out there. So I've found the best data-driven information I could find to answer the question of how often to post on social media. I'll be referencing these sources throughout this post as a way to answer the posting frequency question for each specific social network: The social rules of Pinterest from Ahalogy Research and tips compiled by Buffer How often to post on social media by Constant Contact Research and experience of optimum level of posting on social media from DowSocial Industry benchmarks from HubSpot The posting plan from Localvox Expert Pinterest tips and data from Michelle MacPhearson Suggested minimum and maxium number of times to post on social media per week from Nulou Compiled research from Quick Sprout Researched posting frequencies from Mari Smith Insights from Neil Patel from Forbes General findings from Social Media Week Jay Baer's thoughts and insights from Convince And Convert Collected research from Adobe Each of the following sections will answer the posting frequency question, and includes information on the best times to post on each network along with recommended amounts of social media content curation for each network. All of these suggestions are based on deep research we've done for this post, along with these two: What 20 Studies Say About The Best Times To Post On Social Media How To Schedule Your Social Media Content Curation For Massive Growth Here we go. How Often Should A Business Post On Facebook? Answer: High: 2 posts per day Low: 1 post per day Recommended: 1 post per day Factor in the best times to post on Facebook: Post #1: 1–4 p.m. Factor in curation: Curate or reshare a post every other day Ahalogy suggests that posting to Facebook no more than once a day is best or you'll start to feel spammy. Buffer says you can post to Facebook twice a day before likes and comments drop off. Constant Contact says to post on Facebook a minimum of three times per week while keeping your maximum posting frequency to 10 times per week. DowSocial says two Facebook posts per day as a minimum works well for increasing your reach. They also suggest that sharing fewer posts and then promoting them is the best way they've seen to increase their engagement. Post to #Facebook once a day between 1–4 p.m.HubSpot's benchmarks suggest to post to Facebook a minimum of three times a week. They say to set your maximum number of Facebook posts to 10 times per week. LocalVox likes to post once a day to Facebook as a maximum while three times a week is their suggested minimum. Nulou suggests to post a minimum of three times a week to maintain your consistency while keeping your maximum number of Facebook posts to no more than 10 a week. Quick Sprout found that Facebook pages with smaller amounts of followers should post about 16–30 times a month, or roughly once every day or two. If you have a bigger fan base, Neil Patel suggests posting at least 31 times a month, which he says is about once or twice a day. Mari Smith recommends 5–6 Facebook posts per week. And some good advice: Skip weekdays if you have to, but not weekend days since Facebook users tend to be active on the weekends and in the evenings. Social Media Week recommends posting 5-10 times a week. That evens out to around one or two posts per business day. Adobe suggests posting 6-11 times per week. That's fairly consistent with what other studies suggest. Neil Patel makes another interesting point in his Forbes piece. If you have less than 10,000 followers, he says, you may want to post just once a day. That's because doubling your frequency may half your total clicks. Following his advice, wait until you have a bigger audience before increasing your schedule to twice a day. Recommended Reading: Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why You Need One (And How To Build It) How To Tell If Your Facebook Posting Frequency Is Working Facebook has a handy analytics tool called Insights. Simply log in to your Facebook Business Page, click on Insights, and select Posts. From here, you can check out your posts' performance individually to see when your engagement increases or decreases depending on how frequently you post. How Many Tweets Per Day For Business? Answer: High: 51 tweets per day Low: 1 tweet per day Recommended: 15 tweets per day Factor in the best times to tweet: Tweet #1: 2 a.m. Tweet #2: 3 a.m. Tweet #3: 6 a.m. Tweet #4: 7 a.m. Tweet #5: 9 a.m. Tweet #6: 10 a.m. Tweet #7: 11 a.m. Tweet #8: 12 p.m. Tweet #9: 1 p.m. Tweet #10: 2 p.m. Tweet #11: 3 p.m. Tweet #12: 5 p.m. Tweet #13: 6 p.m. Tweet #14: 9 p.m. Tweet #15: 10 p.m. Factor in curation: Retweet or curate about seven tweets a day Buffer says three tweets a day is the most you should share before engagement starts to drop off. Constant Contact recommends a minimum of five tweets per day while suggesting there is no maximum. DowSocial suggests tweeting a minimum of six tweets per day, and to do it daily. Since Twitter is a fast-paced network, they say that tweeting about once an hour during business hours is a good guideline, coupled with engagement tweets. How many tweets should you send in one day? Data says 15...HubSpot's data is broken down by industry, which is an interesting thought. So industry voided, HubSpot suggests tweeting a minimum of five tweets per day, while suggesting there is no daily maximum. LocalVox recommends tweeting a maximum of five tweets per day while maintaining a minimum of five tweets a week. Nulou says to tweet at least five times a week with no maximum. Quick Sprout found that the most retweets happen within an hour after tweeting, so a higher daily frequency is best. Start by tweeting 5–20 times every day. Writing for Forbes, Neil Patel suggests tweet frequency should be tied to your goals. If you want maximum engagement per tweet, aim for 1-5 tweets per day. However, if you want more total responses to your tweets overall, 50 tweets or more are acceptable. Mari Smith's sweet spot is between 6–7 tweets per day on weekdays, and 3–4 tweets a day on weekends. Abobe recommends just 3 tweets per day. For larger enterprises and major brands, this less is more approach may be the way to go. Social Media Week offers up a similar suggestion, stating that 3-5 tweets per day is the sweet spot. Recommended Reading: 15 Tactics To Boost Twitter Engagement Backed By Research How To Tell If Your Tweeting Frequency Is Working Twitter has a handy analytics feature to help you see which days are getting the most engagement. When you know how many tweets you've shared on certain days, you can easily correlate your frequency to engagement. Just log in to Twitter Analytics, navigate to Tweets, and check out the bar graph of dates coupled with the number of tweets that went out on those dates below. Hover on a bar for any specific date, and you'll see the number of tweets you shared that day. How Many Times To Pin On Pinterest Per Day? Answer: High: 30 Pins per day Low: 3 Pins per day Recommended: 11 Pins per day Factor in the best times to Pin: Pin #1: 2 a.m. Pin #2: 3 a.m. Pin #3: 4 a.m. Pin #4: 1 p.m. Pin #5: 2 p.m. Pin #6: 3 p.m. Pin #7: 4 p.m. Pin #8: 8 p.m. Pin #9: 9 p.m. Pin #10: 10 p.m. Pin #11: 11 p.m. Factor in curation: Repin or curate at least five pieces of content from others per day Some suggest sharing 80% of your Pins from other sources that your own blog, which would be about nine Pins out of your 11 Ahalogy sees the best results with 15–30 Pins per day when spread out throughout the day. Buffer says the top brands have experience a ton of growth by Pinning more frequently. The magic number? Pin five times a day on Pinterest. Constant Contact says Pinning at least five times a day is a good minimum, while Pinning 10 times per day should be the most you Pin. Pin to #Pinterest 11 times per day.DowSocial suggests Pinning a minimum of three times per day to Pinterest. Sharing regularly, and curating others' content in your frequency mix, will help build engagement. Michelle MacPhearson says that 20–30 Pins per day is the sweet spot for visibility on Pinterest. Nulou recommends Pinning at least five times per day while keeping 10 Pins a day as your maximum. Quick Sprout agrees with Buffer, suggesting the best Pinning frequency is five Pins a day. Like Quick Sprout, Mari Smith suggests the advice from Buffer to Pin five times per day. Adobe says "Pinterest users love lots of content," and recommends 4-10 Pins per day. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Pinterest For Marketing How To Tell If Your Pinterest Pinning Frequency Is Working Pinterest has a revealing analytics feature that helps you understand how your Pins are performing on a daily basis. Simply cruise to Pinterest Analytics and select the Profile option. Check out your Impressions to understand how your Pins performed on certain days of the week. You can also export the data into a spreadsheet to read this like a true data nerd. How Often To Post On LinkedIn For Business? Answer: High: 1 post per day Low: 0 posts per day Recommended: 1 post per day Factor in the best times to post on LinkedIn: Post #1: 1o–11 a.m. Factor in curation: Curate or reshare a post every other day Buffer says 20 posts a month or posting once a day helps you reach 60% of your followers on LinkedIn. Constant Contact recommends posting on LinkedIn at least two times per week. Post a maximum of five times per week. DowSocial recommends sharing daily to LinkedIn, but doesn't provide a solid number. They suggest that daily shares keep your followers in the loop, but not overwhelmed. Post to #LinkedIn once a day between 1o–11 a.m.HubSpot's benchmarks recommend posting at least twice a week on LinkedIn, while your maximum posting frequency should be no more than five posts per week. LocalVox says that once a day should be the most you share to LinkedIn. Post at least once a week to remain active. Nulou says to post to LinkedIn a minimum of two times a week to maintain consistency while five times a week should be your maximum number of posts. Quick Sprout cited LinkedIn's own recommendations for an ideal posting frequency of 20 times a month, which is about once every business day. Recommended Reading: Social Media Skills You Need To Have In 2017 How To Tell If Your LinkedIn Posting Frequency Is Working LinkedIn has a sparse analytics feature that will help you see the engagement each of your messages attracts. You can use that as a starting point when you test your frequency to see how posting more or less impacts your engagement. Just navigate to your Business Profile and select the Analytics tab to start your analysis. What Is The Ideal Google+ Posting Frequency? Answer: High: 3 posts per day Low: 0 posts per day Recommended: 2 posts per day Factor in the best times to post on Google+: Post #1: 9–11 a.m. Post #2 12–1 p.m. Factor in curation: Curate or reshare one post every day Buffer recommends posting consistently is the best approach for Google+, with three posts a day being the sweet spot. Constant Contact says to share on Google+ a minimum of three times a week while 10 times per week should be your maximum. DowSocial likes to share to Google+ at least three times per day. Google+ shares can show in search results for your Google+ followers, so sharing fresh content often can help you get in front of more eyeballs. HubSpot found that you should post to LinkedIn at least three times a week while posting 10 times should be your maximum. Post to #Google+ twice a day at 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. LocalVox suggests posting once a day to Google+ should be your maximum. Post at least three times a week. Nulou says to share a minimum of three times per week on Google+. Keep your maximum to 10 times a week. Quick Sprout agrees with Buffer that the ideal posting frequency for Google+ is three posts per day. Mari Smith agrees with Buffer and Quick Sprout's findings that posting three times per day to Google+ is the way to go. Recommended Reading: How To Get More Traffic From Every Post (Plus How OkDork Grew Traffic 400% In 8 Months) How To Tell If Your Google+ Posting Frequency Is Working Like LinkedIn, Google+'s Insights feature leaves something to be desired to help you find the ideal daily posting frequency. However, you can use Insights to gauge your most successful days and review the number of posts you shared on those days. Cruise to your Google+ Business Profile, and go to the Insights feature. Click on Posts, and you'll see a graph of the popular days, followed by even more specific data related to the posts you've shared. How Often To Post On Instagram? Answer: High: 3 posts per day Low: 1 posts per day Recommended: 1–2 posts per day Factor in the best times to post on Instagram: Post #1: 8–9 a.m. Post #2: 2 a.m. Factor in curation: Curate and repurpose posts only when necessary (quotes, stats, facts), and always give credit Buffer says that major brands share on Instagram on average 1.5 times a day, but not more, so that's also what they suggest you do. DowSocial says to post to Instagram a minimum of three times per day. Since images are super sharable, posting a little more often would be fine, too. Adobe says your Instagram posting frequency should be consistent with your goals. They say some brands succeed with as many as 10 photos per day. That might work well if you're sharing photos from an event, for example. And on Forbes, Neil Patel says "posting frequency is not all that important for your Instagram marketing." Instead, what you should focus on is consistency. Whether you post once or twenty times per day, do your best to maintain that same cadence. Post to #Instagram 1–2 times a day at 8–9 a.m. and 2 a.m.How To Tell If Your Posting Frequency On Instagram Is Successful Iconosquare has an Instagram Analytics feature that will help you understand when to post. Part of its functionality lets you export your data into a spreadsheet where you can see the time you posted and the engagement each post received. As you test your posting frequency, that could be helpful to gauge your engagement by day while analyzing the number of times you posted on Instagram. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Instagram For Business How To Put Your New Knowledge Into Action If this isn't the first post you've read coving the topic of how often to post on social media, then it's not the first time you've heard this: You should probably test your sharing frequency for your own audience. Yeah, yeah. So here are four methods you could try to find the perfect social media posting frequency for your following: Pick one study's suggestions and stick to 'em: The 10 studies analyzed throughout this post all had different recommendations. You could find the one study that makes the most sense to you, then follow it from this point forward. Cherry pick the frequencies that make the most sense to you: Since various studies offered a bunch of different ideas, you could grab the frequencies that seem like the obvious best choices and create your own social media frequency guide. Test each frequency to find the ultimate best posting consistency: Run through each study's suggestions one after another, compare your success, and finally use the advice that works best for your audience. Set up ReQueue and Best Time Scheduling in and automagically follow the best practice recommendations from this post: You can use to set up your daily, weekly, and monthly shares to be whatever you want for all of your social media accounts at the best time for your audience. Let me repeat that: You can customize to automatically fill up your sharing schedule at the best times so you never have to worry about sharing more or how often to post on social media. Use any study's method you like- customize - add curated content along with your own, and forget about it. It's all possible with the latest feature in your marketing calendar: ReQueue. Then schedule those posts at the best time (automagically) with Best Time Scheduling: Before we go, if you have any lingering questions, remember this quote from Jay Baer: The best social media publishing frequency is when it's worthwhile. Focus on value. Apply (and adjust) best practices as necessary. Enjoy greater social media success. It's that simple.
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Charles Manson and his family murdered several people in California, Essay
Charles Manson and his family murdered several people in California, including pregnant young movie star Sharon Tate. Sinc - Essay Example Sharon Tate’s family has done everything in their power to keep the individuals convicted in the Manson murders behind bars. Their efforts have paid off, even after their deaths. Patti created the Tate Foundation after her mother’s death. After Pattie died, Debra Tate continued the Tate Foundation. Although this group has made major changes in California laws concerning victims’ rights, Mason and his followers still seem to be a more popular story. Charles Manson, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Charles ‘Tex’ Watson were all sentenced to death row. However, when the death penalty was struck down all death sentences were commuted to life. Manson and his followers were given life sentences with the possibility of parole. When Van Houten came up for parole first, Doris Tate was incensed. She petitioned the California legislators to allow victim impact statements. Before this law was passed, victims’ families could not sp eak during a parole heahring. This law that Doris lobbied for gave the victims’ families an opportunity to relate how the crimes impacted their families. While alive, Doris attended every parole hearing for Charles Manson, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Charles ‘Tex’ Watson. As a result all of them are still in jail with the exception of Susan Atkins. Susan Atkins died of cancer.
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications Essay
Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications - Essay Example Imus Brothers Coffee, distributed by Fred and his radio disc jockey brother Don Imus mail order Company, makes ground coffee and has targeted heavy users in the past. The company is now considering, however, switching to targeting college students, a target segment that is comprised largely of people who have just started to drink coffee and dont consume anywhere near as much as the heavy users. What are the disadvantages of the heavy-user strategy? What is the term used to describe the college students the company is considering targeting? What are the advantages of targeting this college student segment? Heavy users are more conscious about the quality of the coffee and are often choosy about what they want. They may be put off by some small mistake and have a negative image of the brand and may also lead to negative word of mouth among other heavy users. The company is targeting an emerging market which is untapped when it comes to coffee and this could mean that they could have a new segment to enter and achieve. This market development and would lead to increased market share and growth in sales. 3. You are the marketing manager for a mail-order company that ships spices from all over the world to customers across the globe. Given a choice between access to a mailing list and access to a marketing database, which would you choose? What are the advantages of your choice? Be as specific as possible. Marketing database would be a more efficient choice as it would be diverse and dense.
Saturday, 16 November 2019
Life Is Easier Essay Example for Free
Life Is Easier Essay Living today is more comfortable and easier than when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Recently, my grandparents often recall how difficult their lives were when they were young, claiming that my generation has much easier lives than they had. I agree with them. In fact, life today is much more comfortable and easier than it was in my grandparents’ youth for some reasons. First, technology has made modern-day life much more comfortable than in the past. During my grandparents’ time, life was rough and hard because all the work was done without any modern tool, so they had to do their laundry by hand, walked from one place to another by feet. Furthermore, there was limited in entertainment choices in the past. They could at best listen to the radio or perhaps watch a black-and-white movie for pleasure. Today, however, living has become a lot easier thanks to technological developments. We launder our clothes with washing machine, uses buses, subways, or cars to move around. We also enjoy home theater systems, DVDs, and video games. Technology has definitely improved our lives. In addition, people today have more leisure time than they did before. People no longer have to work very long hours like my grandparents did. Since my grandparents were farmers, they had to work in the rice field all day long even without resting on weekends. In contrast, many people today, including my parents, simply work from nine to five on weekdays and take weekends off. They therefore have much free time than my grandparents did, so they can spend more time on leisure activities. They go to the movies, go to the gym, or take trips. All these activities have positive affect on their quality of living. In conclusion, people today have more comfortable and easier lives than in the past. This is the results of technological developments and the extra leisure time available. These factors will make our live even more comfortable in the future.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Diminishing Discrimination :: Essays Papers
Diminishing Discrimination Times are changing; people who used to be discriminated against are now starting to be treated with more equality and respect. The disrespect and abuse that the disabled community has gotten in the past is a very dark topic that comes with many sad and scary truths. There are many groups and laws at the present time that are helping this community grow. By integrating more disabled people into public services helps them gain a higher esteem for themselves. The abuse problem amongst the developmentally disabled still does exist today. The most controversial abuse problem happened behind closed doors, in the institutions. The one institution that was in Tucson was called Arizona Training Program Tucson (ATPT). In these such institutions, people with all many varieties of disabilities. This problem of institutional abuse was recognized for at least two centuries (Sobsey, 89). The term institutional abuse refers to neglectful, psychological, physical, an/or sexual abuse that took place in the managed institutional car of human beings (Sobsey, 89-90). Hearing stories from both the patients in these institutions to the workers is horrifying. Some of the things the staff would do to the patients: use heavy sedation, locks, restraints, sexually abuse them, take inappropriate pictures, time outs for long periods of time, and takedowns with several large staff. Other things that were done to the patients was doing the same r outine over and over never teaching new tasks, no outside contact, and no luxury items just bed dresser and clothes. Yes, ATPT was one of the better institutions there were. Many were worse. Institutional abuse is characterized by the extreme power iniquities that exist between staff and residents. In extreme cases, staff control when residents wake up, sleep, eat go to the bathroom, wash, communicate, exercise, rest, and virtually every other aspect of their lives. These extreme disempowerment of institutional residents is rationalized by the paradoxical notion of â€Å"good intentions†(Sobsey, 90). The public was hidden from the real truth till recently when they were shut down or changed into day programs and smaller residential settings, to be more like a home environment.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Amazon SWOT Analysis of Inc
Amazon.com, Inc. or www.amazon.com has a mission statement to be the most customer-centric or customer-oriented retailer on this planet, where people can browse and buy anything they want to buy online with prices as low as possible on the market. (About Amazon) They are one of the world’s most important online retailers and providers of web service. (Amazon.com Inc.) They offer a large-scale of products such as clothing, merchandises for car and industrial uses, beauty and health products, books, games, electronic devices, grocery, food, jewelry, merchandises for kids and babies, movies, music, toys, sports goods, and etc. (Amazon.com Inc.)They also offer delivery and shipping, web hosting services and some other related services. (Amazon.com Inc.) They also make Kindle devices, and provide their products via company-owned online retailer websites. (Amazon.com Inc.) Not only they sell brand new unused merchandise, they also sell refurbished and second-hand used goods online. (About Amazon) Internal analysis – Strengths (their business model is their strength) In strategy, Amazon has improved the operations of their business by diversifying it from online bookstore to online merchandising with a wide variety of different kinds of products. (Amazon.com Inc.)Their dealing with costumers online without reseller model increased their inventory turnover with better returns. (Amazon.com Inc.) With their business models they also run warehouses that are not huge and large, but small and lean in many different places in the world. (Amazon.com Inc.) Their direct-to-customers with no resellers strategy makes it easier for them to handle their capital investments in their warehouses and lower possible inventory risks. (Amazon.com Inc.) By that strategy of dealing with customers directly also have increased the volume of their sales. (Amazon.com Inc.)Their business model offers everyday low prices for their products online. (Amazon.com Inc.) They have expande d their presence to many different countries globally by offering websites modified specifically according to different countries’ needs and wants like languages and taste with fulfillment networks. (Amazon.com Inc.) They learned and copied the most successful business ventures from any other countries in the world internationally, and tested new features for their business strategy within the US market. (Amazon.com Inc.)Their product offerings are expanding by making agreements with third-party sellers around the world. Moreover, they let other retailers use their e-commerce online retailing platform technology for a price. (Amazon.com Inc.) They also offer bundle services to consumers for bringing in greater efficiency and lowering their prices in the market. (Amazon.com Inc.) And their bundled services later on diversified itself in the e-commerce markets to other platform services within the industry of cloud computing. (Amazon.com Inc.) Amazon has a broad product port folio allowing them to provide various products to serve a market of diversified customers. (Amazon.com Inc.)Customers of Amazon.com are offered a one-stop shopping experience to shop from clothing to smartphones to food. (Amazon.com Inc) Their efficient customer service and wide choice of goods and products putting their business focus on product selection, product prices, and the convenience to shop them. (Amazon.com Inc) Their product offerings include clothing, auto and industrial items, beauty and health products, books, computers, digital downloads, electronics, grocery, games, home goods, jewelry, kids and baby items, movies, music, office supplies, outdoor goods, shoes, sport goods, toys, and other kinds of tools. (Amazon.com Inc)Their strategy also emphasizes on selling their products at the lowest possible price by everyday low product pricing and free shipping such as the package Amazon Prime offering for free two-day-delivery on millions of items plus other features. (Am azon.com, Inc.) More and a greater number of customers shopping online are drawn to shop on Amazon.com because of Amazon’s broad and diverse product assortment with low prices. (Amazon.com, Inc.) And lately, Amazon just introduced their newly invented product, Kindle Fire, the most-advanced tablet providing a fully-integrated and end-to-end service for customers. (Amazon.com Inc.)They also started renting thousands of college textbooks to college students with a recently launched service called Amazon Textbook Rental. (Amazon.com Inc.) Amazon’s wide range of product offerings gives them a good chance of future financial growth. (Amazon.com Inc.) Amazon has adopted different technologies that make their website more customer-friendly. (Amazon.com Inc) With key features such as editorial and customer reviews written on their website, manufacturer product information, gift guides, web pages customized to individual preferences like recommendations and notifications, 1- Click technology, secure payment systems, digital content and the Search Inside the Book technology. (Amazon.com Inc) And shoppers can track their orders on the website with â€Å"Your Account†features. (Amazon.com Inc)Amazon provides customer service all around the world easily with their customer service centers located on different parts in the world globally. (Amazon.com Inc) Moreover, their delivery is free with other options for shipping available worldwide around the globe. (Amazon.com Inc) With all those satisfactory shopping features available on their website, in return they have also gained high customer loyalty. (Amazon.com Inc) But they are still expanding not stopping with their customer serving coverage across the world, lately, they have just launched their Amazon Appstore in Western Europe including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing access to their wide range of various Android apps which give convenience to customers using Andro id phones and tablets to shop. (Amazon.com Inc)Debt, for the fiscal year 2012, Amazon recorded a total of $3,830 million in debt, and compare to their debt in the fiscal year 2011 that was an increase of 170% in one year! (Amazon.com Inc) Amazon’s total long-term debt was almost $3,084 million. (Amazon.com Inc) Their debt could make them less likely to borrow more money to finance their working capital, capital expenditure, or other kinds of investments, particularly if rating organizations downgraded Amazon’s debt securities’ ratings. (Amazon.com Inc)This weakness would be unfavorable for Amazon especially during tough times in the economy with unstable market conditions to respond to. (Amazon.com Inc) Another very obvious unfavorable effect that Amazon’s huge debt has on them is that they need to pay back what they owe in principal plus accumulated interest which is a substantial amount of their cash flow from their business operations, which then reduc ed the amount of funds available for them to expand their business via activities like acquisitions and create more product offerings and to spend on their marketing. (Amazon.com Inc) Legal proceedings, Amazon has many lawsuits filed against them both in actual terms and those haven’t yet but have the possibility to do so. (Amazon.com Inc)And majority of those cases suing Amazon are concerned with the issues of patent violations, the relations between Amazon and their employees, contract issues, liability of products, environmental issues, antitrust issues, and other kinds of issues, etc. (Amazon.com Inc) The companies that filed and On-Demand Publishing LLC dba CreateSpace claiming that Amazon has infringed US patents in the number of 7,392,283 and patent number 7,174,362. (Amazon.com Inc) And another case filed against Amazon was in September 2012 by B.E. Technology, LLC claiming that Amazon Digital Services, Inc. has again infringed people’s US patents in the num ber of 6,771,290. (Amazon.com Inc)An Australian quasi-government entity, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, filed a lawsuit against Amazon for their infringement of US Patent number five-four-eight-seven-zero-six-nine. (Amazon.com Inc) Not only did Amazon face the lawsuits filed against them mentioned above, they have been also sued for patent infringement, violation of copyrights and etc. (Amazon.com Inc) Regardless if the companies filed lawsuits against Amazon won or lost, any legal proceeding could have a negative impact on Amazon’s cash flow and waste management’s time and effort. (Amazon.com Inc) External Analysis, uncontrollably good opportunities for Amazon Strategic acquisitions have continued to be considered as an important way by Amazon as a strategy for business growth. (Amazon.com Inc)Although merely viewed as supplements to their core business growth, acquisition is one way for them to expand their business including adopting n ew technologies of newly acquired companies, introducing new products, and expand their business reach in geography. (Amazon.com Inc) Examples such as their recent March 2013 acquisition of the company Goodreads a website providing customers a place for sharing books online. (Amazon.com Inc) Another example of their acquisition is with a company called IVONA Software in January this year 2013, which did text-to-speech technology. (Amazon.com Inc)And Amazon’s company which mainly works for their publishing, Amazon Publishing, bought another company, Avalon Book’s publication rights, of over three thousands backlist titles, and mostly in the romance, mystery and western book categories in the June of 2012. (Amazon.com Inc) And they have also made an agreement in March 2012 to acquire another company called Kiva Systems, Inc. or Kiva that focused on working with and inventing innovative technology forhandling material. (Amazon.com Inc)Amazon intended to raise the level of productivity via the acquisition of this innovative material handling company, making the employees able to pick, pack and stow their products in their fulfillment centers. (Amazon.com Inc) And this particular strategy is called â€Å"inorganic growth strategy†, as organic stands for â€Å"characterized by continuous or natural development†, might be able to help expand their market share in a significant extent. (Amazon.com Inc) Amazon’s opportunities for growth are also driven by their initiatives in strategy to make their product assortment better in the market. (Amazon.com Inc)For example, they have expanded their multi-year licensing agreement with PBS Distribution in order to offer free-of-charge online streaming of past seasons PBS programs to registered members of their Amazon Prime package in June 2013. (Amazon.com Inc) And in May of 2013, Amazon introduced their invented Kindle Worlds, a platform product made for publishing commercially and available for the first time in the market. (Amazon.com Inc) Then in January 2013, they made an agreement regarding the licensing of the content of A+E Networks, in order to add earlier seasons of A&E, bio, HISTORY and Lifetime channel into the prime instant video service on their Amazon.com website. (Amazon.com Inc)And earlier in November 2012, they started to provide a service called Amazon Redshift, which is a fully managed and powerful warehouse in the cloud for petabyte-scale data storage. (Amazon.com Inc) In the meantime, Amazon also introduced a marketplace called the Amazon wine in the market, where customers are offered more than a thousand wines. (Amazon.com Inc) And in earlier in August 2012 in the UK, Germany, France and Italy and Spain in Western Europe, Amazon launched their Amazon Appstore providing an access for European customers to download and use their wide range of high quality Android smartphone apps conveniently to shop on their website when the European customers are u sing their Android electronic devices such as cellphone and tablet computer to shop. (Amazon.com Inc)And then earlier in the March of 2012, Amazon made an announcement to the world that they were going to make a $150 million USD investment to open a new Jeffersonville, Indian fulfillment center in the US. (Amazon.com Inc) Their initiatives to make themselves able to provide customers with more product offerings with a new fulfillment center in the US could give them a better chance in business growth. (Amazon.com Inc) Another area of opportunity for Amazon to potentially expand their presence in the market is in the E-Commerce business. (Amazon.com Inc) There is a good chance of potential for Amazon to grow their business and raise their profitability with direct marketing along with e-commerce business’ rising trend. (Amazon.com Inc)Due to the recent scenario that a growing number of consumers these days rather shop online than visit the retail stores physically to save t heir time and money in one stop. (Amazon.com Inc) According to professionals in the industry, traffic of the IP data in the globe is forecasted to go up to six point six zettabytes annually by the year 2016, and also traffic of the cloud storage is forecasted to rise from 2011’s 39% of total data centre traffic up to 64% in the year 2016. (Amazon.com Inc) The growth of E-commerce market is driven by smart phones, tablets and other internet enabled electronic devices’ uses. (Amazon.com Inc)Along with this growth of online shopping using internet enabled electronic devices, this trend pushes and changes other retailers to invest more into serving the new format of electronic device online shopping customer segment. (Amazon.com Inc) And Amazon could increase their cost savings and expand their share in the retailing market with an already well established position in the e-retailing. (Amazon.com Inc)The fact that Amazon is subject to the government and the law’s re gulation and intervention is considered an external threat. (Amazon.com Inc) The government and the law could pose external threats to Amazon’s business in aspects such as taxation, privacy, data protection, pricing, content, copyrights, electronic device certification, electronic waste, consumer protection, the provision of online payment services, the design and operation of websites, and the characteristics and quality of Amazon’s products and their services. (Amazon.com Inc)Today, the US Supreme Court does not allow collecting state and local taxes for Internet sales. (Amazon.com Inc) However, some states in the US and the Congress have been thinking of initiatives that could restrict the Supreme Court’s place and voice in matters regarding issues of Internet sales’ taxation. (Amazon.com Inc) And if those states and Congress succeed, Amazon might will be required to either collect a certain tax called â€Å"sales and use taxes†in some states or alter the ways of how they practice their business for the law. (Amazon.com Inc) Imposing taxes by the local government and by state could create a burden on the company’s administration. (Amazon.com Inc)Moreover, those taxes if imposed on the bills of Amazon’s customers could less their demand and make their products and services less attractive in the market with increased cost. (Amazon.com Inc) The online shopping market is a very competitive one to do business in, including for Amazon. (Amazon.com Inc) The kind of competitors they have such as any other online e-commerce and mobile e-commerce sites, publishers, media companies and other companies designing, manufacturing, marketing digital media devices. (Amazon.com Inc)They compete in terms of price, product selection, how convenient is it to shop, product quality, how much time it takes/speed, and their services and tools’ reliability. (Amazon.com Inc) The list of names of Amazon’s online shopp ing competitors would be eBay, Yahoo, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble, ValueVision Media, and Netflix. (Amazon.com Inc) Their competitors could possess more resources with more customers and better recognitions than Amazon. (Amazon.com Inc)Along with the competition getting fiercer Amazon needs to maintain their stock while adapting to an unstable environment of changing needs and wants in order to survive. (Amazon.com Inc) In international finance, there is a risk called foreign currency exchange risk, and that’s the kind of external threat that Amazon is exposed to as a global company doing business internationally. (Amazon.com Inc) Last year in 2012, Amazon’s revenue in total has a 43% stake outside the US in the international segment. (Amazon.com Inc) And for that year their business profit went down dramatically in the figure of $853 million compare to their 2011 revenue due to the ups and downs of the values of foreign currencies, in other words they lost a lot o f money because of their vulnerable and high exposure to exchange rate risk. (Amazon.com Inc)As they have revenue denominated internationally in the continents of Asia, Europe and North America. (Amazon.com Inc) They also have things in value other than revenue such as assets, liabilities denominated in many different foreign currencies. (Amazon.com Inc) Those currencies for example such as they do business transactions with the European Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan and Korean Won and etc. (Amazon.com Inc) Yet they still have the USD as their main functional currency. (Amazon.com Inc) If the foreign currencies devalue against the USD then they would lose money when they convert their foreign revenue back to the US, but if the US dollar exchange rate weakens against all other major foreign currencies, then Amazon would face potentially greater long-term liabilities. (Amazon.com Inc)
Saturday, 9 November 2019
Constitutional and social development between 1860 and 1877 Essay
From the time of Lincoln’s inauguration in 1860 to the final withdrawal of union troops from the South in 1877, the nation of America had been one of great revolutions. There was constant development in this time both socially and constitutionally. For instance, some constitutional developments that irrupted conflict were the secession of the confederate states, the Emancipation Proclamation, the three civil rights bills, and the reconstruction. Some social developments that caused conflict were the Freedmen’s Bureau, the Black Codes, and the Ku Klux Klan. It was a result of these developments that the Revolutions of the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Redeemers would take place. The great change these revolutions brought about were vital in the development of this country One of the constitutional developments that caused a revolution during this time frame, had to do with the South Carolina Declaration of Causes of Secession, which is stated in Document A. The southerners felt that it was their constitutional right to own slaves and did not see a time when they should be required to give up that right. However, upon the election of Lincoln as President, the southerners felt threatened, and felt their slave holding rights were being threatened, and in an effort to protect these rights they chose to secede from the union. This action angered the President and many Republicans because they believed that it was unconstitutional for a state to secede. Senator John Sherman on the other hand believed that they gave the states too much power and rights in government that this is the reason the government being overthrown. One of the social developments that caused a revolution was the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Freedmen’s Bureau was supposed to give Homesteads to the freed slaves, but they failed to keep their promise, as stated in Document E. In document I the picture shows that even thought the freedmen were given freedom after the Civil, other groups such as the White League and the KKK still tried to suppress their rights as human citizens. For instance, the KKK would burn black-owned buildings and murder freedman to them from exercising their voting rights. Another development that caused a revolution was the Reconstruction Act. Looking at Document F you can see that Senator Lot Morrill thinks that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 is revolutionary. But he was furious because there was already a revolution taking place and nobody knew or cared. The speech brought up many questions about what had to be fixed and what kind of revolution would occur. These are the many developments that brought on a revolution that helped or hurt the country. This is one of the revolutions that helped shape this country.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Timeline of Events From 1840 to 1850
Timeline of Events From 1840 to 1850 The years from 1840 to 1850 were marked by war, political changes, a gold rush in California, and many other important events in America and around the world. 1840 January 10: Penny postage was introduced in Britain.January 13: In a shocking maritime disaster, the steamship Lexington burned and sank in Long Island Sound. Only four men survived and more than 150 passengers and crew perished.February 10: Queen Victoria of England married Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg-Gotha.May 1: The first postage stamps, Britain’s â€Å"Penny Black,†were issued.Summer/Fall: The 1840 presidential campaign was the first to prominently feature songs and slogans. William Henry Harrison won the presidency thanks to his Log Cabin and Hard Cider campaign, and the slogan Tippecanoe and Tyler Too! 1841 March 4: William Henry Harrison was inaugurated as president of the United States. He delivered a two-hour inaugural address in very cold weather. As a result, he caught pneumonia, from which he never recovered.Spring: A free black New Yorker, Solomon Northup, was lured to Washington, D.C., drugged, and kidnapped into slavery. He would tell his story in the powerful memoir Twelve Years a Slave.April 4: President William Henry Harrison died after only one month in office. He was the first American president to die in office and was succeeded by Vice President John Tyler.Autumn: Land was purchased in Massachusetts for Brook Farm, an experimental farming community frequented by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and other writers and thinkers of the era.November 9: Edward VII of England, son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, was born. 1842 January: The British retreated from Kabul, Afghanistan and were massacred by Afghan troops.August 29: The First Opium War ended with the Treaty of Nanking.November: Showman Phineas T. Barnum tracked down a child in Connecticut said to be peculiarly small. The boy, Charles Stratton, would become a show business phenomenon known as General Tom Thumb. 1843 Summer: Oregon Fever gripped America, beginning mass migration westward on the Oregon Trail. 1844 February 28: An accident with a cannon on US Navy warship killed two members of John Tyler’s cabinet.May 24: The first telegram was sent from the U.S. Capitol to Baltimore. Samuel F.B. Morse wrote, â€Å"what hath God wrought.†August: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels met in Paris.November: James Knox Polk defeated Henry Clay in the U.S. presidential election. 1845 January 23: The U.S. Congress established a uniform date for federal elections, naming the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November as Election Day.March 1: President John Tyler signed a bill annexing Texas.March 4: James Knox Polk was inaugurated as President of the United States.May: Frederick Douglass published his autobiography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave.May 20: The Franklin Expedition sets sail from Britain. All 129 men on the expedition were lost during their attempt to explore the Arctic.Late Summer: The Irish potato famine, which would become known as the Great Famine, started with widespread failures of the potato crop. 1846 February 26: American frontier scout and showman William F. â€Å"Buffalo Bill†Cody was born in Iowa.April 25: Mexican troops ambushed and killed a patrol of U.S. soldiers. Reports of the incident inflamed tensions between the two nations.April-August: Francis Parkman traveled from St. Louis, Missouri to Ft. Laramie, Wyoming, and later wrote of the experience in the classic book The Oregon Trail.May 13: The U.S. Congress declared war against Mexico.June 14: In the Bear Flag Revolt, settlers in northern California declared independence from Mexico.December: The Donner Party, a party of American settlers in wagon trains, became stranded in the snow-covered Sierra Nevada Mountains in California and resorted to cannibalism to survive. 1847 February 22: U.S. troops commanded by General Zachary Taylor defeated a Mexican Army at the Battle of Buena Vista in the Mexican War.March 29: U.S. troops commanded by General Winfield Scott captured Veracruz in the Mexican War.June 1: Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of Americas richest and most competitive men, raced a steamboat against rival Daniel Drew in the Hudson River. Many thousands of New Yorkers lined the citys docks to watch the paddle wheelers race.Late summer: The potato famine continued in Ireland, and the year became known as Black 47.September 13-14: U.S. troops entered Mexico City and effectively ended the Mexican War.December 6: Abraham Lincoln took his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. After serving a single two-year term, he returned to Illinois. 1848 January 24: James Marshall, a mechanic at John Sutters sawmill in northern California, recognized some unusual nuggets. His discovery would set off the California Gold Rush.February 23: Former president John Quincy Adams, who served as a U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts after leaving the presidency, died after collapsing in the U.S. Capitol building.July 12-19: A conference at Seneca Falls, New York, organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizbeth Cady Stanton, took up the issue of Womens Rights and planted the seeds of the suffrage movement in the U.S.November 7: Zachary Taylor, Whig candidate and a hero of the Mexican War, was elected President of the United States.December 5: President James Knox Polk, in his annual address to Congress, confirmed the discovery of gold in California. 1849 March 5: Zachary Taylor was inaugurated as the 12th president of the U.S. He was the third, and last, candidate of the Whig Party to hold the office.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Where to Get the Money to Write a Book
Where to Get the Money to Write a Book This is the most common request I receive. Where can I find the money to write my book? This is the second most common request I receive. Where can I find the money to publish my book? First and foremost, you do not need money to write a book. Writing is the most liberating, free-rein, no start-up money required art on the planet. You and the paper. If you need research, you have a phone, the Internet and the library. Easy-peasy. If you need money to publish your book, you are self-publishing. Fine. Nothing wrong with that. Lets make some assumptions here. You wrote the story. Youve edited the story. Youve HAD the story edited. You want that book out in the world and you dont have two dimes to rub together. What do you do? 1. You try to traditionally publish. Yep, this means you have to learn the publishing business. But you want complete control over your book, you say. Do you even know what that means? Can you talk traditional vs. self-pubbing? If you cannot, then stop trying to publish. Learn which road to take before get totally lost and ruin that story 2. You publish an e-book. I know you want to hold paper in your hands, but why not sell e-books until you have the money saved to pay for print? 3. You publish through CreateSpace.com or Lulu.com. This requires you understand formatting, cover design, and so on. If you want someone to publish your book without you thinking about these things, then go back to Item 1. 4. You crowdfund through Kickstarter.com or Indiegogo.com. Not only has Kickstarter funded many books, plays and films, but it makes you develop a defined plan for your book project. Most crowdfunding projects fail because the author doesnt want to think marketing or development . . . doesnt plan deeply enough. Either that or the book is a bad idea to start with. 5. You freelance and save your money from articles and gigs to pay for the publishing. No elaboration needed here. If you think youre good enough to write a book, you should be shrewd and talented enough to make money freelancing. 6. You save money from other sources. Only you can define your other sources. 7. You borrow the money. Gasp! Borrow? What if the book fails? Truth is you need to believe in this book hard enough to be willing to borrow money for it. That means youre more likely to do your homework on the process, edit a few more times, create the start of a platform, and design a short-term and long-term plan. What about grants? Grants should be your last resort. Besides, most grants wont fund a self-published project, especially from a first-time author or a second-timer who didnt sell the first. You have to prove yourself to a certain degree. But hey, with all of the above options and a little bit of elbow grease and sweat, youll be published in no time.
Sunday, 3 November 2019
Key Concepts in Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Key Concepts in Management - Coursework Example is because machines are beneficial for increasing the overall efficiency but it cannot be considered as a tool to communicate with employees (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2008, pp. 56-57). On the contrary, organization provides an environment in which employees can enhance their competencies as well as develop their skills to sustain in the workplace for longer period of time. Machines are usually subjected to decreasing rate of productivity which is not true in context of an organization. A machine can be more powerful than an organization in the initial phases but in case of sustainability it cannot be considered to be effective. Employees or living components of an organization cannot be sustained by a machine for long run. As for sustainability productivity and efficiency are not the only vital components (Torrington, Hall & Taylor, 2005, pp.110-111). An effective operation is not enough to ensure longevity as other factors such as work collaboration, high adaptability, incorporating necessary changes etc., is equally important. It can be stated that external forces play a major role in ensuring longevity of a system. Modern organizations to some extent seem to be preoccupied with the idea of maintaining status quo in the industry. However risk is a factor which cannot be eliminated completely from the system. Status quo is often considered to be the most difficult element in terms of sustainability. In the present competitive environment organizations had to strive hard in order to maintain their respective status quo in the industry. However there is often a mindset developed that organizations are performing well and has effectively maintained their status quo. This can be considered to be a prison mindset as such situation is never real in the present business environment (Jackson, Schuler &Â Werner, 2011, pp. 101-103). In certain context this form of prison mindset develops when a firm possesses a record of outstanding performance and has a reputed image
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