Sunday, 26 January 2020
Characteristics of a Modern Nation State
Characteristics of a Modern Nation State Describing the characteristics of modern nation-state by giving describing Nation, State Nation-state The nation is a culture group residing within the territory of the political state. A group of people are considered a nation if (1) they are permanent residents of a defined territory, (2) they exhibit some form of government, (3) they have a common culture, and (4) they declare themselves to be, and are considered by others to be, sovereign. When a group becomes a nation, older loyalties to family or tribe must be subordinated to the new political order, and a common literature, history, and a sense of a common future develop (Walter, 2004). States are independent political unit that claim exclusive jurisdiction over defined territories and over all of the people and activities within them. The governments are not always able to exercise this jurisdiction completely, but states can encourage or even force patterns of human activities to conform the political map. (Rubinstein, Service, Science, , 2002) The continuous growth in size and complexity of societies led people to seek political organization first in clans based on kinship, later in tribes that were collections of clans, and finally in city-states. Around the fifteenth century, city-states gradually began to emerge as nation-states. A nation-state is a specific form of state, which exists to provide a sovereign territory for a particular nation, and derives its legitimacy from that function. In the ideal model of the nation-state, the population consists of the nation and only of the nation: the state not only houses it, but protects it and its national identity. The nation-state did not always exist, and most of the present nation-states are located on territory that once belonged to another, non-national, state. They came into existence at least partly as a result of political campaigns by nationalists. The establishment of a nation-state can be considered the central demand of any nationalist movement. Japan is considered a nation as it has defined territories, government and the residents share a common culture. Moreover Japan traditionally seen as an example of a nation-state and also the largest of the nation states, with population in excess of 120 million. It should be noted that Japan has a small number of minorities such as Ryukyu peoples, Koreans, and Chinese, and on the northern island of Hokkaido, the indigenous Ainu minority. However, they are either numerically insignificant (Ainu), their difference is not as pronounced (though Ryukyuan culture is closely related to Japanese culture). Japan is also seen as a state due to the limited authority powers of the Emperor he is seen as a ceremonial figurehead, he is defined by the constitution as the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people. Power is held chiefly by the Prime Minister of Japan and other elected members of the Diet, while sovereignty is vested in the Japanese people (National Diet of Japan, 2007) The Emperor effectively acts as the head of state on diplomatic occasions. Akihito is the current Emperor of Japan. Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan, stands as next in line to the throne. Nation-state in Japan express a shared identity of its own population, it has national symbols, above all a national flag and a national anthem, often a wide range of national emblems. In fact it promotes the Japanese national identity in almost every area of human social and cultural life, from the national library to the national airline. Additionally it attempt to create and maintain national unity, and at least a minimal internal uniformity. Nation states have a cultural policy and a language policy for this purpose, and the educational system is often subordinated to this goal. The desire for uniformity had positive economic effects, because nation-states generally try to reduce internal disparities in income and regional GDP. Most have a regional policy for that purpose. How the United States fits the criteria of and functions as a modern nation-state The United States acts a modern nation-state as it is a sovereign territory as it includes a group of people who want to have their own government; furthermore Territories are geographical areas under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state, Sovereignty means authority to control, Territories are elements of states and we know that the united states of America have 50 states, the United states maintain borders and subdivide their territory for governmental purposes. The common values shared between Americans since the United States was founded in the 18th century, Americans have defined themselves not by their racial, religious, and ethnic identity but by their common values and belief in individual freedom (Friedman, 2008). Goals of American Foreign Policy The goals of U.S. foreign policy can be said to include the following: First, the central goal is to protect the nations physical security. This is a primary goal of every nations foreign policy, but the United States has been more successful in it than most. In fact, since the War of 1812, no foreign armies have occupied the continental United States. In contrast, the nations of continental Europe were overrun twice in the twentieth century and repeatedly in the nineteenth century. However the threat of terrorism may change the state of our security. A second goal is to protect the physical security of the principal allies of the United States. For instance, since World War II, the United States has committed itself to protect the nations of Western Europe through NATO), as well as to protect nations on other continents: Japan, South Korea, and Israel. European Union as a transnational entity: Discuss the major events which lead to the establishment of the European Union. From the ideas of establishing sovereign state characterized by a union federation and the association of sovereign member states confederation the main development in Europe was on supranational foundationwhich is the method of decision-making in multi-national political communities, wherein power is transferred or delegated to an authority by governments of member states, this was carried out to tomake war unthinkable and materially impossible (Fontaine, Europejskie, 2003), the most important events which lead to the establishment of the European Union were the foundation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1952, which was included six nations acted like an international organization serving to unify Western Europe during the Cold War and create the foundation for the modern-day developments of the European Union. The ECSC was the first organization to be based on the principles of supranationalism, later The Treaties of Rome were signed on 25 March 1957, by The Six countries, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany. The first Treaty established the European Economic Community (EEC) and the second Treaty established the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). They were the first international organizations to be based on supranationalism, after the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) established a few years prior. Later two new communities were created separately from ECSC, The executives of the new communities were called Commissions, as opposed to the High Authority. The EEC would develop a customs union between members and Euratom would integrate sectors in nuclear energy. In 1973 the European Union started to witness expansion to include new member states. This process began with the Inner Six, who founded the European Coal and Steel Community (the EUs predecessor) in 1952. In 1992 Maastricht Treaty was signed on February 7th which established the European Union when it came into effect on 1 November 1993 became effective; since then, the EUs membership has grown to twenty-seven with the most recent expansion to Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. Major institutions and nations which forms the European Union. The European Union is composed of 27 sovereign Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The contemporary function of the European Union. The function of the European Union (EU) is to enable closer relations between the member states. This is in order to make the most of the collective abilities of the member states, for example free trade, freedom of movement, freedom of job choice. It enables a lot of the beaucracy that used to be involved with those issues to be by passed. The EU was also formed as a counter balance to the position of the United States as the only global super power. The E.U does not belong to specific country, each member state has a say in the running of the EU. The EU was formed mainly out of need for stability in Europe after the Second World War, and was a product of firstly economic agreements, which still form the main basis of todays EU. Describe two examples of foreign policy objectives for the European Union. The first objective of the EU is to use a decisive diplomacy to be a key player in international issues ranging from global warming to the conflict in the Middle East. The basis for the EUs common foreign and security policy (CFSP) remains soft power: the use of diplomacy backed where necessary by trade, aid and peacekeepers to resolve conflicts and bring about international understanding. The second objective is to have governments in charge, foreign and security policy is one area where essential authority remains with EU governments, although the European Commission and, to a lesser extent the European Parliament, are associated with the process. Key decisions are taken by unanimous vote. Analyze how nation-states and transnational entities engage in foreign policy to achieve their interests. Analyze how nation-states and transnational entities engage in foreign policy to achieve their interests analyze the consequences of this interaction for international politics. Nation-states interests basically shapes the foreign policy of a nation, as the Nation-states needs; for instance when development is needed in the economical section the foreign policy of that nation changes to meet the needs for nation-state objectives therefore it starts to establishing or maintaining good relationship with other nations to enhance trade business. Taking the United States as an example; the United States signed the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA) on January 1st 1994. Linking the US, Canada and Mexico. Another example is when Americans felt the lack security after September 11th attacks; the foreign policy of Unites States lunched war on terror which involved in a war against extremists in Afghanistan and another war to disarm Iraq from the possessing alleged weapons of mass destruction, Similarity the EU nation-state which represent the interest of all EU countries by shaping the foreign policy to maintain the peace in Europe and the efforts to reduce global warming. In conclusion the development of national states has been of vital importance in the modern world. Principally, the loyalties and beliefs of nationalism have been motivating forces in the organization of complex, technological societies in the urban-industrial period. They have also been important forces in establishing and maintaining international antagonisms. References Fontaine, Pascal, Europejskie, Uniwersytet. (2003).Studia europejskie. 2003. Friedman, K. (2008). American identity: ideas, not ethnicity. Retrieved from National Diet of Japan, Initials. (2007, January 10).The Constitution of japan. Retrieved from Rubinstein, David, Service, British, Science, British, , Brit. (2002).International bibliography of sociology. Routledge. Walter, C., Opello, (2004).The Nation-state and global order: a historical introduction to contemporary politics. Boulder, US: LYNNE RINENNER.
Saturday, 18 January 2020
National Commission on Industrial Relations
INDUSTRIAL RELATION & LABOUR LAWS Assignment Topic National commission on Industrial Relation Recommendation Submitted by J. Mary Smile MBA-Final Year NATIONAL COMMISSION ON INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The first National Labour Commission 1929, had promised lot in the direction of social security, social welfare, wages, social insurance, industrial relations, industrial adjudication, collective bargaining etc,. In sequel to the recommendations made in the report of the first national commission on labour series of labour enactments were passed.After the gap of almost 72 years the Second National Labour Commission has been constituted and submitted its report in the year 2002 to the Government of India. At the outset the terms of reference to the commission are as under: 1. To suggest rationalization of existing laws relating to labour in the organised sector, 2. To suggest an umbrella legislation for ensuring a minimum level of protection to the workers in the unorganized sector.Met hodology: Before penning down the report, the Commission followed the following methodology: * arranged consultation / conferences in the major cities of India to get the opinion of the Industry, public, educationalists and so on institutions'; * circulated a questionnaire across the industry and the society in terms of the reference * surveys conducted both in organised and unorganised sector General Recommendations: 1.We recommend that the Central Government and the State Government should have a uniform policy on holidays, only 3 national holidays be gazetted – namely Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti Day, two more days may be added to be determined by each State according to its own tradition and apart from these each person must be allowed to avail of 10 restricted holidays in the year, Government holidays should be delinked from holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act. (5. 29) 2. Flexibility in the hours of work per week and compensation for ov ertime. 5. 32) 3. Attempt to change the basis of tenure in all jobs (permanent as well as non-permanent) to contractual and for stipulated periods, involves a basic change in attitude and notion. If transforming the basis of all employment is a social necessity because it has become economic necessity for industrial and commercial enterprises, then, it is equally necessary to create social acceptability for the change and the social institutions that can take care of the consequences. (5. 34 ; 35).The fundamental change of this type has to be preceded by : i)  evolution of socially accepted consensus on the new perceptional jobs ii) the evolution of a system of constant up-gradation of employability through training in a wide spectrum of multiple skills iii) the setting up of a system of social security that includes unemployment insurance and provisions for medical facilities; and iv) the institution of a mandatory system of two contracts – one, an individual con tract and two, a collective contract with workers union. . The commission recommends that government may laid down list of highly paid jobs who are presently deemed as workman category as being outside the purview of the laws relating to workman and included in the proposed law for protection of non-workmen. Another alternative is that the Govt. fix a cut off limit of remuneration which is substantially high enough, in the present context such as Rs. 25,000/- p. m. beyond which employee will not be treated as ordinary â€Å"workman†. 6. 19) wage ceiling of Rs. 25000/- 5. Further the Commission recommended that it would be logically to keep all the supervisory personnel, irrespective of their wages / salary, outside the rank of worker and keep them out of the purview of labour law meant for workers. All such supervisory category of employees should be clubbed along with the category of persons who discharge managerial and administrative functions.The Commission would also recommend that such a modified definition of worker could be adopted in all the labour laws. We expect management to take care of the interest of supervisory staff as they will now be part of managerial fraternity. (6. 20) Modified definition of worker 6. Existing set of labour laws should be broadly grouped into four or five groups of laws pertaining to: * Industrial relations * Wages * Social security * Safety * Welfare and working conditions and so on 7.The Commission is of the view that the coverage as well as the definition of the term ‘worker' should be the same in all Group of laws subject to the stipulation that social security benefits must be available to all employees including administrative, managerial, supervisory and other excluded from the category of workmen and others not treated as workmen or excluded from the category of workmen I. APPROACHES IN DRAFTING THE LAW ON LABOUR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS Firstly, the Commission would prefer the gender neutral e xpression ‘worker' instead of the currently used word ‘workman'.Secondly, the law will apply uniformly to all such establishments. Thirdly, we recognize that today the extent of unionization is low and even this low level is being eroded, and that it is time that the stand was reversed and collective negotiations encouraged. Where agreements and understanding between two parties is not possible, there, recourse to the assistance of a third party should as far as possible be through arbitration or where adjudication is the preferred mode, through Labour Courts and Labour Relations Commissions of the type be proposed later in this regard and not governmental intervention.A settlement entered into with recognised negotiating agent must be binding on all workers. Fourthly, we consider that provisions must be made in the law for determining negotiating agents, particularly on behalf of workers. Fifthly, the law must provide for authorities to identify the negotiating agen t, to adjudicate disputes and so on, and these must be provided in the shape of labour courts and labour relations Commissions at the State, Central and National levels.Sixthly, The Commission is of the view that changes in labour laws be accompanied by a well defined social secuirty package that will benefit all workers, be they in ‘organised' or ‘unorganised' sector and should also cover those in the administrative, managerial and other categories which have been excluded from the purview of the term worker. II. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND TRADE UNIONS 1. It is necessary to provide minimum level of protection to managerial and other (excluded) employees too against unfair dismissal or removal.This has to be through adjudication by Labour court or Labour Relations Commission or arbitration. (6. 22) 2. Central laws relating to the subject of labour relations are currently the ID Act, 1947, The TU Act, 1926, Industrial Employment (SO) Act, 1946, Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1976. There are State level legislation too on the subject. We recommend that the provisions of all these laws be judiciously consolidated into a single law called †The Labour Management Relations Law†or â€Å"Law on Labour Management Relations†. (6. 26) 3.Recommend the enactment of special law for small scale units. We have come to the conclusion that the reasonable threshold limit will be 19 workers. Any establishment with workers above that number cannot be regarded as â€Å"small. (6. 28) 4. The commission has avoided the term ‘Industry' with a view that the persons engaged in domestic service are better covered under the proposed type of umbrella legislation, particularly in regard to wages, hours of work, working conditions, safety and social security. (6. 40) 5. Modification in the terms like ‘strikes', ‘work stoppage' etc. nd the terms go slow and work to rule must be regarded as misconduct under Stand ing Orders and Provisions relating to unfair labour practice. (6. 41) 6. Commission has recommended to the withdrawal of Essential Services Maintenance Act (6. 49). 7. The Commission has suggested to identify a bargaining agent on the basis of check-off system, with 66% entitling the Union to be accepted as a single negotating agent and if no union has 66% support, then Unions that have the support of more than 25% should be given proportionate representation on the college. (6. 6) 8. Check-off system in an establishment employing 300 or more workers must be made compulsory for members of all registered trade unions. (6. 73) 9. Commission also recommended that recognition once granted, should be valid for a period of 4 years to be co-terminus with the period of settlement. No claim by any other Trade Union / Federation / Center for recognition should be entertain till at least 4 years have elapsed from the date of earlier recognition. (6. 76) 10. Establishment employing 20 or more w orkers should have Standing Order or Regulations.There is no need to delimit the issues on which Standing Orders can or need be framed. As long as two parties agree all manner of things including multi-skilling, production, job enrichment, productivity and so on can also be added. The appropriate Government may prescribe a separate Model Standing Orders for units employing less than 50 workers. The Commission has drafted a draft Model Standing Orders in this regard. (6. 77). 11. Every establishment shall establish a grievance redressal committee consisting of equal number of workers and employers representatives.The said committee be the body to which all grievance of a worker in respect of his employment will be referred for decision within a given time frame (6. 80). 12. Commission's view on Chapter V B (Special Provisions relating to Lay-off, Retrenchment & Closure in the Establishments employing not less than 100 workmen) of the ID Act : The Commission has felt that, in the new circumstances of global competition, it may not be possible for some enterprises to continue and meet the economic consequences of competition.In such cases, one cannot compel non-viable undertakings to continue to bear the financial burden that has to be borne to keep the concern going. They should, therefore, have the option to close down. In these circumstances, the commission came to the conclusion the best and more honest equitable course will be to allow closure, provide for adequate compensation to workers and in the event of an appeal, leave it to the Labour Relations Commission to find ways of redressal – through arbitration or adjudication. 6. 87). 13. The commission has recommended for maintenance of panel of arbitrators by the LRC concern, to settle the disputes. (6. 93). 14. The matters pertaining to individual workers, be it termination of employment or transfer or any other matter be determined by recourse to the Grievence Redressal Committee, conciliation and arbitration / adjudication by the Labour Court. Accordingly, Sec. 2 a of the ID Act may be amended. 6. 96) 15. The system of legal aid to workers and trade unions from Public Fund be worked out to ensure that workers and their organisations are not unduly handicapped as a result of their inability to hire legal counsel. (6. 98) 16. Strike should be called only by the recognised negotiating agent and that too only after it had conducted a strike ballot among all the workers, of whom at least 51% of support the strike. (6. 101). 7 Workers participation in management – the legislative teeth should be provided. (6. 102). 18. The provisions in respect of small establishments can be in the form of a separate law name Small Enterprises (Employment Relations Act) or be included in the general law as a separate chapter to ensure that the interest of the workers are fully protected, even while lessening burden on the management and providing them with vigilance in exercising ma nagerial functions. 6. 106) III. CONTRACT LABOUR/CASUAL TEMPORARY WORKERS The Commission has recommended that contract labour shall not be engaged for core production / service activities. However, for sporadic seasonal demand, the employer may engage temporary labour for core production / service activity. As mentioned by the commission that off-loading perennial non-core services like canteen, watch and ward, cleaning, etc. o other employing agencies has to take care of three aspects – (1) there have to be provisions that ensure that ensure that perennial core services are not transferred to other agencies or establishments; (2) where such services are being performed by employees on the payrolls of the enterprises, no transfer to other agencies should be done without consulting, bargaining (negotiating) agents; and (3) where the transfer of such services do not involve any employee who is currently in service of the enterprise, the management will be free to entrust th e service to outside agencies.The contract labour will, however, be remunerated at the rate of a regular worker engaged in the same organisation doing work of a comparable nature or if such workers does not exist in the organisation, at the lowest salary of a worker in a comparable grade, i. e. unskilled, semi-skilled or skilled. (6. 109). The Commission would recommend that no worker should be kept continuously as a Casual or temporary worker against a permanent job for more than 2 years. (6. 110) IV. WAGES i) The Commission recommends that every employer must pay each worker his one-month's wage, as bonus before an appropriate festival, be it Diwali or Onam or Puja or Ramzan or Christmas. Any demand for bonus in excess of this upto a maximum of 20% of the wages will be subject to negotiation. The Commission also recommend that the present system of two wage ceilings for reckoning entitlement and for calculation of bonus should be suitably enhanced to Rs. 7500/- and Rs. 3500/- for entitlement and calculation respectively. (6. 113). ii) There should be a national minimum wage that the Central Government may notify. This minimum must be revised from time to time. It should, in addition, have a component of dearness allowance to be declared six monthly linked to the consumer price index and the minimum wage may be revised once in five years. The Commission also recommends the abolition of the present system of notifying scheduled employments and of fixing/revising the minimum rates of wages periodically for each scheduled employment, since it feels that all workers in all employments should have the benefit of a minimum wage. 6. 114) (iii) There is no need for any wage board, statutory or otherwise, for fixing wage rates for workers in any industry. (6. 118). V. WORKING CONDITIONS, SERVICE CONDITIONS ETC The Commission recommended enactment of a general law relating to hours of work, leave and working conditions, at the work place. For ensuring safety at the wor k place and in different activities, one omnibus law may be enacted, providing for different rules and regulations on safety applicable to different activities. The Commission have appended a draft indicative law on hours of work and other working conditions after this chapter, and an omnibus draft indicative law on safety in the chapter on Labour Administration). Such general law on working conditions etc OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS * Recommendations on women & child labour * Recommendations on skill development * Labour Administration * Workers participation in management * Employment scenario in the country * Review of wages and wage policy
Friday, 10 January 2020
Neonatal Health Care in Nepal
NEONATAL HEALTH CARE in NEPAL 1. BACKGROUND In the mid way of 2000 and 2015, the analysis of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in developing world shows encouraging progress signs particularly in child health, but very less or no notable achievements in neonatal health (WHO, 2009). The proportion of neonatal deaths – deaths within the first 28 days of life – is expected to increase due to decline in burden of post-neonatal deaths (UN, 2009; USAID, 2008; WHOSIS, 2010).As per the WHO Statistics (2009), the progress on health-related MDGs shows about 37% of under-five (U-5) mortality occurs in the neonatal period, with most deaths within the first week i. e. early neonatal period. Over one million neonates die within their first 24hours of life due to lack of quality care, annually, worldwide (UNFPA, 2008). In Nepal, Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) is 32 per 1000 live births in 2004 (WHO, 2009). Fig 1 Continuum of care Source: Kerber et al. , 2007 The basic principle of de veloping strategies to address Neonatal Health Care (NHC) revolves round the ‘continuum of care’.Throughout the lifecycle as shown in figure 1, including adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth and childhood, the care ought to be provided as a seamless continuum that spans the home, the community and health centre, locally and globally (Save the Children [StC], 2006). Hence, reducing child mortality is more dependent on tackling neonatal mortality or in other words, managing the NHC. 2. KEY CONCEPTS AND ISSUES In Nepal, most of the deliveries take place at home with delayed care-seeking behavior; the NMR remains high in rural areas, frequently associated with cessation of suckling and shortness of breath (Mesko et al. 2003). While the Department for International Development [DFID] (2009) report reveals that, the factors causing poor maternal outcomes and ultimately resulting high NMR are poor and delayed transportation arrangements, weak financial status, long distance to h ealth centre, and even needing permission to seek care. As the survival of the newborns, older than a month is progressing quickly, there has been transformed concern in interventions assumed to improve neonatal survival.The questions about the new interventions: â€Å"providing thermal care to the newborn, postnatal care to the mother and newborn, and counseling on infant and maternal health care to mothers†has been added in the Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) of Nepal, along with Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines, to address antepartum, intrapartum, and postnatal interventions for the NHC (USAID 2008). Moreover, the target to reduce NMR from 34 to 30 per 1000 live births by 2010 has been set in the new Three Years Interim Plan (TYIP) for health 2008-10 (TYIP 2008-10, 2008).Pertaining to the revised target associated with neonatal mortality and to combat delays in seeking, reaching and receiving care, the Department of Health Services, Nepal (DoHS 2006/07, 2008) has postulated three major strategies: * To promote birth preparedness and complication readiness including raising awareness, improving the availability of funds, transport and blood supplies. * To promote use of skilled birth attendants at every birth, either at home or in a health facility. * To make provision of 24-hour emergency obstetrics care services (basic and comprehensive) at selected public health facilities in every district. . STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES The strengths and weaknesses of the NHC in Nepal can be reflected in broad spectrum, by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the National Health Policy and current heath services, in general. 4. 1. Strengths 4. 2. 1. Health as citizen’s right The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) aims to create a new healthy Nepali society, working in alignment with the prime objective of â€Å"bringing about a meaningful change in the overall health†as per the guidelines issued by the Government of Nepal (GoN) to establish health as a fundamental human right of each and every Nepalese. . 2. 2. Decentralization of health policy Decentralization in health policy – a starting point for consultation – and its implementation is under process, initiated with the coordination between the MoHP and Ministry of Local Development (MoLD). The major objective of the decentralization in health policy is to improve cost efficiency and effectiveness of government action, and strengthen community approach (DFID, 2003). The respective Village Development Committee has been handed over the administrative and financial management tasks, initiatives taken from the lowest level, i. . Sub-health Posts (NHSP, 2009). 4. 2. 3. Public Private Partnership The private sector’s involvement to a considerable extent is noteworthy (TYIP, 2008) in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) which initiated since 1950s (MoHP, 2008). The PPP has created continuous and uniform coordination of intervention s such as immunization and pneumonia treatment, significantly reducing children and neonatal mortality (UNDP, 2010). 4. 2. 4. Community based interventions Fig. 2 Neonatal mortality in past 15 yearsSource: DoHS (2006) The development and implementation of community-wide protocols has significantly reduced the NMR in the past 15 years, as shown in figure 2 (DoHS, 2006); and aims to ensure access to effective healthcare focusing the neonates, in a sustainable and equitable manner. A study conducted by Dutta (2009) reveals that home-based newborn care has been significant in about one-third to two-third reduction in neonatal mortality after home based care interventions. Whilst, a study conducted by Haines et al. (2007) reveals that the mobilization of local women through community based participatory intervention can be significant in improving the health of the newborn. 4. 2. Weaknesses 4. 3. 5. Weakening and unsafe care The weakly designed system, unable to ensure safety and hygiene standards has been enforcing high rates of acquired infection during the birth, along with medication errors and other avoidable adverse effects (IDA and IMF, 2007). 4. 3. 6. Uneven and fragmenting health care The broadening of specialized health care and cutting interest in the disease ontrol programmes, do not realize for the continuity of care. Due to poor and highly under-resourced infrastructure, the health services for poor and marginalized group of Nepalese is highly uneven, aiding fragmentation of development (WHO Report, 2008). 4. 3. 7. Inequity Equity in health care as a basic need to ensure highest possible minimum standards, has not been attainable. The majority of the care is redeemed by the people with the most means but with lesser need, while the neonatal health care in the rural areas remain almost virgin, with no redistribution of resources (WHO, 2008). . 3. 8. Others According to TYIP for health 2008-10 (2008), there are some general weaknesses largely affecting the novel objective of providing quality health care service that are easily accessible by all the citizens, also influencing the target of reducing the NMR in Nepal, such as; * lack of skilled human resources and problems in their mobilization to rural areas, * very slow pace of decentralization process, * inadequate supply of equipment and drug, * political interference in management, * weak monitoring and supervision, and lack of physical infrastructure and its inadequate repair and maintenance (TYIP 2008-10, 2008). 4. EFFECTIVENESS The performance of a nation’s health system can be judged against WHO Criteria: health status of the population and inequality, responsiveness and inequality in responsiveness and fair financing (WHO 2000); and Managing Cost, Care and Health Framework. 5. 3. WHO Criteria According to the WHO Report (2000), the health level of Nepal is ranked at 142 with Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy (DALE) of total population at birth 49. years, as shown in table 1. Table 1 Health system attainment and performance in Nepal, ranked by eight measures, estimates for 1997 ATTAINMENT OF GOALS| Health expenditures in international dollars| PERFORMANCE| Health Level| Health Distribution| Responsiveness| Fairness in financial contribution| Overall goal attainment| | | DALE (in years)| Equality of child survival| | | | | Level of health| Overall health system performance| Rank| Total Pop. at birth| Rank| Index| Uncertainty Interval| Level| Distribution| | | | | | 142| 49. 5| 161| 0. 585| 0. 513-0. 63| 185| 166-167| 186| 160| 170| 98| 150| There remains possibility of large inequality in the care provided at the rural and urban settings due to very poor health settings of workforce (DoHS, 2006). The inequality in responsiveness with very low respect profile for others and very poor quality of amenities has placed Nepal at 185 level, and the rank of 186 (sixth from the bottom) shows that each household faces very high financial risk and spend largely for healthcare, thus purchase of needed care enforces into poverty (WHO, 2000). 5. 4. Managing Cost, Care and HealthGoing with the global approach, Nepal has also adopted decentralized health care system, attempting â€Å"to make providers both independent and more accountable for the cost and quality of the healthcare services†(Kane and Turnbull, 2003). The supplier and consumer approach can hardly be realized in the health service provided by the government; effectiveness of the NHC – dominantly under the control of government – can be evaluated against the framework of managing costs at affordable levels, improved quality and access, and advanced health of the population (Kane and Turnbull, 2003). . 5. 9. Managing Cost The fairly existing systems operated by small number of agencies provide membership to the clients, cost borne by the clients or their employers on installment basis. The employees of government sector and labour organization are suppo rted with healthcare cost borne by social support schemes (WHO, 2003). There has been significant decrease in financial resources in the health sector due to shoot-up of concerns in conflict resolution and internal security (NHSP, 2009). The maximum portion of health financing is from out-of-pocket payment, i. . 85. 20% (WHO 2009), and there has been increased competition among the (private healthcare) providers to deliver the responsive behavior to the care-seekers (patients). But the larger portion of the consumers’ right to have an option of choosing economic and most compatible supplier still remains virgin. The Second Long Term Health Plan (SLTHP) 1997-2017 has emphasized the importance of restructuring healthcare and health insurance options, which has already been introduced but is almost non-existent.Delayed acknowledgement of managing insurance risk has lit some hope of effective healthcare, while managing utilization of services, and managing provider and supplier p rices are just unimaginable. 5. 5. 10. Managing Care Fig 3 Neonatal Mortality factors and interventions to reduce it Source: USAID 2008 NEONATAL MORTALITY Strengthening of Health Care System Ante-natal Care Neonatal Resuscitation Breast-feeding Clean DeliveryIntermittent preventive treatment for malaria Micronutrient supplementation Health Education Delivery by a Skilled Birth Attendant INTERVENTIONS The factors associated with neonatal mortality (as in figure 2) suggests that managing care can be improved and millions of new born be saved by approaching health issues of maternal care, neonatal care and child health, under the same umbrella; and interventions can be operated with lower cost (StC, 2006).The policies and programmes in packages can cut down the cost of training, monitoring and evaluation, and facilitate judicious use of the available resources, with greater efficiency and more effective coverage of the beneficiaries. 5. 5. 11. Managing Health Despite reduced neonatal m ortality trends in Nepal over the past 15 years (NDHS, 2006), the neonatal morbidity and mortality still represents major proportion of U-5 child mortality; principally due to the lack of SBAs, poor referral systems and lack of access to life-saving emergency obstetric care when complications occur (Safe Motherhood 2010).The revised National Safe Motherhood Health Long Term Plan 2006-2017 in accordance with SLTHP 1997-2017 focuses on improving maternal and neonatal health, and has aimed to reduce NMR to 15 per 1,000 live births by 2017; targeting to increase deliveries attended by SBAs to 60% and deliveries in a health facility to 40%, by 2017, increasing the met need of emergency obstetric complications by 3% and of caesarean section by 4%, each year (Safe Motherhood 2010).The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH) formed by merging three separate entities – newborn, maternal and child health partnership – has been established. This joint venture aims â€Å"[t]o create a more unified voice and facilitate creation of a continuum of care, work for achievement of maternal and child health-related MDGs by strengthening and coordinating action at all levels; promoting rapid scale-up of proven, cost-effective interventions†aligning the resources with the objectives, more efficiently and effectively (StC, 2006). 5.CHALLENGES and PRACTICALITIES 6. 5. Contextual Challenges * Low birth weight (14. 3%) and underweight (38. 6%) are the root causes of perinatal deaths (MoHP, 2007). * The nation wide campaign of polio (78%), measles (81%) and tetanus (83%) immunisation by 2007, had immense significance in reducing the child deaths (WHO 2009). Despite having 60% children fully immunized, disparity remains in service coverage as 8% of U-5C are not immunized at all (MDG 2005). * Though the poor people have moved closer to the poverty line with poverty gap ratio declining from 0. 12 to 0. 75, child malnutrition still remains another m ajor challenge for Nepal, which is the underlying cause for 50% of children deaths. Though, improved health and nutrition of the mother and availability of the SBAs can play role in reducing the NMR, it seems devastating to maintain the coverage rates with ongoing political conflicts and security problems. Hence, revisited strategies to combat this challenge will be more effective in reducing NMR due to the above contextual challenges. 6. 6. Leadership Challenges 6. 7. 12. Level of system funding With total expenditure on health 5. 1% of the GDP, and 30. % share of governments’ expenditure on health – the shortfall met by private spending (WHO, 2009) – reflects low political will and ability to invest in managerial and administrative infrastructure (Kane and Turnbull, 2003). This condition is prone to inhibit pooling of risks and the citizens are always prone to catastrophic payments, further aggravating the poverty in the poorer community like Nepal (WHO, 2009) . There is an alarming need of allocating financial resources for patient registration, disseminating information, monitoring and follow-up activities, and any other active management of the health services. 6. 7. 13.Provider market structure Nepal health market has countable specialists, very few care practitioners and poorly developed communication among the suppliers; lacking primary care capacity. As the large multispecialty of the provider market structure with influential medical leadership facilitates the success of managed healthcare mechanisms, there remains huge modification in the provider market structure. 6. 7. 14. Proportion of the population covered by health insurance In the span of six years, from 2000 to 2006, there has been decrease in out-of pocket expenditure from 91. 2% to 85. 2% of private expenditure on health.
Thursday, 2 January 2020
Fascism vs. Communism - 1380 Words
During the late 1920’s and 1930’s, Hitler and Stalin were leaders of Germany and the Soviet Union respectively. These states were under fascist and communist rule, which essentially were very similar. It was due to their full run of government that resulted in a dictatorial rule, also known as totalitarianism. Civilians’ lives were regulated in every aspect, some of which were their property and the military forces. Both parties used propaganda to bring awareness of their movement’s ideologies to their states in hopes that they would influence a large number of civilians, or if anything, all of them. The most comparable and recognizable aspect of fascism and communism was the fact that both Hitler and Stalin wanted a radical change for†¦show more content†¦Certain techniques that fascism and communism used were news reports, radio, music, and television; however, film and posters were the most influential techniques used during those times. One ex ample of how the fascist culture took over the film industry was the publication of a film called â€Å"The Eternal Jew†. It was shown in Germany theatres to destroy the image of the Jews by comparing them to rats that spread diseases. Stalin’s objective was to promote himself as a heroic leader. One way he did this was by promoting his Five Year Plan through presentations of posters that showed his efforts and the benefits the plan would bring. Whatever the propaganda method was, it was crucial that it had the interest of the people passing it. This way, Hitler and Stalin were able to get their message across to all citizens in Germany and in the Soviet Union easily, efficiently, but most importantly, positively. Hitler and Stalin took the lives of countless innocent people for no reason but to bring radical change to their states and to solidify themselves as leaders. It is evident that violence was the major part in getting the transformation that each party wanted, but what was most parallel between the two were the number of killings executed by each ruler individually. 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