
Thursday 30 August 2012

Dissertation writing

Winning a national contest on dissertation writing last year is the greatest achievement about which a high school student can boast. In this contest, essay topics are posted to all parts of the country where students who wish to participate in the dissertation writing contest can access. These essay topics vary to take care of students with interests in all academic disciplines.

Students are expected to read carefully through the instructions and the essay topics before they the actual dissertation writing exercises commences. This gives each student a good opportunity to choose wisely and select the best essay topics that he/she can discuss in developing a competitive paper. Dissertation writing is not as easy as some people may think.

The essay topics are neither hard nor easy because students have the opportunity to specialize in the area of their interest despite the fact that none of them can claim to understand everything under the essay topics that interests him/her. The dissertation writing contest is organized by the ministry of education in order to sharpen the minds of students in those essay topics that seem to have great importance on the national interests.

The essay that scoops the grand prize of the dissertation writing contest is published in the dailies. The essay topics that manage to been ranked in the top ten are those that generate the interests on the majority of the students. It is however important to note that it is not the choice of the essay topics that determines the winner of the contest. It is how the individual manages to develop an essay, which meets all the dissertation writing standards. The dissertation writing contest has managed to nurture young talents in academic writing.