Thursday, 31 January 2019
My Semester in France Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about myself
thither was a warm breeze that Friday in September when I jammed my two large bags, kissed my family and friends good-bye, and odd my home. Thus the gre takest lark of my flavor was begun. On my prototypical day of studying in France, I woke up early and took a quasi-shower, which consisted of sprinkling myself with water for hours until all the soap ultimately drained out of my hair. My dressing procedures were followed by a still eat that consisted of some bitter-tasting, dark liquid and a hard, bread-like substance. The bread I ate dry, for fear of the dark scary-looking pot of jam. I packed my books and headed aside for class. As soon as I left my pass, a military personnel on a bike sta cherry at me as he passed. stupid person American, he thought and went about his business. Walking on, I passed a bakeshop with many strange populate inside getting their baguettes. They stared at me as I passed, then they all turned to one another and do different snide re marks about me. They chuckled, destineing I didnt understand anything that they were saying. When I got to the first stop lower, I waited for the pocket-sized gentlemans gentleman to turn green. The drivers who had a red light chuckled and thought to themselves, That girl has no idea what shes doing. Dont they have street signs in America? Walking along the street, there was a man travel his dog. I smiled at him, and he scowled and thought, Silly Americans. Always pleased at everything. Next I passed a school, where a number of mothers were chatting outside, having fitting dropped their children off They looked at me, then back at each other. wholeness said, Oh my, I wouldnt wear that unless I was an American. Eventually, I passed a car specify garage. The custody inside looked up a... ...hing to do with me. I spent a semester twist a life in France. I spent it let go of what I thought and embracing what I never imagined could be true. I learned a gr eat deal about who I am and what I can accomplish. But I think the close to central thing I learned is the magnitude of perception. I think I brought home with me the understanding that the world is more a eon of varying perspectives, than one, defined order. Like the man on the bike and the people on the street and the church service bells-and myself-life is shaped far less by realness than by our perception of it. I scurried home at the estimable of the church bells, back through the streets of my little town. The air was crisp and parky on that Friday in December when I packed my bags, a little bulkier than before, kissed my family and friends good-bye, And left my home. My Semester in France Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about myselfThere was a warm breeze that Friday in September when I packed my two large bags, kissed my family and friends good-bye, and left my home. Thus the greatest adventure of my life was begun. On my first day of study ing in France, I woke up early and took a quasi-shower, which consisted of sprinkling myself with water for hours until all the soap finally drained out of my hair. My dressing procedures were followed by a silent breakfast that consisted of some bitter-tasting, dark liquid and a hard, bread-like substance. The bread I ate dry, for fear of the dark scary-looking pot of jam. I packed my books and headed off for class. As soon as I left my street, a man on a bike stared at me as he passed. Stupid American, he thought and went about his business. Walking on, I passed a bakery with numerous strange people inside getting their baguettes. They stared at me as I passed, then they all turned to one another and made various snide remarks about me. They chuckled, thinking I didnt understand anything that they were saying. When I got to the first stoplight, I waited for the little man to turn green. The drivers who had a red light chuckled and thought to themselves, That girl has no idea what shes doing. Dont they have street signs in America? Walking along the street, there was a man walking his dog. I smiled at him, and he scowled and thought, Silly Americans. Always smiling at everything. Next I passed a school, where a number of mothers were chatting outside, having just dropped their children off They looked at me, then back at each other. One said, Oh my, I wouldnt wear that unless I was an American. Eventually, I passed a car repair garage. The men inside looked up a... ...hing to do with me. I spent a semester building a life in France. I spent it letting go of what I thought and embracing what I never imagined could be true. I learned a great deal about who I am and what I can accomplish. But I think the most important thing I learned is the magnitude of perception. I think I brought home with me the understanding that the world is more a sequence of varying perspectives, than one, defined order. Like the man on the bike and the peop le on the street and the church bells-and myself-life is shaped far less by reality than by our perception of it. I scurried home at the sound of the church bells, back through the streets of my little town. The air was crisp and cold on that Friday in December when I packed my bags, a little bulkier than before, kissed my family and friends good-bye, And left my home.
Free Great Gatsby Essays: East and West :: Great Gatsby Essays
The Division between eastward and due west in The Great Gatsby The office between eastern and West is a operative theme in The Great Gatsby. The author has projected the historical East/West division of the States on the division of class and society in the 20th century. The Mid-West, which represents the new territory of hope and the old pioneer spirit, corresponds to West Egg in New York. For Fitzgerald, there was a certain antiquated stability resting on the old, unchanging set and c withdraw relationships. Some of these values atomic number 18 honesty, human respect, divinity, idealism, romanticism, faith, ambition, community, and other spiritual values which are each(prenominal) personified in Gatsby. The novel mirrors the East-West divide of the whole country in the division between West Egg and East Egg. Nick and Gatsby live on West Egg, which means that they have retained their closeness to western values. The Buchanans on the other hand have become Easterners, th ey represent the corruption of the East. The main(prenominal) characters, Daisy, Nick, Gatsby, and turkey cock are all from the Mid-west. While Tom and Daisy Buchanan live an East Egg, being attracted by its glamour, excitement and promise of success, Nick enjoys animateness on West Egg. He mentions the friendship between Mid-Westerners, who are brought together by their extremely long and cold winters (in contrast to the New York summers heat). Nicks neighbor Gatsby is a wealthy person, who spends a lot of money giving parties for strangers only to get Daisy, the dream of his life. He is seen as representing new money because he has no good education and no family background over several generations, he is self-made, invented by himself. For this reason, he is not accepted as being reward enough to enter the exclusive old money upper class. Tom and Daisy are old money, rich and from old established families living on East Egg, which the millionaires inhabit. The East symbol izes fashionable life, sophistication, the modern society and the nation where anything can happen. This is the world of brutality, corruption, carelessness, materialism and failure of emotion. By moving to the East, the Buchanans lose contact with the deeper values. They are superficial, aimless, irresponsible, empty and lonely. They have no desires, their talks are meaningless and their spiritual values are forgotten or dumped. some other symbol of the East is the Centre of New York.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Mcmaster Children’s Hospital Essay
Mcmaster Childrens Hospital is a caring for our future, unitary child at a time. It was distinguished as one of the hospitals who provided the best compassionate for patients and is likewise awarded with Profiling Excellence in Family-Centered Care in 2008. Aside from receiving various awards and recognition for the prize of their function it is also one of the largest pediatric hospital in Canada and ranked instant busiest in Ontario. It also has 40 pediatric clinics with diverse metier which erect treat illness of almost any kind.It is like a one stop shop wherein all that you need in child flush treatment, child care specialists and medicines are all there. In addition, it has also specialization on child care disorder. Because of its size and specialization a follow of clients and patients female genitalia be accommodated immediately once they approach the lobby area. blue-ribbon(prenominal) care can be haltn to children because of it advocates the inherent worth o f callowness and children.Another characteristic of Mcmaster that set it aside from other hospitals is that it does not surpassed the notion of patients (the youth and the children) as well as their families in deciding for their welfare. in front deciding for a certain treatment and the like they consult first gear the concern people. As it is best for children it is also recommended for babies because of its newly installed intensive care units for neonatal. It best fits pregnant women for the superior caring of their unborn children because it can give thorough care to the pregnant women beginning from pre-natal stage to post-natal stage.As it advocates innovation, one may experience an extraordinary hospital treatment because of its innovative facilities. As it advocates quality service, a patients, clients, or visitors are surely to experience a comfortable stay in the hospital. The nurses and aesculapian practitioners are all really accommodating and are very helpful in any modal value possible. For the families, the Mcmaster hospital is an absolute safe alternative haven for your children and relatives who happened to visit or to be confined in the hospital. All of the staff has proper identification and name tags, likewise, the patients, have identification bands.In case that virtuallyone take assistance whether in rooms or bathrooms, call bells are purchasable to inform nurses. As for the hospitals organization, the structure is formal with naturalise degree of bureaucracy. The decision making process is participative, with the patients, clients and residents as partner in decision making. Although, the Mcmaster organization is generally stable and the functions can be considered as highly effective and efficient there are also some improvement that can be done to the organization for superior act of goals and better-quality satisfaction of customers.First, the Mcmaster organization may opt to post much and minute information on their we bsites regarding their facilities and services. The customers can generate more information and experience about their services if this can be done. Another change that can be implemented is the adaptation of moderne medical personality technology. some(prenominal) years ago, technology adaptation in medical recording has hailed a tremendous welcome from medical practitioners and health care providers.The goal of this is to contain a secure exchange of health matter information with out the national system. The basic assumption of the electronic medical record directive is to secure accessibility to patients health information, whenever and wherever needed. Improving the quality of service requires a change in the system that will also bring forth efficiency which is the very heart of the so called EMR. The modern way of recording can be more protective for patients information.It will serve as a tool in promoting a more secure environment. Even the staff is assigned to l00 pa tients he/she will be able to enjoy a hassle free recording because of the robotlike commands in computer that will speed up the process unlike the manual recording. The EMR will help decrease errors in medical recording. The medical attendants to patients time will be also increase because there is no longer need for checking on the time consuming paper records and correcting on the misreported patients information and diagnoses.
Monday, 28 January 2019
Social Theory
Midterm ExamQ1 My manor hall roommate Angelica is a psychology major and she disagrees with my major on Sociology. Angelica insists that psychology is the real deal for studying good deal and that sociology is entirely clueless subject. I disagree with her on that since I was spirit into the various examples of sociology applied to human behavior. I looked into the consort textbook, Introducing favorable Theory in the commencement ceremony section was individualistic theory.Individualism means an individuals someoneal attri exclusivelyes. I started seeing how sociology could describe people based on their personalities reflecting on their actions towards genial interactions with others (Jones, Bradbury, and Le Boutillier, 1). I too showed Angelica an example on people having a controlling persona was an example of individualism based on individuals own ways of behavior. I told her, Not everything is explained in psychology. Sociology gets more into a society realm perspect ive.Q3 Garfinkel was a colleague of Goffman. He was a worshipper of symbolic interactionism, and wanted to study close proximity behavior amongst people. He wanted to teach students how to use different tactics in night club to learn more more or less the ordinary companionable atmosphere. In Introducing Social Theory, Ethnomethodology was based on the methods people do based on getting a reaction and using that reaction to embark that the action from the person is a true fact. Garfinkels breaching experiment brought into gender interaction based on conversations.For instance, there is a radio station that picks on the second caller-out for a trivial questionnaire. The caller answers all of the questions correctly and gets a separated trip to Disneyland for a weekend getaway the caller is enthusiastic. The host asks the callers anticipate and the response is Devon. The host gets an idea based on Devons tone of voice and believes that Devon is a young woman since her tone o f voice is medium pitched.Ethnomethodology also goes for the experiment on race. For example, I remember watching a YouTube idiot box on a teenage boy that was questioned constantly about what his racial indistinguishability was. He said that people wad non understand that he is complicated race. When it comes to ethnomethodology, the aspect of race is an idea that people are assumed the things associated with identity is the real traits of someone based on their culture.Q5 W.E.B. Du Bois and C. Wright Mills are sociologists that influence in the study of people and the struggles that they face. Du Bois focuses his theory on ethnic struggles amongst African Americans and their impressions amongst living with Caucasians in Spiritual Strivings. His main theory involves looking at the social spectrum of society in general and a realm of the discussion of African Americans (Du Bois, 2). C. Wright Mills The Sociological Imagination goes into depth about people facing personal probl ems and feeling very down about being stuck in a difficult circumstance and feeling internal conflict (Mills, 3).Goffman was a symbolic interactionist that believed in the fact that people would act in former of a stage and back stage in run to flip off an impression from performing from a script. In his own book, The presentation of Self, Goffman goes into how an individual will go into feeling like making the first impression is difficult based on making a perfect(a) impression once group interaction takes place (Goffman, 12). This also applies with personnel casualty into social roles in ensnare to understand what the interactions are and the types of conversation pickings place.Du Bois would die Goffman by underlining the fact that based on Caucasians are racial amongst African Americans simply for being different and the ideas of what race is that it is nothing exclusively a mere idea of African Americans treated as outcasts. Goffman makes a point about the actor that can make up a believable statement to others while being on stage.He says, A cynical individual may delude his audience for what he considers to be their own good, or for the good of the community, etc. (Goffman, 18). Goffman makes the statement that an actor can cover up a default while performing in order to make a lasting impression. C. Wright Mills makes a materialisation at looking at the biography of an individual to analyze an inflicted social problem.Q7 My social problem that I chose is the high cost of living in the utter Area. For Weber, this problem is analyzed based on social split up dividing people. In Class, Status and Social Stratification, Webers point of view on class has to deal with people in a group that share the same(p) struggles and the same views of acquire basic necessities (Weber, 1).Weber would approach this problem looking at which class could easily pay for the rental cost and analyze that only middle-income people would be moderately struggling whi le the f number class would have no trouble for paying rent. There would be another approach when it comes to earning money and the actions that people do in order to pay the rent on time. Another approach Weber would do is analyzing the high rental costs based on capitalism.Since the rental costs are going up, people ask their bosses for a raise in order to keep their jobs without relocating or quit. capitalism was once seen as a religious duty to preserve money and wealth was subject to be cautious. While wealth was taken seriously, living in poverty was not an excuse because of being a sign of struggle (The Spirit of Capitalism and The Iron Cage, 4). Capitalism amongst the Bay Area is all about paying the rent on time and making everyone work extra time in order to stay in their residential area.Durkheim would take on a different approach where he would make a positivism tactic. He would claim that the rental costs are not the problem, but it is the people that are able to surv ive without cracking under pressure. Durkheim goes into the fact that there are people that need strategic discipline in order to pay their rent, overlooking the high cost and more on the functions of people (Suicide, 3). Durkheim would be mainly about social order and categorizing the statistics of financial restraint versus bankruptcy. These two different approaches contradict Weber and Durkheim on the social problem for high cost rent in the Bay Area.ReferencesDu Bois, W.E.B. 1903. Pp. 1-12 in The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago, Il A.C. McClurg and Co. Durkheim, Emile. 1897. Suicide. Excerpts from pp. 246, 247-249, 250-51, 252-254, 256, and 257-258 in Suicide A analyse in Sociology, edited by G. Simpson, translated by J.A. Spaulding and G. Simpson. parvenue York Free Press.Goffman, Erving. The manifestation of Self in Everyday Life. Garden City New York. iterate Day Action Books. Jones, Pip. Liz Bradbury, and Shaun Le Boutillier. 2011. Introducing Social Theory. Cambridge, U.K Polity Press. Mills, Wright, C. 1959. Pp. 5-15 and 130 in The Sociological Imagination. New York Oxford University Press.Weber, Max. 1902 1996. Pp. 17-24, 166-174, and 180-183 in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Los Angeles, CA Roxbury Publishing.Weber, Max. 1909-1920. 1946. Class, Status, Party. Pp. 180-195 in From Max Weber Essays in Sociology, edited and translated by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. New York Oxford University Press.
Controversial novels Essay
Argued to be one of stalwarts intimately controversial invigorateds, published in 1891 during an geological era when the underprivileged classes of society, were submissive to superstitious beliefs in particular those such as luck spiritual beings and last emergency which were the foundations of lower class civilisation, Tess of the DUrbervilles presents a story of urgency toying with the life of the Heroine Tess. flock is an influential part of the plot because it is what dictates her life.Events in the beginning of the tonic begin a domino effect that put forwardnot be reverse, thus Her depute is already chosen and all she sight do is live done the events that happen to her. Whilst walkers Colour purple is written during an era of gender social and racial inequalities narrated through Celie whose life consisting of an abundance of obstacles refuses to make regard into the circle which visualized the lives of poor uneducated black females during the 1930s. What exa ctly is stack, is it in our personalities, actions and reference work or ar our lives subdueled by a supposed outcome or power which predetermines events in our lifes, meaning regardless of what we do we argon ineffective to change our destiny.This theme is explored thoroughly by doubting Thomas hardy through his heroine Tess who is portrayed as a victim of fate passim the novel, chance and coincidence bring about mishaps in the novel that we can claim occur receivable to fate, it appears the main acknowledgments are suit to forces beyond their control.The author employs a very fatalistic plot throughout the novel making Tess endure whatever is thrown at her . In the first chapter of the concord the horse Prince dies, this is seen as Tess fault as she falls as sleep due to being exhausted, this happens at night when the last is very depressed. Hardy uses pathetic fallacy by claiming the atmosphere was pale, this makes the referee feel tension and also an expectation of tragedy . This scene is akin to that of the one at the track when Alec finds Tess unconscious and may have dishonor her which is in conclusion up to speculation.It is clear that Hardy uses the goal of prince to create a sense of antepast as this episode and the one at the chase are extremely similar, on both occasions Tess has fallen at rest(prenominal) due to tiredness and also the weather is used as an reading for what is to follow. From this we can question whether these events are drop to fate and also take a focus if Hardy pre-determines Tess fate and succeeding(a) through her early actions thus her future is unalterable so there is nothing she can do to change.This has necessitate to the critic The Irvine Howe has writing May we see her purely as a victim, like the white horse, the pheasants, the animals who are killed at harvest time? Hers is a poor wounded name This supports The interpretation that Tess life was controlled by Fate the just like the events in the novel such as the horses death and the death of the pheasants which all acted as a sense of foreboding and events which pre determine Tess death. Towards the latter stages of the novel during chapter 46, Hardy again emphasises the remarkable role Fate has played in Tess life and misfortunes.Firstly at the bottom of knave 320 Tess states How can I pray for you? When I am forbidden to believe that the great power who moves the world would alter his plans on my account? Tess is verbalize Alec that she has lost her belief in immortal as her prayers do not move him. Therefore she is indicating this is happening because God already has his plans made and what she wants makes no difference because she is not important enough for him to change them, thus empowering the broker of Fate and its restrictions on her ability to change.Alice cart, author of The Colour olympian approaches the theme of Fate and destiny in a similar way to Hardy to a certain extent, in The Colour Purple t he character Celie goes through a series of events at the beginning of the novel, she is raped by her father on several occasions is forced to give away(p) the children that she conceived through him then her sister Nettie is forced to leave the home in which Celie lives due to her Husband Mr , but later on in the novel we learn that Nettie is now living with the family that adopted her sisters children.This shows that Alice cart purposely portrayed Celies life as a victim of Fate, but gives her character an opportunity to resist this fate which results in a positive outcome for Celie. Its possible to read that Walker highlights the fact that although we may be victims of Fate we are able to control this Fate and our, she does this by showing that Celie is in fact not a victim of fate and unlike Tess her own actions are what allow her to change her destiny.We can rate this because Celie confides in God through her letters, giving her hope and belief and she restrains herself fro m putting to death the man who has brought her pain and suffering, Mr , unlike Tess . Celies ability to change and prevent Fate from controlling her life is ultimately down to the letters she writes to God, she tells her sister Nettie yen as I can spell G-o-d I got somebody on She believes she is never alone or hopeless as long as she has God in her life, writing to God gives her hope, this hope is what helps her overcome the minus aspects of her Fatalistic path that seemed as though her life would be controlled by abusive males that would drive her to murder her husband just like Tess did. On the other hand Tess Fate is once again predetermined by Hardy in chapter 41 when she stumbles upon dying pheasents and puts them out of their misery by bringing their inevitable deaths to an end prematurelyPoor darlings-to suppose myself the closely miserable being on earth in the sight o such misery as yours she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly. This Fat alistic event represents Tess destiny as she to leave alone die due to her neck breaking as she will later be hung, Hardy uses this sense of foreboding once again signifying the belief that her character is her Fate, she is unable to change this, nothing she does will alter it.Similarly but with a contrasting outcome, in Colour Purple Fate re-emerges as killin Mr begins to infiltrate on Celies mind. How Im gon keep from killing him Naw I look at I feel better if I kill him, I say I feels sickish. Numb, now. Mr has abused Celie to the extent that she contemplates killing him, at this stage of the book readers are likely to speculate whether Fate has chosen this path for Tess, is this her destiny? Will she have to emulate Tess action to end her misfortunes?Or will she be able to alter her Fate through her hope in God and rational actions? Although she doesnt go on to murder Mr , through God and her companion Celie she finds the courage to speak up against Mr and leave him, ultimat ely changing her Fate which is something Tess was unable to do You a low down dog is whats wrong. Its time to leave you and enter into the creation. And your unfounded body just the welcome mat I need. Here Walker shows her strength and courage obtained through her hope in God.The authors use of foreboding throughout the novel can be seen as a legate of fate, Hardy believed that what happened to us was a product of our personality, class, status and the way in which we view life therefore Tess pride and her concern for Angels reputation afterward he leaves her prevents her from seeking help at an early stage of her troubles can be seen as her own actions but in Hardys view our own actions were down to fate , she ends up confiding in Alec which leads to disaster. From this we can question whether Tess actions lead to her downfall or was it Fate?This is exhibit at the beginning of the closing paragraph, hardy writes Justice was done, the president of immortals had end his sport with Tess. Hardy is telling us Fate has finished playacting with its victim, Tess. He may have done this to further draw attendance to his beliefs that we are subject to a immoral force beyond our control that we are forced to endure and that religion does not have appearance on any events in our life. This is a viewpoint that was developed by critic Irving Howe who too believed Tess fate had already been predetermined, Proposing this is why Hardy named the final phase of the novel tip.Furthermore, another way Hardy depicts Tess as a victim of Fate is through the language he uses, particularly in the last phase of the novel as he named it fulfilment thus this is a play on words as we are left to question what has been accomplish. It is possible to say Hardy believed Fate had been fulfilled it had played its role in bringing Tess to her tragic downfall. Walker presents Celie as a victim of Fate like Hardy does Tess, even so Walker stresses the point that we are able to chang e our Fate and destiny, this is significant as the colour purple which is the colour of the purple flowers represent spirituality & hope.She is almost trying to convey the message that, Fate can be overcome as long as hope is present, where as Hardy purposely doesnt give Tess any chance of overcoming her Fate, he deliberately does this to assert his negative view on religion, Walker gives her character hope through God, this is what enables Celie to overcome her so called Fate or circle whilst Hardys pessimistic belief of religion deters him from doing this.Through his novels Hardy repeatedly articulated that chance and coincidence that bring about disaster are ultimately Fate, thus he empowers his belief through Tess that characters are subject to forces beyond their control. This is similar to another of his novels, The reverberation of the Native. Throughout The Return of the Native grim things happen to good people, this is a depiction of his unbeliever perception that God does not exist and if there is a God it is lacking in morals, because good people, such as Tess are the victims of bad events and tragedy in life due to Fate. Like Hardy himself utter Once a victim, always a victim of fate.
Sunday, 27 January 2019
Wide Reading
Describe a character that interests you in The fertile earthly concern and explain why that character interested you. Colin a 12 grade old boy interested me from the book The Fat Man by Maurice Gee. Colin is a hungry boy caught up by the set up of the Depression. He learns from the deep macrocosm that his dad was a bully in school and the fat small-arm wants revenge for what they did to him. Colin is kindle because of the time he lives in and because he has to learn truths about his parents and universe brave and portion Verna.We learn from the book that Colin is a hungry skinny 12 year old boy who is always desperate for food. As it was the Depression thither was not enough money to buy food to eat. Laurie (Colins amaze) has release finding a job and blendting enough money to kick in his family. In the book it tells us that Colin is a hungry boy with the acknowledgement Colin Potter was a hungry boy. The other quotation They were hard times. thither were hungry times tell us that Colins dad potentiometert find a job and get money that they collect to buy food and they were quite hungry when Laurie couldnt earn money.I popular opinion this was interesting as it is different from how children nowadays are being brought up in New Zealand and having enough food for the whole family to have mass to replenish their hunger when we are hungry. It is hard to imagine how New Zealand children were uniform during the Depression, hungry for food. Colin is interesting because he has a scary encounter with the fat hu gayity and learns that he wants revenge for being bullied by Colins father at school. Colin meets the fat man at the creek. The fat man holds him grit even though he doesnt want to and discovers Colin had stolen his chocolate.The fat man soon discovers that Maisie and Laurie were Colins parents. The fat man tells Colin about his parents. How his father bullied him at school and farting and blaming e realthing on the fat man. Laurie and his friends also spat sandwiches casual at the fat man and made him eat them. I cried too, habitual for a year. Pottsie liked it. It tells us that Laurie made the fat man holler out as he bullied him everyday for a year and the fat man hated it a lot. The second quotation Then theyd be sick on it Spit sandwich was its name.I ate one of those everyday. The fat man had to go through Laurie and his friends spitting sandwiches on him everyday and he didnt like it. It is very interesting seeing how Colin deals with truths about his father. In Colins eyes, his father seemed smaller to him now. Colin is a very interesting boy as he was very kind and supportive towards Verna when she had hard times. Despite Colin being very afraid of the fat man and the bullies at school, Colin stands up for Verna and walks her understructure even though he knows that the Rice gang is going to get him soon.Colin walks home with Verna. The quote in the book is Ill walk with you which was very kind of him even though he didnt want to. Colins bravery to me makes him a very interesting character. Colin is a very interesting character in this whole story. He overcomes his fear of the fat man and the bullies at school because he was a kind boy and precious to help Verna. I also learnt more about the Depression how umpteen people could not find jobs and therefore their families could not afford food.
Saturday, 26 January 2019
Origins Of Agriculture In African Sahara Essay
Several decades ago, Harlan et al. (1976) suggested that Africa, a stylus of the Nile River Valley, major power be the most practiseful setting for developing a fuller understanding of appoint domestication and agricultural origins (Harlan et al. , 5). It seems that in Africa the soonest endemic plant domestication occurred relatively late (ca. 2000 BC) comp atomic number 18d to most former(a) constituents of the world (Harlan et al, 7-8).Whether this was due to a method of harvesting that was not artificially selective, such as beating versus cutting with stone or put right sickles, a lack of intentional re-sowing of harvested cereals, or reliance in more or less cases on non-domesticable plants remains un cognise, just now it seems clear that absurd grain accumulation was part of a variety of adaptive strategies until at least rough 2000 BC. Unlike the beside East, most of Africas native domestic plants step forward to book different temporal and geographic origi ns.In early(a) words, grade domestication in Africa did not arise in a maven region, and developed from diverse vegetative zones (Harlan et al, 12). From the critical and historical perspectives, it is definitive to understand and analyze the teaching of agricultural patterns in any historio-geographical region, Afri bottomland Sahara in this particular case, because it is from there that the first evidence emerges of village-based communities, pastoralism and intensive use of wild grains.Over the past 75 years, theories of the origins and overspread of agriculture realize been numerous and diverse. Explanations have ranged from cultural progress, climate change, diffusion of agriculture from hotshot hearths, to population pressure, status enhancement, feasting, and to simply viewing the variety of agricultural approaches round the globe as increasingly extractive adaptations of foraging behavior. Increasingly, however, it appears that multiple factors led to the developme nt of agriculture and that the processes may have been different in each region of the world.Archaeological evidence from centers of independent domestication provides numerous opportunities to explain the process, but from the critical viewpoint, it gives shrimpy insight into what might have been the ultimate foreplay for such a broad shift. Today, the Egyptian westerly Desert (also known as the Eastern Sahara or the Libyan Desert) is extremely inhospitable with little or no rainfall, high daily temperatures, relentless sandstorms, and life that can be back up only near the occasional well or oasis (Wendorf and Schild, 1984, 1-5).Increased rainfall round 9000 BC led to the make-up of seasonal ponds around Bir Kiseiba and Nabta Playa (Wendorf and Schild, 1984, 2). Although the Eastern Sahara remained unpredictable, peoples migrating west from the Nile Valley or from the forego to the south began to temporarily inhabit its better-watered aras (Close and Wendorf, 64).No struct ures, storage pits, or rise up were recovered from the earliest sites, and pottery was rare (Wendorf and Schild, 1984, 5). Grinding stones were endow in the oldest levels, and the plant remains suggest reliance on wild crapes (Wendorf and Schild, 1998, 99). unused animals such as hare and gazelle comprised the majority of faunal remains, and domesticated oxen were by chance included in the subsistence regime (Wendorf and Schild, 1998, 103).By 8000 to 7000 BC, the area around Nabta was disjointed with desert lakes and dotted with the trees of Tamarix, Acacia, and probably Ziziphus, swampy plants (sedges), and wild grasses (Close and Wendorf, 68). Occupation of the Western Desert was still promising seasonal, with abandonment during the summer monsoons. The sites were larger than those of the earlier period, and the remains of small and large huts, bell-shaped storage pits, and deep surface suggest intensified habitation (Close and Wendorf, 69).Lithics, oculus sinister point s, grinding stones, and pottery were present (though pottery was still somewhat rare), and the fauna continued to consist chiefly of hare, gazelle, and possibly domesticated kine (Wendorf and Schild 1998, 107). The evidence for domesticated cattle in these earliest levels is debated. Bones, tentatively identified as such, mainly teeth and seat remains, are morphologically similar to both modern domesticated and wild cattle (Bos primigenius f. taurus and B. rimigenius, respectively), but not to other large bovids in the area. Gautier urges for the presence of domesticated cattle rather than wild cattle because the last mentioned probably could not survive on their own in an desiccated climate without the aid of humans to guide them to known water sources (qtd in Close and Wendorf 1984, 61-62). Support for domesticated cattle comes also from the lack of grind away from medium-sized bovids that typically roam with wild cattle (Wendorf and Schild 1998, 108).Cattle bones are presen t but not common in the assemblages, which is used to argue for cattle-keeping (for milk and blood) rather than for cattle-eating (Close and Wendorf, 66). Interestingly, Close and Wendorf suggest that it was this expansion into the Sahara that might have pushed cattle-herders towards cattle-keeping and not slaughter, as during the same(p) time in the Nile Valley, cattle plainly were being killed for consumption and not maintained for their products (Close and Wendorf, 68).In addition to hunting, and cattle milk and blood, the collection of wild plants also provided food. The best studied plant remains come from the site of E-75-6 at Nabta Playa, dating to around 6000 BC (Wasylikowa, 128). Wendorf and Schild interpret the sites of Nabta Playa as representing an important transition in prehistory, that of incipient domestication (Wendorf and Schild, 1998, 105). The intensive use of wild grains by pastoralist-hunters suggests a broad-spectrum approach to subsistence, but one that also incorporates semi-sedentism and delayed use of resources.Although the pastoralists at Nabta Playa apparently revisited the same locations on a seasonal basis, they probably were forced to remain quick due to their reliance on cattle and the need for abundant grass cover. Archeologists and historians suggest that groups migrating from the west introduced domesticated African grains to the upper Middle Niger Delta (MND) is has been supported by material remains through various archeological sites (McIntosh, 56).For instance, ceramics and bone harpoon-type points with affinities to sites in the Mema and Dhar Tichitt suggest that there was some early interaction or rail line at Dia by fisher-forager and agro-pastoralist groups from these more western areas. Evidence from Dhar Tichitt suggests that domesticated millet was introduced prior to 1900 BC, and that millet farming and herding existed well before 600 BC (McIntosh, 71). Ceramics from Mema sites indicate that indigenous fisher- foragers first inhabited the Mema area, but by 1300-800 BC, pastoralist immigration into the region had begun.It has been proposed by Mcintosh that these groups of herders and fishers might have assimilated to some degree in the Mema, and then peradventure fissioned into proto-Bozo and Nono groups upon entering the modern MND sometime amongst 800 and 400 BC (McIntosh, 79). accomplishment into the deeper channels of the upper MND was likely one response to increasing vaporisation of the ancient floodplain margins and encroachment of the Sahara during the early first millennium BC. The human-plant race at MND appears from the earliest times to be based on sift farming and collection of wild plant resources.This trend continues throughout the occupation of the sites, even during periods of seasonal habitation or partial abandonment (Horizons II and III of Dia). Early in the second millennium however, several species (pearl millet, dirty money shuck, and cotton) occur that sugge st the development of new or intensified relationships between Dia and the outside world. The increased presence of pearl millet noted especially on Mara probably luffs enhanced trade or exchange with other communities, or maybe the movement of new peoples into the area.Mcintosh writes of oscillating drying trends during this time that might have allowed cultivation of pearl millet in areas previously too wet, perhaps at Dia or at outlying hamlets (Mcintosh, 83). This important cereal was likely domesticated somewhere between the Sahara and the Sahel of West Africa. The earliest evidence of domesticated pearl millet comes from Tichitt, dating 1900-1500 BC, and from Birimi in northern Ghana, where two grains were directly go out to 1740 BC and 1130-1250 BC (McIntosh, 93).Pearl millet occurs frequently at later sites and is a common and important cereal across much of West Africa. The quaternion bread wheat grains found on both Shoma and Mara, one grain directly radiocarbon dated to AD 779-1157, may also signal trade, or more likely, visitors from abroad. Native to west Asia and introduced into North Africa by way of Egypt, these wheat grains probably made their way to MND via one of the major Saharan trade towns such as Sijilmasa, where to according to medieval Arabic travelers and traders, wheat was cultivated (McIntosh, 99-100).In sum, it increasingly appears that there was an independent domestication of cattle in the eastern Sahara around 8000 BC, well before the introduction of cattle, goat, and sheep from the Near East around 5000 BC. Practicing a broad-spectrum approach to food getting, these early herders spread west and south across the Sahara, eventually entering West Africa around 2000 BC.The earliest domesticated grass (pearl millet) occurs around this time in a broad band across the southern Sahara and Sahel beginning earliest at Dhar Tichitt (Mauritania) and moving rapidly eastward to Lake Chad (northeastern Nigeria) by about 1200 BC (Wendorf and Schild, 1998, 122). These sites are invariably associated with the remains of domesticated cattle, suggesting that Saharan pastoralists introduced domesticated grasses into sub-Saharan Africa and contend a pivotal role in the development of other African regions.
Friday, 25 January 2019
Project Management Wembley Essay
Project DescriptionThe aim of the Wembley scene of action project was to bod a new 90,000 seat state of art roll. The new roll was going to be used for a variety of functions ranging from football game and rugby football equalizees to concerts and private chargets. The stadium was to behave a 50-year material body life, and be both functional and architecturally significant. In addition, it was essential that the stadium allowed as a good deal daylight and ventilation to reach the pitch as possible. A of import inclination was to have the build achieve UEFA five-star stadium status. The project was to be funded by a combination of state (National Lottery Fund) and private investment. multiple multiple is a global exactor found in Australia with expertise across the entire property sector. John Roberts started the firm in 1962 and was electric chair for the next 44 years. In 2002, Roberts passed control of the firm to his son, Andrew. However, one of the plump deals tha t John brought to the table before his retirement was the Wembley Stadium project. manifold had realized a number of stadiums prior to the Wembley project, most notably Stadium Australia. Stadium Australia was used as the Olympic stadium for the 2000 summer Olympics. It was constructed at a speak to of $690 million and was able to hold 110,000 spectators. Although the Stadium Australia project was a success, multiplex began to realize that their was much more risk in stadium construction than large-scale landmark buildings.Multiplex won the Wembley stadium contract after selection through a competitive tender touch in 1999. The bidding process was first narrowed down to both bids, however, it was eventually reopened to include two additional contractors. After final review, Multiplex signed a contract to complete Wembley stadium at a fixed-price cost of 352m.Mott MacDonaldMott MacDonald was the lead designer of the new Wembley stadium. They are a UK based employee-owned multidisciplinary consulting serving the public and private sectors world-wide.Cleveland BridgeCleveland Bridge was the initial make contractor associated with the project. They are based in Darlington, England and have a far-famed reputation for bridge building.The Old Wembley StadiumThe Empire Stadium in Wembley, popularly known as Wembley Stadium, was the most famous football free-base in the world. After it opened in 1923, it evolved into Englands national team up stadium for football matches. The FA Cup Final between Bolton Wanderers and West ham it up United on April 28, 1923 was the first event to take place at Wembley Stadium. The official attendance for the event was 126,047, which is still the largest for any football match in England. A year later, international football made its innovate as England tied 1-1 with Scotland. Since then Wembley has hosted 78 FA Cup Finals, 258 England senior internationals, the 1966 existence Cup, 40 League Cup Finals, 6 European Cup Finals, and Euro96.However, it is not just football that has made Wembley stadium great through the years. In 1948, Great Britain won 23 medals at the Olympic games featured at the stadium. In addition, the stadium has hosted such events as caseing matches, rugby championships, greyhound racing, hockey, and even Evel Knivel. With some much muniment and importance, it was no surprise that a groundbreaking stadium was needed to keep open the Wembley tradition into the nextcentury.Project GoalsThe goal of the project was to create a new modern stadium that would continue in the tradition of Empire Stadium. As pointed out in the history section, the greatest tradition was football. In allege to attract major football events (FA Cup, UEFA Finals, World Cup) the stadium must be built to five-star status. In order to adhere to this standards, the stadium must meet the minimum requirements in harm of the size of playing field, floodlighting, VIP parking, seat capacity, VIP seating ro om, VIP seats for visiting team, VIP hospitality, media working area, space for cameras, number of box seats, number of commentary positions, number of TV studios, out posture van area, and mash conference seats.B. Reasons for Project FailureThe new Wembley stadium was completed in 2007five years late, 360m over budget, and surrounded by legal disputes. out front we perform our analysis, we would like to highlight some of the facts that lead to failure.DesignMultiplex argued that Mott MacDonalds design for the Wembley steel work was not fit for bearing and that the initial designs were not correct, constructible, coordinated and consistent. In other words, although the design looked good, it was actually challenging and maybe impossible to replicate to scale.Scope ChangesThe initial chain was to include football, rugby, and athletics in the same stadium. This later became very contentious and resulted in the removal of athletics from the design in 1999, because of the technica l and commercialized challenges of accommodating three sports within the same stadium. In 2001, the scope was nevertheless changed with the removal of a hotel from the project, the expansion of hospitality suites, and considerably changes to the north side of the stadium. These changes took Mott MacDonald an additional 8 months to redesign.ContractingThere was no formal bidding process. In addition, it appeared that not all bidders were treated equally. This can be seen when the bidding process was opened back up after the contractors were narrowed down to the final two.Anchoring to a Completion DateWhen it became a prime intention to finish the project in time for the 2006 FA Cup Final, efficiency and cost effectiveness became secondary issues. It appears many problems could have been avoided if Multiplex did not have to rush the job in order to meet unrealistic expectations. Multiplex claims that it has sustained significant losses as a result of a magnitude of contract breaches and acts of negligence by the client.Loss of Steel avowerCleveland Bridge terminated their contract in 2004 because they did not believe that they would be paid for materials and because they felt like the differences between them and Multiplex were too great. This was a major setback to the project. Multiplex now had to search and integrate a new steel contractor for the job.CommunicationApart from the major changes in the scope, Multiplex was not given access to vital design information. In turn, Multiplex underpriced the steelwork. Mott MacDonald had thought that Multiplex was aware of the state of design because they managed the design process and had intimately been involved in the design work.
Thursday, 24 January 2019
California State Law Essay
What Bidders Edge did may be considered as an installation in the emerging electronic commerce industry. Linking as what was specified in the article made thinks easier for bigger websites such as e-bay to be viewed in by a lot people. Summing up the intention of Bidders Edge, we could conclude that what the partnership did is to provide the buyers the best price possible for any social occasion that they exigency to buy. In the process, Bidders Edge would obtain choices from various auction sites which hence included e-bay. I believe that this one mattered to e-bay not entirely on the sense that Bidders Edge would trespass per se on e-bay servers but the last mentioned(prenominal) would serve as a threat for e-bay in the future.Simply put, handed-down trespass involves the manipulation, distribution, or access of private data or dimension without the approval of its owner. In this particular case, e-bay is a exoteric domain with rude access to everyone who has internet acce ss. On the other hand, personal property office that anything that is movable as distinguished from real e claim. In the case of e-bay and Bidders Edge, the latter did request fro legal access but was denied by the former. One thing where Bidders Edge made a wrong move was when they created proxy users in order to access e-bay servers thereby giving in legal railway yard for e-bay to buck a equitysuit under the provisions of California state laws on intellectual property infringements against Bidders Edge.Under California state laws, assorted things can be copyrighted literature, drama, music, sound recordings, computer software, advertising copy, operation pictures, choreography, pantomimes, and architectural works(Witkin, Witkin Legal Institute., & West Group., 2005). This gives e-bay the basis to file suit against anyone who intends unauthorized use of their servers. This is in contrast with the usual text edition definition that trespass to personal property may be ne utered if the medium may be proven as a public domain.ReferenceWitkin, B. E., Witkin Legal Institute., & West Group. (2005). Summary of California law (10th ed.). San Francisco, CA Witkin Legal Institute.
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
Pizza Hut Mkarekting Strategy Essay
The go began in 1958, when ii college students and brformer(a)s from Wichita, ground forces, Frank and Dan Carney, opened the eldest pizza pie pie shanty restaurant at their hometown on June 15, 1958. After borrowing $600 from their mother, they purchased several(prenominal) second-hand equipment and rented a sm tout ensemble building on a busy intersection in Wichita. The result of their entrepreneurial efforts was the prototypal pizza pie army sea chantey restaurant, and the foundation for what would cash in adepts chips the largest and nigh victorful pizza restaurant familiarity in the world. umpteen concourse ask how pizza pie field shanty got its remark.When Carneys were check offting up their first restaurant, the building had sign with room for just nine characters. They wanted to custom pizza in the name, which left room for a word with yet three letters. A family member suggested the building looked equivalent a hut and pizza field hut was born . pizza pie chanty Today pizza hut is not only the ack right offledged leader of pizza industry worldwide, entirely it is as well as the worlds largest pizza chain, with over 12,000 restaurants crosswise speed of light countries, employing to a greater extent than 300,000 people, serving 1. 7 million pizzas everyday to more than vii million guests. pizza pie shack is the high-flying strike off of YumRestaurants International, which is in any case the p arnt guild of KFC, Taco Bell, A&type AW and Long John Silvers. pickings other four greases with pizza shack, Yum Restaurants International get ats up the worlds largest restaurant group. pizza pie shack in Bangladesh Transcom Foods Limited, a concern of Transcom free radical is the franchisee of pizza hut in Bangladesh. With a seating capacity of 220 persons, the first outlet of pizza pie chanty is located on South Avenue, Gulshan-1. pizza shanty provides the sodding(a) mix of with child(p) food, great run and great place at a great value to customers who be facial expression for a wondrous experience.We believe in positive intension, and maintain a strong internal surround by developing our competitive go force, which we trust. The la tryout expert brutes along with the beaver support systems from our franchiser YUM International is use to ensure easy workflow and to make our restaurants the favorite in the Country. The success of Pizza hovel relies heavily on delighting our customers by ensuring that in all their necessarily and desires are met in every way. Hence, the com pany give strong vastness to backup efforts to ensure that.along with customer satisfaction, make sure, that the business makes funds Therefore, the first task is to netherstand our consumers from every aspect. In this regard, we significantise essay to gain a thorough understanding of our competitive environment and constantly strive to develop unique business ideas to make our business a succ ess. Thus, Pizza hut has successfully attained a broad wrap of loyal customers, to whom pizza has gained extreme popularity. In order to expand this range, our merchandiseing team is involved in developing new harvest-tides and conceits, all the time.supra all, not only do we make GOOD FOOD, we are also famous for providing great service and dining experience, to give our valued customers more reasons, to return. Due to the vast success of our flagship restaurant in Gulshan, and huge have from consumers, opening of new stores in diverse cities are already under way. And from this experience commercializeplaceing team has the recognition and understanding of * cultural influences * governmental and political influences * demographic and life dash ignores * topical anesthetic and national economic trends.In Pizza shanty the role of operations is to be obsessed with the part of our pizza and the experience that our customers receive. There are 3 distinct categories of resta urants. teeming Service Restaurants These are the traditional pizza restaurants that strand so forths seated service and take-away. inhabitancy Service Restaurants Restaurants that offer home peddleies and take-away. Restaurant Based Delivery A full service restaurant in combination with economy and takeout service. Currently, they are operating as the first category of restaurant, i. e a full service restaurant, with take-away facility.In the near future we exit plan to introduce the other categories as well. All Pizza hutch sites work on the CHAMPS standard Cleanliness Hospitality Accuracy of importtenance result Speed These six objects define the very core of customer expectations. CHAMPS have become the vehicle, which drives Operations Excellence into our business and is also supported by a reward and recognition scheme for the Team members. The CHAMPScheck is a tool use to ensure consistency of service and merchandise t mavin of voice across the entire Pizza chante y estate in fact it is use for all the YumBrands multinationally. purlieual considerations Pizza field hut uses environmentally coadjutorly materials where applicable, e. g. piddle based paint and recycled Pizza boxes. 2. 1 milieual forces Strategies are not and should not be developed in a vacuum. They essential be responsive to the external and internal environment. Otherwise the firm become, in effect, the most efficient producer of buggy whips, leisure suits, or slide rules. To bend such strategic mistakes, firms must knowledgeable some the business environment. present we analyze the price strategies of Pizza chanty.In order to developing the price strategies and implementing these strategies into chopine they must s crapper the major internal and external factors. a. The confederacy Pizza chanty is a chain restaurant, operated by Transcom Group in Bangladesh. In designing the determine strategies, they must take account the other company groups. Top management sets the companys mission, objectives, broad strategies, and policies. They must work closely with departments. Finance department of the Pizza shack is concern with finding and using funds to carry out the long dissolve and short run hail and distinct promotional syllabus.The R&D department focuses on designing tasty and attractive pizzas. The buy and operations are responsible for getting supplies and materials, producing and distri just nowing a desired quality and quantity of the foods. b. Suppliers The marketing manager of the Pizza shanty must proctor the price trends of their key inputs or raw materials such as borecole loaf, different meats, capsicums, oregano, different flavor souses and so on Because it charges the price of a pizza that both covers all its prices for producing, distri yeting, and selling the produce and delivers a funfair rate of return for its efforts and risk.As represent is an Coperni nates element in its pricing scheme so they shou ld try to reduce supply terms of the inputs. c. Marketing Intermediaries Pizza Hut uses straight marketing to sell their products. Their cost of serving customers is comparatively high than the others. Besides they uses marketing service agencies such as look for and development firm, advertising agencies, media firms and marketing consulting firms to embolden their products and indicate the right market. Developing pricing strategies involve the cost of maintaining these intermediaries to sell their lowest product to consumers.d. Customers The Company believe that customers estimate which offer will deliver the most value. They face a vast array of product and brand choices, prices and suppliers. Whether the buyers are satisfied after purchase depends on the offers performance in relation to the buyers expectations. As the customers are the value- maximizers then if the total customer value and the total customer cost doesnt equal then they become dissatisfied. So it is the m ost important factor for Pizza Hut to implement effective pricing outline that match the customers expectations to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using and disposing of the condition market pass. e. demographic Environment Pizza Hut chooses Bangladesh to set up their outlets as it is one of the mostly dense countries in the world. Growing state means festering human needs to adjoin. Depending on purchasing power, it also means ripening market opportunities. This large and highly diverse population poses an opportunity for them to pose the growing market share.Pizza Hut established their outlets exclusively at Gulshan in Dhaka, at Agra bad in Chittagong. Pizza Hut divides its population group into six different levels 1. Preschool 2. School-age children 3. Teens 4. Young adults age 25 to 40 5. Middle aged adults age 40 They provide different offer with changing prices to the customers. f. Changing pricing strategies with changing family coordinate The traditional family str ucture is changing with the modern world. The number of working women has also increase. This trend has increased the consumption of convenience foods and services.In order to capture big market share and consumers support they must design their pricing dodging that adjoin the consumers perceived value. g. Economic Forces Pizza Hut use market skimming as their pricing system. They charge high price at the sign set up. It focuses on the changes in income of the consumers, their changing spending patterns. Pizza Hut organise the high class people as their potential customers. They also set the outlets exclusively in the city. It also monitors the changing spending patterns of the people. Today people spend more in the foods. h. Natural FactorsThe deterioration of the natural environment is a major global concern. As a restaurant Pizza Hut should take the pricing strategies that also contribute the improvement of jet-propelled plane movement. Recently they use recyclable or bio degradable advancement of their products. i. proficient Advancement parvenu technologies create new markets and opportunities. Developing the pricing system, technological advancement should give the priority. Pizza Hut uses internet to serve online orders with the care of Bangladesh, keep account of raw materials, and they use consumers database of the regular customers.j.Political Environment Pizza Hut makes their marketing environment in Bangladesh by by-line the rules and regulation of the government. It considers several laws covering issues such as competitor, fair trade practice, environmental protection, product safety, truth advertising, labeling, pricing and other factors in range their product price. h. Cultural Factors Recently the people of Bangladesh have time-tested to likeness the Western husbandry. They are becoming interested to the western food like pizza, burger, hot dog, pasta, and so many foods.Pizza Hut uses this changing trend in their marketing as well as a pricing dodging. They spend more funds in product promotional program in this country. They offer Ramadan discounts, Valentines Day offer for the couples, friendship day program and so on. All of these schemes must match with their pricing style. COMPETITORS OF THE PIZZA shanty Today, challenger is not only rife but growing more intense every time. In Bangladesh the most dominant competitors of Pizza Hut are the BFC, KFC, CFC, DOMINOUS PIZZA, HELVITIA, SHARMA PALACE, CHICKEN KING, BURGER KING, BELLA ITALIA.As the basic product of Pizza Hut is the different flavors pizza, the other fast-food shop is also serve pizza and whitethorn copy the marketing strategy of Pizza Hut. It has a certain cost burden that shares much of its strategic conduct. In developing an effective strategy it makes a clear difference between the market concept of competition and the industry concept of the competition. They analyze their competitors base on the interest characteristics a. Objectiv es b. Strengths and weaknesses c. response patterns International Competitors of Pizza Hut.* Papa Johns * eye masks * minor Caesars Dominos Pizzas Founded in 1960, Dominos pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza sales talk operating a network of company founded and franchise-owned stores in national and supranational markets. Dominos Pizzas vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the take up pizza delivery company in the world. With more than 8000 restaurants and delivery units pass on across in 50 countries, Dominos holds the 2nd space in world-wide pizza market.Dominos is the worlds fastest pizza maker. It makes 14 pizzas in 2 legal proceeding and 35 seconds. In 2004, Super Bowl Sunday was the busiest day of the year when Dominos sold close to 1. 2 million pizzas which is approximately 42% more pizzas compared to a normal Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday ranks among the realize five days for pizza deliveries annually along with Thanks giving , bran-new Years Day, New Years Eve and Halloween. brusk Caesars Little Caesars is 4th largest pizza manufacturer in USA. The company claims to be largest carry-out pizza chain in the world.The company is famous for its advertisement play of pizza Pizza which was later altered to pan tear apart to promote their pan pizzas. Little Caesars is famous for selling more pizzas at fewer prices. It has notable differentiating system wherein Little Caesars sells Hot-N-Ready pizza for $5. 00 only which means those customers do not have to call before taking the delivery of their pizza. They can just drop in to a Little Caesar outlet and get together their hot-n-ready pizza instantly. Marketing strategy Pizza Hut follows the future(a) strategy* Total market strategy Pizza Hut started with a maven product i. e. Pizza but with different segments emerging and the degree of competition increasing, it diversified into several products to serve different segments. It came up with chicken nuggets, wedges, garlic scratch line, smiley etc. * International marketing strategy Pizza Hut started with local market strategy in Kansas, USA then moved on to regional markets in and across USA. In 1968, Pizza Hut started its transnational movement by opening its 1st restaurant in Canada.And today Pizza Hut is worlds largest pizza chain with its front line in more than 100 countries. * Early Entry outline though Pizza Hut was not the first entrants in the pizza market in USA. But Pizza Hut followed an early entrant strategy. Customers knew what a pizza is but still there was huge potential to slant. In order to become a leader, pizza hut continued to ameliorate their product & develop new product to suit their customers changing tastes. Ultimately Pizza Hut with its superior promotion, manufacturing and dispersal activities has turned out to be the winner.* Strong Commitment Strategy Pizza Hut has been operating in the pizza market by realizing all economies of scale in promotion, distribution and manufacturing facilities. If Papa Johns or Little Caesars come out with a new competitive pricing strategy or innovative product, then Pizza Hut quite sharp fights back by bringing more competitive prices or fall in innovations in product category. In simple words, Pizza Hut takes all possible measures to defend its leadership position in the market. Customer Focus. economic consumption is the sole end and purpose of production and the interest of producer ought to be attended to only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the customer- Adam Smith Frank and Dan Carey recognized that the concept of Pizza was quite new to American. Although frozen pizzas and pizza mixes had entered into the market and started perspicacious in non-traditional food market. Initially Pizza sampling was done to test the product and consumers preferences about the product. Thus first Pizza Hut was a success. From the very start, Pizza Hut aimed to get pizzas to the masses.Initially, the entire world was a common market for Pizza Hut until it began segmenting and targeting particular market segments by differentiating and developing diverse products for them. Pizza Hut as a company has always tried to target and run into various diverse customer categories in different countries depending upon various factors and situations. Pizza Hut in order to fulfill its marketing objective of increase customer satisfaction by providing high quality products, has believed in the following marketing strategy cypher orbicular, Act Local.In Malaysia for instance, Pizza Hut targeting both urban adults as well as families with pre-teens and teen children by offering a delicious mix of nutritious Itlaian-Amercian culinary art which includes worlds favorite pan pizza. Pizza Hut Malaysia at the same time offers a cozy, friendly ambience in which to retard and have a great time with family or friends. Pizza Hut Malaysias success has been due to imaginati ve and innovative thinking in continuously developing, marketing and promoting new pizza products with unique and distinctive flavor, taste, style and appeal.In order to target the entire family experience, Pizza Hut launched a Hand Tossed Pizza which was pizza huts first dance step in traditional stuffed crust segment. It offers not-to-thin and not-to-thick crust on which the entire family agrees. To tap the market for young single in-hurry office goers looking for fast luncheon, Pizza hut came up with personal pan pizza for one. The Personal Pan Pizza revolutionized lunch and became the perfect solution to satisfy pizza cravings in a hurry. Pizza Hut introduced America to the perfect pizza for on-the-go back in 1983.Today, we can find Personal Pan Pizzas in airports, college cafeterias and even sports arenas. To satisfy the New York pizza lovers, Pizza Hut introduced a The big New Yorker Pizza. This pizza was 30% large than pizza huts largest pizza. It is New York style pizza at un-New York price introduced in 1999. In some countries, to capture the interest of surround Boomer generation which the ultimate cheese loving population, Pizza Hut launched The Ultimate Cheese to give them the ultimate pizza experience.As Pizza Hut is the worlds largest Pizza manufacturing company believing in strategy of Think Global, Act Local, somewhere in USA pizza hut introduced variants with extra cheese or large in size, at the same time, when pizza hut to grow in international waters as Asia, it diversified to adapt their cultures and provide their favorite flavors. In order to tap huge spices lovers population in India, Pizza Hut recently has launched The Great Indian Treat which is rich in Indian spices and garlic.In order to tap market segment less than 18 years, pizza hut introduced Stuff Under 18 only in United Kingdom, to tap the kids segment, various valuate combos are introduced comprising of a Pizza, yellowish wedges, Fruit drink and ice cream. Whereas to tap the teenage market, Pizza hut introduced different flavors of pizza along with fruit beer was offered. At the same time, Teenagers were lured by promotional schemes as DUBIT CARD which will allow them to take discounts at various entertainment places including pizza hut.In an attempt to target, the people who are young and romantic at heart, whether it is an 18 year old boy friend or 50 year husband, on the occasion of Valentines Day, Pizza Hut launched a limited edition salmon pink Pizza in the shape of heart. In nutshell, Pizza Hut tried to target each and every diverse population segment every on the scale of age (kids, teenage, office goers, senior citizens) or on basis of lifestyle (singles or couples) or peculiar(prenominal) interest groups (celebrations, parties, festivals).Pizza Hut An Overview of the Product Strategy Product Strategies specify a market needs that may be served by different products offerings. * Product primeet Strategy Pizza Hut has always followed Sin gle brand emplacement strategy wherein it has positioned only its pizzas. Although the aligning statement has been different in different countries but it has always hovered around its PIZZAS.For instance, in Canada, its positioning statement is The go around tasting pizzas under one roof which reflects a great transformation of pizza being served , in China it has positioned on Dine-in restaurants, in Australia, it is make fresh, served hot and on time which reflects that best of ingredients are used and pizza is delivered on time. Similarly, in India, pizza huts positioning has been ethical times, Great pizza. * Product-Scope strategy Pizza Hut follows a multiple product strategy as pizza hut not only sells pizzas, but also deals in a variety of other products as Product-Scope Strategy Soups and DessertsSalads & Pastas Appetizers Pizzas Although all the product offerings in pizza hut are not as fast moving as its pizza, but they commonly complement each other. For instanc e, a family coming for a dinner usually starts with some soup and garlic swags and then moves on to pizzas along with some diet salads. In this way, pizza hut caters to different people with different needs and tastes and preferences. This helps in increasing sales, profitability, market share and above all Customers Mind Share * Product-Design Strategy Pizza Hut follows the strategy of selling Standardized Products with limitings.Pizza Hut mainly sells 4 types of pizzas Pan Pizza, hand-tossed pizza, stuffed crust pizza and Thin N Crispy pizza. Pizza Hut serves these standard style pizzas everywhere in the world but at the same time, it offers its customers to choose different toppings as extra mushrooms or extra capsicum and onions with extra cheese or chicken toppings like toppings of meat, bacon, fish, ham, beef topping, pork toppings etc. Secondly it offers what is known as Value meal combos wherein it offers a combination of pizzas, appetizers, beverages etc at lower prices. For instance, Pizza hut introduced Meal for 2 which offers a medium pan/freshizza pizza, garlic bread sticks with 2 glasses of pepsi. Similarly pizza hut also offered Meals for 4 where it offered 2 medium pan pizzas, with one plate of garlic bread and one portion of wedges with 4 glasses of Pepsi/Soup. Pizza Hut by offering standard products seeks economies of scale and by offering modification options upraises customer satisfaction which adds to brand equity of Pizza Hut. * Product innovation strategy Pizza Hut has been constantly involved in innovating new products.It started as Pizza chain in 1958. On one hand, it offers traditional Italian pizzas while on other hand, it innovated several new varieties as pan pizza, thin n crispy, stuffed crust, the big New Yorker pizza, hand tossed pizza, the edge pizza along with the Sicilian Pizza. Pizza Hut spends extensively on research and development of its innovative products. At the same time, customers feedback also plays an important role in preparing new pizzas. For example, The Big New Yorker Pizza. Pizza Hut continued to make innovations as it followed International marketing strategy.In India, Pizza Hut launched international style pizza in localized Indian flavors like Tandori pizza range with Punjabi flavors, vegetarian tama-tam, Murgh Mazedar Pizza etc. Similarly, in China along with traditional pizzas, it served Sangria and Escargot. Along with pizzas, Pizza Hut also innovated beverages and drinks to satisfy the tastes of consumers. For e. g. Pizza Hut in Oman has added a refreshing splash of tropics to their menu with the launch of Monin, a new line of flavored drinks. Value Marketing Strategy Pizza Hut as far as value marketing is concerned follows prize strategy Customer- service strategy. clip-based strategy Pizza Hut promises its customers to give them best quality product by using best quality ingredients. Time and again it re-emphasizes on this fact through its advertisement campaigns. Pizza Hut main motive is to enhance its customers satisfaction by providing them best quality products at affordable prices. At the same time, pizza hut always tries to deliver on time. Although Pizza Huts competitor Dominos differentiates on basis of timely delivery in 30 minutes, however, Pizza Hut through its innovative engineering is also trying to reduce its delivery time to 30 minutes and fight back Dominos.PRICING STRATEGIES OF PIZZA HUT IN THE PRODUCTS LIFE CYCLE STAGES Their pricing strategy usually changes as the product passes through its life cycle. As Pizza Hut chooses the market- skimming pricing strategy by setting a high price for their pizzas at the initial stage to skim maximum revenue enhancements floor by layer from segments (high society people, exclusive outlets) willing to pay the high price, their introductory stages were sparely challenging. Here example given for Bangladeshi Context. Pricing strategies Product victimization Stage.This stage begins when the paren t company (Transcom Group) finds an idea to purchase the franchise of selling pizza at a particular area. During this stage the sales are zero and their investment cost mounts. Pricing strategies fundament Stage Introduction stage starts when the Pizza Hut was launched their basic product first at Gulshan in Dhaka. In designing their pricing strategy they face the following factors 1. Their opening cost was very high because they organize a grand party and use heavy sales promotion to entice trial.2. At the initial time their sales were comparatively low. 3. racy cost per customer for creating superior image was increasing. 4. Their profit was positive. 5. The customers are the innovators of the new flavors pizzas with an attractive demonstration style. 6. They charge the higher price with the justified quality. 7. They build only two exclusive distribution outlets. 8. Build mass advertising in newspaper, bill boards etc. 9. They compete with few competitors. Pricing Strategies G rowth Stage In this stage their sales are rising.The customers are right on known about the brands and the goods. 1. High cost per customer reduces and become the average cost. 2. During this stage remuneration are rising. 3. They maximize their market share. 4. They use product line fender by adding new flavors, ingredients, sizes such as family size, single pan pizza etc. 5. Their competitors are growing. 6. Develop new marketing plan to make the product superior from the competitors. 7. They also organize birthday party, marriage day party and so many occasions for a payment. By these they enhance their brand image.Pricing strategies Maturity Stage Pizza Hut is now passing through the maturity stage. Their profits are at the peak. This stage normally lasts longer than the previous stages, and poses formidable challenges to marketing management. 1. Product modification by modifying the products quality improvements, feature improvements and style improvements. 2. Stable number of competitors is ascendent to rise. 3. They change the price to match or best competitors. 4. Pizza Hut is building a new outlet at Dhanmondi to meet the increasing demand of customers. 5.They create significance brand differences from competitors and take the usefulnesss. Pricing strategies line Stage This is the product life cycle stage in which a products sales decline. Pizza Hut doesnt open in this stage at present. Pizza Hut An Overview of Franchise cast Franchising involves a contractual arrangement between a franchisor (a manufacturer, a wholesaler, or a service sponsor) and a retail franchisee, which allows the franchisee to conduct a given form of business under an established name and according to a given pattern of business.Pizza Hut after its incorporation in 1958 opened its first franchise unit in Topeka, Kansas. Followed by a Pizza Hut restaurant built in just 5 days by franchisees in Oklahoma State Fair. In 1968, Pizza Hut made a global entry by immersion in Ca nada. Then it made a strong foot property in Australia, Japan, England, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi. By 1989, Pizza Hut was already serving 54 countries. In 1996, Pizza Hut entered India with the first dine-in restaurant in Bangalore. era entering in the international arena, Pizza Hut used the Franchising thoroughfare as the entry strategy. In Bangladesh Pizza Hut enter Franchising with Transcrom group. Reasons why Pizza Hut adopted Franchising as the entry strategy * The best method to establish operations without risk of operations in an unfamiliar country. * Franchising root helps in learning the buyer behaviour, consumer preferences, market realities etc. * Franchising helped Pizza Hut in building a brand name and creating efficient distribution system.* In certain socialist countries as China, Russia etc, direct foreign investment is not allowed, so pertaining to the local legal example of these countries, Franchising is an easier route to enter into these countries. Pizza Hut An O verview of the Global Strategy Pizza Hut before entering into any new country conducts a comprehensive market survey of that country to learn about the culture that prevails in that country, the state of government and politics, the legal framework (product quality laws, packaging laws) , commercial practices (business structure, patterns of competition).Strategy Adopted by Pizza Hut for Global marketing programs Localized strategy Pizza Hut follows the strategy of Think Global, Act Local. For e. g. in India, the 1st Pizza Hut which was launched in Bangalore served complete vegetarian meals. Similarly, in China, along with serving Pizzas, Pizza Hut also serves Sangria and Escargot. Similarly, in India, to match the spicy tastes of Indian consumers, Pizza Hut launched Tandoori Treat, The Great Indian Treat.For the cheese lovers in the United States, Pizza Hut launched Cheesy Bites Pizza and Stuffed Crust Pizza. In South Asian Muslim Country (like Bangladesh) Pizz Hut giver special Of fer during Ramadan like eat as much as You can in iftar. International Marketing Coordination Pizza Huts international marketing activities though dispersed in different countries are properly coordinated to gain competitive advantage as * All marketing activities as market research, advertisements, and restaurant interiors are done using a similar method.* Marketing know-how and skills are transferred from one country to another. For e. g. the franchising model is used successfully in all the countries by Pizza Hut. Scanning the Environment S. W. O. T Analysis Strengths * Name Recognition * First-Mover Advantage (pioneer advantage) * Competitive advantage as pizza hut has he largest network of full service restaurants and delivery services. * Broad selection of products to target different segments. * Strong Franchisee network. flunk * High overhead costs due to large number of restaurants * High price pizza which leads to loss of customers. * Internal conflicts among franchisees. Opportunity * summation revenue through more and more innovative pizzas. * Increase in brand loyalty through good customer service. * Pizza hut has atrocious scope of expansion through its new online ordering system. * Pizza Hut home delivery network and entry in to new markets. Threats * Main threat is from competitors. Out of these threat from Dominos is main concern.* The specialization strategy followed by any pizza chain is sooner or later adopted by all pizza industry players. New and newer methods to lure the customers must be found out. * Any competitor offering the same quality and diverse flavours might be a real threat to Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut An overview of Promotion Strategies Pizza Hut uses a wide assortment of promotion tools to achieve the following * Increase the market share * Increase the sales volume * To increase seize purchase * To induce the non buyers to buy the product.The Promotion mix which it uses is as follows sales Promotion publicise Promotion Mix Personal Selling Advertising Maximum used Medium of Pizza Hut Promotion Strategy The main objective behind every campaign is either to increase sales by encouraging potential purchasers or inducing paraphrase purchases or prompting immediate purchase by offering special schemes or to create awareness about a new product offering by highlighting a new flavor or announcing price changes or demonstrating the product in use by personation an experience.For instance, to launch a new flavor in India named The Great Indian Treat, Pizza Hut signed a Javed Jaffrey for its new TV commercial. Similarly to inform the customers about Rs. 50 pan pizza, Pizza hut showed Zayed Khan as a young teenager boy friend who has to treat his large number of girl friends with something trendy and affordable. Pizza Hut also launched certain ad campaigns to counter attack its competitors promotions.For instance, in 2005 Pizza Hut launched Freshizza ad campaign featuring Malika Arora Khan and counter atta cked Dominos campaign showing Anupam Kher and Paresh Raval. At the same time, Pizza Hut brings about local flavor in its ad campaigns. In different countries, it uses models, situations, positioning clearly related to that particular country.
Friday, 18 January 2019
Numerical Modeling
Numerical ensampleing of communicable disease is a gizmo to understand the instrument of how disease blowouts and how it can be measured. we have canvass numerically the dynamics of typhoid fever disease in this paper. We prepare an unconditionally stable Non-Standard Finite Difference (NSFD) scheme for a numeric model of typhoid fever Fever Disease.The introduce numerical scheme is bounded, dynamically include and describe the positivity of the solution, which is one of the important requirements when modeling a prevalent disease. The comparison among the developed Non-Standard Finite Difference scheme, Euler method and Runge-Kutta method of order four (RK-4) shows the effectiveness of the proposed Non-Standard Finite Difference scheme. NSFD scheme shows intersection to the true equilibrium points of the model for any period steps utilise but Euler and RK-4 fail for large time steps.Key Words Typhoid Disease, high-power System, Numerical Modeling, Convergence.Introductio n Typhoid fever affects millions of people worldwide severally year, where over 20 million cases are reported and kills approximately 200,000 annually. For instance, in Africa it is estimated that annually 400,000 cases happen and an incidence of 50 per 100,000 5.The mathematical modeling for transmission dynamics of typhoid fever disease is a capable blast to appreciate the behavior of disease in a population and on this basis, some capable measures can be modeled to prevent infection. Dynamical models for the transmission of disease objects in a human population, based on the Kermack and McKendrick SIR classical epidemic model 14, were proposed. These models deliver evaluations for the temporal advancement of infected nodes in a population 513.In this paper we construct an unreservedly convergent numerical model for the transmission dynamics for typhoid fever disease which preserves all the essential properties of the continuous model. We considered the mathematical model of di sease transmission in a population that has been discussed by Pitzer in 6.Mathematical ModelA Variables and ParametersS(t) Susceptible entities class at time t.P(t) Protected soulfulness class at time t.I(t) Infected individuals class at time t.T(t) Treated class time t.? The rate at which individuals recruited.? Natural close rate. ? Loss of protection rate.? Rate of infection.? Rate of treatment.? Disease induced fatality rate rate.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Group Exercise on “The Landladyâ€Â
In the expo stage of the plot, the author reveals all the disposed(p) details of the business relationship. This story still does non reveal e verything about the landlady until the windup of the story. 1. What clues did the author give the endorser regarding the sinister plan of the landlady that was about to extend? Animals were usually a satisfactory sign in a fanny corresponding this, Billy told himself. further twain animals were stuffed. He was in the guess of stepping stake and turning onward from the window when all at erst his shopping center was caught and held in the most(prenominal) peculiar manner by the lessened nonice that was in that respect. bottom of the inning AND BREAKFAST, it said.BED AND BREAKFAST, BED AND BREAKFAST, BED AND BREAKFAST. Each word was like a large black eye staring at him through and through the glass, holding him, compelling him, forcing him to stay where he was and not to walk away from that brook, and the next thing he knew, he was actually moving across from the window to the front door of the house, mount the steps that led up to it, and reaching for the gong. He pressed the bell. far away in a back room he hear it ringing, and then at erst it must have been at once because he hadnt even out had time to take his finger from the bell buttonthe door swung grant and a woman was standing at that place.She has a room draw for him onward he comes in. She had put a cordially water bottle in the bed before he came, and the bed clothing had been neatly turned back on one side, all ready for someone to get in. cardinal and sixpence a night, including breakfast. There were no other hats or coats in the hall. There were no umbrellas, no manner of walking sticksnothing. There were scarcely cardinal other entries above his on the page, peerless was a Christopher Mulholland from Cardiff. The other was Gregory W. temple from Bristol. And the last entry was two long time old.She wants him to si gn the book, so that she wint forget his name, and then she groundwork always check the book. She does it with Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple. 2. At what point do you begin to become shadowy that the boarding house is not quite normal? When he goes in a cordial of hypnosis and goes to ring the bell The landlady answers the door right away. It is very cheap, but no one on that point. 3. Where is the climax in the story? Its when he realizes on that point only have been two others visitors besides him, and he notices a suspecting smell and judge in the tea (gets poisoned) potassium cyonide 4.Why does the author draw up the story in this way? How can you relate his plots structure to the idea that he is trying to communicate with you? I believe that the reason for this is, that troughout the story there ar hints troughout the story that says that this is not a good correct the sign outside how quickly she opens the door hardly a(prenominal) visitors the smell of both h er and the tea her habit of stuffing her pets etc. This is how he shows that when you ar 17 you still be naive and do not always enchant the big picture, even if there are hints on the way. THEME analysis What is the main theme of the story?Why is the author telling you a story of a landlady who inadvertently is also a serial orca? The main theme is Naive. The young man hark backs at maiden that this is the perfect place and is naivly comfortable and does not have any suspission, although there are some hints throughout the story. He doesnt realise the straight character of this nice landlady until its too late, and he has been poisoned. I hazard that the author is telling the story in this way to show that there still is a lot to learn at the age of seventeen, and you are still not ready to make accurate decisions and really not always able to see the big picture.INTERPRETATION What is your reaction to the authors view on life and/or human behavior? Should pack be care ful of strangers? The author is trying to tell us that things arent always as they seem to be, they can seem harmless on the outside, but on the inside they can do the most impossible things, as we read in this story the nice landlady kills and stuffs her victims. This is why we remember that the author is trying to show us that you should be careful of strangers, because they arent always as nice as they seem to be.Is it better to embody in a lilliputian town than a big metropolis? We sound off that the main difference between living in a handsome town and a big town is, that in a small town it is hard to hide things from your neighbours, and thats why they are more likely to notice if something is not as it should be, whereas in a big metropolis, multitude take less notice to other people. They broadly keep matter to themselves and only see the other people on the surface. That is why we think that it is better to endure in a small town, if you want to live safe.Group Exe rcise on The LandladyPLOT ANALYSISIn the exposition stage of the plot, the author reveals all the pertinent details of the story. This story however does not reveal everything about the landlady until the climax of the story. 1.What clues did the author give the reader regarding the sinister plan of the landlady that was about to unfold? Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this, Billy told himself. But both animals were stuffed. He was in the act of stepping back and turning away from the window when all at once his eye was caught and held in the most peculiar manner by the small notice that was there. BED AND BREAKFAST, it said.BED AND BREAKFAST, BED AND BREAKFAST, BED AND BREAKFAST.Each word was like a large black eye staring at him through the glass, holding him, compelling him, forcing him to stay where he was and not to walk away from that house, and the next thing he knew, he was actually moving across from the window to the front door of the house, climbing the s teps that led up to it, and reaching for the bell. He pressed the bell. Far away in a back room he heard it ringing, and then at once it must have been at once because he hadnt even had time to take his finger from the bell buttonthe door swung open and a woman was standing there. She has a room ready for him before he comes in. She had put a warm water bottle in the bed before he came, and the bedclothes had been neatly turned back on one side, all ready for someone to get in. Five and sixpence a night, including breakfast.There were no other hats or coats in the hall. There were no umbrellas, no walking sticksnothing. There were only two other entries above his on the page, One was a Christopher Mulholland from Cardiff. The other was Gregory W. Temple from Bristol. And the last entry was two years old. She wants him to sign the book, so that she wont forget his name, and then she can always check the book. She does it with Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple.2.At what point do you begin to become suspicious that the boarding house is not quite normal? When he goes in a kind of hypnosis and goes to ring the bellThe landlady answers the door right away.It is very cheap, but no one there. 3.Where is the climax in the story?Its when he realizes there only have been two others visitors besides him, and he notices a suspecting smell and taste in the tea (gets poisoned) potassium cyonide 4.Why does the author write the story in this way? How can you relate his plots structure to the theme that he is trying to communicate with you?I think that the reason for this is, that troughout the story there are hints troughout the story that says that this is not a good place the sign outside how quickly she opens the door few visitors the smell of both her and the tea her habit of stuffing her pets etc. This is how he shows that when you are seventeen you still are naive and do not always see the big picture, even if there are hints on the way.THEME ANALYSISWhat is the main theme of the story? Why is the author telling you a story of a landlady who inadvertently is also a serial killer whale? The main theme is Naive. The young man thinks at source that this is the perfect place and is naivly comfortable and does not have any suspission, although there are some hints throughout the story. He doesnt realise the rightful(a) character of this nice landlady until its too late, and he has been poisoned. I think that the author is telling the story in this way to show that there still is a lot to learn at the age of seventeen, and you are still not ready to make accurate decisions and really not always able to see the big picture.INTERPRETATIONWhat is your reaction to the authors view on life and/or human behavior? Should people be careful of strangers?The author is trying to tell us that things arent always as they seem to be, they can seem harmless on the outside, but on the inside they can do the most out of the question things, as we read in this stor y the nice landlady kills and stuffs her victims. This is why we think that the author is trying to show us that you should be careful of strangers, because they arent always as nice as they seem to be.Is it better to live in a small town than abig city?We think that the main difference between living in a small town and a big town is, that in a small town it is hard to hide things from your neighbours, and thats why they are more likely to notice if something is not as it should be, whereas in a big city, people take less notice to other people. They broadly keep matter to themselves and only see the other people on the surface. That is why we think that it is better to live in a small town, if you want to live safe.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Bata Proposal
end For The Student Internship Report Semester Fall 2012 Title of the Report Automation and update of the Employee Profile in BATA raiment Co. (BD) Ltd. Rationale for Selecting the Report I am Doing my internship in BATA slip Co. (BD) Ltd. and currently working in the discussion section of valet Resource direction. As BATA is a production base go with and the conjunction has to deal with man power frequently and in a great amount. And for managing this huge man power HRD plays a huge role. And one of the biggest union in our country and in the world they are practicing Human choice prudence for a longsighted era.As they are practicing it for a long time now, previously they were doing the mathematical executes of HR in manual way simply by time they got into Automation. They were keeping the data into HRIS software system for a long now but in the old HRIS software many handle were missing and now they have decided to develop clean HRIS software and add some new born playing areas to it which is very important for the organization. By this new software they leave alone get fully updated HRIS software with new information about all the employees, so that they will e qualified to use it whenever they need.And now I am helping the HR department of BATA to update the employee profile by assisting them to fill up the employee information field and collect the up-to-date information about all the employees of the organization. And giving comment into the software. I think this will help me understand the process how HRIS of BATA shoe Co. (BD) Ltd. Works and how it will help the organization as well as the department of HR. it is to see how they manage the personnel through this HRIS software. Background of BATA Shoe Bata Ltd. is a privately owned global shoe manufacturer and retail merchant headquartered in Ontario, Canada.The company is led by a third generation of the Bata family. With An operation in 68 countries, Bata is organized into f our business units. Bata Canada, based In Toronto, armed services the Canadian market with 250 stores. Based in Paris, Bata Europe Serves the European market with 500 stores. With supervision located in Singapore, Bata International boasts 3,000 stores to serve markets in Africa, the Pacific, and Asia, Finally, Bata Latin America, operating out of Mexico City, sells footwear throughout Latin America. All told, Bata owns more than 4,700 retail stores and 46 production facilities.Total employment for the company exceeds 50,000. 1894 The Bata family establishes a company in Zlin, located in what is now the Czechoslovakian democracy. 1932 Founder Tomas Bata dies in an airplane accident. 1939 The Company relocates to Canada after the movement of German military forces Into Eastern Europe. 1945 Czechoslovakia business operations are nationalized by the new communist Government following World War II. 1991 Bata returns to the Czech Republic following fall of the communist regime. 1994 d oubting Thomas J. Bata, the son of the companys founder, retires. 1962 Started in Bangladesh 2001 Thomas J. Bata, Jr. becomes chairman and CEO. Bata Bangladesh is affiliated to the Bata Shoe Organization, the worlds largest footwear Manufacturing and marketing organization.Started operation in Bangladesh in 1962, Incorporation in Bangladesh in 1972. Currently, Bata Bangladesh operates 2 manufacturing localize Tongi and Dhamrai, Bata Bangladesh is producing around 110,000 pairs of shoes daily. It has a modern tannery With the latest technological facilities to process 5 million square feet of leather yearly. Objectives General Objectives The general purpose of the internship report is to learn how the HRIS works in the BATA Shoe Co. BD) Ltd. and the organizational behavior how the corporate culture works in the organization. I can to a fault compare the practical and theoretical knowledge of Human Resource Management and HRIS. Specific Objectives It will help me to complete my und ergraduate program I will be able to know the HR process of BATA It will also be useful for me to understand about the HRIS in BATA. Submitted By Name of the Student (Intern) Fahmi Rahmat Nawaz ID No 09-14444-2 Major Human Resource Management (HRM) Date 07-11-2012 Action by the Supervisor Approved Disapproved Approved With revise
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