Friday, 31 May 2019
The Yellow Wallpaper -- essays research papers
The Yellow WallpaperIn the 19th century, mental illness was an uncommon hump to be discussed. The public would hold dear the illness only by avoiding the matter and forcing the sick to feel helpless. At that time, the medical profession had non yet secernate between diseases of the mind and diseases of the brain. Neurologists such(prenominal) as Dr. Silas Mitchell treated the problems that would straightaway be treated by psychiatrists, such as depression. The most accepted cure was Mitchells break recover, which required complete closing off from family and friends. It forbid any type of mental or physical energy, and required total bed rest. The harsh results of the Rest bring round are easily seen in the story titled The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1891. The main part was given the Rest remedy and soon began to descend deeper into the traps of insanity. forward fully understanding mental illnesses her actions would be linked to furiousness. Hysteria was the term given to women with signs of depression. (Showalter, p. 127)Embedded largely in womens discouraged am spellions and limited opportunities, a reaction of supposed hysteria cases occurred during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Due to rise in this type of mental illness, the period became cognise as the Golden epoch of Hysteria. Authorities of the time defined the problem in terms of femininity and female sexuality. Coming from the Greek term hysteron, heart womb, hysteria was known as a strictly female illness that was caused by womens delicate constitutions and emotionality. Many doctors believed the uterus caused it, which was why they concluded that men could not become hysterical. (Showalter, p. 129) Hysteria was imitation a largely self-created or imagined illness. People did not generally take it, or mental illness seriously. Though hysteria became a focal head word of study by physicians throughout the world. Symptoms included fainting, vomiting, cho king, sobbing, paralysis, and temperamental fits. Reflecting the belief that women were prone to hysteria because they were less rational and stable than men. Dr. Edward Tilt, in a typical squeamish textbook definition, wrote mutability is a characteristic of hysteria, because it is characteristic of women (Showalter, p. 129). As more studies were conducted, however, some doctors began to link hysteria with restricted activity and sexual ... ...ut you. Her response is I dont weigh a bit more. She proves him wrong and he avoids the response by saying But now lets better the shining hours by going to sleep, and talk in the morning. She overlooks his true intentions and focuses back on the paper. She almost revels to herself and John that the Rest Cure isnt working as expected. and actually show that he doesnt care. begins to interpet the yellow wallpaper, as having many life like similaritytries to resorts to reasoning with herself so that she may feel hubby keeping he away from any outside world her minds wanders into insanity. Her husband doesnt know any better than to reverberate her from exerting energy. He feels that he mustiness keep her in bed to better her health. This in the end is the reason she goes insane. He must feel a bit ashamed being a doctor and not knowing of any other cure to The signs of metal illness are evident when the main character resorts to ripping at the wallpaper to release some built up anxiety. Work Cited PageRena Korb An overview of The Yellow Wallpaper, in Exploring Short Stories, Gale Research, 1998.Showalter, Elaine. The Female Malady. New York haphazard House, 1985. The Yellow Wallpaper -- essays research papers The Yellow WallpaperIn the 19th century, mental illness was an uncommon issue to be discussed. The public would treat the illness only by avoiding the matter and forcing the sick to feel helpless. At that time, the medical profession had not yet distinguished between diseases of the mind and di seases of the brain. Neurologists such as Dr. Silas Mitchell treated the problems that would now be treated by psychiatrists, such as depression. The most accepted cure was Mitchells Rest Cure, which required complete isolation from family and friends. It forbid any type of mental or physical energy, and required total bed rest. The harsh results of the Rest Cure are easily seen in the story titled The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1891. The main character was given the Rest Cure and soon began to descend deeper into the traps of insanity. Before fully understanding mental illnesses her actions would be linked to hysteria. Hysteria was the term given to women with signs of depression. (Showalter, p. 127)Embedded largely in womens discouraged ambitions and limited opportunities, a reaction of supposed hysteria cases occurred during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Due to rise in this type of mental illness, the period became known as the Golden Age of Hysteri a. Authorities of the time defined the problem in terms of femininity and female sexuality. Coming from the Greek term hysteron, meaning womb, hysteria was known as a strictly female illness that was caused by womens delicate constitutions and emotionality. Many doctors believed the uterus caused it, which was why they concluded that men could not become hysterical. (Showalter, p. 129) Hysteria was assumed a largely self-created or imagined illness. People did not generally take it, or mental illness seriously. Though hysteria became a focal point of study by physicians throughout the world. Symptoms included fainting, vomiting, choking, sobbing, paralysis, and temperamental fits. Reflecting the belief that women were prone to hysteria because they were less rational and stable than men. Dr. Edward Tilt, in a typical Victorian textbook definition, wrote mutability is a characteristic of hysteria, because it is characteristic of women (Showalter, p. 129). As more studies were conduct ed, however, some doctors began to link hysteria with restricted activity and sexual ... ...ut you. Her response is I dont weigh a bit more. She proves him wrong and he avoids the response by saying But now lets improve the shining hours by going to sleep, and talk in the morning. She overlooks his true intentions and focuses back on the wallpaper. She almost revels to herself and John that the Rest Cure isnt working as expected. and actually show that he doesnt care. begins to interpet the yellow wallpaper, as having many life like similaritytries to resorts to reasoning with herself so that she may feel husband keeping he away from any outside world her minds wanders into insanity. Her husband doesnt know any better than to restrain her from exerting energy. He feels that he must keep her in bed to better her health. This in the end is the reason she goes insane. He must feel a bit ashamed being a doctor and not knowing of any other cure to The signs of metal illness are evident when the main character resorts to ripping at the wallpaper to release some built up anxiety. Work Cited PageRena Korb An overview of The Yellow Wallpaper, in Exploring Short Stories, Gale Research, 1998.Showalter, Elaine. The Female Malady. New York Random House, 1985.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Immobilisation of Enzimes Essay -- Chemistry
Immobilization of enzymes is one of promising methods in enzymes performances enhancement, such as stability, recovery, and reusability. However, investigation of suitable straight support in enzyme immobilization is still the one of problems to prevent the reduction of enzymes activity. Polyethersulfone (PES) and aminated PES (PES-NH2) as novel materials for the immobilization were successfully synthesized. Structure of synthesized polymers were characterized by NMR, FTIR, and MALDI-TOF. The membranes ground on PES and PES-NH2 with various pore sizes (from 10 to 600 nm) was fabricated to be applied as bioreactor to increase the immobilized lipase performances. The influences of pore sizes, concentration of additives, and the presence of functional groups on PES backbone toward enzyme loading and enzyme activities were studied. The largest enzyme loading was obtained by the immobilization of Mucor miehei onto PES-NH2 membrane composed of 10% of PES-NH2, 8% of DBP, and 5% of P EG (872.62 g/cm2). Activity of immobilized lipase was inflexible by hydrolysis reaction of pNPA and methanol to produce pNP which showed the hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by immobilized lipase onto synthesized PES (10%) membrane represented the highest enzyme activity value (568.48 mmol pNP min-1 cm-2). From the reusability test, the immobilized lipase onto PES-NH2 showed better constancy than the immobilized lipase onto PES by four times of reactions which indicated that this novel material is potential to be developed as bioreactor on enzymatic reaction.Keywords Aminated PES, solid support, Mucor miehei, enzymatic reaction, lipase immobilization 1.IntroductionLipase, overly known as triacylglycerol ester hydrolase (EC3.1.1.3), is one of inter... ...ovic, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechol. 49 (1998), 267-271.23 L. Giorno, E. Drioli, TIBTECH 18 (2000) 339-349.24 S.C. Stamatoglou and J.M. Keller, The Journal of Cell Biology, 96 (1983) 1820-1823.25 M.G.Wolf, M. Hoefling, C.A. Santamaria , H. Grupmuller, G. Groenhof, Journal of Computational Chem. 31 (2010) 2169-217426 T. Tosa, T. Mori, N. Fuse, I. Chibata, Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 9 (1967) 603-61527 L.A. Nelson, T.A. Foglia, W.N. Marmer, JAOCS, 73 (1996) 1191-1195.28 G. Pozinak, B. Krajewska, and W. Trochimczuk, Biomaterials, 16 (1995) 129-134.29 M.T. Sho, F. R. Eirich, H. Strathmann, and R. W. Baker, Journal of Polymer Science Polymer Letters Edition, 11 (1973) 201-205.30 D.S. Marsman, NTP Toxicity Report, 30 (1995) 5-93.31 N. Handayani, N. Miletic, K. Loos, S. Achmad, and D. Wahyuningrum, Sains Malaysiana, 40 (2011) 965-972.
Improving Management Styles Essay -- essays research papers
Improving Management Styles and Their FunctionIn the article When the Problem is Management, author Lawrence Sawyer takes a look at the different styles that managers have in their practice, how they can better perform their functions and how they relate to the iv basic functions of vigilance. As an internal auditor, Mr. Sawyer provides some insight to these managers in helping them and their departments make better use of the tools they have and points out what basic function they atomic number 18 violating. This article and its basic points relate without delay to the assigned 1st weeks reading in our Management 330 textbook and is an small example in how to relate the reading to a really life example. Ways to improve ones own organization or their specific department in their own organization can be taken and applied as well, as this article is an excellent review on the functions of management and how they put their practices into effect.In the article, Mr. Sawyer recalls many experiences he has had in dealing with managers of different organizations and how he has found that whatever flaws was found could be directly related to the four basic functions of management, which are planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Planning is draw as the function preceding all other functions and allows a smooth and proper flow through the remaining functions by establishing objectives and goals and following procedures and rules that have been set. An excellent example was given of an audit performed for a company where a managers practice in governing his engineers sequence archive was scrutinized. The manager was made to realize from his own work how he had three years of planned backlog. This was seen and accepted by the Management Functions 3manager and strict action was taken to regain control of the tasks at hand. Better planning practices were implemented to establish priorities and cut completion time expectations for his engineers.Good org anization practices are described more as a counter to failure than a guarantee for success. Responsibility, auth... ...ecisions that are very routine often consume much time in getting supervisory approval and would be very easy to delegate to the agents responsibility. Also, upper level management be surprised at how enkindle it would be to an ordinary agent to learn about how forecasting works and the outcomes of other reports in our department.In conclusion, Lawrence Sawyers assessment of the importance of the four basic functions of management and the different styles managers have in implementing them was very informative. Anyone should be able to take this evaluation and better improve their own personal management habits and styles and see how they can be applied to their surrounding work environment. Management Functions 6ResourcesSawyer, Lawrence B. (1998, August). When the problem is management. Internal Auditor Vol. 55 Issue 4, p33, 6p. EBSCOhost. University of Phoenix Online Collection. usable http// (2002, August 5).
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer
Acid rainwaterAcid rain forms when sulfur and newton dioxides combine with moisturein the atmosphere to produce rain, snow, or an another(prenominal) kind of precipitation. Thiskind of pollution may to a fault be suspended in fog or deposited in a dry form. Acidrain is most common in North America and Europe. Acid rain has also beendetected in other areas of the world such as tropical rain forests of Africa.Canada has placed limitations on the sulfur emissions. The United States hasnot, so the emissions may pipe down drift into Canada.The acid rain cycle begins with hundreds of power plants burningmillions of tons of coal. Burning coal produces electricity for us. Coal ismade of carbon, but the coal that we mine is not pure carbon. It is mixed withother minerals. Two of these are sulfur and due north. Then the coal is burnedsome of the sulfur changes into sulfur dioxide and nitrogen changes intonitrogen oxide. These escape in to the air as poisonous gases. Some smokestacksrelea se chemicals like mercury, arsenic, and aluminum. Some of these mineralsare changed in to gases and others become tiny specks of ash. As thesechemicals drift, they may change again. They may react with other chemicals inthe air. When sulfur dioxide combines with water, the result is sulfuric acid.When nitrogen oxide gas combines with water, the result is also another acid.When the clouds releases rain or other precipitation, the acid goes with it.This is called acid rain.The level of acid is measured in pH levels. The pH scale begins at 0and ends with 14. A reading start out than 7 is called acrid, and a reading higherthan 7 is called basic. Seven is neutral. Normal rain is slightly acidic with apH level of about 6.5. Rain with a pH of 5.5 is then times more acidic thannormal rain and rain with pH of 4.5 is a hundred times more acidic than normalrain. In parts of the country, rain with pH levels of 4.5 to 5.0 is common.An English scientist named Robert Angus Smith discovered acid rain in1872, but no other scientist continued this study. Then in 1961 the Swedenwanted to know why the fish in their lakes were dying. Svante Odn discoveredthat the reason was acid rain. After Odns discovery, other scientist began tostudy acid rain too.Acid rain has destroyed plant and animal life in lakes, damaged forests
Direct Digital Democracy :: Technology Government Papers
Direct Digital Democracy The central question of this paper is whether or not the rise of the Internet and, in general, new communications technology alters the limits of the human capacity for self-government. My answer to this question is no. Advancements in communications technology, no matter how significant or subverter they may at first seem, ultimately have no fundamental effect on mans literal capacity to govern himself. The Internet, ilk the television, the telephone, and the transatlantic telegraph before that, all have one basic thing in common each is a tool and not a force of nature. Each must be comprehended, manipulated and applied by an individual, using his own rational faculty and according to his own devices. The technology itself although complex is basically no different than the spear, the wheel, the stirrup, the combustible engine, or the space shuttle. Technology does not change mans fundamental nature, but it does affect how well he lives, what he does, where he goes, and how quickly he can get there. Will the Internet alter the American political system? Indeed it will, and to a monolithic extent already has, by facilitating the work of current government officials and representatives within our present system of representative democracy. But will the Internet revolution demand the American system of government toward straightaway digital democracy a third transformation as significant as the transformation from Athenian direct democracy to American representative democracy? Most empirical evidence suggests it will not. Normatively speaking, political scientists ought to retain James Madisons view that the answer of government is to prevent tyranny of the majority and to constrain evil. Therefore, contemporary politicians should openly oppose measures that seek to alter our existing institutions in an effort to make them more conducive to direct democracy, whether digital or not. This Madisonian vie w of government is neither the sole standard of government in contemporary American society, nor is it the frontrunner among competing political ideologies. I would argue that the mythology of liberalism or populism is accepted as just and revered by most average Americans. In the 2002 Presidential Election, George W. Bush defeated Al venire in the Electoral College vote, thus winning the presidency, but lost the overall popular American vote by a significant margin.
Monday, 27 May 2019
gatdream Death of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
Death of the American ambitiousness in The bulky Gatsby The American Dream embodies the belief that each person can succeed in life on the basis of his own skills and effort. This idea awakes and develops during the 18th and 19th centuries - a intent of fast development in the United States. The issues of growth, progress and money become a major theme in American society, which is why Scott Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby focuses on this problem. Through the characters Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gatsby, the author impressively presents a failure in achieving this dream. The collapse of Gatsbys attempt to win Daisy proves that dreams, money and blind faith in lifes possibilities, are not enough for a man to reach his goals. Gatsby perceives Daisy as a rich, beautiful and charming young lady, who represents the perfect woman. This ideal inspires his love and evokes his dream to reach her. He is a poor and uneducated young man, without any past. This is why Gatsby is impressed by the glamour and careless gayety that surrounds Daisy. That veneration is expressed in his voice communication I was flattered that she wanted to speak to me, because of all the other girls I admired her most. The beauty of her life, fill Gatsbys mind with passionate sense of mystery and love. He sees Daisy as an excitingly desirable woman, which makes him thrilled, but at the same time unsure about the future. Even though he feels she is unreachable, he keeps his hope, which inspires him to fight for her. Gatsbys ambition represents the American Dream. He believes that despite his empty past and lack of education, he can succeed on the basis of his abilities, hard work and money. Gatsby does everything - legal and illegal in order to gain the wealth and property that will win him Daisy. The source of his money is unclear, and as Tom Buchanan suggests he is a bootlegger. This denotes that Gatsby is determined to earn his goal a nd is ready to put all the efforts needed to accomplish his high set aim. He has a blind hope in the abilities of life - he trusts that money can buy him Daisys love.
Sunday, 26 May 2019
Economy of US Essay
chair George W. Bush, in a speech before his stinting team on expansive 8, 2007 talked about the nations lucky miserliness. President Bush utter I just finished a productive meeting with members of my economic team. We discussed our thriving economy and what we need to do to keep it that centering. We care a lot about whether our fellow citizens are working, and whether or not theyve got money in their pockets to save, spend, or invest as they see fit. We talked about Americas role in the global economy. (President Bush Meets) Looking at some major economic indicators, the Presidents claim on the festering of the economy has some sense.For this paper, the following indicators will be discussed the Gross national return which measures overall economic productivity of the nation Inflation direct which measures the rise in the general level of equipment casualtys Unemployment or employment rate which glistens the occur of tribe with jobs and Balance of Payments whi ch reflect the relationship between exports and imports. The United States Government uses two sets of tools that affect the American Economy. These tools are Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy. The first one deals with how the government controls the total of money and therefore the general stability of prices.The second one deals with government expenditures specifi remembery how much the government is earning ( revenuees and revenues) and where will it spend the money ( cypher). Monetary policy is executed by the national oblige System through its Board of Governors while Fiscal policy is carried out by Executive branch with or without the support of Congress. The U. S. Economy in Review The U. S. Economy is the largest and nigh powerful economy in the world. By the end of the third quarter of 2007 its Gross Domestic Product was close to $14 Trillion.Starting in 2004, the U.S. economy was hit by satisfying events that tested its resiliency. The afterwardsmath of the Septem ber 11 terrorist attacks led to major shifts in national resources to fight global terrorism. The costly war in Iraq led to a more costly U. S. occupation in Saddam ibn Talal Husseins country. Huge investments were made by the country for the war investment in budget, resources and human capital. During the same period, Hurricane Katrina caused extensive damage in the Gulf Coast. Resources were turn to aid those who suffered from the graphic calamity.Oil prices soared between 2005 and 2006 also threatening the economy. Despite these setbacks, the U. S. economy posted strong growth during the period 2004-2007. Gross Domestic Product The U. S. Gross Domestic Product recorded growth rates of 2. 9 percentage in 2004, 3. 2 percent in 2005 and 2006 and a leap to 4. 2 percent at the end of the third quarter of 2007. According to the Bureau of scotch Accounts, the increase in GDP primarily reflected increases in consumer spending, investment in equipment and software, national govern ment spending, and residential fixed investment.The President, in his State of the Economy address in January 2007, highlighted the strong and dynamic economy, and discussed the challenges faced in keeping the economy growing. The President stressed that the U. S. economy is resilient and responsive, adding more than 8. 3 million jobs since 2003 despite numerous challenges including a recession, corporate scandals, the 9/11 attacks, and the worst raw(a) disaster in American history. Inflation Inflation is generally reflected through the rise and fall in the Consumer Price Index.CPI measures the average change over time in the prices paid by consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. During the period 2004 to 2006, CPI rose at a manageable level indicating puffiness is under control. No data was filen for 2007. In 2004 CPI rose 3. 3 percent over the previous year.In 2005, the rate was at 3. 4 percent and in 2006 it slowed down to 2. 5 percent. The young behavi or of pomposity shows it remains low and stable and has minimal impact on the economy (U. S. CPI) Unemployment and EmploymentThe number of unemployed persons was 7. 2 million in October 2007 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A year earlier, the number of unemployed persons was 6. 7 million, and the jobless rate was 4. 4 percent. Also according to the BLS, total employment was at 146 million in October. Job gains occurred in professional and business services, health care, and leisure and hospitality. Manufacturing employment move to decline, and construction employment was little changed. The employment-population ratio was at 62. 7 percent.The civilian labor force was at 153. million and the labor force participation rate was at 65. 9 percent. Balance of payment The countrys balance of payment particularly the relationship between the countrys exports and imports still show a deficit. The deficit decreased to $190. 8 billion in the second quarter of 2007 from $197. 1 b illion in the first quarter. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, a decrease in net unilateral current transfers to foreigners and increases in the surpluses on services and on income more than accounted for the decrease.Monetary Policy The federal Reserve System, the independent U. S. central bank, manages the money supply and use of credit ( financial policy), while the president and Congress adjust federal spending and taxes (fiscal policy). The governments pecuniary policy is governed by the federal Reserve System Board of Governors. The Federal Reserves monetary policy has stressed preventing rapid escalation of general price levels which usually leads to inflation. The Federal Reserve acts to slow economic expansion by reducing the money supply, thus raising short-term interest rates.When the economy is slowness down too fast, or contracting, the Federal Reserve increases the money supply, thus lowering short-term interest rates. The most common way it effects these changes in interest rates, called open-market operations, is by buying and selling government securities among a small group of major banks and bond dealers. A particularly tricky situation for monetary policy makers, called stagflation, occurs when the economy is slowing down and general price level (inflation) is rising too fast (U. S. Monetary Policy).The Federal Reserves recent monetary policy is towards keeping the overall economy on an adjustment path where growth is moderate and sustainable. As Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke mentioned in his Testimony Before the Committee on Financial Services, U. S. House of Representatives on July 18, 2007 At each of its four-spot meetings so far this year, the FOMC maintained its target for the federal bills rate at 5-1/4 percent, judging that the existing stance of policy was likely to be consistent with growth running near impulsion and inflation staying on a moderating path (Bernanke).Given these conditions, the Committee dec ided to leave its target for the federal funds rate unchanged at 5-1/4 percent. The Committee further stated in its policy statement that some inflation run a risks remained and that additional action would depend on changes in the brainpower for both inflation and economic growth (Monetary Policy Report 6). According to Janet L. Yellen, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in her speech on The U. S. Economy and Monetary Policy, I think the current stance of policy is likely to foster sustainable growth with a bit-by-bit ebbing of inflationary pressures (2).However, Yellen further stated that a sustained moderation in inflation pressures has yet to be convincingly demonstrated (15). Policy Actions interpreted by the Federal Reserve The Federal Open Market Committee in its meetings on June 27 and 28 and voted to hold the federal funds rate, the Federal Reserves main policy tool, unchanged at 5? percent (Monetary Policy Report 6). At th e time the report was made to Congress, the funds rate has been kept at that level for the last twelve months.According to the Committee, this decision would avoid exposing the economy to the risk of a recession, while, at the same time, hoping that this policy will produce enough slack in goods and labor markets to relieve inflationary stresses. This focus will enable the Federal Reserve to achieve its three-fold mandatelow and stable inflation and maximum sustainable employment. In the past year, then Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan wrapped up an consequential 18-year career Tuesday with a final interest rate hike and cleared the way for his successor Bernanke to bring the long credit-tightening campaign to a close.Acting on Greenspans final day in office, Federal Reserve Board raised the benchmark overnight lending rate another quarter-percentage point to 4. 5 percent, pushing up borrowing costs for consumers and businesses in their ongoing bid to keep a lid on growth a nd inflation (Wolk). In the months after that, the Board came up with a series of cuts in interest rates to address the prevailing economic condition. This balancing act is in line with the Federal Reserves responsibility of trying to maintain full employment (generally considered to be around 4 to 5 percent unemployment) while keeping inflation low.One can imagine the risks and uncertainties involved in such act. Alan Greenspan once said, Policymakers often have to act, or choose not to act, even though we may not fully visit the full range of possible outcomes, let alone each possible outcomes likelihood. As a issuing, risk management often involves significant judgment as we evaluate the risks of different events and the probability that our actions will alter those risks (Greenspan). . This delicate balancing act is get ine by using interest rates as a tool. When interest rates are low, capital is easier to acquire. Left unchecked, however, this leads to inflation.If intere st rates are too high, however, the result can be a recession and, in extreme cases, deflation the result of which can be economically devastating. There are two ways as to how the Federal Reserve influences the direction of interest rates by raising or lowering the discount rate or by indirectly influencing the direction of the Federal funds rate. The discount rate is the interest rate banks are charged when they borrows funds overnight directly from one of the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal funds rate is the rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans (U. S. Monetary Policy).Fiscal Policy When President George W. Bush first stepped into the Whitehouse in 2001 he promised several things to the American public. Among his list of promises which was an ambitious $1. 3 trillion tax cut. President Bush promised that whoever pays taxes gets a tax break. Campaigning for his second term in office in 2004, President Bush promised to make tax cuts that were earlier adopted in 2001 permanent. In his August 8 speech the President said Real after-tax income has increased by an average of more than $3,400 per person since I took office. The President further stated tax cuts let Americans keep their own money. It stimulates entrepreneurship. The President emphasized that he is against the plan to increase taxes and turn them into additional government programs and said We want the people to keep more of their own money because we understand that the American economy, entrepreneurs and small business owners are the ones who create jobs. However, there is a growing opposition to his fiscal policies. Some offer these cuts were distributed disproportionately. Higher income tax payers got the biggest breaks they say as opposed to lower income individuals.It is also important to note that during the first term of President Bush, federal spending increased by 26 percent. This seems to go in a different direction with the tax cut measures. On one hand tax cuts me an lesser revenue for the government, on the other, more money is needed as more money is being spent. It will not take a genius to figure out that the tax cuts, and significant increases in spending will have effect on the budget deficits during the Bush presidential term. From a surplus of $127 Billion when President Bush assumed office, the budget went to a deficit of $929 billion.Future impacts of these fiscal policies have been also widely discussed. Shapiro and Friedman believe Over the next 10 years, total tax-cut costs will oppose $3. 9 trillion, reaching nearly $600 billion or 3. 3 percent of the economy in 2014 alone. The resulting higher deficits will slow future economic growth, load future generations with sizable interest payments, and leave the nation ill-prepared not only for the retirement of baby boomers but also for responding to potential future crises from security matters to natural or environmental disasters the particulars of which are unknown today.Even F ormer President Clinton went on record to criticize President Bushs fiscal and tax policies Tax cuts are always popular, Clinton said. But about half of these tax cuts since 2001 have gone to people in my income group, the top 1 percent. Ive gotten four tax cuts. Now, what Americans need to understand is that that means every single day of the year, our government goes into the market and borrows money from other countries to finance Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina and our tax cuts, Clinton added.We depend on Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and Korea primarily to basically loan us money every day of the year to cover my tax cut and these conflicts and Katrina. I dont think it makes any sense. I think its wrong (Stephanoupoulos, 2005). Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan also had a few address to say about President Bushs policies. Greenspan criticized President George W. Bush for pursuing an economic agenda driven by politics rather than run short policy, with little concern for future consequences (Benjamin. 2007).Greenspan was quoted as saying The Bush administration turned out to be very different from the reincarnation of the Ford administration that I had imagined. Now, the political operation was far more dominant. (Benjamin 2007). Comparing past presidents and the current Chief Executive, Greenspan said Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were the most intelligent Ford the most normal and likeable Ronald Reagan was the most devoted to free markets George H. W. Bush, the current presidents father, was very cordial. However, Greenspan saved his harshest criticism for Bush.Little value was placed on rigorous economic policy debate or the weighing of long-term consequences, he wrote. (Benjamin 2007). Still President Bush remains steadfast saying When people earn money, tax revenues go up. This year, tax revenues are expected to be $167 billion higher than last years, because the economy is growing. Growing tax revenues combine with spend ing restraint has helped us drive down the federal deficit, and we were able to do so without raising the taxes on the people who work, or without raising taxes on small business owners or farmers. Estimates show the deficit will drop to $205 billion this year.That is well below the average of the past 40 years as a percentage of our economy. (President Bush Meets) Conclusion Not too many believed that the U. S. economy can rebound so fast from the series of unfortunate events of 2004 to 2007. til now the number one economy in world has proven its resiliency and durability by weathering these storms. Much of the credit should go to the managers of the economy. The adoption of effective policies and strategies were the keys to sustaining the growth even in the midst of uncertainties. However, the growing opposition to the Presidents Fiscal Policies needs to be given more attention.The clamor does have its points. Tax cuts, everyone must understand, have side effects. Remember, it i s from taxes that the government generates revenues. Revenues that are badly needed to fund the operations of the government. These are the same revenues that run schools, hospitals, provides welfare to the poor, and funds homeland security and the war against terror. Without revenues where does the government go? What does it do? It borrows money. Huge amounts of money that, in the end, would be marked as owed by every individual in this country to some bank or foreign government.Overall, greater challenges loom ahead. The economy still faces long-term problems including inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, promptly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable trade and budget deficits, and stagnation of family income in the lower economic groups. The country will call on again the time tested policies to deal with these adversities. As President Bush said Our economy is on the move and we can keep it that way by continuing to pursue sound economi c policy based on free-market principles.
Saturday, 25 May 2019
Work has been a driving force for all of the people living in the society today
Work has been a driving force for all of the concourse living in the society today. They devote most of their lives run lowing, and they justify this act as something that they have to do in order to live. Some people associate working with earning money, but doesnt end with only that. There are a lot more reasons why people work, and it can be rooted to the peoples needs, not the money, but the things that could be derived from what you earn. Meaningful work is a work with a purpose, not of monetary compensation, but with a deeper reason, either for the fulfillment of a persons interest or for the welfare of opposite people (Samuel, 2007).Some consider working as something they need to do something that could earn them what they need in order to fulfill their wishes. But for me, the concept of work is a lot different than how others perceive it. For me, work is the realization of my efforts in my younger years. I am studying so that I can be able to work with my field of expertis e thus Ill be able to exercise my talents to the fullest. If I will be able to do what I think I can do best, then Im sure all my efforts will be rewarded by a good payment, and when I am earning a good deal of money, then I could live a life that is free of financial problems.Well, it depends on the peoples perceptions their involve on something could be a manifestation of their perspective in life (Young, 2007). I am a person who takes things positively. For me, working is not a perfume that we have to carry all throughout our lives. It is true that if a person doesnt work, he will eventually suffer, especially if he is living on his own, and is not blesses with a wealthy family. But working shouldnt hinder you from enjoying your life. I think of work as a way to practice the things that I can do best, and it doesnt limit you to a single work alone. You can do various things, as long as you put your titty into it. It is only a matter of thinking that classifies work as a burden .Reasons why people work functional is excessively a way to distill what you feel to your loved ones. Working for the sake of another person is a manifestation of love. When you work, you are able to afford things that are essential for their happiness. Working also entails responsibility. You hold yourself responsible in providing the basic needs of a person whom you dedicate your work to your loved ones and family members. You seek to provide the basic necessities in life, bid food, shelter and clothing through working and earning money to buy these things (Why Do People Work? 2004).Working also entails social responsibility. I do work as an obligation to the society. You are wasting your talents if you dont work, and it means you are a waste of the society. Working also brings out the abilities of a person, and with those abilities, the society is able to produce quality outputs art masterpieces like paintings and sculptures are the work of brilliant minds of the past, and th ey have worked their way in order to produce it.Working doesnt only mean being able to produce an output. You need to put your heart into it, so that the output you create is really a production of hard work. Meaningful working entails a sense of responsibility from the person itself, and that they should treat every opportunity to work as an opportunity to show the people his talents he should treat everything he does as a masterpiece and give all his effort into it. The product of a meaty work is a meaningful output.ReferencesWhy Do People Work? 2004. Why do people work? April 12 2007. .Samuel, Alexandra. Meaningful Work. 2007. April 12 2007. .Young, Susan. Meaningful Work. 2007. April 12 2007. .
Friday, 24 May 2019
Roxane qimby case
Glumly has done work a lot to make the company successful. As her business Is growing, she believes that the growth Is beyond her expertness, goals and definitely beyond Maine, and she cherished to expand It more. According to me, If Glumly stays in north Calories, there are chances that the Bursts bees might grow its business in larger scale because she has expertise in calories which they tummyt get in Maine. She has found marketing experts and plant engineer here which helps her to manage and run her business in more efficient way.Due to inadequacy of her formal business training, she might able in Calories to train herself by watching the experts she hired here. Below are the some advantages for staying in North Calories slight Taxes as was in Maine Low transport cost Central Location Less labor Intensive Expertise In marketing and plant applied science High opportunities So, keeping the above divisors in mind, Quinsy should need to stay in north Calories. She should need t o use her manufacturing expertise, bird-in-hand, as a basic factor in order to expand her business more. Her strong vision also beneficial act as her trench here.She need to made the innovation in her product as she did earlier in Maine by making new designs and innovative products. So by using bird-in-hand facilities, she can survive in Calories and can expand her business that results in high profit. As we know that there is risk attach with the decision. Although they had not bear any loss yet exclusively It is not sure that It wont happened in future because business Is not whole about profits, you have to face losses as well. But keeping the chase opportunities Into mind, she need to start the business here and leverage reprises or contingencies by using the using the Lemonade principle.She Is aware about the risk and the entrepreneurial skills are sharp in her. So she should need to avail the opportunity while keeping the risk in mind and prepare herself for anything to ma ke those accidents as potential clues for side by side(p) steps. No doubt If they move to calories but they need to make the partners as discussed in the case and It Is necessary if Quinsy has desire to grow her business. By spillage into partnership they got some benefits, although they had not bear any loss yet butIt Is not sure that It wont happened In future because business Is not all about profits, you have to face losses as well, so if Burt bees faces such situation, the loss is into partnership she might be able to fulfill her dream by staying away from business, not for a long time but for short time on leave and make her dream into reality by staying with farming(prenominal) women and work on product design. Quinsy can also hire the labor back from Maine- which were working with her- and give them training of new plant and technology. By this he might feel as living in Maine.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
At a Watershed: Advanced nursing practice in Australia
There is no more gratifying labor in health keeping than keeping for. The nurses have always been on the front line in a struggle for sound mankind. Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary identifies nurse as a person trained and experienced in breast feeding matters and entrusted with the care of the sick and the carrying out of medical and surgical routines (Nurse). This is true, but gives misdescription of this medical profession whose scope is much wider and complex.Nursing is the largest health profession in Australia. Since the middle of the 80s stopping point century the correspond number of employed nurses has been relatively stable, although the occupational composition has changed registered nurses showed growth in comparison with enrolled ones. The recent reports by Australian Institute of health and eudaimonia gived much(prenominal) a tendency (qtd. in Hilless & Healy 64).Despite of this fact we witness Australiawide shortage of nurses, with no signs of remedyment fo r many years trail (Iliffe 4). One can say that care for practice in Australia is at a watershed of its development. The outcome would depend on what public affairs go away be undertaken to overcome the present locating.The income tax return involves the necessity to implement advanced nursing practices, to lift up prestige of the profession, to review the system of remuneration of labor, to improve education standards as well. To find the ways to success in advanced practice of nursing in Australia we should examine its current position, indicators of quality, political and industrial contexts, and educational requirements, analyze them and make the conclusions.Making the bulky part of medical headmaster workers, nursing in Australia seems to form an image of health care system to a considerable degree.The community holds the Australian nurses in a high regard which reflects in very positive public image of this profession (Iliffe 5). But the very unplayful issue of shortag es in many areas of nursing, principally operating theatre, critical and intensive care, accident and emergency, cardiothoracic, neonatal care, midwifery and mental health (qtd. in Hilless & Healy 64) contributed to some vent of health care services provide by advanced nurses due to associated excess workload combined with an ageing nursing workforce (Levett 3).For instance, in 1998, thither were 9.5 nurses per 1000 population in Australia, which is around the middle range for western European countries , but slightly more than in Canada and the USA (Hilless and Healy 64).Australian Institute of wellness and Welfare in 1999 reported that the public hospitals were the largest contributors to nurses occupancy in the Commonwealth at a rate of 47% while 82% from a total number of nurses were registered ones (qtd. in Hilless & Healy 64). That means that Australia in fact has positive result in increasing number of highly qualified professionals in nursing.The Federal government activi ty recently pays much attention to this sector of health care. It defined nursing as a national priority area provided scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education funded the clinical component of nursing courses (Iliffe 4). But governments efforts are not sufficient to cardinally improve the situation.The latest report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has shown, that the amount of nurses workload increased 8.9% between 1995-96 and 1999-00 (qtd. in Iliffe 4). The same report indicates that more than 50% of nurses work parttime to handle their schedule. As a result we see reducing rate of qualified nurses per 100,000 population from 1074 in 1993 to 1018 in 1999 (Iliffe 4).In the hospitals the rate of the patients per nurse reduced from 44.6 patient discharges per FTE nurse in 19951996, to 49.3 in 19981999 (qtd. in Hilless and Healy 64).The Federal Government also set a goal to extend the supply of nurse practitioners in rural and remote regions. Now the situation is so that primary care professional workers number in urban and rural centers noticeably differs from those in remote territories. The government tries to encourage relocation of nurses to such territories.Health services for rural inhabitants have become the main concern for it. More funding was announced for medical schools in rural Australia, to pay allied health professionals to work with rural general practitioners, for the establishment of specialist outreach services for rural areas, more scholarships for rural students in Australian medical schools, and programs to attract pharmacists to rural areas (Hilless & Healy 64).The reliable reducing of quality of medical services provided by the nurses due to their shortage raised the issue of indicators for advanced practice. Gavin Mooney affirms that one of the central issues in health care is that of deciding how to value health (22). Of course the high level of health is a major indicator for successful healt h care system.Among the key criteria of judging of health care system its satisfactoriness for public is of great importance. Recent public opinion surveys have shown that there is disappointment among the consumers with some aspects of this system, to wit consumer costs and hospital waiting lists.Only 18% of Australians thought the system worked well and consumeed only minor changes, compared with 34% feeling that way ten years past (Hilless and Healy 86).To achieve good quality of health care services in Australia the regulatory agencies implement high requirements to competency of nurses.They are required to maintain legal, ethical, and professional standards of nursing practice which includes, but is not limited to, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and mandatory reporting to demonstrate accountability for maintaining current knowledge in the nurses field of practice.To accede in self-evaluation and in activities to enhance life-long learning to serve as a role model , especially in preventive care, forming public opinion and being leadership in all matters that influence health (Dobrossy 2).The licensed practical nurses have to be welleducated to meet the basic needs of the client, to give nursing care under the direction and supervision of the registered nurse or licensed physician to clients in routine nursing situations.Registered nurse should assist in implementing the nursing process while recognizing religious and cultural diversity support patients autonomy (Mason and Smith 12) use communication skills effectively assist in health teaching method of the client, recognizing individual differences utilize the nursing process, as a framework for critical thinking, in providing safe, goal-directed individualized care direct health teaching to clients.In the issue of advanced nursing practice the qualitative aspects of the nursing care delivery process are also of great importance. Gaining understanding and skill at rapprochement profession al relationships while also knowing the risks of caring are critical components of providing excellent supportive care to patients and their families (Bakke and King 182).As a manager of care, nurse should demonstrate responsibility for own actions by using common techniques of problem solving and decision making to plan and organize own assignment recognize the need for change in a structural health care setting and demonstrate willingness to participate in effecting change (Grumbach 1518).The observance of the above mentioned requirements forms the advanced nursing practice and is under control of statutory boards throughout the Commonwealth which also are in charge of registering medical professionals (Hilless and Healy 65).The assessment of health sector surgical procedure is conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the National Health Performance Committee and the Australian Council on Health Care Standards. Also many aver programs are devoted to elaborati on and implementation of performance and outcomes. But till now the measurement of health care performance continue to be greatly complicated (qtd. in Hilless and Healy 29).
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Vidding and Copyright Infringement
Many people have become semi famous from others vidding content that they uploaded or appeared in. A few semi famous people, tautological ordinary personalities, that come to mind are the Double Rainbow Guy, aka Yosemitebear, Sweet Brown, and Antoine. Without vidding these people would not have had any fame or acknowledgement whatsoever. There is a ticket line between copyright infringement and vidding. One factor that I think plays an important role in differentiating the two is if a video is change from its fender magnetic declination and an artistic twist is added.Art is intellectual property, and by adding your own property to it, makes it your own. The Double Rainbow video is a great example. This video was up on the YouTube sight for quite some time before being discovered by talk show host Jimmy Kimmel who posted a lift with the YouTube link on his Twitter account. From there the video spread like wildfire and people were interviewing the maker of the, Paul Vasquez a Yo semite Park resident. Three days later, a well-known auto tuner made a remix video with a song out of the double rainbow video.The song was made available on ITunes and the gelt are split 50/50 with Paul Vasquez, who made the original video and the remix auto tuner, known by user name schmoyoho. When the person vidding the original pays royalties or splits profits, then I think this is not copyright infringement because they are paying their dues. If a person profits from using the original version in their new formatted version, then they should have to pay the original owner a portion, it is only fair. I think this is the fine line between self-expression, freedom of speech, and copyright infringement.If you are looking to profit from the content without consent than that is unethical. However, if you are adding your own perception of a television show or video unspoilt to express your point of view then this falls under freedom of speech. With social media more popular than ev er, there are millions of people copying and share original tweets of Facebook posts. We are absolutely unable to monitor every persons tweets and posts. With such a broad spectrum of what falls under copyright infringement and what falls under self-expression, we as adults have to be able to use judgment based on ethical reasoning.Lawrence Kohlberg categorized different stages of moral development. people have to use their morals and ethical reasoning to draw a line under the copyright laws. You know when you are stealing someone elses ideas. The bottom line is that credit should be given where credit is due. References http//knowyourmeme. com/memes/double-rainbow Lawrence, A. T. & Weber, J. (2011). Business and Society Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (13th ed. ). New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN 978-0-07-813715-0
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Internet Addiction Essay
The earnings provides a constant, ever-changing source of information and entertainment, and basin be accessed from most smart phones as well as tablets, laptops, and computers. Email, blogs, cordial networks, and messold age boards allow for both public and anonymous communication about any topic. But how much is too much Internet usage? The Internet is the largest and most versatile source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a way of communicating with people in places all over the world. Since its conception in 1973, the Internet has grown at an astounding rate. A survey conducted by Intelli Quest Information Group Inc. showed that 51 million adults age 16 or older, were on-line as of the second quarter 1997 in the United States alone. To many people the Internet is so enjoyable that it is almost addictive. The line is that researchers are now beginning to consider Internet Addiction. Studies are revealing that there may be an actual fo rm of addiction involved with over- map of the Internet. Identifying which course of addiction the Internet falls into is the problem. There are no real answers yet because research in this area is at the beginning stages. While disoriented in this so called Cyber Community for long periods of time, people are neglecting other important activities like time with the family, socializing, work and health concern.Background of the ProblemThe use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is primarily intended for tuition and research, the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research. However, from time to time, cases of over involvement with the Internet stupefy been observed on different campuses. The internet is not a habit. Its an indelible feature of modern life. Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, an d anxiety. When you gain a bad day and are looking for a way to escape your problems or to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe, the Internet can be an easily accessible outlet. Losing yourself online can temporarily make feelings such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air.As much comfort as the Internet can provide, though, its important to remember that there are healthier ways to confine heavy feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, exploitation sensory relaxation strategies, and practicing simple breathing exercises. For many people, an important aspect of overcoming Internet and computer addiction is to find alternate ways to handle these difficult feelings. Even when your Internet use is back to healthy levels, the painful and unpleasant feelings that may harbour prompted you to engage in unhealthy Internet use in the past will remain. So, its worth spending some time thinking about the different ways you int end to deal with stressful situations and the day-to-day irritations that would normally have you logging on.Nature and Extent of the ProblemWhen used responsibly, the Internet can be a great place to interact socially, have-to doe with new people, and even start romantic relationships. However, online relationships can often be more intense than those in real life. Our fantasies are given free sovereignty and the idea of being with our online love can exceed all realistic expectations. Since few real-life relationships can compete with these wild, fantasy relationships, the Internet addict will pick to spend more and more time with their online friends. Another problem is that about 50% of people online lie about their age, weight, job, marital status, or gender. When online friends meet and the real-life person fails to match the online persona, it can create profound emotional disappointment. People who are most susceptible to Internet addiction are teenagers, people who alr eady have anxiety attacks or issues with anxiety, those who have undergone recent trauma that has made them home-bound and less active, people with prior addictions and those with a lack of support from their peers or family. People make do with depression are the biggest candidates to find solace in excessive computer and Internet use.SolutionThe first step to overcoming Internet addiction is to admit that you have a problem. If your friends and family have approached you about your amount of time on the Internet, examine yourself to see if their concerns are legitimate. Dont make excuses or blame others. Instead, render to make positive changes in the way you spend your time. Keep a log of the actual time you spend online. Use a timer if it helps to keep track. Move your computer into its own room. If your computer remains in the bedroom, you will be more tempted to avoid sleep for computer time. If your computer is in the family room, it is more likely to steal time away from y our family. Consider placing your computer in an uncomfortable room with poor lighting. While this wont be satisfactory for productivity, it may make you less motivated to spend endless hours on the Internet. Decide how much time you will allow yourself to surf the Internet. Determine proper(postnominal) blocks of time each day that you are allowed online and set a timer. When the timer goes off, reward yourself with something other than Internet time for sticking to your goal.Bibliographyhttp//
Monday, 20 May 2019
Psychology and Sensation Seeker
Take a look at the material on sense experience follow outking on page 286 (Ch. 11). Do you consider yourself a sensation seeker? Why or why not? What are the advantages and damages of your train of sensation seeking? I am not a sensation seeker because I prefer peace and enjoyment. I am the type of mortal that likes to see the same people and have a routine to follow which I feel comfortable in. The advantages of my level of sensation seeking are that I am more likely to find peace and happiness compared to someone who has a higher level of sensation seeking.The disadvantages might be people c all told(prenominal)ing me boring and not having as much fun as I should be having. How would you rate your own action motivation? Why? In what ways is this an advantage to you? In what ways is it a disadvantage? I would rate my own achievement motivation very high. I say this because I fit all of the descriptions mentioned in the book and I enjoy excelling in the things I do. When I h ave an easy labour in front of me I find it boring just when I have a tight task I tend to feel worried because I might do poorly.This is an advantage because I know it pushes me to do better in all of the things I do in my life. It is a disadvantage because my self-esteem can be lowered when I dont do well on something and it might also affect those around me. What did you learn about yourself from reading about the trait theories of disposition? I learned that I have the following traits Openness, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness. I am opened to virgin ideas, self-disciplined, sociable, talkative and affectionate.I am a weird mix because I am opened to new ideas but I tend to like routines and being comfortable with my surroundings. At the same time I am sociable, talkative and affectionate which is kind of weird. To better explain I am a junior comptroller at a commercial real estate company who sits in a cubicle all day but I am very outgoing and talkative like a salesp erson. I always get compliments from people for being so outgoing while being an controller which is a weird thing. What did you learn about yourself from reading the other theories of reputation? List and explain at least three things. ) I now know I am aware of my actions which is something I neer really thought about before. I also learned that I am a person who enjoys doing things for the thrill that comes from doing things instead of doing things for the outcome. I also learned that I am self-disciplined which is something I never paid attention to before either. These are great things I learned about myself from reading the theories of personality which I would of never thought of before.How will you use this material on personality to improve your relationships (personal and/or professional)? I will use this information in order to better understand myself and other in both my personal and professional life. I know no two people are analogous and now I can manage to speak to them and treat them based on their personality so they feel comfortable. I will also use this material to better understand myself and my way of thought in order to excel at the things I do.
Sunday, 19 May 2019
Globalization and welfare of people Essay
DSL and radio set internet services are similarly provided by BTL which has been expanded in 2007 (BTL, 2008). Business and home users are provided various packages by the use of partnerships with world(prenominal) service providers. The c everywhereage of internet has also been change magnituded in campestral areas like Teakettle and Pomona. Other rude areas like Roaring Creek Village, Riviera Area, Flores, etc were also provided better internet services. BTL will also implement wireless communication system in different parts of the country. This will assist the company in change magnitude its coverage of rural areas.The number of internet users increased to six thousand in 2007. The company also provides links to smaller internet service providers. Over a period of five years the contend for internet has increased with the company decreasing prices, improving service, and stomaching customers to pay bushel charges. Revenues from internet services hang in a small propor tion of the companys tax. They account for seven percent of the total revenue of BTL. Globalization has also allowed the company to increase its realizes from the internationalist services which it provides.The lessening in international tariffs was also widely implemented in 2007 which allows people to make international calls to Belize at substantially swallow place. WebTalk was a popular service which was launched for internet users. This service allowed users to make international calls using VoIP connections (BTL, 2008). The minute rates are some of the cheapest as compared with other neighboring countries. Prepaid cards take a leak also been launched which allow people to call at discounted rates. BTL charges the majority of its revenue on a per minute basis for fixed and cellular services.Internet and fixed line charges account for fourteen percent of the total revenue. The company experient an increase of six million dollars by its provision of pre paid services. It also reported a profit of two million dollars increase in cellular phone services. Another three million dollars increase was reported for the provision of internet and data communication services (BTL, 2008). However these profits were negated by the reduction in several types of domestic and international customer tariffs. Cellular phone continues to remain the most glossy and growing market for BTL.The company also reported a decline of three million for outward revenues. The year 2007 also witnessed substantial phasing out of obsolete and outdated equipment and systems (BTL, 2008). Operating costs were increased as the company implemented state of the art billing and customer care systems. New information engine room systems were also implemented which increased the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative, financial, and technical functions of the organization. The company managed to improve its capital balance and cash in hand and on short term deposits.An estima ted nineteen million dollars were spent to leveraging property from the Belizean government. The company also witnessed a reduction in its debt due to the fiscal discipline and discreet financial policies of the management. Shareholders of the company also witnessed increased returns from their shares in 2007. An estimated forty one million dollars was increased in shares for stakeholders in 2007 (BTL, 2008). Globalization has impacted the welfare of the Belizean people. Some values of globalization have led to the replacement of traditional values with new ideas.Workers have been working for longer hours. On an optimistic note, it is linked with the open of democracy in reality and with increasing public consciousness on issues such as sexual urge partiality, human rights and ability to maintain progress. The people of Belize are helping to form ethical textile situated on the foundations of universal morals, values and principles. The challenge for them is to implement thes e rights in practice. Globalization has signifi appriset positive effect on the livelihood of people of Belize.Since 1990s, several foreign corporations have been established in Belize (Fernandez 52, 2006). People over there have started to capture these chances. They have started their own businesses and expanded them within the country as soundly across borders. Gradually, they have made investments and produced job opportunities for others. Growing and increasing these opportunities is the key to maintain growth and successfulness in Belize. Consumers in Belize also benefit from globalization because it allows them to access to a broad and extensive cream of superior quality products.The higher wages and lower prices which are the result from dedicated and expert retrace and international exchange mean that the consumers of Belize also get improved worth for their money. However, the result was that people from rural regions abandoned their homes and moved to cities for bett er working conditions in Belize. Privatization and other policies have also sped up the political-economic putrefaction in Belize which has tarnished the reputation of democracy, fortified the general height of political apathy and encouraged the de-politicization of Belize society.As a result, the development in Belize society is subjected to in good management of countrys affair, political corruption, inefficient levelheaded structure, etc. Globalization is creating a new Belize socio-cultural identity, one that is generated by personal success, ground-breaking entrepreneurialism, the obvious use of foreign products, secularization, privatization social welfare and international accessibility and mobility. Belizean women have also gained from globalization as the workforce has increased. teaching method has helped the Belizean woman to buy the farm better equipped and independent (Jeffrey 70, 2006).They have mastered the necessary skills which are lively in modern society. Th ey have created opportunities by improving communications skills. Globalization has also helped Belizean women in obtaining electronic computer literacy. Information technology skills have been enhanced which are the requirements of globalization. The internet has helped created opportunities for female workers. Belize has benefited from globalization as the strides in communication, national banks, and investment companies have created new opportunities for finance.This has generated income programs like trading of money, stock, and bonds. These communication techniques have radically cut down communication costs and time to a bare minimum. Belizean people have also found that they can access a wide variety of services as a result of globalization. The internet has become a popular tool for sale and purchase of goods and commodities (Jeffrey 70, 2006). The policies of free trade also ensure that the spanking necessities of life like food, clothes, equipment, products, etc are ea sy to obtain.Technology has also opened new mediums of communications eon reducing the costs. Belizean people have found cheap and effective means of communication with each other. Societies have become united while being exposed to different cultures. Belizean government also has more efficient access to pharmaceuticals, health equipment, and educational equipment because of globalization. Health statistics have substantially improved as citizens can presently obtain better health care and modern educational tools.Transportation system has improved in Belize which allows citizens to move to other countries at cheap rates (Barnett 65, 2000). Tourism which is the backbone of the economy has also flourished because of the globalization. regional tourists gabble the country purchasing goods for personal use. This increases the revenue of the state. Cultural events are also held which attract large-scale number of domestic and regional tourists. This generates revenue for the Belize an government. The improvement in tape transport and communication allows international tourists to visit Belize at cheap and less time consuming rates.Business has also been enhanced because of the investments in transportation as it makes it easier for companies to sell or purchase goods from other countries. Belize exports agricultural products which require efficient transportation methods to come down the incidence of spoilage (Barnett 66, 2000). The expansion of companies to other countries is also beneficial because it provides important links between Belize and its neighbors. It acts as a type of advertisement for people who seek to invest in Belize. Globalization has provided a framework for progress along political, social and economic spheres.
Saturday, 18 May 2019
Mary kay reference sheet
The irony with the youth of todays generation is that even when they perplex romantic resolelyy involved with a certain person or a certain project, they eave the abnormal dexterity to disengage from that entanglement in an instant. II. lagger Statement The issue our society is suffering from mainline Ill. Preview Statement In the modern society, one of the major social constrains to this particular issue has to do with liberty-I am going to discuss this V.Preview Statement Environmental factors are also a constraint in the development of creating benignant and decent adults. Body About 85% of speaking time. l. Our society is suffering from the condition of anomie, which is a situation in which society doles out very little ethical guidance to individuals, and allows a with child(p) amount of self-regulation. A. The cognizance of should not go unnoticed. It is important we effectively educate our pupils to appreciate spiritual truth, spiritual fruits, beauty, and each other. 1 .Prevention measures should be taken against individuals from becoming underdeveloped and self-centered in their pursuits of selfish desires. 2. These slackers concept of sex is all about lust and not love, marriage and babies. Our education must prevent individuals from becoming meaningless members who sole purpose is to consume with relentless voracity. . Proper values and education are vital, and students should also be meet by the right people as role models. B. Woodrow Wilson sums this up perfectly, Friendship is the only cement that go away ever hold the world. B. These days, our members of society view liberty as the privilege of not having any alfresco form of control to limit them. 1 . Land cloys are free to go about as they divert and act on their impulses. A. Len counterbalancing their behavior against our society, these individuals find a considerable amount of social permissiveness to deplume whatever wrongdoing they wish to rationalize as legitimate. . With soci ety misleading the youth, they are at a disadvantage of understanding the true meaning liberty.Transition To truly understand good, we must study the concept of virtue. The great philosopher, Aristotle says, the true student of politics, too, is thought to have studied virtue above all things, for he wishes to off his fellow citizens good and obedient to the laws (Aristotle Ethics). II. As a government issue, all our choices and decisions should be made with this end result in mind. The way to go about this rule is through making virtue the sole mark in performing our actions. A.Our society has failed to educate our youth that if our decisions are based on self- interest or emotions such as attitudes such as envy, ill will, or hatred, we are indeed lacking liberty. B. This is beca utilization if we do not have the ability to practice self-control by choosing to do whats good, we are blinded to the arcdegree that we ourselves are lacking in liberty. Transition Review the last poi nt and preview the next. Be sure to use complete sentences. Ill. Modern parents work long hours and spend less time with their kids, giving them less agency to teach them right from wrong, values, and etc,.A. The parents are more focused on making more and more cash in the modern economy. B. The curriculum of education does not place a sufficient amount of magnificence on artistic activities. C. The system does not spend enough time teaching our children to acquire an atrial auricle for a taste in music and poetry. Conclusion About 5% of speaking time. l. Summary of Main Points A. The finish of modern society promotes interests aside from going to work and coming back, to simply consume and consume to fill an internally felt psychological emptiness. B.The issue is multifaceted how to socialize our children to love one another satisfactorily (which encompasses education) how to correctly assess whether an individual is worth pursuing (which is wisdom and sagacity) and lastly h ow to choose confidants who will keep to appreciate and care for us even after we have proven to be of no etymon of personal benefit or entertainment. C. The teaching of love explains that we are not to love the gifts of this world (self- care, companionship, family) for the involvement of itself.
Danone Governance Structure Essay
Board of Directors terdiri dari 14 anggota, dengan delapan diantaranya merupakan anggota independen yang dipilih melalui rekomendasi dari Nomination and fee Committee. Di dalam Board of Directors termasuk diantaranya Audit Committee, Social Responsibility Committee, dan Nomination and Compensation Committee. Anggota dari Board of Directors per Mei 2012, adalah Franck Riboud Chairman and headspring decision maker Officer of Danone Emmanuel FaberVice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Deputy General motorcoach Bernard Hours Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Deputy General Manager of Danone Bruno Bonnell Chairman of Sorobot SAS Richard Goblet dAlviella Executive Chairman of Sofina SA Yoshihiro Kawabata Senior Managing Director and Head of International occupancy Division of Yakult Honsha Co. , Ltd. Jean Laurent Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fonciere des Regions Benoit Potier Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LAir Liquide SA Isabelle Seillier Chairman of J. P. Morgan for France Jean-Michel SeverinoManaging Partner, Investisseur and Partenaire Conseil Jacques Vincent Chairman of Compassionart Jacques-Antoine Granjon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of vente-privee. com Mouna Sepehri Member of the Executive Committee, Executive Vice-President of RENAULT SAS Virginia A. Stallings Professor of Pediatrics at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Secara umum, kami berpendapat bahwa Struktur Corporate Governance dari Danone adalah di bawah rata-rata. Posisi chairman dan CEO telah dijabat oleh Franck Riboud sejak 1996, dan struktur tersebut memberikan kekuatan yang terlalu besar bagi seorang of Peru director telah menjabat di Board of Directors selama kurang lebih 12 tahun. Menurut kami, posisi yang hampir permanen dari CEO dan beberapa director dapat menyebabkan hubungan yang nyaman antara mereka dan dapat berakibat pada hilangnya fungsi professional dari board. Misalnya, pada penentuan besaran kompensasi bagi para direct or sebesar 30% dari nilai saham. Hal tersebut dapat menjadi salaat satu pertimbangan dari potential shareholders untuk mengurungkan niatnya menginvestasikan dananya ke Danone.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Cost Analysis
tabulate of content Introduction Financing closes and investment decisions are considered to be two of the near vital decisions that smokes generate to labour. greet epitome is iodin of the factors that should be interpreted into contemplation while evaluating financial and investment decisions. This musical theme reviews the concept of appeal abridgment, how it is utilise in decision fashioning, and how firms usually involve toll depth psychology in evaluating different projects.Further much, the paper discusses close to of the main concepts that are derived from price outline such as micturate up allocation, live-effectiveness depth psychology, and embody-benefit digest. In addition, or so of the advantages and disadvantages of cost synopsis will be discussed. Moreover, the concept of nonphysical cost analysis will be introduced. Then, the results and findings of the research paper will be illustrated. Finally, few recommendations that are based on the results and findings will be made. Literature ReviewDue to its high importance in the decision make process, cost analysis has been discussed in many masss by several authors who illustrated different aspects of cost analysis. In his book cost-benefit analysis, E. J. Mishan discussed in depth the concept of cost-benefit analysis, which is a form of cost analysis. Professor Mishan foc utilise on some of the key concepts that are link to to cost-benefit analysis. The author started his book with few examples of cost analysis in shape to illustrate to the reader the meaning of cost-benefit analysis. Then, Mr.Mishan illustrated the sparingal aspect of cost-benefit analysis and showed how opportunity cost could be related to cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, Mr. Mishan tried to show how cost-benefit analysis is limited and basin be utilizationd destinyially in the decision making process. A nonable section of Mr. Mishans book is certainty equivalence. In this section, the au thor authentic an assumption that enables us formally to rank a number of alternative uncertain benefits without first trim back each to a certainty equivalent. In his article Ways to Deliver More for Less, Harry E.Roberts, superior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Boscovs Department Stores, discussed how cost analysis seat be used to disregard IT spending. Mr. Roberts discussed how the IT budgeting has changed over era. The author suggested ways to enable Information Technology, which is a cost center rather than a profit center, to deliver more than what is expected and at a overthrow cost than what was budgeted. Then, Mr. Roberts suggested that a revision for different be, such as variable cost, fixed be, and payroll costs, should be made.The author concluded his research by emphasizing on the fact that every dollar invested on a cost item must deliver as much value to the business as its highest-margin product or service. Cost abbreviation Definition A ccording to The U. S. Office of Surface Mining reformation and Enforcement, cost analysis understructure be defined as the process of obtaining cost breakdowns, verifying cost data, evaluating specific elements of costs and examining data to determine necessity, reasonableness, and appropriateness of the costs. Both pay and investment decisions are exceedingly affected by cost analysis as corpo symmetryns usually pay a great voltaic pile of oversight to the different types of costs that are involved in the different projects that will be taken into conside ration either to raise funds or to invest surplus funds that a corporation has. Sometimes cost analysis is perceived as a tool that is used only to reduce costs. In contrast to this point of view, cost analysis is believed to be a tool that helps focal point to subscribe to the best attainable solution or project among many different alternatives.In their article exploitation Cost Analysis In Evaluation, Meg Sewell and Mary Marczak believe that cost analysis methods and uses are complex, bespeak very sophisticated technical skills and training in methodology and in principles of economics, and should non be taken lightly. Three Types of Cost Analysis Three of the main concepts that are derived from cost analysis are cost allocation, cost-effectiveness analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. These three methods are usually used simultaneously in order for corporations to evaluate different decisions or projects.Some of these methods might seem simple and easy to use however, they should never be ignored or taken slightly as they basis be of great benefit in determining the adept decisions. Cost Allocation Cost allocation is the simplest among the three concepts that were mentioned earlier. Sewell and Marczak stated that cost allocation refers to setting up budgeting and accounting systems in a way that allows program managers to determine a unit cost or cost per unit of service. Furthermore, Sewe ll and Marczak illustrated that in many corporations, cost allocation is used to provide some of the raw material information needed to conduct more ambitious cost analyses such as cost-benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis. Therefore, it can be concluded that cost allocation is a prerequisite to both cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. exemplification The following table shows the monthly cost allocation for 3 different projects It is important to note that firms usually allocate their costs based on previous experience and estimation.However, firms should expect costs to change, which can be due to financial crises, inflation, or other factors, and try to adapt their cost allocation systems in such a way that it will handle the new changes. Based on the costing method that the political party uses, such as activity-based costing, a more detailed cost allocation system can be structured in order to determine the unit cost as precisely as affirmable Once costs strike been identified and allocated, more advanced cost analysis methods, such as cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis, are used.Cost-effectiveness Analysis According to Sewell and Marczak, the concept of cost-effectiveness analysis h elderlys that a certain benefit or outcome is desired, and that there are several alternative ways to achieve it. However, cost-effectiveness analysis should not be used separately during the process of evaluating projects or decisions as it will favor the cheapest option. Instead, cost-effectiveness analysis should be used along with cost allocation and cost-benefit analysis in order to provide more precise and more informative outcomes.It is important to mention that cost-effectiveness is a comparative tool that compares the cost of separate projects and favors the least costly one. If we only used cost-effectiveness to decide which machine to acquire, machine 1 will be favored by cost-effectiveness since it will gen erate products cheaper than machine 2. However, this is not necessarily the correct decision since cost-effectiveness analysis fails to take into consideration certain criteria such as the time each machine requires to generate the product and the quality of the generated products.Cost-benefit Analysis According to smbtn. com, cost-benefit analysis can be best described as An analysis tool that measures the results or benefits of a decision compared with the required costs. Cost-benefit analysis is perceived as a powerful tool that management usually use whenever a buy-or-build decision needs to be taken. Buy-or-build decisions are usually taken when a firm faces a situation where it has two options (1) To buy or outsource a certain part of its business (2) To internally manufacture or perform a certain part of its business.Cost-benefit analysis can assist in taking buy-or-build decisions as it will illustrate the benefits and costs that are expected if buy decision or build decisi on is taken. Cost-benefit analysis consists of several tools, such as benefit-to-costs ratio, that are used to analyze and compare benefits and costs that are involved in a certain project. According to Sewell and Marczak, benefit-to-costs ratio is the total monetary cost of the benefits or outcomes divided by the total monetary costs of obtaining them. disrespect the fact the cost-benefit seems to be the most powerful tool to analyze costs and taking cost related decisions, it should be used along with other tools such as cost-effectiveness analysis and cost allocation. using cost-benefit analysis separately from other tools can result in misleading decisions that can cost management dearly. If the benefits-to-costs ratio is greater than 1, then the project should be analyzed further, compared to other projects and taken into consideration as a potential project that the firm can invest in or use to raise funds.Advantages of Cost Analysis Cost analysis can be of great help for ma nagement as it can be used as a tool in the decision making process. Some of the most important advantages of cost analysis are Cost analysis can clarify all costs that are involved in a certain project. Cost analysis will draw attention to costs that may not be obvious at first. Consequently, allowing managers to take more precise financing or investment decisions. Cost analysis can help management prioritize tasks and processes when budgets are limited.It is believed that managers can distribute budgets more efficaciously when all costs are identified therefore, it will be possible to get the most out of available resources. Disadvantages of cost analysis On the other hand, cost analysis is not always sufficient by its own for management to make decisions. Some of the facts that cost analysis cannot provide information about are _As Sewell and Marczak mentioned, cost analysis cannot always tell whether the least valuable alternative is always the best alternative. _ Cost analys is by its own is not always enough to determine the best alternative.Usually, other criteria that cannot be determined by cost analysis, such as time, have an effect on the decision making process. Cost analysis is very complex and requires great bulk of skills and expertise. Cost analysis requires not only background in finance and accounting, but also economic and decision making skills. It is common nowadays for organizations to outsource cost analysis if it cannot be done effectively in-house. According to _Sewell and Marczak, sometimes costs and monetary values are considered less important than other, more in overt values or program outcomes. Intangible cost analysis Despite the fact that corporations frequently use cost analysis in evaluating the different decisions that have to be made, intangible cost analysis is not always taken into consideration. In his book Intangible Management Tools for resolving power the Accounting and Management Crisis, spate Stanfield describ ed intangible cost analysis as set of processes that allow executives to identify, measure, and reduce costs that the organization has always been aware of, but has not been able to previously measure and control. Intangible cost analysis allows corporations to enlarge efficiency and productivity as well as decrease costs. According to Stanfield, in contrast to old cost analysis methods where tangible costs were the most important selection criteria, modern cost analysis methods favors alternatives, decisions, or projects with the lowest total real cost (tangible costs + intangible costs). Some of the intangible costs that should be taken into consideration are knowledge costs, time costs, and relationship management costs.Many organizations started to take intangible costs more seriously and established departments that are dedicated to deal with such costs such as knowledge management department. Intangible cost analysis is more complex than tangible cost analysis due to the fac t that it depends on estimation skills and past experience. Therefore, possessing intangible cost analysis skills can be considered as a competitive advantage as it will result in better cost management and lower incurred costs. Results and FindingsCost analysis is one of the most sophisticated concepts in business, and many economists wrote several books about it. The following points illustrate the results and findings of the research paper Cost analysis consists of duplex tools and techniques that are usually used simultaneously to reach the best decision possible. Cost analysis not only allows firms to find ways to reduce costs, but it also suggests methods that can be applied to maturate a cost center into profit center.It is vital for decision makers to be aware that cost analysis consists of tools that can estimate costs, which might differ from costs that will be incurred in reality. Intangible cost analysis should not be taken slightly as it has a great affect on the busi ness of any company, especially on the long run. Cost analysis fails to take into consideration some factors such as time and quality Cost analysis needs advanced skills and is considered to be a competitive advantage for firms that have employees specialized in it.Recommendations and Conclusion Using multiple cost analysis tools, which is due to the fact that the use of only one or few tools will result in misleading decisions Pay great attention to intangible cost analysis as it can make the difference between success and failure. Take into consideration factors that cannot be quantified and analyzed such as time and quality.Due to the fact that cost analysis has become a vital part of the decision making process, firms have to ensure that they possess the required cost analysis skills or outsource to specialized cost analysis firms. In conclusion, it is vital to emphasize on the fact that cost analysis is just one tool that can be used in the decision making process. Financing de cisions and investments decisions are so critical that many tools and selection criteria have to be used while analyzing and evaluating these decisions.Nowadays, the world is facing a financial crisis that is affecting all companies consequently, firms are starting to analyze costs to determine how best to encourage themselves. Bibliography Mishan, E. J. Cost Benefit Analysis An Informal Introduction, 1982. Ramji, Al-Noor, Linda Reino, Harry E. Roberts, eds. , Inside The Minds Ways To Reduce It Spending jumper lead Executives On Managing Costs, Negotiating Pricing & Reducing Overall Technology Expenditures. United States of America Aspatore, 2004. Sewell, Meg and Mary Marczak.Using Cost Analysis In Evaluation. The University of Arizona available from http//ag. arizona. edu/fcs/cyfernet/cyfar/Costben2. htm Internet accessed 1 November 2008. Stanfield, Ken. Intangible Management Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis. Academic Press 1st edition (July 1, 2002). The U . S. Office of Surface Mining reclamation and Enforcement Federal Assistance Manual. Washington, D. C. , 1998 available from http//www. osmre. gov/fam/defin. htm Internet accessed 16 November 2008.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Do You Approve of Khan and Mandira's Marriage Essay
Do You admire of Khan and Mandiras Marriage - Essay ExampleThe conflict in the midst of Khan and Mandiras marriage begun with the death of Mandiras son Sam. Mandira was so disheartened by the death of her son Sam to the point that she blasted her husband Rizwan for having his last name Khan which triggered the bullying and beating that caused her sons death. This was highlighted in the photograph (youtube a) where Mandira was hysterical in the scene blaming Rizwans religion as the cause of Sams death, that he had not been a Muslim, her son would have not been beaten and still alive. There are cardinal issues in the marriage why it was questioned whether it should be approved or not. First is the difference of religion between the two (Khan is a Muslim and Mandira is not) and second, Khan is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, a type of autism that makes him socially awkward and lacking in nonverbal communication skill that makes his eligibility for marriage questionable. I approve d the marriage because considering it otherwise meant subscribing to the stereotype against the Muslims that caused divisiveness in our society. Disapproving the marriage would mean alienating Islam, the faith of Rizwan Khan and that would fuel hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims. It would overly tantamount to dismissing Islam as incompatible with other religion when we are striving religious tolerance to bring home the bacon harmony in our society. Also, the basis of marriage should be mutual love which Mandira and Khan (particularly Khan) were obviously shown to be in love with the film (Youtube a). They were happy until societys intolerance towards the Muslim begun after the 911 eruption that typecasted all Muslims to be terrorist. By approving the marriage, we are also sending the message that people preserve love and coexist even if they have different religions.
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Financial statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
pecuniary statement - Essay ExampleAn income statement reports on the organisations profits, expenses and income over a period of time. An income statement is too known as the profit and loss report, it provides information on the processes of the business enterprise. A statement of funds flows reports on an organisations cash flow activities,which include its processing, financing and investing activities. Financial statements for puffy companies are complex compared to the small companies because they include a wide range of notes added to the financial statements, management discussions, and abstract (Bragg, 2013). The notes added to the financial statements are considered as an essential part of the statements because they normally explain each item on the balance sheet, cash flow statement and income statement in further details.Albrecht an Stice (2011) defined great(p) concern as an accounting concept based on the principle that income is only recognized after capital ha s been maintained or there has been a full recovery of costs. When the measuring rod of a companys capital at the end of a period is unchanged from that at the ascendent of the period,with any unneeded amount treated as profit (Albrecht an Stice ,2011). According to the writings of Taparia (2003), the concept of capital maintenance is crucial as only income earned in excess amounts is needed to maintain capital may be considered as profit. There two concepts of capital maintenance are the financial capital maintenance and the sensible capital maintenance.Under the concept of financial capital maintenance, profit is earned only if the financial amount of the net assets at the end of the fixed period exceeds the financial amount of net assets at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to and contributions from owners during the period (Antle and Garstka,2004). Antle and Garstka, (2004) also stated that financial capital maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Adult Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Adult chat - Essay Examplem the emphasis is on helping the individual members of the team to learn their potentiality for performance and through that learning maximize the performance of the team (Whitmore 2003).Managing in simple terms is the exhibit of getting things done by individuals through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling their activities. Thus managing a team involves utilise the five functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling the activities of the team members towards the objectives of the team (Managing and Leading).The difference between learn becomes evident from their definitions and is lies fundamentally in their approach. Coaching is people oriented in that it is concerned with the knowledge of the individuals. Managing is task oriented in that the emphasis is on the task to be achieved. The individuals in the team are the means to achieving the task.This analogy gives provides limpidity in the differe nce between coaching a team and managing a team. A given study of land is to be invested with oak saplings. Oak saplings have a unique feature in that on that point is a single tap root that extends, as the sapling develops. In nursery saplings the tap root tends to be curled up into a ball, because of the restrictive environment for growth. Managing the investing of the land with oak saplings would involve the transportation of the saplings into the allotted number of pits in as quick and efficient a manner and ensuring the required fertiliser and moisture is provided for growth. This approach is due to the task oriented approach in managing a team. In the coaching approach the curled up taproot would be first uncurled and in the replanting process care would be taken to ensure that the fragile taproot is extended deep into the ground without damaging it, as this would ensure halal development of the oak sapling into a tree. The necessary moisture would then be provided. Coachi ng is oriented towards the development of the
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