Thursday, 31 October 2019
Analysis of trade directories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Analysis of trade directories - Essay Example In this essay my prime focus would be on the analysis of the trade directories of two regions Brigg and Scunthorpe, concentrating more on the medical professions and practitioners based in these areas. For the purpose of research I have basically made use of the trade directories of the regions Brigg and Scunthorpe and analysed them. In Kelly’s directory of Lincolnshire and Hull the trade directory of Brigg is designed in such a manner that first it briefly describes the geographic location of the region. Stating its exact distances from big cities and areas like London and Lincolnshire, the directory indirectly explains the importance of Brigg. Brigg according to the directory was a fishing hamlet but after extensive trade became a union and market town.1 The directory discusses the history of Brigg briefly stating that it had been controlled by a Local Board since 1864 but towards the end of the 19th century had come under the direct control of the Union Direct Council.2 This was the reason why Brigg was provided gas and ample water reserves. The trade directory for Brigg also focuses on the cathedrals and churches found in the area. There is special mention of St. John’s Cathedral which according to the directory is made from the Gothic Style.3 The directory specifically mentions the costs associated with the building in reconstruction and renovation of the Cathedral. Further, the directory provides the relevant information about the important buildings in the county. For instance it elaborates on the exact location and the design of the police building, and the library. Moreover it mentions that the markets are held every Thursday in the town and the newspaper is called the ‘Lincolnshire Star.’4 It is evident that the trade directory is designed for the people who are unaware of the region of Brigg. This trade directory serves as a small brochure to the people who plan on living in Brigg
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Annotated Bibliography - Outsourcing Human Resource Management Essay
Annotated Bibliography - Outsourcing Human Resource Management - Essay Example Outsourcing, human resource is a strategic move by organizations to improve the flexibility and quality of their workforce, while at the same time improving on the company’s capability, to accommodate impending change and stay way ahead of market forces (Benson & Littler 2002). Currently, a lot of organizations are outsourcing their various human personnel functions. The need to outsource affects not only employees, but also owners, human resource managers and executives. It includes benefits to access top skilled professionals, cost savings, and also advanced technology. This in the long run leads to a competitive advantage. Moreover, according to the authors, HRO will go a long way in improving an employee’s productivity and ultimate dedication to the organization (Benson & Littler 2002). HRO helps in improving the worker’s satisfaction; a number of workers get tired of being under the constant watch of their employers, and they cannot wait to be able to take c harge of their lives. The workers want to create a balance between their life and work. Southwestairlines, 2011, 2011 Southwest Airlines Annual Report, Southwest Airlines, 64-70. In this annual report by southwest airlines, the airline was able to save costs running into millions of dollars from Human Resource Outsourcing. Not only has the firm been effective in its daily operations but has been fast in improving its activities. According to the statement by the Chief Executive Officer, Human Resource Outsourcing has been one of the primary areas that the company has been able to raise more money (Southwest Airlines 2011, p.68). The other benefit has managed to obtain through outsourcing, according to the author is an efficient HR system leading to soft cost savings. The Human Resource Outsourcing organization takes over a number of tiresome administrative duties relating to employment (Southwest Airlines 2011, p.68). According to the CEO, these duties include; responding to differe nt inquiries by the employees, tax filing and payments, unemployment claims administration, workers health and benefits administration, and streamlining the Human Resource activities for an employee’s entire life cycle. Relieved from these non productive processes, management can now focus their resources on other revenue generating activities. He also states that the management should be at all times aware of the continuously changing employment legislation in HR, tax laws and benefits. Effect of company size on HR outsourcing Gupta, U. G., & Gupta, A, 1992, Outsourcing the IS function, Information Systems Management, 9(3), 44-50. The article talks in detail on how the size of an organization plays a leading role in HR outsourcing. The size can influence the critical decision for a firm to embark on HR outsourcing. The authors in the researches they have undertaken argue that small companies have a higher need of external expertise because of their limited scale (Gupta & Gup ta 1992, p.44). True to that, small companies often lack the necessary economies of scale to create an effective Human Resource mechanism using its internal mechanisms. Unlike large companies that can afford to design, develop and implement complex HR process in the organization, smaller companies with minimal resources become faced with many costs if they follow suit. According to the authors, researchers argue that small companies will outsource their Human Resource functions for them to acquire the needed expertise (Gupta & Gupta 1992, p.50). Nevertheless, outsourcing is more common in large companies that would want to reduce their organizational costs to within their functional processes.
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Nuclear Power Versus Renewable Energy
Nuclear Power Versus Renewable Energy One of the biggest problems that we face in todays modern power hungry times is the decision on a single source of power. As we continue to consume as a society we are very quickly burning through our supplies of fossil fuels to the point at which in a couple of decades we will have all but exhausted existing supplies. It is for this reason that decisions need to be made on what source will generate future generations electricity. The future of energy production will lie with the criteria set out by fossil fuel energy production and how well they fit these criteria. Any new fuel source will have to be readily available and provide a constant supply of energy; it will need to be cheap and safe to produce; the same or fewer emissions than that of fossil fuels, although with todays current eco standards the later will probably need to be true. One particular source of energy seems the logical choice for the main replacement for fossil fuels and that is nuclear power, but how do other more renewable sources of energy compare to nuclear power? In 2002 it was reported by an MIT study that nuclear power supplied 17% of the worlds electricity consumption [1] and if this is compared to renewable sources such as wind power, geothermal and biomass generators which accounts for just 19% as calculated in 2008 [2]. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the viability of different energy sources for the future. What is nuclear power? Nuclear power in its current state is the controlled fission of radioactive material for the generation of electricity. Nuclear power uses Uranium primarily as a fissible material, the first safety issues come from obtaining a source of uranium that is viable to use for energy generation. Uranium occurs naturally in a compound ore form, comprised of 99.3% U238 and 0.7% U235 [3]. Uranium 238 is not a suitable isotope for fission, infact in its natural ore it prevents the uranium from sustaining any sort of nuclear reaction. This can be explained by the energy of absorbed neutrons in the nuclear material, U235 will undergo fission at all energies of neutrons, but U238 will not. To overcome this problem, uranium ore needs to be enriched with a higher percentage of U235 (usually so that U235 comprises 3% to 5% of the ore [3]). The enrichment process introduces safety issues that are not present in other forms of energy production, the process produces uranium hexafluoride that is a highly toxic chemical that is difficult to store due to its corrosive nature. The main waste product is depleted uranium that the radioactive waste from extracting U235 from natural Uranium ore. There has been much controversy over Depleted uraniums use as a weapon and its difficulty in being stored due to its radioactive nature, current estimates put global stockpiles of depleted uranium at 1.5 million tonnes [3]. The generation of power from radioactive sources makes use of a compound nuclear reaction. Neutrons are absorbed by enriched uranium, usually a uranium ore composed of mainly U235, which forms an excited compound nucleus. A compound nucleus will be inherently unstable and result in the fission of the excited compound nucleus and emission of two new nuclei and neutrons. Figure 1 illustrates a possible nuclear reaction inside a nuclear reactor: Figure 1- Example of nuclear reaction. n+U235 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ U*236 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Xe139 +Sr95 + 2n As can be seen from figure 1 the example fission reactions require a single neutron to induce fission of U235 but the final products of the reaction include 2 neutrons which allows the reaction to become self perpetuating, this neutron feeding process is known as a chain reaction. This chain reaction will only occur in enriched uranium. Nuclear power is generated using two different types of reactor that both have their merits and faults with regard to safety: The fast reactor is a reactor based on an equal mix of Uranium 235 and 238 that can sustain the chain reaction required to generate energy. Fast neutrons, hence the name, sustain the reaction, in the case of the fast reactor neutrons interact with U238 whicch forms a nucleaus that does not under go fission but forms plutonium 239 instead. Although Pu 239 is able to undergo fission, it does not do so at the speed required to sustain the chain reaction and infact most of it becomes unused waste in the form of spent fuel. The fast reactor is designed to navigate around this by using the fast neutrons to produce more fissile Pu239 than spent Pu239 by not using a moderator to slow neutrons down this reduces the problem of producing lots of unused fuel as waste. Because this type of reactor does not use a moderator to control neutrons and due to the highly fissile material in the reactor core, it does require an efficient cooling system which does introduce certain safety issues. Fast reac tors require a liquid sodium coolant, chosen due to its highly conductive nature, to remove heat from the core. The use of sodium though has its associated risks because its highly reactive and becomes corrosive when reacting with air which is obviously a problem when surrounding a radioactive core. Thermal reactors use enriched uranium to produce energy instead of an equal mix and the enrichment produces the waste products as discussed earlier. Unlike fast reactors which do not use moderators thermal reactors, and the ones in question use a moderator and coolant. In the case of Pressurised water reactors and boiling water reactors they both use water as a coolant and moderator due to waters inherent property that it is a good neutron absorber. The water based thermal reactors are one of the most widely used nuclear reactors due to the availability and safety of the coolant and moderator. There are contamination risks with the boiling water reactor, as water is pumped through the reactor and boils it will pick up fragments of radioactive contaminants which could be released into the atmosphere via the cooling towers. For note the worlds largest nuclear power plant uses 7 different boiling water reactors to generate electricity and is capable of generating a total of 8,212MW and a typical fossil fuel turbine is capable of generating 1000MW so a typical fossil fuel plant can be compared to outputting a similar amount of energy to that of a nuclear power plant [3b]. Safety of Nuclear Power With the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the recent meltdown risks of the Fukushima reactors safety concerns are always inherent when discussing nuclear power. Meltdowns are often a buzz word when associated with nuclear power plants and is often the biggest safety concern when considering nuclear power, but what exactly is a nuclear meltdown? A nuclear meltdown is not as serious as the word suggests or as the world media have suggested. A meltdown will occur when there is more heat inside the reactor core than that being removed by any coolant mechanism that are put in place. If this does happen then the nuclear fuel will literally melt causing it to melt through the reactor. This will result in damage to the reactor core and a possibility of the fuel escaping the reactor, but nuclear reactors are contained within a containment structure that is designed to prevent any radioactive material from contaminating the atmosphere and allowing coolant to be pumped into the structure. This only becomes an issue when the containment structure is damaged as was the case during the Fukushima earthquakes, with the exception of natural disasters modern nuclear power plants are designed with the up most safety in mind and have many different precautions in place to prevent and exposure and risk to the general public. Control rods are one of the best designed safety features within a nuclear reactor, they are designed to avoid any rapid increase in reactor core temperatures. When fuel temperatures rise to a temperature at which coolant will be contaminated and need to be ejected, the control rod safety mechanism kicks in. They are designed to slow the neutron flux with in the reactor, much like the moderator does, and hence slow down the rate of energy generation so that coolant can carry heat away without the risk of contamination. Systems are in place so that this precaution is activated immediately when any reactor threat is detected. This safety measure reduces the risk of any radioactive material being ejected via cooling systems. In fact studies suggest that exposure to radioactive sources due to nuclear power stations and nuclear fuel plants are less than 0.1% of human annual exposure to radiation, this can be seen from figure 1. So although there is a high chance of radioactive contamination the safety mechanism that are in place prevent this risks from occurring and keeping exposure down to a minimum. Figure 2- Figures showing annual sources of radiation exposure [4] With this in mind although there are danger risks when considering nuclear fuel as a replacement for fossil fuels, the number of design features installed to prevent this is more than adequate to ensure the safety of the technology. Proliferation concerns One concern with Nuclear power is not the safety risks of the power station or the waste they produce but instead that enrichment facilities can produce Uranium that is enriched for use in nuclear weapons. This is much a concern in the developing world where governments are not as stable and it would not take long for a fuel enrichment facility to start producing weapons grade uranium. Renewable energy sources So far we have looked at some of the pros and cons of nuclear power and it seems like a viable alternative to fossil fuels, but technological advances have allowed renewable energy sources to become a viable option for industrial production of energy. Renewable sources of energy cant produce energy on the scales that nuclear power plants can but they do not suffer from the contamination complications that nuclear power does. Solar power Solar power exploits natures biggest source of energy the sun, which outputs a massive 3.8410^26W [5] of which we receive 1.7410^17 W or 1.366kW/m^2 [6]. This is a huge amount of energy to exploit and an obvious choice for renewable energy because the sun is expected to remain in the sky for the next four and a half billion years. This seemingly perfect candidate for energy production seems relatively unused as solar power accounts for just 0.9% [7] of worlds energy production. One of the main issues with solar technology is the photovoltaic cell, this being the standard solar panel technology, it has a relatively low efficiency and as a result the amount of energy outputted does not represent the full potential from the energy put in, also with the sun being an intermittent energy source, the only way photovoltaic cells can produce energy at nights is with the use of large banks of batteries, which are expensive and an environmental hazard. There are seemingly new technologies creeping into the solar market, much simpler than the photovoltaic cell and much more efficient. One such technology is the solar tower. The solar tower uses a large field of heliostats which are mirrors that track the sun to focus the suns light on a single point which is a central tower. The central tower uses the heat supplied to drive a steam turbine capable of generating between 10 and 100 MW (dependant on the number of mirrors), for example the PS10 solar power plant in Spain uses 624 heliostats to generate 11MW and is still being constructed[8]. This may seem like a small amount of energy but a larger area solar power tower could provide much more energy, by increasing the area of the plant, by increasing the number of heliostats. One such project is currently under way in the Mojave desert which covers 4000 acres and aims to generate enough electricity to power the city of San Francisco [9]. Unlike Photovoltaic cells solar power towers hav e the capability of producing energy at night. When the suns energy is focused on the central tower some of the heat which is used to drive the turbines is also used to heat salts to molten temperatures in excess of 200 C, molten salts can keep their temperature very well if insulated properly, and when required can be pumped through the turbine to generate steam to generate electricity [10]. Given enough time Solar power could become a replacement for fossil fuel energy production, but in the meantime it suffers from high initial costs, a large carbon footprint and a lack of backing. Currently Spain appears to be the pioneers of this technology and have already constructed numerous solar power towers including PS10 as discussed earlier. Wind power One by-product of the suns energy that has yet to be mentioned is that it supplies energy into the atmosphere causing temperature and pressure differences, this produces a bulk movement of air molecules resulting in the wind. The wind is a much more exploited energy source compared to solar power, with wind power producing 2.5% of the worlds electricity[11]. Wind power generates electricity in a very similar manner to a conventional power generator, but instead of using water as a fluid to turn a turbine, the wind is the fluid that turns the turbine. Although there is a significant amount of power available in the wind not all of it can be extracted and a theoretical limit has been calculated for the amount of energy that can be [12]. This limit means that 59.3% of energy in the wind can be used for energy generation. In reality much less than this is extracted because wind is not a uniform medium and as such suffers from intermittency issues similar to solar power, in that wind is not a constantly accessible resource. Hydroelectric Power One already established form of renewable energy is Hydroelectricity, the generation of energy using the conversion of gravitational potential energy of falling water through a turbine. Its currently the 4th largest form of power generation behind coal, gas and nuclear power producing 20% of the worlds current electricity demands [13]. Interestingly though Hydroelectricity has been exploited in the 1st world, with almost all possible sites being developed for hydroelectricity, its only in the developing world where hydroelectricity could be utilized to improve renewable energy generation, this would explain why it is the 4th largest energy provider [13]. Unlike wind power and solar power, hydroelectric power does not suffer from intermittency issues. The idea behind a hydroelectric dam is that it uses the water at a higher gravitational potential to fall through a turbine generating electricity. When there is a smaller demand for electricity the flow rate can be reduced and the reservoir can be used to store excess water, this provides the dam with water on demand, which is a unique feature of hydroelectric power. Three gorges dam in china is a fantastic example of a 21st century hydroelectric plant, for reference it is capable of producing 22500MW [14] this is greater than 100 times the amount of energy produced by a solar power tower, and 5 times more energy than the largest nuclear power stations, so obviously hydroelectric dams are useful and utilizable replacement for fossil fuels. Hydroelectricity does have its environmental faults, and is probably the most hazardous of the renewable power sources. In order to construct a hydroelectric plan a large enough volume of water is required with a big enough drop for potential energy conversion to warrant building a hydroelectric plant. To do this a river must be dammed which upriver will flood a large area of land, this causes huge amounts of destruction to natural habitats, downriver there is a chance that drinking water is contaminated which has obvious human impacts. Conclusion on energy types We have discussed the different aspects of nuclear power and many different types of renewable energy sources. It is my opinion that despite certain renewable already being established they have still not reached their potential to replace fossil fuels, especially with certain intermittent issues and as a result are not ready to replace fossil fuels. On the other hand, while renewable sources develop into a more viable energy source nuclear power is ready to replace fossil fuels in the interim. If we compare energy production it would appear as if hydroelectric dams are the best option, but as discussed all sites in the developed world have been exploited and for comparison nuclear power stations are still being built as many possible sites still exist. Despite its safety issues and the non-renewable nature of nuclear fuel, nuclear power is capable of producing a steady supply of power that will meet demands upon request. In reality there is no one replacement for fossil fuels, as a society we have created a huge dependence on them and it is going to require a mixture of different power sources in order to develop a secure energy future and as a result our future probably lies with renewable energies and nuclear energies working in conjunction with each other. References 1. Deutch J.M et al, Future of Nuclear Power, An interdisciplinary MIT study, 2009, page 1. 2. El-Asjry M. et al, Renewable energy policy network for the 21st century, REN21, 2010, page 9. 3. Falk J. Bodman R.,Uranium Enrichment, Energy Science, November 2006, page 2. 3b. Power and technology, Full statistics of turbine energy generation,, accessed 16 April 2011. 4. Nuclear safety, The institution of engineering and technology, 2006, page 3. 5. Zeilik M. et al, Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics, Saunders college publications, 1992, page G-11. 6. Wilson R. C., and Mordvinov A. V., Secular total solar irradiance trend during cycles 21-23, Geophys. Res. Lett, 2003, page 1199. 7. Wirman C., Electrical power annual: generation, US energy information administration, 2009, page 3. 8. Garcia-Sobrinos G., Tower of Power, Civil engineering, 2009, page 42-49. 9. Zook D., County supervisor concerned by Brightsource Mega Solar Project Impacts calls for a full review, Best Syndication News, 2011. 10. Barth D., Development of a High Temperature, Long-Shafted, Molten-Salt Pump for Power Tower Applications, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2002 11. Ragheb M., Wind Power Systems:Harvesting the Wind, College of Engineering University of Illinois, 2011. 12. Gijs A.M. van Kuik, The Lanchester-Betz-Joukowsky Limit, Wind Energy Journals, 2007, 10:289-291 13. Hydropower and the Worlds Energy Future, International energy agency publication, 2000, update 2009. 14. Fabian A., Taming the Yangtze, IET publications, 2009.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Essay examples --
To what extent were the slaves lives affected by the Civil War? Before, During, and After. The American Civil War began officially on April 12 1861, and it lasted all the way to May 10th 1865. The War began not for the reason of eradicating slavery but to save the Union, but later the motive changed slowly but surely into fighting to eliminate slavery from the United States. When the war begun Union troops were fighting to save the Union but later Lincoln realized that he needs to find a way to free the slaves in the rebellion states in order to win the war and the coming election. The South was using slaves to aid them in the war. The slaves did things like, transferring artillery to battlefields and serving as nurses. During the war President Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation demanding the freedom of slaves in the rebellion. (The more than 1 million slaves in the loyal border states and in the Union-occupied parts of Louisiana and Virginia were not affected by this proclamation.) Lincoln did not prohibit slavery in the border states out of fear that they might secede from the Union. Some would argue that the reason the Emancipation Pr oclamation was made possible is by the slaves themselves. Even though this still remains a debate, no one can argue the fact that African-Americans had a significant role in the making of the Emancipation Proclamation. The slaves aided the Union troops by fleeing Southern plantations and signing up for the war. For the first time in American history Blacks were allowed to be slightly seen as equals to Whites. For a little while before the Emancipation Proclamation came into full effect, some Union troops were confused about what to do about fugitive slaves. They weren't s... ... just all the white people in the south living condition was in a bad state. The conditions of the African-Americans were much worse. After being free most did not know where to go and did not have a place to stay. Abraham lincoln had promised suffrage for the freed-blacks but that did not come to fruition because of the execution of the president. In th south there was a lack of enforcing the the 14th amendment. And during this time is when the south gave birth to the Jim Crow law. Jim Crow law is the segregation in society of everything that is shared, including bathrooms, restaurants, and schools. After aiding the North in victory of the war, the North left the freed-blacks high and dry. The Jim Crow law made African-Americans second class citizens for almost a century. The Jim Crow mainly took place in the south and the border states; former slave owning states.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Ingredients According to Sinebrychoff, a Finnish company owned by the Carlsberg Group, Corona Extra contains barley malt, rice and/or corn, hops, yeast, antioxidants (ascorbic acid), and propylene glycol as a stabiliser. [5] [edit]Gluten quantities Some proponents of gluten-free diets for general health or specific conditions, such as celiac disease and SIBOS (small intestine bacterial overgrowth syndrome), advise beer consumers to drink Corona because of its low gluten quantities. Bottles of Corona Extra contains less than 20 ppm gluten, while other typical beers contain well over 2000 ppm. 6] The limit for gluten free is 200 ppm. Coronas sold in Mexican markets are typically marked gluten-free. [edit]Packaging Corona 6-pack, showing a 33-cl = 330 ml (11. 2 U. S. fl oz; 11. 6 imp fl oz) bottle and a carton that is marked 6 ? 0. 33 L (partially visible) This bottle features eight languages for export to the Common Market Corona beer is available in a variety of bottled presentations, ranging from the 190 ml (6. 4 U. S. fl oz; 6. 7 imp fl oz) ampolleta (labeled Coronita and just referred as the cuartito) up to the 940 ml (31. U. S. fl oz; 33. 1 imp fl oz) Corona Familiar (known as the familiar, Litro or Mega). A draught version also exists, as does canned Corona in some markets. An explanation[citation needed] for the origin of the distinctive ‘crown' logo from which Corona takes its name since 1925, says it was based on the crown that adorns the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the town of Puerto Vallarta. This cannot be, as the tower that supports the crown was only erected in 1952, the crown itself being installed at the top in 1963. 7] In Spain, the beer is branded as â€Å"Coronita†(literally, little crown), as renowned wine maker, Bodegas Torres owns the trademark for â€Å"Coronas†since 1907. [8] The packaging is otherwise unchanged. In the United Kingdom and the United States, smaller, 210ml (7 fl. oz) bottles of the beer are a lso branded as â€Å"Coronita†. [edit]Sponsorship partners Corona is the title sponsor of the LPGA Tour tournament Corona Championship, and the NASCAR Corona Series in Mexico, the most followed stock car racing series in the country. In addition, Corona is a â€Å"second sponsor†for four of Mexico's top-flight professional soccer teams of the First Division.The teams sponsored by Corona are America, Toluca, Atlas, and Santos Laguna. Corona also sponsors Major League Soccer's Chivas USA. [9] Corona and the ATP have 5? year sponsorship where Corona will be the ATP's premier world wide sponsor. Corona was also the title sponsor of the SBK Superbike World Championship from 1998 until 2007. [edit]Advertising Corona has been seen advertised on London's famous black cabs. [10] In the US, Corona is best known for its ads featuring a man and woman lounging on the beach. They are unseen save for their arms.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Moliere’s Tartuffe and Rousseau’s Confessions
Each character Is guilty of stealing something for their personal gain. However, when analyzing their actions of theft, there Is clear evidence of contrast. In â€Å"Confessions†Rousseau Is a mere child and steals Males ribbons simply because she Is the first name that floats Into his head. When asked how he got the ribbon, Rousseau blames the cook. â€Å"They Inquired how I got hold of It. I grew confused, stammered, and said with a blush It was Maroon. The fact that Rousseau is a child and demonstrates when he is scared when asked about the ribbon helps lessen the severity of the crime and helps ease the burden for future forgiveness. This greatly contrasts from Tartuffe who can be described as an undermining hypocrite throughout the play and steals solely for personal gain. The face that Tartuffe is a grown man and understands his actions greatly contradicts with Rousseau childish mistakes. Tartuffe displays a heinous crime in contradiction to the trivial crime of Roussea u.When comparing the aftermath of the crimes, the two works differ in the shared theme, regret. In â€Å"Confessions†Rousseau does lie when asked if he stole the ribbon, but Rousseau is constantly haunted with this crime throughout his life. â€Å"There ended the serenity of my childish life. From that moment I never again enjoyed pure happiness. †Rousseau is feeling so guilty of small rime he committed as a child he writes an entire confession, this greatly differs from Tartuffe.When Tartuffe is handcuffed by the officer, Tartuffe displays the same hypocritical attitude that was evident throughout the play. The last words of Tartuffe, â€Å"To prison? This can't be true! †sum up perfectly the zero regret that Tartuffe shows even though he knows he has been caught. If looking the two works as a whole based solely on regret there is clear distinction. Rousseau, a child, committed a crime that he Is obviously regretful about. Then there Is Tartuffe, where there is no sign of regret and deserves to be imprisoned forever.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Decentralization and Technology essays
Decentralization and Technology essays I am going to discuss how transportation has caused the decentralization of cities and what the social consequences have been. First the definition of decentralization is to bring about the redistribution of urban population and industry to suburban areas. Decentralization can be viewed as a direct result of increases in transportation. Transportation includes cars, buses, trains or any other types of mass transit. And with that you get the need for subway systems, highway systems, and rail systems. A Metropolis is defined as a large city or urbanized area, including adjacent suburbs and towns. Our current metropolitan areas have been created by the invention of mass transit, automobiles and also the federal funding for interstate highways. The history of mass transportation is intimately connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence from workplace. By the beginning of the 20th cent., London, New York, Boston, Paris, Budapest, and other major cities had fixed-rail subway systems by the 1920s buses were being used. In the 1920s the Bureau of Public Roads was authorized by the Federal Highway Act of 1921 to provide funding to help state highway agencies construct a paved system of two-lane interstate highways. During the 1930s, BPR helped state and local governments create Depression-era road projects that would employ as many workers as possible. When America entered World War II in 1941, the focus turned toward providing roads that the military needed. After the war, the nation's roads were in disrepair, and congestion had become a problem in major cities. In 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had signed legislation authorizing a network of rural and urban express highways called the "National System of Interstate Highways." And this turned into the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. From the start, the Interstate System was hailed as the "Greatest Public Works Project in History"...
Monday, 21 October 2019
buy custom The 1960s essay
buy custom The 1960s essay The 1960s by any standards was a time period that was revolutionary. It is a period that could be said to arouse nostalgia or bad feelings for those who were around during that time. Marwick.explains that most people agree that no matter the perspective, something avant-garde did happen in the 60s It can be described as an era of moral turpitude, radical politics, entertainment reinvention, changing family mindsets, lifestyle changes, scientific and technological advancements among other developments. This period is accredited with being historically significant as it transformed the social, political and cultural ideas. Critiques have however argued that nothing of lasting importance happened in the 60s and that it was a period of naivety and empty spectacle. This can however be countered with the many significant events that happened in the 60s and the revolutionary individuals that emerged during the period. This paper is going to examine why the 60s is labeled as a revolutionary period. The paper is going to explore significant events that happened in the 60s in order to show that the 60s was indeed a significant period. The Sixties: A Revolutionary Period In the 1960s there was a radical political revolution. This is mainly because of political movements such as the black civil rights movement in America, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, among many others. The black civil rights movement in America reached its peak in the 60s though it had began in the 50s. This movement was a struggle by the African Americans to be granted civil rights. The movement is mostly associated with Dr. Martin Luther and his famous speech; I have a dream. Martin Luther headed the Southern Christian Leadership Council, which organized several peaceful protests to demonstrate against discrimination of minority groups. The I have a dream speech is still famous up to date and in 1964 Martin Luther received the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize award. He was however assassinated in 1968. The legacy of Dr. King however lives on ill now and he is celebrated through the Martin Luther King Day every year on the third Monday of January. The civil rights movement of the 60s was however successful in that black peoples rights were more recognized with the enactment of the the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. President Kennedy was a radical president who sympathized with the African Americans at the time of the civil rights movement. Kennedy was at the time considered the wealthiest president in the history of the United States. His radical political strategies made him loved by many but he also attracted a few enemies. President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963; the perpetrator was said to be Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was however murdered before he could stand trial and up to date the world is still not very certain of the whole story behind Kennedys assassination. Kennedys assassination drew stunned reactions as people thought that the assassination was an attack on the US owing to the ongoing Cold War. President Kennedy had only been in power for two years. The Vietnam War also occurred duri ng the 1960s. This was a bloody war that began in 1959 and ended in 1975. The war was therefore basically started in the 60s. US entered the Vietnam War in order to stop the spread of communism in the country. The US however later decided to withdraw its troops before the war was over. Most Americans protested against the war as it was seen as unnecessary and thousands of Americans had died and others had been wounded. The 60s also saw the revolution of the entertainment industry. The British band the Beatles became extremely popular and they broke records with the sale of their albums that have not been reached to date by most artistes. Austerlitzexplains that the Beatles are rated the best selling group in history. One of the members of the Beatles, John Lennon was unfortunately assassinated in 1980, outside his home. The Beatles broke up in the 70s but still continue to enjoy fame and fortune up to date with some of their records being sold around the world. The Rolling Stones Band was also formed in 19622 in England. The band also fast became popular in North America and worldwide. The Rolling Stones became one of the most famous rock bands in history and they still produce records up to date. The Rolling Stones pushed boundaries that defined the general attitude of the 60s, and immensely revolutionizing the 1960s entertainment industry. In 1962, Marilyn Monroe who is viewed up to date as one o f the greatest entertainers sang a birthday song for then President John F. Kennedy. This performance is still considered up to date very memorable; the dress that Monroe wore on that night sold for over one million dollars in 1999 at an auction.The performance also sparked rumors of an affair between Monroe and President Kennedy. It was also one of Monroes last public performances as she died in August 1962. The sixties are also termed as revolutionary because of the technological advancements of the decade. There was a competition between the Soviet Union, now Russia and the U.S about who would send the first man to outer space. The Soviet Union sent Yuri Gagarin into outer space in 1961. In 1969 the first man landed on the moon; it was Neil Armstrong from America. There were also other outer space missions in the sixties. In 1960 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the female birth control contraceptive. The first heart transplant also took place in 1967 and it was performed by a doctor from South Africa. Conclusion It is very clear from the events presented that the sixties was a revolutionary period. The novel ideas that were presented then still continue to have an impact up to date. The individuals who played a big role in shaping the events of the sixties still remain significant up to date. This includes Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and the Beatles, among many others. The 60s might have been viewed as flamboyant and unserious with such things as rampant abuse of hard drugs and the hippies culture; but there were many events that occurred during that decade that have shaped history as we know it. Buy custom The 1960s essay buy custom The 1960s essay The 1960s by any standards was a time period that was revolutionary. It is a period that could be said to arouse nostalgia or bad feelings for those who were around during that time. Marwick[1] explains that most people agree that no matter the perspective, something avant-garde did happen in the 60s. The 60s can be described as an era of moral turpitude, radical politics, entertainment reinvention, changing family mindsets, lifestyle changes, scientific and technological advancements among other developments. This period is accredited with being historically significant as it transformed the social, political and cultural ideas. Critiques have however argued that nothing of lasting importance happened in the 60s and that it was a period of naivety and empty spectacle. This can however be countered with the many significant events that happened in the 60s and the revolutionary individuals that emerged during the period. This paper is going to examine why the 60s is labeled as a revol utionary period. The paper is going to explore significant events that happened in the 60s in order to show that the 60s was indeed a significant period. The Sixties: A Revolutionary Period In the 1960s there was a radical political revolution. This is mainly because of political movements such as the black civil rights movement in America, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, among many others. The black civil rights movement in America reached its peak in the 60s though it had began in the 50s. This movement was a struggle by the African Americans to be granted civil rights. The movement is mostly associated with Dr. Martin Luther and his famous speech; I have a dream. Martin Luther headed the Southern Christian Leadership Council, which organized several peaceful protests to demonstrate against discrimination o minority groups. The I have a dream speech is still famous up to date and in 1964 Martin Luther received the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize award. He was however assassinated in 1968. The legacy of Dr. King however lives on till now and he is celebrated through the Martin Luther King Day every year on the third Monday of January. The civil rights movement of the 60s was however successful in that black peoples rights were more recognized with the enactment of the the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The 60s was also an age of information technological advancements. In 1964 International Business Machines (IBM) launched the system 360 which was a computer that revolutionized many businesses in America. This computer was used as a mainstay computer by many companies and businesses between 1964 and 1978. Abbate[2] explains in her book that the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was also developed by the United States Department of Defense throughout the 60s. ARPANET was the first equipped packet switching system, and was also known as the first form of internet. Packet switching revolutionized data communication in the 60s and continues to do so till present. Internet technology has also transformed the way we live our lives. The ATM and barcode scanners were also invented in 1960s. The ATM was invented by John Shepherd Barron and was first introduced in Barclays Bank in UK in 1967. The first barcode scanner was commercially used in 1966. The ATM and barcode scanne rs are still in use up to date and they have revolutionized many areas of finance and shopping. The sixties are also termed as revolutionary because of the technological advancements of the decade. There was a competition between the Soviet Union, now Russia and the U.S about who would send the first man to outer space. The Soviet Union sent Yuri Gagarinn into outer space in 1961. In 1969 the first man landed on the moon; it was Neil Armstrong from America. There were also other outer space missions in the sixties. There was also advancement in the medical fraternity. In 1960 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the female birth control contraceptive. The first heart transplant also took place in 1967 and it was performed by a doctor from South Africa. Baenninger[3] explains that in 1963 chemist Leo Sternbach launched a drug called Valium into the American market. Valium is a tranquilizer drug that is often prescribed to relieve anxiety. Valium went on to become the most prescribed pill between 1969 and 1982. Even though valium has been said to have extreme side effe cts and was reported to be addictive it helped many deal with anxiety and alcoholism. The ultrasound was also invented in the 60s. The ultrasound has been used in sonography to help view unborn babies in their mothers wombs. This is the most common use of ultrasound but it is also for so many other purposes including in cleaning teeth and in welding plastics together. This was a technological milestone that is still being enjoyed to this day. In 1965 chemotherapy was first used in cancer treatment. This discovery has helped many to this day deal with the deadly cancer disease. It is very clear from the events presented that the sixties was a revolutionary period. The novel ideas that were presented then still continue to have an impact up to date. The technological and medical advancements made in the 60s are still in use to this day and they have revolutionized the way we live our lives. The 60s might have been viewed as flamboyant and unserious with such things as rampant abuse of hard drugs and the hippies culture; but there were many events that occurred during that decade that have shaped history as we know it. Buy custom The 1960s essay
Sunday, 20 October 2019
Colleges With the Lowest ACT Scores, Ranked
Colleges With the Lowest ACT Scores, Ranked SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The college application process can be stressful, but don't worry, if you hopeto attend a four-year universityand havea low ACTscore, there is quite possiblya collegefor you! In this article, I list the universitieswith the lowest 25th percentile ACTscores for their admitted students. The 25th percentile ACTscore signifiesthat 25% of admitted applicantsto the school received an ACT scoreat or below that number. The 75th percentileACTscore signifiesthat 75% ofadmitted applicantsto the school received an ACT scoreat or below that score (25% scored higher).I will also explainwhy you shouldn’t always judge the colleges by their low 25th/75th percentile ACT. Schools Listed in Ascending Order of 25th/75th Percentile with Admission Rate I compiled this comprehensive list through online research. I chose to organize the schoolsin ascending order by 25th percentile score (rather than the 75th percentile score) so you could see the lowest ACT scores allowed for admission to these universities: School Name 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score Admission Rate Rust College 13 14 9% Shaw University 13 16 61% Livingstone College 13 16 72% Saint Augustines College 13 17 67% Huston-Tillotson University 13 17 46% Virginia Union University 13 17 83% Jarvis Christian College 13 18 100% Paul Quinn College 13 18 99% Cheyney University of Pennsylvania 14 16 88% Lane College 14 17 33% Chowan University 14 18 58% Paine College 14 18 44% Marygrove College 14 19 42% Johnson C.Smith University 15 19 37% Texas Southern University 15 19 45% Cal State Dominguez Hills 15 19 80% Alabama State University 15 20 54% Cal State Los Angeles 15 20 62% Mid-Atlantic Christian University 15 20 Unknown Ferrum College 15 20 74% Southern Vermont College 15 21 75% Why Are Their 25th/75th Percentiles So Low? Should You Be Concerned? There are several possibilities as to why these colleges have lower ACT score averages than other schools.A lot of the universities in this article are specialized colleges offering specific degree programs or a religious education. As such, these colleges may weight other application components more heavily than the ACT score such as artistic talent or religious involvement. For example, Mid-Atlantic Christian University says,"Student candidates who deeply desire an education from a Christian world view; yet who may not meet all of the criteria as outlined above may be admitted to the University in a provisional status and are encouraged to apply." Additionally, several of the universities above have a large difference between the 25th and 75th percentile score (some with a more than 6 point difference).Applicants whose scores were at or below the 25th percentile may have uniques reasons for being admitted such as being the child of a significant donor, a legacy, an athlete, or an exceptional talent (such as a world-renowned opera singer). However, another reason these schools accept applicants with low scores could bedue to theirhigh admission rates; these colleges need to accept morestudents to fill up theirfreshman class. A few of the abovecollegesacceptnearlyevery applicantand, therefore,will have a larger score range. You should not necessarily be concerned by a school’s low 25th/75th percentile.A low ACT average may simply suggest, as I noted above, that the college is choosing to admit students for other reasons. Many universities are no longer even asking for a standardized test score with your application. This does not mean that you should not consider attending one of these schools. All it means is that the admissions offices no longer consider standardized tests to be a good representation of your higher education potential. That being said, many of the universities listed aboveare not known for their stellar academics. If you're looking for an intellectual challenge, these probably are not the schools for you. Unfortunately, there are colleges thatonlyexist to make money, and their alumniend up with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. For-profit schools are typicallythe worst offenders, but some non-profit universities also have a lower quality of education and leave their alumni with few job optionsafter graduation. Make sure to choose your college carefully. When choosing where to apply, you should not necessarily take into account their ACT average, but rather you should ask yourself whether that school is right for you: What majors does it offer? Where is it located? Will I get financial aid? For help deciding where to apply to college,check out our guide to finding the right school for you. What’s next? Check out our other articles for help with the college application process: Cheap Out of State Colleges: Top 25 Most Affordable The 37 Most Expensive Colleges in the United States Do Colleges Use Weighted or Unweighted GPA? Should I Go to a Big or Small College? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dora Seigel About the Author As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, 19 October 2019
Info Analysis - Computer Information System Article
Info Analysis - Computer Information System - Article Example The organization might want to automate this business process. In this case, the other businesses could be having the same hardware and software but they lack the business process. This way, they will not get the competitive advantage of the business first, then the competitive advantage of using information technology in undertaking the business process. The use of information technology is different as the process that is to be automated could still be undertaken by human beings. It will depend on the culture of the organization regarding the human resource. The gains that are sought in using information technology will depend largely on the competitive nature of the organization. I do not agree with the comparison as all organizations could be having the same hardware but they lack the competitive nature that comes from employing the use of these technologies. Information technology investment will depend on the business processes that are available and the strategies that various companies have towards the use of information technology. Even now, nearly all organizations have the same hardware and software but there are those organizations that have made use of information technology than others. This is because it depends on the investment on information technology and the strategies used. ... , although this one of the reasons, but because of the new opportunities and the research that they undertook in this field of information technology. Competitive advantage is gained when we make use of information technology and ensure that there is enough research to understand what will be gained and lost. Information technology risks are analyzed when new information systems are obtained. There is no need to focus on this aspect so much such that the function and the core reason for investing in the technology are forgotten. Risk management is part of the management of information systems. Once information systems have been installed in place, there will be management of these information systems. Risk management is another function that will come after the information system has been installed. It is, therefore, the role of the information managers of the information systems to constantly review the information system for errors and potential risks that might be experienced. Whe n taking this stand, I understand that there is no technology that does not come with risks. If risk management would be the main focus of companies and organizations, then the current status of technology could not have been attained. T is important to understand this important fact. Effort should be put in new opportunities. This is the main area of focus. Question 3 Duke Nukem is a game that was developed in the 1990s. The game was losing popularity. There were more advanced games which were being developed. These new games had features which were better than those of Duke Nukem. There were better features and improvement of computer features. With the development of these features, there were games which took advantage and were fun to play. For this reason, the popularity of Nuke Dukem
Friday, 18 October 2019
Hydropower Resource Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hydropower Resource Analysis - Assignment Example This paper also reviews in depth about the hydroelectric scheme and discusses the methods of determining its sustainability by way of presenting methods of selecting appropriate turbines in relation to the head and flow of water source. It uses tables of generation tariffs in U.K. and shows how and what revenue is achievable with possible periods of payback of huge initial investment needed for the project. The power of water is dependent upon its pressure which is built by the height of water source. The pressure is found at the point from where water is released. The vertical distance between the water releasing point and water source such as reservoir, tank, etc. determines the water pressure. It is this elevation which is known as â€Å"Head†and measured in meters as a vertical distance. Water ‘Flow’ is the amount of water quantity or ‘volume’ in a given time. It is therefore measured as cubic meter per second (m3/s) representing volume of water and time in which it flows. The density of water and earth gravity also affects the flow of water. The density of water is commonly taken as 1000 kg/m3 and earth gravitational force is a constant having value of 9.81 m/ s3 (ESHA 2004) Pipelines are most commonly used for moving water from higher source point to a lower release point. There are many barriers in the way of water travel that reduces water distance. This includes size and shape of pipelines, friction of water with pipe material, the joints, design flow and the sides. All of these and many other factors create loss and therefore Head is always taken as net; the vertical distance is subtracted with expected loss in transit and Net Head is derived. All calculations in this paper are based on net head. The word Hydropower refers to the force of water. It is also referred mostly as hydraulic power. Generation of electricity from hydropower or hydraulic power is referred as Hydroelectric or hydraulic electricity. Figure 1 illustrates
Giorgio Armani Brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Giorgio Armani Brand - Essay Example According to the paper the brand’s marketing strategy has been effective, as it has been marketed to emerging markets like China, where there is a strong uptake for premium, luxury fashion products. This paper will discuss the brand architecture of Giorgio Armani, and present a brand extension model. Detailed findings SWOT Analysis for Giorgio Armani Strengths The brand’s personality-based and uniquely designed products, which are among the best, globally The brand’s unique design, which helps differentiate it from competitors The characteristic feature of the clothes and apparel, which are hand stitched compared to the ordinary machine-stitched products The brand’s presence among international sports players and teams These areas identify the policies and the formulas employed for the brand which gives it an edge in brand positioning and recognition. Giorgio Armani has a ready-to-wear and a couture line, which increases their presence among average income consumers. From this study it is clear that weaknesses of Brand PETA activists do not support the outlook of the brand, which resulted in the development of a negative image The brand’s limited global market presence, compared to other global apparel brands Opportunity of Brand The brand’s coverage can be extended to cover the bottom of the market pyramid A larger part of the workforce is young, which increases their capacity to explore and design attractive and powerful products The brand’s ability to expand globally and to penetrate through tie-ups and the launch of new brand stores globally Threats The brand’s dominant coverage of a small upper-premium class market segment The brands slow uptake in picking up on life style brand The brand’s duplicity: fake products of the brand are traded at very low prices, in the lower market segments Giorgio Armani’s brand position Unlike the usual branding processes employed by entrepreneurs in the c onsumer products industry, the fashion and luxury branding of Giorgio Armani is highly personality-based and unique. The designs of the brand are founded on the founder’s personality. This is evident from the critical role of design in the fashion and luxury apparel positioning of the brand. The personal style of Giorgio Armani is crucial in the development and the marketing of the brand. The designer’s style is grounded on product differentiation, which is communicated in a tangible and visual manner. Brand’s Target Audience The target audience of the Giorgio Armani brand includes men and women. The products offered within the different lines for men include shoes, clothes, watches, eyewear, fragrances and home furnishings. The products offered to female consumers include shoes, clothing, bags, eyewear, cosmetics and home furnishings.Â
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Financial Transaction Taxes Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Financial Transaction Taxes - Dissertation Example Research report by Economic & Financial Policies Directorate, Ministry for EU Affairs, Turkey (Economic & Financial Policies Directorate, July 2012. FinansalIslem Vergilerive Avrupa BirligiUygulamas?. Ankara, Turkey) Useful information about taxation. Statistical references to specific issues. Research report by Ernst & Young LLP (Tax Policy Services, April 2012. Financial Transaction Tax, Which way now? London, United Kingdom) Useful for the understanding the current situation of the holistic structure of financial taxes in EU. (2012) This website was searched throughout to gain a deeper understanding of Turkish Tax System II - INTRODUCTION A financial transaction tax (FTT) is a tax placed on a specific type of financial transaction for a specific purpose. This term is most commonly associated with the financial sector. (HM Revenue & Customs, 2001)By any name, financial transaction tax is a fee paid any time by an individual or a company buys or sells a share o f stock, any type of security, a futures contract, an options contract, or any of the commonly traded financial instruments. In recent times, the term FTT has been used to refer to the proposed bill â€Å"Let Financial Market Pay for the Restoration of Real Market Bill†. ... In this project, types of FTT researched will give information about implemented and proposed FTTs including country samples and political support with evaluation. III - HISTORY OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAXES As it is known from the history of economics, financial implementations and investigations are always started in countries which see their future earlier than their economy go into the crash. In 1694, an early implementation of a financial transaction tax in the form of a stamp duty at the London Stock Exchange. The tax was payable by the buyer of shares for the official stamp on the legal document needed to formalize the purchase. As of 2011, it is the oldest tax still in existence in Great Britain (Kincaid, 2009).  In 1936, in the wake of the Great Depression, John Maynard Keynes advocated the wider use of financial transaction taxes (Wishart, 2012). Essentially, first tax proposal for the financial sector was put forward by Keynes. He assimilated markets that are dominated by speculation to ‘casino’. He asserted that long-term stability could be provided by taxation on security transactions. Keynes indicated that taxation on security transactions would decrease speculation and provide an effective distribution of resources in the market with ‘right’ price level. In 1972, the Bretton Woods system for stabilizing currencies effectively came to an end. In that context, James Tobin, influenced by the work of Keynes, suggested his more specific currency transaction tax for stabilizing currencies on a larger global scale (Tobin, 1993) In 1989, Edgar Feige generalized the ideas of Keynes and Tobin by proposing a small flat rate tax on all transactions (Wishart, 2012). In December 1994, the economic crisis in Mexico and 1997 Asia Crisis
Ideas are more dangerous than guns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ideas are more dangerous than guns - Essay Example e last century – Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela played pivotal roles in achieving freedom for their nations by adopting and implementing the idea of non-violence rather than carrying guns. It is very important to preserve your ideas and use them to your advantage. The greatest innovations in the world have been results of great ideas. Someone had an idea of flying and airplane was invented. Some other person got an idea of distant communication and telephone came into existence. There are many examples where ideas got stolen or leaked from a company and got converted into billion dollar companies. Xerox is one company where maximum ideas have come from or have leaked. Some of today’s biggest technology companies have used ideas developed at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Centre to come up with wonderful products. Schools and Colleges are places where the foundation to get amazing ideas is developed. Colleges enable students to have knowledge of various subjects and courses. Ideas are like sparks which get generated by the amalgamation of different subjects such as Sciences, Mathematics, Psychology, Geography, History, Statistics and so on. Hence, colleges play a very crucial role in equipping students with weapons essential to develop radical ideas and make those ideas more dangerous than
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Finance; Enterprise Risk Management Thesis Proposal
Finance; Enterprise Risk Management - Thesis Proposal Example nterprise, designed to identify potential evens that may affect the entity and manage risk to be within its risk appetite to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives†(Steinberg, Everson and Martens). The proposed project is based on extensive research in the concept of Enterprise Risk Management which will focus on providing important information regarding evolution of ERM and its importance, various risks faced by businesses and different risk management techniques which companies can implement to mitigate the extent of their risk exposures. From the literary discussion on ERM a case will be developed where possible applications of ERM will be assessed in respect to the companies listed of Tallinn Stock Exchange (TSE). Different industry groups will be examined and recommendations will be put forward for implementation of effective and efficient ERM framework in companies. The research will seek out important information from both primary and secondary sources. For primary research a survey questionnaire (Badke) will be prepared to inquire from companies’ risk managers to comment and elaborate on risk issues facing their companies and ERM techniques they have implemented. Furthermore, secondary research from a collection of journals, articles, periodicals, books and credible internet sources will be carried out to form basis of background to the context of the research, literature review, research methodologies and information pertaining to the companies under
Ideas are more dangerous than guns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ideas are more dangerous than guns - Essay Example e last century – Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela played pivotal roles in achieving freedom for their nations by adopting and implementing the idea of non-violence rather than carrying guns. It is very important to preserve your ideas and use them to your advantage. The greatest innovations in the world have been results of great ideas. Someone had an idea of flying and airplane was invented. Some other person got an idea of distant communication and telephone came into existence. There are many examples where ideas got stolen or leaked from a company and got converted into billion dollar companies. Xerox is one company where maximum ideas have come from or have leaked. Some of today’s biggest technology companies have used ideas developed at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Centre to come up with wonderful products. Schools and Colleges are places where the foundation to get amazing ideas is developed. Colleges enable students to have knowledge of various subjects and courses. Ideas are like sparks which get generated by the amalgamation of different subjects such as Sciences, Mathematics, Psychology, Geography, History, Statistics and so on. Hence, colleges play a very crucial role in equipping students with weapons essential to develop radical ideas and make those ideas more dangerous than
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Cost accounting Essay Example for Free
Cost accounting Essay Education is a vital process that enables pupils and students to acquire knowledge and skills that can earn them a living and a respectable life. Within most education systems are measures such as user charges and cost recovery. These measures are put forward so as to improve the quality of education. In Sub-Saharan Africa countries, the user charges and cost recovery measures have been criticised by some people on equity grounds although within the same region other people have defended the measures based on the same grounds. This essay therefore, intends to identify and discuss the various dimensions of user charges and cost recovery measures in education as well as to propose an alternative for user charges and other cost recovery measures in the Zambian education system. In order to have a wider understanding of this essay, the key words that are frequently appearing should be defined. According to (Jiminez, 1987) user charges are defined as a fee for service or a direct charge for the provision of a good or service by the Government in an open market while cost recovery is the regain of the costs of government-provided or funded products, services or activities that, at least in part, provide private benefits to individuals, entities or groups, or reflect the costs their actions impose. User charges fall within the broader concept of cost sharing which involves the contributions from users towards the cost of the particular service that they benefit from such as education, health and water (Terme, 2002). Cost sharing takes a wide range of forms such as direct charges and indirect charges. Examples of direct charges in education are charging fees for tuition and for school writing materials while the indirect charges include in kind contributions such as maintenance, construction and furniture. Such in kind contributions must equate to the official fees of the services provided. User charges however, are direct charges or fees which in the education system may include PTA funds which the school can use for the construction of ablution blocks and class room blocks. Examples of user charges in public offices include fee for a copy of a marriage, birth or death certificate. Cost recovery measures may include the products, services and different activities such as: recreational services; minerals and petroleum services; registration and licensing activities that the government offers to people that have costs (Lockheed and Verspoor, 1990). These costs can be recovered by either the users or other people who benefit from goods, services or activities. They can also be recovered from taxpayers. The education systems such as colleges offer teaching programs to students, the students benefit from such programs by acquiring skills and knowledge for teaching in other government or private schools. Since colleges have to buy chemicals for school laboratories, they also have to provide internet services, white board makers and other educational activities. The colleges have to find other ways of recovering such costs so as to maintain quality in their services. This is usually done by imposing tuition fees for all students, charging boarding fees, book fees as well as internet fees. The resources acquired from user charges and cost recovery measures are said to be equitably distributed to all sectors of economy. Equity is the fairness, justice in the distribution of resources (Kelly, 1999). This concept is normative in nature meaning that it involves the distribution of resources to different areas according to the amount needed and not on equal basis. It is also concerned with the patterns in which cost and benefits are being distributed among different areas of a society. To achieve equity in an area, resources as well as benefits must be distributed unequally that is more to the poor and less to the rich. An action like this should be done because the poor lack sources for income as well as protection hence providing less funds for their schools than the rich. This indicates that most of the poor people largely depend on different resources from the government in order to earn a living. User charges and cost recovery measures in the Sub-Saharan countries are seen by some people to be promoting equity in the education system because they improve the way resources are allocated in all the education institutions (World Bank Policy Research Report, 2001). User charges and cost recovery measures also lead to the effective contribution of resources. This in schools is usually achieved when the value that users place on educational services equal the cost of resources used up in the production of those services. Pupils as well as parents tend to value education, by so doing they put pressure on the school, teachers and the stuff to maintain quality. This increases accountability of education institutions hence the easy detection of problems to do with learning. Accountability in education enhances equity. The proper functioning of the user charges and cost recovery results into meeting and maintain the resource requirements for the education system. In situations when the government is not incapable of providing needed resources the school from the user fees can generate its own needed resources and solve any problem at hand. User charges often ensure the provision of quality leaning through the provision of books and other important learning materials, improved school planning and management, better utilization of teaching staff and reduced unit cost in construction for those who enroll. The vulnerable groups of society can also enroll by paying fees through in kind contribution to the construction of the school and even maintenance of school materials. Therefore, the equity benefits in this instance results from the use of resources in ways that benefit the poorest. Such benefits manifest through improvements in the provision of education in rural areas as well quality of educational services. User charges and cost benefits in the Sub-Saharan countries have been criticised because the vulnerable groups in such societies have been found not to be benefiting from the resources that are said to be distributed on equity. According to (Kelly, 1999) disadvantaged groups of society comprise of the poor, people that are handicapped, the girls or females and those that live in rural areas. With the user charges in the system, children from the poor families may not enroll because these families will have to look at how they will make indirect costs such as transportation, school meals, school provisions and sports as well as direct costs such as school fees and boarding fees. Besides that poor children also lack personal material and are unable to buy materials that are sold at school. With high levels of poverty children cannot be allowed to go to school because they are a source of income in their families especially in areas of farm work and selling. Those that are allowed to go to school usually go on empty stomachs. This affects them negatively in academic performance thus causing inefficiencies in the school system. In addition the school curriculum as well as the culture of learning act as barriers in the educational endeavors of these children because it is too advanced for them to understand and does not relate to their everyday activities. The other dimension is that this type of educational provision does not encompass areas such as rural areas. Education provision in rural areas is poorer than in urban areas (Central Statistics Office, 1997), because most of the teachers sent to teach in these areas are untrained, this in turn leads to poor quality in education; the school buildings and sanitation are so poor such that pupils get less motivated to attend lessons; materials and other supplies are not adequately distributed hence preventing pupils from acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. The fairness, justification as well as the treatment of all people according to their needs that is said to be an outcome of user charges and cost recovery measures is seen not to apply in such cases. The other dimension that equity distribution does not cater for is that of the handicapped. One of the major problem in this area is lack of accurate information on the number of children with special educational needs (Central Statistics Office, 1994) the second one is the attitude of society to education of people with special needs. Some parents feel ashamed of themselves of having disabled children hence not sending them to school. Education for these children is not provided fully because even if they enroll they do not receive all the facilities they need for quality learning. In the gender dimension, the gender-based constraints to education tend to be more pronounced in rural areas (Psacharopoulos and Woodhall, 1985). This is due to the fact that the environment is normally more accommodative of gender inequality. Rural areas display strict traditional cultural values, attitudes and practices, such practices are harmful to girls education for they encourage early marriage, abduction, genital mutilation, sexual violence, excessive domestic chores, male superiority and domination of women are tolerated and encouraged by the community both inside and outside the school and with the user charges imposed, parents will opt to sending male children to school than female ones. Alternative justification for user charges and cost recovery measures in the Zambian education system must involve the participation of the poor; people that stay in the rural areas; the handicapped, the girls and other vulnerable people in society. According to (Carmody, 2004) the Zambia education system has been faced with severe constraints in items of finance. This can be solved by the increase in the sector funding by the government and the private sector. Increased funding in a particular sector increases financial resources. The increased financial resource can be used for the construction of educational facilities for handicapped children as well as building new and better schools in the rural areas. Such resources can also be used for sponsoring the education of children from the poor families in education. This can change the face of education in Zambia if it is effectively implemented. In conclusion, user charges and cost recovery in the Sub-Saharan countries cannot alone bring about equity in the distribution of resources in entire society because such countries are still developing. This means that the presence of a large number of poor people in these countries tends to bring about such irregularities. Therefore, in order for the vulnerable to be fully incorporated into the education system, there would be need for assistance in the form of funding by the government and the private sector. These should also be involved in the provision resources and the running of education system in order for them to counter check the progress of education of the people being sponsored as well as the people sponsoring themselves.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Direct Manipulation Principles
Direct Manipulation Principles PART 1 DIRECT MANIPULATION PRINCIPLES Three Major Principles of Direct Manipulation Process based on selection, interrupted and visible performance of object Process based on selection is immediately displayed, which works fast, incremental and two sided actions Process based on selection using pointing action instead of typed commands (No Syntax) Advantages of Direct Manipulation Beginners learn Quickly Seldom users can remember concepts Getting error messages are not often Users finds their actions are promoting their goals User friendly Potential Problems of Direct Manipulation Visual representation can be too detail High-level flowchart database schema can become confusing Design may mislead to their goals User must know the meaning of images which is displayed Typing commands or using short keys with the keyboard may be faster PART 2 MULTI-TOUCH INTERACTION Two Hardware Technologies which detect multi-finger action Microsoft Surface and Microsoft Touch wall are some of the two hardware technologies which detect multi-finger action. MICROSOFT SURFACE MICROSOFT TOUCH WALL Microsoft Surface Mechanism: Microsoft Surface has a rugged table top structure, with powerful processors and intuitive interface, which is versatile and horizontal viewing. Microsoft Surface is multi-touch computer which grabs digital substance with your hands and move with simple touches instead of using mouse and keyboard Microsoft Surface use camera and image recognition in a infrared spectrum to detect with sense of objects such as fingers, tagged items shapes The input is then processed by computer and the sequent interaction is displayed using rear projection Microsoft Surface is based on Windows Vista SP1 operating system and it has 30 inch XGA DLP projector with maximum resolution, pressure load. Pros: It makes convenient work space and easy to use It is used in hotel to speed up the self check ins It is used in restaurants to order and pay from their tables Cons: It is very expensive People are more dependent on technology Microsoft Touch Wall Mechanism: Touch Wall is built on plex technology Plex provides touch wall with fresh and fleshed out ways to prepare a natural interface Touch wall is large organization exhibit prototype and undergo collaborative work Touch wall uses a laser touch technique which observes infrared laser light speculating off the users fingers Touch wall explores a different hardware configuration and multi-touch interaction models Pros: Touch wall is very intuitive Easy to use Save Space It is faster pointing devices Cons: It is very expensive Size of the device is very large and difficult to transfer from one place to another place. General Advantage of multi-touch Interaction Multi-touch grabs digital substance with hands and more with simple touch It is more flexible to learn understand User can rotate and zoom the window It supports the interaction between different users. Users can switch between different task spontaneously Instead of making devices with different button, soft machines just draw a picture of the devices Potential problems of using multi-touch Interaction It is very expensive Size is very big It requires two hands to operate On large displays many objects are out of focus Very object of the user is manipulating It has reflective display but it is not usable in bright sunlights PART 3 SURVEY Multi-touch Interaction Supported in the user interface of iPhone iPhone is described of Internet and multimedia enable smartphones designed by Apple Inc. Most of the users have satisfaction on using the iphone and users increases the usage of email data function By surveying the iphone users, they have previous apple experience and they are technically sophisticated, most of the iphone users are students and age under 30 years. In mobile industry iPhone increases service billing of about 24% because it displacing the notebook computers. Apple iphone increases some new application with the help of surveying by the iphone users The iPhone users has moderate capable problems who strongly agreed of 24%, Mildly agreed of 38%, Mildly disagreed of 28%, Strongly disagreed of 10% iPhone runs an operating system known as iPhone OS The operating system of iPhone run the software which is approved by the signature of Apple It has 16 GB 32GB flash drive, 3 mega pixel auto focus It has Accelerometer sensors, proximity sensor and Ambient light sensor ATT EDGE network speed is very low. The 66% of iPhone users says it is best, which is followed by 45% of touch screen interface, easy to use 22 % and size of screen 16% Users like iphone because it come with great application like email GPS MMS etc Using iPhone in business is to speed up the day, like quick call, calendar, web browsing, strong contacts and smart features like GPS maps , weather report etc iPhone helps the users to cook because it has Apps of the cooks iPhone also have great application like Apps for keeping current news, Apps for outdoors, Apps for music, Apps for work, Apps for students, Apps for business, Apps of going out and finding places to eat, Apps for Games and fun Wi-Fi networks rarely have an issues like unable to connect near by Wi-Fi networks, giving every low signals and also sometimes unable to connect the internet It cannot turn off the iPhone and unable to load data from the sync service iPhone cannot be unlocked formally because the lock and unlock authority is maintained by the Apple servers. Using both Multi-touch Interaction and Direct Manipulation Methods In Apple iPhone the both Direct Manipulation and Multi-touch Interaction are used by Multi-finger cursor techniques. Direct touch interaction is appealing because they can play a role of both selection and manipulation. Discussion Pros iPhone users are very satisfied iPhone increase mobile browsing Cons It supports SIM that has been activated for that specific mobile phone It Cant upgrade the phone memory iPhone battery cannot be changed and the fact that it is sealed Limitation Drawbacks It is very hard to write in iphone because every time when we enter comma or any punctuation it is very difficult Suggestions
Sunday, 13 October 2019
Montana Plants & Native Americans Essay -- essays research papers
Montnana Plants & Native Americans      Since the beginning of the human race mankind has depended on the natural resources in their environment for survival. They utilized the available flora to nourish their body, heal their wounds, comfort their ailments and to create products to ease their daily lives. Many of the same plants utilized thousands of years ago by the indigenous people have been integrated into modern day medicines. The scientific interest and knowledge of plants for nourishment, healing, and practical uses is called ethnobotany.      The multiple use of plants used for nourishment, medicinal purposes and practical use were ignored by Lewis and Clark during their monumental trek across the United States. Rather than consider the Native Indian’s use of native plants they persisted on using Dr. Rush’s Thunderbolt pills that probably caused more problems than the condition that inflicted them. Many modern day cultures continue to ignore native remedies and have come to depend on synthetic pharmaceutical drug production. In recent years the wealth of indigenous knowledge has been acknowledged revealing the use of native plants and the importance it had in the survival of indigenous people.. Pharmaceutical companies have utilized the immense knowledge of the indigenous people and their use of natural plants. The application of natural plant species have revealed the main reasons mankind has survived into present day. Following is a few of the plants, their application and their specifi c purposes. Kinnikinnick Arctroaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Common Name: Bearberry This plant has a variety of names through out Montana. This plant grows in poor soil composing mostly of sand or gravel and is commonly found near Ponderosa Pine trees. Kinnikinnick and Bearberry are the most commonly used names in western society. The word kinnikinnick meaning that which is mixed, is derived from the Algonkian Indian’s language. Other versions came from western hunters who called it larb, Canadian traders called it sacacommis or sagack-homi, and the Europeans called it bearberry.          The American Indians mixed Kinninninnick leaves with tobacco to lessen the strength and add flavor to their strong tasting tobacco. Flathead Indian, John Pelkoe, explained ..., and shorter stalks are 20-100mm long. The flower length from the axils are one to three centimeters long. The optimum flowering time is from May through August. The fruit are pod shaped with seedlings coiled into two to three spirals with a strong net vein three to four millimeters long (                          Where noted information was derived from, Retrieved 3-19-2004.                                        All other information was derived from: Hart, J. Montana Native Plants and Early Peoples. Helena. Montana Historical Society Press. 1992.                                        Â
Saturday, 12 October 2019
Free Essays - Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange :: Clockwork Orange Essays
Banned for social reasons in many conditions and in many school systems, Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange first seems to pierce the mind with its bizarre linguistic orgy of debauchery, brutality, and sex, and for some, refuses to affect them above the level of pure voyeurism and bloodlust (either for reveling in it or despising it). Sadism seems to twist the male protagonist; his mind becomes alive with brutal fantasies whilst listening to seemingly innocuous classical music ( â€Å"There were vecks and ptitsas, both young and starry, lying on the ground screaming for mercy, and I was smecking all over my rot and grinding my boot in their litsos.†). Many arguments have been made about the censorship of this novella which â€Å"glorifies sex and violence;†however, these elements are clearly manipulated for plot development and character development, and ultimately, the story does pose a moral lesson. By psychological definition, people affected with anti-social disorder (also known as â€Å"sociopaths†or â€Å"psychopaths†) have incredible manipulation skills; they also fail to â€Å"conform to social norms,†are deceitful and aggressive, and seek to destroy with little remorse. Sex, cruelty, and dominance define parts of anti-social behavior, and the odd near-antithesis of a hero, Alex, exists as the beloved psychopath in this cult story. He vigorously goes on nightly rampages with his band of â€Å"droogs†after consuming spiked â€Å"moloko,†tearing down what society has morally built and ripping holes into the reasoning of random citizens. Here, Burgess utilizes a unique method of writing by making the readers realize their affection for this teenage criminal, even in the midst of his violent perversions. As stated in many other summaries and analogies of the book, the ethics derived from the book revolve around the topic of choice. Is a person truly moral if their â€Å"benevolence†comes from forced conditioning as opposed to their personal choice for compassion? Does programmed decency towards people ultimately possess superiority over a natural psychosis? It can be argued that programmed decency protects the happiness of the main population, but natural psychosis comes from the choice of the individual, and protects their happiness (if the psychosis served as a source of joy for the individual to begin with, not insanity that brings about manic-depression and whatnot). Building the character of Alex to fully express the story and the questions the book will eventually pose doubtlessly requires the use of savage raping, theft, and the vicious, bloody beatings administered to many common people; these portions of A
Friday, 11 October 2019
Com/156 Week: 5: Outline and Thesis Statement Guide
Appendix H: Outline and Thesis Statement Guide name COM/156 date instructor Associate Level Material Appendix H Outline and Thesis Statement Guide A smoker may breathe better, have a less chance of getting cancer, and live longer if a choice is made to quit early in life. The benefits on their health when they quit smoking at an early age are immediate and substantial. A smoker may breathe better, have a less chance of getting cancer, and live longer if a choice is made to quit early in life. There are more reasons to stop smoking than there are to continue.Smoking cessation is the most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives. I. There are many causes which make people smoke and the effect of smoking to their health. Even though smoker claim to get a calming affect when smoking, the negative outweigh the positive. Scientists and experts have made their point about there are some very severe reasons of smoking but its critical conseq uences should also be taken into consideration. However, it can divide to two main causes which are physical and psychological. A.The main causes for smoking are physical and psychological. 1. The physical cause of smoking concerns the human body's need for nicotine. 2. Smoking is psychological and seems to be due to low self-esteem. B. Not only does smoking cause diseases and is a slow way to die because of the effect smoking has on the human body. They know smoking has effects on the human body such like to the eyes, mouth and throat; lung, heart, stomach; pancreas and it also can cause cancers to those targeted areas. 1. The effect of smoking on the eyes, mouth and throat 2.The effect of smoking on the lung and heart 3. The effect of smoking on the stomach and pancreas II. When they stop smoking, their body experiences some positive side effects that may lengthen their lifespan. These positive aspects come in a lengthy time frame but with the ability to refrain from smoking, they will soon feel healthier all throughout their body. A. 20 minutes after they decide to quit smoking their body already starts healing. 1. Blood pressure returns to normal. 2. Pulse becomes stable and normal again. B.The effects of smoking cessation after 8 hours. 1. Oxygen levels turn to normal. 2. Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are reduce by half. C. The effects of smoking cessation after 12-24 hours. 1. Carbon monoxide levels in blood drop to normal. 2. Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body. 3. Lungs start to clear out mucous and other smoking debris. D. The effects of smoking cessation after 48-72 hours. 1. There is no nicotine left in the body. 2. Ability to taste and smell is improved. 3. Breathing becomes easier. 4.Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase. E. The effects of smoking cessation after 2-12 weeks. 1. Circulation improves. 2. Lung function increases. F. The effects of smoking cessation after 3-0 months. 1. Lung function s are increased by up to 10% which reduces coughs, wheezing and breathing problems. 2. Exercise becomes easier without losing your breath. G. The effects of smoking cessation after 12 months. 1. Excess risk of heart disease is about half and declines gradually hereafter. 2. A healthier heart starts to emerge on medical records. III.After the first year, their body continues to heal up until 15 years after they have quit the habit of smoking. The risk for certain disease becomes less and the way that they feel improves even more. A. The risk of heart attacks and strokes become less. 1. Risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker. 2. Risk of stroke returns to the level of people who have never smoked (5-15 years). I. The effects of smoking cessation after 10-15 years. 1. Risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker. 2. Risk of lung cancer is less than that observed in nonsmokers. . Risk of coronary heart disease is no different than that of someone who has ne ver smoked. 4. If you have quit smoking before age 50 you have halved the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with continuing smokers. In conclusion the sooner they quit smoking the sooner their body can start to heal. The healing process takes 15 years to completely reach its full potential. With this being said, the sooner a person quits smoking, the more chance they have to breathe better, have a less chance of getting cancer, and live longer.It is said that if they quit smoking by the age of 50, they are giving themselves longer than 15 more years to die. Younger people heal faster than older people, this is a known fact. The younger a person is when they decide to quit smoking, the longer they will live according to their physical health. References Stop smoking programs. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. stop-smoking-programs. org/quit-smoking-benefits. html University Of Phoenix. (2012). Appendix H: Outline and Thesis Statement Guide. Retrieved from University Of Pho enix, COM156 Version 5 website.
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