Thursday, 3 September 2020
Character Comparison †“Hills Like White Elephants†Essay
Both â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†base on two ladies who are subdued by their lives’ conditions. Nonetheless, outside of their sentiments, their circumstances couldn't be progressively extraordinary. Miss Emily Grierson is caught in an existence of isolation, sorrow, and edginess. The young lady, or â€Å"Jig†, is similarly as edgy, however her constraint isn't conceived of dejection or restraintâ€it is the offspring of her opportunity. Constraint comes in a few structures, yet it will suffocate and expend you. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Miss Emily Grierson carries on with an existence of calm unrest. Her life has rotated around an odd depression for the most part described by the brutal deserting of death. The most indispensable symbolism used by Faulkner exhibits Miss Emily’s mental state. She, acting naturally detained inside the limits of her house, is the human encapsulation of her home; Faulkner depicts it as â€Å"†¦stubborn and playful rot over the cotton carts and the gas pumpsâ€an blemish among blemishes. †(Faulkner 308). Miss Emily is additionally rotting, however it is unpretentious and internalâ€the dreadful smell that starts to pervade from her abode is an impression of the shrinking lady inside decaying. Maybe most deplorably, Miss Emily’s separation is a long way from self-incurred. Her visually impaired commitment to the ones she lovesâ€her father, her sweetheart, her homeâ€only serves to additionally denounce her activities. Her neighbors’ ignore toward her failure to relinquish her dad after his passing, in spite of the delicacy of her state, caused for her franticness to rot. â€Å"She disclosed to them her dad was not dead. She did that for three days†¦We didn't state she was insane at that point. We accepted she needed. †(Faulkner 311). Their carelessness of all the notice signsâ€even after her lover’s evaporating, the decay of her home, and Miss Emily’s failure to acknowledge realityâ€was the most common type of restraint in this story. Contrariwise, â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†doesn't manage a forced detainment. â€Å"Jig†is a youthful, current lady who is confronted with the choice of drawing out her opportunity and the dependability of her relationship or tolerating parenthood and the obligation that accompanies it. It isn't to state that parenthood is a jail; it is that parenthood would be the passing of all that she cherished, fundamentally voyaging, and the very strength of her relationship with her sweetheart, â€Å"the American†. â€Å"The American†says, â€Å"‘That’s the main thing that troubles us. It’s the main thing that’s made us miserable. ’†(Hemingway 115) which unequivocally shows that the focal point of contention within their relationship is the assumed pregnancy. There are a few cases in the story that â€Å"the American†emphasizes â€Å"Jig’s†choices for her future. Despite the fact that he communicates that he would support and love her regardless of what a definitive decision is, she sympathizes with clashed and her torment, which works all through the story and as the discussion advances, turns out to be progressively self-evident. What is most fascinating is, as his apprehensions about the implicit premature birth spike, her protection from examine the point any further develops couple. In spite of the fact that the two heroes’ love for each other is apparent, there is the throbbing vulnerability between them: Is there space for a kid in their relationship worked of voyaging, drinking, and revelation? â€Å"Jig’s†constraint, much the same as Miss Emily’s, is inescapable as a result of their introduced situation. These accounts are similar in the method of both of the women’s love for their present circumstance. In spite of the fact that Miss Emily’s terrible activities were interwoven with frenzy, they depended on her adoration for her â€Å"sweetheart†and her dad, ignoring herself. She is so terrified of confronting the word without her beloveds that she would prefer to lie close to a long dead man than permit him to leave her. Similarly, â€Å"Jig†is additionally ready to put herself, and her needs, aside for the man that she adores. She is happy to put aside her doubtsâ€even while the American starts to question what to doâ€to do what is best for them to make due as a couple. She basically states, to her lover’s alarm, â€Å"‘†¦I don’t care about me. Also, I’ll do it and afterward there is no reason to worry. ’†(Hemingway 116). Disregarding her feelings of dread and fears, she realized that it would just reinforce them at long last and shield them from more troubles. â€Å"Jig’s†quality, much the same as Miss Emily’s, is irrefutable. The two of them handled their emotions exclusively dependent on their own benefits. Anyway defective both of them may have been, it is apparent that their activities are driven by their human requirement for friendship. Their adoration for their separate accomplices bests that of individual security and discernment. They are happy to chance everything, from their wellbeing to their opportunity, just to have additional time with their darlings. Along these lines, the two stories are at last sentimental. All things considered, the two ladies had their deterrents that curbed them awfully. Dread and love, being the principle inspiring components in these accounts, showed themselves from numerous points of view and protected the ladies through their own battles. Anyway slanted Miss Emily or â€Å"Jig†could be seen as being, they were as yet deserving of empathy; their particular activities towards safeguarding love were frantic, yet in addition more than reasonable. Love can drive individuals to do things that are out of characterâ€or in Miss Emily’s case, insaneâ€especially when one of the gatherings included have lost their very own feeling being within it. With their adoration taking principal over themselves at the top of the priority list, their decisions, in spite of what anybody may state, were demonstrations of self-conservation. Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Hills like White Elephants. †The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Allison Booth, and Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2011. 113-118. Print. Faulkner, William. â€Å"A Rose for Emily. †The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Allison Booth and Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2011. 308-315. Print.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
US. Foreign Policy throttling the growth of Russian Economy Essay
US. International strategy choking the development of Russian Economy - Essay Example The specialist has talked about that the fall of the Soviet Union and the finish of the Cold War left Russia with uncertain issues that the West passionately expected to change. The inescapable split of the Soviet Union had Russia with a zone very nearly 70 percent of the previous USSR. Also, all the atomic warheads evaluated to be around 27000 stay in the possession of Russia, making it an enemy to the American national security intrigue. These elements impact strategy in Washington to unstick the intensity of the Russian Federation. The Russian connection with the U.S. has been precarious on account of its local direction, territorial impact, and its universal division. Russia’s position on Iran’s atomic offices, its expanded vitality exercises in Europe just as poor fair procedures have stressed the U.S. for more than two decades. Besides, the Russia Georgia strife was against the interests of America in the area. Thus, the U.S. has applied a fixed international stra tegy toward Russia with the point of debilitating its economy. The forceful international strategy of the Reagan organization brought the unavoidable breakdown of the Soviet Union. The U.S. support for guerrillas battling in Afghanistan had negative ramifications for the Russian resistance spending. Likewise, the U.S. program in the protection framework caused the Soviet to neutralize with a comparative program, however it was costly given that Russia couldn't coordinate the U.S. safeguard spending. This carried strain to the Russian residential economy. The program coded â€Å"Star wars†contrarily influenced the Soviet political and financial organizations.
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Rastra Bank Free Essays
string(137) money related division advancement by the legislature in 80’s opened the entryway for remote Banks to open Joint endeavor Banks in Nepal. Store/Credit of Commercial Banks (2001 †2012) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Credit Rs. in billion 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Deposit BANKING AND FINANCIAL STATISTICS MID JULY, 2012 NO. 58 NEPAL RASTRA BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTION REGULATION DEPARTMENT STATISTICS DIVISION Substance Explanatory Notes Highlights on Performance of Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions List of Tables Class ‘A’ †Commercial Banks 1 Financial System at a Glance 2 Major Indicators of Commercial Bank 3 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Commercial Bank (Aggregate) 4 Some Ratios of Commercial Banks 5 Capital reserve to Risk Weighted Assets of Commercial Banks 6 Non Performing Loan Status of Commercial Banks 7 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Nepal Bank Ltd. We will compose a custom exposition test on Rastra Bank or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now 8 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Rastriya Banijya Bank 9 Statement of Assets Liabilities of NABIL Bank Ltd. 0 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. 11 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd. 12 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Himalayan Bank Ltd. 13 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. 14 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd. 15 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Everest Bank Ltd. 16 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Bank of Kathmandu Ltd. 17 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Nepal Credit Commercial Bank Ltd. 19 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Nepal Industrial Commercial Bank Ltd. 8 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Lumbini Bank Ltd. 20 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. 21 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Kumari Bank Ltd. 22 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Laxmi Bank Ltd. 23 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Siddhartha Bank Ltd. 24 Statement of As sets Liabilities of Agricultural Development Bank Ltd. 25 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Global Bank Ltd. 26 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Citizens Bank International Ltd. 27 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Prime Commercial Bank Ltd. 29 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Bank of Asia Nepal Ltd. 8 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Sunrise Bank Ltd. 30 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Development Credit Bank Ltd. 31 Statement of Assets Liabilities of NMB Bank Ltd. 32 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Kist Bank Ltd. 33 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Janata Bank Nepal Ltd. 34 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Mega Bank Nepal Ltd. 35 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Commerz and Trust Bank Nepal Ltd. 36 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Civil Bank Ltd. 37 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Century Commercial Bank Ltd. 38 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Sanima Bank Ltd. 9 Profit Loss Account of Commercial Banks 40 Sector savvy Loan and Advances of Commercial Bank s 41 Product shrewd Loan and Advances of Commercial Banks 42 Deprived Sector Loan Statement of Commercial Banks 43 List of Class ‘A’ Licensed Financial Institutions (Commercial Banks) 44 Branches of Commercial Banks Class ‘B’ †Development Banks 45 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Development Bank (Aggregate) 46 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Development Banks 47 Sector astute Outstanding Credits of Development Banks 48 Non Performing Loan Status of Development Banks 49 List of Class ‘B’ Licensed Financial Institutions (Development Banks) Class ‘C’ †Finance Companies 50 Explanation of Assets Liabilities of Finance Companies (Aggregate) 51 Statement of Assets Liabilities of Finance Companies 52 Sector shrewd Outstanding Credits of Finance Companies 53 NPL Status of Finance Companies 54 List of Class ‘C’ Licensed Financial Institutions (Finance Companies) Class ‘D’ †Rural Development Banks, Micro Credit Development Banks 55 Statement of Assets Liabilities of MFDB RDB (Aggregate) 56 Statement of Assets Liabilities of MFDB RDB Page No. 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 63 65 66 70 71 75 77 78 79 80 Explanatory Notes 1. This issue of â€Å"Banking and Financial Statistics, Mid-July 2012, Issue No. 58†contains factual data of NRB authorized Banks and Non-bank Financial Institutions. 2. This release comprises of 56 tables and a short clarification on execution of NRB authorized banks and monetary organizations. 3. The figures distributed in this release depend on the genuine month to month and quarterly returns of the banks and non-bank money related organizations. 4. Endeavors have been made to introduce current information for mid-July 2012. 5. Clear space in the heading and sub heading shows the not accessibility of information or nil in exchange. 6. On account of ensuing corrections, contrasts with recently distributed figures are now and again unavoidable. 7. The aggregates in the tables may not actually count with the entirety of the constituent things because of adjusting of the figures. 8. The next months of the Gregorian Calendar year are what might be compared to the months of the Nepalese Calendar Year: Gregorian Month Mid-Apr/Mid-May Mid-May/Mid-June Mid-June/Mid-July Mid-July/Mid-Aug Mid-Aug/Mid-Sept Mid-Sept/Mid-Oct Mid-Oct/Mid-Nov Mid-Nov/Mid-Dec Mid-Dec/Mid-Jan Mid-Jan/Mid-Feb Mid-Feb/Mid-Mar Mid-Mar/Mid-Apr Nepalese Month Baisakh Jeth Asar Saun Bhadau Asoj Kattik Mangsir Pus Magh Fagun Chait 9. It is normal that this distribution will be of tremendous use to the analysts and every concerned individuals in the field of banking, the board, financial aspects and insights. 1 Highlights on Performance of Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Financial Sector at a Glance 1. The historical backdrop of money related arrangement of Nepal was started in 1937 with the foundation of the Nepal Bank Ltd. as the main business bank of Nepal with the joint responsibility for and overall population. Nepal Rastra Bank was set up following a long time since the foundation of the primary business bank. 10 years after the foundation of NRB, Rastriya Banijya Bank, a business bank under the responsibility for Nepal was built up. 2. With regards to banking improvement, the 1980s saw a significant basic change in money related part arrangements, guidelines and institutional turns of events. Government accentuated the job of the private segment for the interest in the money related part. With the selection of the money related part advancement by the legislature in 80’s opened the entryway for remote Banks to open Joint endeavor Banks in Nepal. You read Rastra Bank in class Exposition models accordingly, different banking and non-banking money related establishments have appeared. Nabil Bank Limited, the main outside joint endeavor bank of Nepal, began activities in July 1984. During two decades, Nepal saw colossal addition in number of money related foundations. Nepalese financial framework has now a wide geographic reach and institutional enhancement. Thusly, before the finish of mid †July 2012, inside and out 265 banks and non-bank budgetary establishments authorized by NRB are in activity. Out of them, 32 are â€Å"A†class business banks, 88 â€Å"B†class advancement banks, 69 â€Å"C†class account organizations, 24 â€Å"D†class smaller scale credit improvement banks, 16 sparing and credit co-agents and 36 NGOs. In mid-July 2011, the business banks branches came to 1425 with the number of inhabitants in nineteen thousand for every branch. Present advancement of money related establishments in Nepal is reflected in table beneath. Development of Financial Institutions 3. Kinds of Financial Institutions Commercial Banks Development Banks Finance Companies Micro-money Development Banks Saving Credit 6 19 20 1985 3 2 1990 5 2 1995 10 3 21 4 2000 13 7 45 7 2005 17 26 60 11 Mid †July 2006 18 28 70 11 2007 20 38 74 12 2008 25 58 78 12 2009 26 63 77 15 2010 27 79 18 2011 31 87 79 21 2012 32 88 69 24 Co-agents Limited Activities) NGOs (Financial 7 5 7 44 98 47 181 47 193 47 208 46 235 45 242 45 263 38 272 36 265 Banking 19 17 16 15 16 Intermediaries) Total 2 4. As of Mid †July 2012, Commercial Bank bunch involved 77. percent of complete resources/liabilities followed by Development Banks 12. 4 percent, Finance Companies 8. 2 percent and Micro-money Development Bank 2. 2 percent. In Mid †July 2011, the separate offers were 75. 3, 12. 0, 10. 9 and 1. 8 percent individually as introduced in Table 1. Figure 1 Total A ssets/Liabilities Structure Finance Companies 8. 2% MFDB RDB 2. 2% Dev. Banks 12. 4% Commercial Banks 77. 3% 5. The creation of the all out liabilities appears of course, store held predominant portion of 78. 0 percent followed by different Liabilities 11. 0 percent Capital store by 8. 5 percent and borrowings by 2. 5 percent individually in Mid †July 2012. Similarly in the advantages side, advance and advances accounted the biggest portion of 58. 5 percent followed by ventures 15. 2 percent, fluid reserve 17. 5 percent and others 8. 8 percent in a similar period as appeared in figure beneath. Figure 2 Compositions of Assets/Liabilities of Financial System as on Mid-July, 2012 Assets Composition of Financial System Liquid Funds 17. 5% Liabilities structure of Financial System Borrowings 2. 5% Others 8. 8% Others 11. 0% Inves tmen t 15. 2% Figure 2 (a) Loa ns Advances 58. 5% Ca pital Fund 8. 5% Deposit 78. 0% Figure 2 (b) 6. Business Banks held predominant offer on the significant monetary record segments of money related framework. Of the complete stores Rs. 1076,629 million in Mid †July 2012, the business banks involved 80. 6 percent. Thus,
Everything You Need to Know about Vitamins :: Science Biology
All that You Need to Know about Vitamins Nutrient, any of the natural mixes required by the body in modest quantities for digestion, to ensure wellbeing, and for appropriate development in youngsters. Nutrients additionally aid the arrangement of hormones, platelets, sensory system synthetic concoctions, and hereditary material. The different nutrients are not artificially related, and most vary in their physiological activities. They by and large go about as impetuses, joining with proteins to make metabolically dynamic compounds that thus produce many significant concoction responses all through the body. Without nutrients, a significant number of these responses would back off or stop. The perplexing manners by which nutrients follow up on the body, be that as it may, are still a long way from clear. The 13 very much recognized nutrients are arranged by their capacity to be invested in fat or water. The fat-solvent nutrients A, D, E, and K-are by and large expended alongside fat-containing nourishments, and in light of the fact that they can be put away in the muscle to fat ratio's, they don't need to be devoured each day. The water-dissolvable nutrients the eight B nutrients and nutrient C-can't be put away and must be expended much of the time, ideally consistently (except for some B nutrients, as noted beneath). The body can produce just nutrient D; all others must be gotten from the eating regimen. Absence of them causes a wide scope of metabolic and different dysfunctions. In the U.S., since 1940, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council has distributed suggested dietary stipends (RDA) for nutrients, minerals, and different supplements. Communicated in milligrams or global units (IU) for grown-ups and offspring of ordinary wellbeing, these proposals are valuable rules for experts in sustenance as well as for the developing number of families and people who eat unpredictable dinners and depend on arranged nourishments, a considerable lot of which are presently required to convey wholesome naming. An even eating routine contains all the fundamental nutrients, and most people who follow such an eating regimen can address any past nutrient inadequacies. Be that as it may, people who are on extraordinary weight control plans, who are experiencing intestinal clutters that forestall ordinary assimilation of supplements, or who are pregnant or lactating may require specific nutrient enhancements to reinforce their digestion. Past such genuine needs, nutrient enhancements are additionally frequently famously accepted to offer fixes for some maladies, from colds to malignant growth; however in certainty the body rapidly takes out a large portion of these arrangements without retaining them. Moreover, the fat-solvent nutrients can obstruct the impact of different nutrients and even reason extreme harming when taken in abundance.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Laboratory Techniques and Measurements Lab 1 (Labpaq) free essay sample
All through lab one we were acquainted with a wide range of types of estimation, regardless of whether its utilizing a ruler also measure length, an advanced scale to quantify weight, and furthermore various measured and molded carafes to gauge various volumes. Another key estimation of this lab was to show the understudy thickness and how to quantify it. Thickness reveals to us that it is characterized as the mass per unit measure, in which as we probably am aware is most stove alluded to as volume and is likewise used to portray how substantial something is. We were additionally required to compute a wide range of estimations do to the quantity of moles that one substance may have because of the measure of material/arrangement we are at present working with. Alongside all the estimations and how to utilize them effectively that Lab 1 shows us, it additionally presents to utilize how to record our information accurately utilizing Significant Figures. We will compose a custom exposition test on Research facility Techniques and Measurements Lab 1 (Labpaq) or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Noteworthy figures are the quantity of digits that we may utilize including or barring the zeros that we might be given with any number or arrangement. There are various principles in deciding the correct number of huge figure in an answer. For instance; â€Å"All zeros to one side of the decimal spot and to one side of a non zero digit are consider significant†. So we were given the number 45. 000, we know from the standard over that this figure has 5 noteworthy figures on the grounds that the zeros tailing he unit are behind the decimal spot and are viewed as critical. My Hypothesis for this lab was basic, can I or can I not make the best possible estimations utilizing the gave materials and estimating gadgets included for this lab. Alongside making the suitable estimations, will I have the option to utilize the principles I was instructed and record my information with the right huge figures? This lab is about estimations and recording them appropriately. The lab initially acquaints with utilize the estimation of centimeters, millimeters, and meters to gauge distinctive family unit protests in our regular daily existence. We were given the undertaking to utilize the gave ruler and measure a CD, key, spoon, and a fork in centimeters and afterward convert our discoveries to give us the suitable units of millimeters and meters for each item required in the activity. Information Table 1: Length estimations. | Object| Length (cm)| Length (mm)| Length (m)| CD or DVD| 12cm| 120mm| . .12m| Key| 5. 5cm| 55mm| 0. 055m| Spoon| 15cm | 150mm| . 15m| Fork| 18cm| 180mm| . 18m| Lab 1 additionally shows us the significance of sub-atomic load of a substance and how to utilize that to discover the measure of moles of that substance in an answer. For instance; in practice 3 we were solicited to gauge 8 grams from sugar and afterward compute what number of moles of sugar it truly was. Utilizing the sub-atomic load of sugar (C = 12. 01 grams/mol, H = 1. 008 grams/mole, O = 15. 00 grams/mole). We were then ready to utilize this atomic mass of the sugar that we at that point needed to use to figure and decide the molarity of the sugar arrangement that we were chipping away at for practice three. Information Table 8: Initial Concentration. | Chemical| Mass(g)| Molecular Weight (g)| Moles in Volumetric Flask| Total Volume (L)| Molarity(mol/L)| Sugar(C12H22O11)| 8. g8. | 28. 018g| 0. 29 | . 0025L| 116 mol/L| My examinations of this lab resembles so. The lab introduced itself with extraordinary learning alternatives for showing us how to utilize and appropriate measure the various units of the Si framework, however as simple as they are to realize there are a significant number of potential answers for mistake. Since this was the pri ncipal lab the a significant number of the understudies have likely done in a few years, I see a lot of space for human mistake do to the absence of preparing or involvement in the greater part of the lab gear required to contend this lab without limit. Not exclusively is there space for human blunder yet there are likewise the conceivable outcomes of mistake with the lab hardware whether it is the student’s shortcoming or simply default gear. For instance, if the advanced scale, required for the greater part of the lab, isn't tarred right, your numbers from your trial will be off track. One wrong count or estimation could demolish an entire exercise if not entire whole lab itself. In my decision for this lab was truly exact to my speculation. I had the option to make the greater part of the suitable estimations with practically zero blunder by any stretch of the imagination. I experienced difficulty with the thickness from the start seeing I have never utilized the strategy for figuring thickness. After a couple of attempts I had the option to prevail with regards to ascertaining all the fitting count required for this lab just as utilizing the proper huge figures for every one of my answers in my lab straight up. Estimations are surrounding us in our every day life. We utilize a type of estimation on an every day bases whether we know it or not. Without estimation or the SI units we would have no since of thought of how much something may way or climate or not the water was going to fit into a solitary are or space (thickness). The unit of measure is utilized such a great amount all through the world regular that without it, the world would have no since of weight, mass, stature, width, or some other unit from the Si family. We utilize this type of depiction for nearly everything living and non-living in our present reality.
Friday, 7 August 2020
Esketamine Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, and Precautions
Esketamine Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, and Precautions Depression Treatment Medication Print What to Know About Esketamine A fast-acting nasal spray can be an effective treatment for depression By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 13, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 09, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids In This Article Table of Contents Expand Uses Before Taking Dosage Side Effects Warning and Interactions View All Esketamine was approved by the FDA in 2019 to treat depression that hasn’t responded to other treatment. Unlike oral antidepressants, which often take four to six weeks to take effect, esketamine is administered via nasal spray and is effective within hours. It’s estimated that 5 million people in the United States have a depressive disorder that hasn’t resolved with current treatments. Esketamine may help those with treatment-resistant depression experience much-needed relief. Esketamine is marketed by the brand names Ketanest and Spravato. Its effectiveness was evaluated in three short-term clinical trials and one longer-term maintenance trial. While it does carry some risks, the FDA determined that the benefits outweigh the risks, citing the need for additional effective treatments for treatment-resistant depression, a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. In the United States, suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death. In 2016, it claimed the lives of almost 45,000 people. Many of those individuals had untreated depression. Uses Despite decades of research, the molecular mechanisms underlying depression are poorly understood. Consequently, scientists aren’t exactly certain how esketamine reduces depression. What is clear is that it is fast-acting. Within hours, people may experience changes to the brain that reduce symptoms of depression. Currently available antidepressants target the monoamine neurotransmitter systemsâ€"predominantly serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine levels in the brain. Antidepressants often take four to six weeks to become fully effective, and they are not always effective. It’s thought that esketamine affects the function of the brains glutamate neurotransmitter system while most oral antidepressants affect the serotonin neurotransmitter system. Esketamine is derived from ketamine. The only difference is that ketamine is a mixture of two mirror images of a molecule and esketamine is just one of those molecules. Off-Label Uses Esketamine isn’t a new drug. It’s been around for a long time, but it is only recently that it has been used as a nasal spray to treat depression. Ketamine hydrochloride is a selective NMDAR antagonist that has been used primarily as an anesthetic drug since the 1960s. It may also be used for pain management in low doses. Emergency departments may use it to manage acute pain or to control pain during a procedure. Ketamine Ketamine is known as a party drugâ€"often referred to as “Special K.†People who misuse ketamine report dissociative effects as well as a sense of detachment, saying they felt an “out-of-body experience.†When misused, ketamine distorts perceptions of sight and sound. Some people on ketamine experience euphoria, while others report hallucinations or temporary paralysis. Initial Drug Trials In 2000, a pilot trial reported a rapid and robust antidepressant effect following a single IV dose of ketamine at a lower dose than is used for anesthetic purposes. Following the trial, several more studies supported the findings. Most of the trials focused on a 40-minute IV fusion of ketamine. Following the infusion, the majority of patients experienced significant relief in symptoms such as depressed mood, anhedonia, and suicidal thoughts. Improvements were often noted within two hours of ketamine administration. The therapeutic effects peaked at 24 hours and lasted up to two weeks. Despite the positive results, IV ketamine was associated with mild and transient dissociative effects, neurocognitive and sensorimotor disturbances, and short-lasting elevations in heart rate and blood pressure. It also wasn’t widely available in IV form. Without FDA approval, off-label use of ketamine infusions for the treatment of depression wasn’t covered by insurance, and it often cost more than $500 per treatment. In clinical trials, esketamine nasal spray has been effective in reducing symptoms for individuals with treatment-resistant depression. One randomized trial involved adults under 65 who were also taking an oral antidepressant. After one month, roughly 70% of patients responded to treatment, compared to just over half in the placebo group. Before Taking Esketamine isn’t likely to be used as a first-line of treatment. Instead, it is intended for individuals with treatment-resistant depression, meaning they have had adequate trials of two other antidepressant medications first and didn’t experience relief. Research suggests that around 30% of people who receive treatment for depression do not have a response to standard, front-line treatment approaches.?? Alternative Treatment Options Esketamine may be an option for individuals who are at an acute risk of suicide. Individuals who are in crisis may need a fast-acting drug that can offer immediate relief. Esketamine isn’t the only option for individuals with treatment-resistant depression. Other options may include: A different antidepressant: Just because the first two antidepressants didn’t work doesn’t mean a third medication won’t be effective. A doctor may try a different type of antidepressant (such as changing from a SSRI to a SNRI) or add another medication that could make an antidepressant more effective (such as an antipsychotic or anticonvulsant medication).Talk therapy: Depression is often best treated with a combination of medication and therapy. A psychiatrist may refer a patient to psychotherapy to help reduce symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be especially effective in treating treatment-resistant depression.Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): ECT produces electric currents through the brain to trigger a brief seizure. It seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that improve and stabilize mood. It can have side effects such as short-term memory loss and confusion, but is generally considered safe and currently the most effective treatment for trea tment-resistant depression. It may require six to 12 sessions of treatment.Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS): VNS involves implanting a pacemaker-like device that sends electrical currents to the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is thought to stimulate parts of the brain that regulate mood. It can take up to several months for VNS to be effective.Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): rTMS uses a magnet to stimulate certain areas of the brain to reduce symptoms of depression. Although it doesnt carry some of the side effects of ECT, it is not generally thought to be as effective. Precautions and Contraindications Esketamine may cause an increase in blood pressure or heart rate, so it should be used with caution if an individual has angina, a history of stroke, or poorly-controlled blood pressure. Esketamine may cause fetal harm and women who are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant should talk to their doctors. Women should not breastfeed while undergoing treatment. In general, esketamine is contraindicated in individuals with psychotic depression, since psychotic symptoms are sometimes reported as side effects when it is administered at anesthetic doses. Esketamine is also contraindicated in those who have a hypersensitivity to esketamine or ketamine. Dosage Esketamine is delivered via nasal spray. Each device contains 28 milligrams (mg) and delivers two sprays. It must be administered under medical supervision and will not be available for patients to bring home. Patients must go to the doctor’s office or clinic to access the nasal spray, according to the conditions of FDA approval. If you are taking esketamine, you will likely receive a treatment one or two times per week. You will remain in the office setting for a couple of hours so you can be monitored closely by medical personnel for two hours. Medical providers will ensure you are not experiencing adverse reactions before allowing you to leave. Esketamine was approved for use in combination with oral antidepressants like Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), or Lexapro (escitalopram). Modifications The safety and efficacy of esketamine have not been established for pediatric use. Guidelines for use among people 65 and older are the same as those for other adults. How to Know Which Antidepressant Is Right for You Side Effects Like any new treatment, manufacturers will continue to monitor any adverse reactions. Johnson Johnson, who developed esketamine, is taking steps to ensure it will only be used as intended. Common In clinical trials, the most common side effects included the following: DisassociationDizzinessNauseaSedationVertigoDecreased feelingAnxietyLethargyIncreased blood pressureVomitingFeeling inebriated The label for esketamine will include a black box warningâ€"the most serious safety warning the FDA issues. It will caution users they may experience sedation, problems with attention, judgment, and thinking. It will also warn people that there’s potential for abuse and suicidal thoughts. Patients should not drive or operate heavy machinery after taking esketamine until the next day after a restful sleep as it can impair reaction time and motor skills. Severe Side Effects Call your doctor if you experience severe side effects including extreme drowsiness, changes in mood or behavior, worsening depression, hallucinations, or suicidal thoughts. Call emergency services immediately if you have signs of an allergic reaction including hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face, throat, lips, or tongue. Warning and Interactions Before taking esketamine nasal spray, you should tell your doctor about any other medications, both prescription and nonprescription, that you are taking, as well as any vitamins or herbal supplements that you currently take or plan on taking. You will be closely monitored for potential interactions with other medications you may be taking including: AmphetaminesAnti-anxiety medicationsMonoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)Opioid pain medicationsSeizure medicationsSedativesSleeping aidsTranquilizers The use of alcohol should be limited when taking esketamine, as combining the two may increase the severity of side effects including drowsiness, difficulty thinking, confusion, motor impairment, and dizziness. Esketamine also has the potential for misuse. Doctors are advised to weigh the potential benefits of this treatment against this risk, particularly in people who have a higher risk of substance misuse and addiction. The prolonged use of esketamine can cause physical dependence, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms when use is discontinued or when the dosage is reduced. A Word From Verywell If you or a loved one has treatment-resistant depression, talk to your doctor about the potential risks and benefits of esketamine versus other treatment options. While esketamine may not be right for everyone, it may provide much-needed relief for some individuals who haven’t been able to get relief from their depression from other treatment methods. Overview of the Treatments for Depression
Thursday, 11 June 2020
New Study Are Men Too Confident About College Savings or Are Women Too Pessimistic
When it comes to family finances, including retirement, college planning and other investments, men appear to be more knowledgeable and confident than women, according to survey data recently released by According to the latest findings from the 2016 Annual College Savings Survey, a personï ¿ ½s gender may impact their views on saving and paying for college. 529 plans offer lucrative federal, and sometimes state, tax benefits, making them one of the most effective ways to grow a college fund. However, more men said they use or will use a 529 plan to save for college, while women are more likely to use other savings vehicles like checking or savings accounts. Men surveyed also appeared to be more knowledgeable about 529 plans and how they operate. Whatï ¿ ½s more, a 2015 survey conducted by indicates that gender differences may exist across a broader spectrum of financial attitudes and behaviors. Specifically, men are more likely to view investing for the family as their sole responsibility, while women tend to see it as a shared responsibility. Men are also more confident about saving for emergencies and retirement than women. While some of the discrepancies may be rooted in psychology and attitudes, other contributing factors could be the differences in employment status and earning levels, family roles and responsibilities, and a greater awareness of 529 plans among men. This could be an opportunity for the industry to focus on educating women about the benefits of college savings plans and how they operate. Download the full report RELATED: Study reveals parents could have saved $20,000 more for college When it comes to family finances, including retirement, college planning and other investments, men appear to be more knowledgeable and confident than women, according to survey data recently released by According to the latest findings from the 2016 Annual College Savings Survey, a personï ¿ ½s gender may impact their views on saving and paying for college. 529 plans offer lucrative federal, and sometimes state, tax benefits, making them one of the most effective ways to grow a college fund. However, more men said they use or will use a 529 plan to save for college, while women are more likely to use other savings vehicles like checking or savings accounts. Men surveyed also appeared to be more knowledgeable about 529 plans and how they operate. Whatï ¿ ½s more, a 2015 survey conducted by indicates that gender differences may exist across a broader spectrum of financial attitudes and behaviors. Specifically, men are more likely to view investing for the family as their sole responsibility, while women tend to see it as a shared responsibility. Men are also more confident about saving for emergencies and retirement than women. While some of the discrepancies may be rooted in psychology and attitudes, other contributing factors could be the differences in employment status and earning levels, family roles and responsibilities, and a greater awareness of 529 plans among men. This could be an opportunity for the industry to focus on educating women about the benefits of college savings plans and how they operate. Download the full report RELATED: Study reveals parents could have saved $20,000 more for college
Saturday, 23 May 2020
Administrative Ethics Paper Hcs/335 - 1052 Words
Administrative Ethics Paper HCS/335 November 5, 2012 Administrative Ethics Paper In today’s world of technology patient’s face an ever challenging issue of protecting their privacy. One of the biggest areas infringing on a patient’s privacy would be the prescription health information that is being released by pharmacists and the way in which that information is used. Information is given to a wide variety of entities and to individuals, which raises enormous concern about the privacy rights of patients, especially considering the fact that the patient has not given consent for the release of this information. Legislative and judicial attention is being given on how to protect privacy identifiable information on prescription†¦show more content†¦Moreover, encryption requires use of a key or cipher, which is used to lock and unlock the hidden data. Such a key is necessary to allow the hidden data to be viewed in an intelligible manner by those who are authorized to view it. However, there is always a risk that the encryption key m ight fall into the wrong hands, thereby allowing the information to be accessed by unauthorized viewers. There are many problems that could arise from a patient’s information landing into the hands of a stranger, a boss, an enemy, or any other individual that does not have permission to view that information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) needs to take a hard look at the problems that exist with the identifiable patient prescription PHI, the de-identified patient prescription PHI, and the encrypted prescription PHI. These issues affect the entire population and can have a devastating impact on those that have their personal information get into the wrong hands. If there is an employee who has Aides and they don’t want other worker’s to know, it would be too easy for an employer to obtain that information. The arguments and facts that are used in the article support the proposed solution by stating the problems that arise without having laws in place to protect the privacy rights of patients. There are many ethical and legal issues when you are dealing with privacy rights, including the chances of getting sued by individuals forShow MoreRelatedAdministrative Ethics Paper (Hcs-335)1063 Words  | 5 PagesAdministrative Ethics Paper HCS-335 Week 4/ day 7 There are many issues that may arise concerning patient privacy. Years ago it was not a pacific law protecting patient rights and privacy. In august of 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) were signed into law by President Bill Clinton (Physicians Billing Associates International, 2006). The HIPPA Act includes provisions for: †¢ Health insurance portability †¢ Fraud and abuse control Read MoreHipaa1174 Words  | 5 PagesAdministrative Ethics- HIPAA HCS/335- Health Care Ethics and Social Responsibility Ruth Bundy September 26, 2011 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA was introduced to the House of Representative in 1996. HIPAA was a huge piece of legislation that was intended to fix many aspects of health care and health insurance, and includes sections that ensure portability of health insurance, simplify the administration of health insurance coverage, and standardize electronicRead MoreSimulation Review Paper1075 Words  | 5 Pages1 Administrative Ethics Paper Shannan Eddings HCS/335 December 10, 2011 Joann Wilcox In the healthcare field there are many institutions that specialize in different methods of treatment such as a nursing assistant, dentist, pathologist, psychiatrist and physical therapists to name a few. With these different jobs and countless employees in the medical profession, there are plenty of patients to be cared for because everyone needs medical attention no matter if it is a broken arm or gettingRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagescondition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Typeset by SPI Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Antony Rowe Ltd., Chippenham, Wiltshire ISBN 0–19–928335–4 978–0–19–928335–4 ISBN 0–19–928336–2 (Pbk.) 978–0–19–928336–1 (Pbk.) 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 3 FOREWORD ‘ Michael Bromwich is an exemplar of all that is good about the BritishRead More1000 Word Essay85965 Words  | 344 Pages2006 / 1-31 / PDF 19) What will happen to Soldiers who fail to participate in or fail to respond successfully to rehabilitation? Soldiers who fail to participate adequately in, or to respond successfully to,rehabilitation will be processed for administrative separation and not be provided another opportunity for rehabilitation except under the most extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the CD in consultation with the unit commander. (AR 600-85 1-31 / Mar 2006 / PDF 19) What are the waysRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagescost was beyond the means of the people who needed them. It was argued that companies could reallocate RD efforts in favour of major tropical diseases, sell low-priced essential drugs and provide technology transfer. Questions around the purpose and ethics of the global pharmaceutical industry gained a high public proï ¬ le as disputes over access to modern AIDS therapies reached crisis point. When the South African government proposed legislation to allow generic imports of branded drugs, a coalitionRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesLogical Form and Sentential Logic .................................................................. 334 Logical Equivalence ........................................................................................................................... 335 Logical Forms of Statements and Arguments ................................................................................ 337 The Logic of Not ......................................................................................................
Sunday, 17 May 2020
What Is Avogadros Law Definition and Example
Avogadros Law is the relation which states that at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules. The law was described by Italian chemist and physicist Amedeo Avogadro in 1811. Avogadros Law Equation There are a few ways to write this gas law, which is a mathematical relation. It may be stated: k V/n where k is a proportionality constant V is the volume of a gas, and n is the number of moles of a gas Avogadros law also means the ideal gas constant is the same value for all gases, so: constant p1V1/T1n1 P2V2/T2n2 V1/n1 V2/n2V1n2 V2n1 where p is pressure of a gas, V is volume, T is temperature, and n is number of moles Implications of Avogadros Law There are a few important consequences of the law being true. The molar volume of all ideal gases at 0 °C and 1 atm pressure is 22.4 liters. If pressure and temperature of a gas are constant, when the amount of gas increases, the volume increases.If pressure and temperature of a gas are constant, when the amount of gas decreases, the volume decreases.You prove Avogadros Law every time you blow up a balloon. Avogadros Law Example Say you have 5.00 L of a gas which contains 0.965 mol of molecules. What will be the new volume of the gas if the quantity is increased to 1.80 mol, assuming pressure and temperature are held constant? Select the appropriate form of the law for the calculation. In this case, a good choice is: V1n2 V2n1 (5.00 L)(1.80 mol) (x)(0.965 mol) Rewriting to solve for x give you: x (5.00 L)(1.80 mol) / (0.965 mol) x 9.33 L Sources Avogadro, Amedeo (1810). Essai dune manià ¨re de dà ©terminer les masses relatives des molà ©cules à ©là ©mentaires des corps, et les proportions selon lesquelles elles entrent dans ces combinaisons. Journal de Physique. 73: 58–76.Clapeyron, Émile (1834). Mà ©moire sur la puissance motrice de la chaleur. Journal de lÉcole Polytechnique. XIV: 153–190.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Questions On Intellectual Property Rights - 1898 Words
700623621 MID EXAM 1Ans) Intellectual property right gives credit to the original work done by the people .The law the creative work of the people from coping or imitating without their permission. There are three main things that protect the intellectual right .They are copyrights, patents and trademarks. As the technology increases instead of thinking newly ,people are choosing a alternative or easy way of imitating the other works and showing as their own work . Here are few examples of violating the intellectual property rights: 1.)A Beijing court in china has ruled that Microsoft violated intellectual properties of a Chinese company. Violation was over fonts that are used in previous versions of windows operating system, which lead Microsoft to stop selling versions of windows that use Chinese fonts. There are violations of pirated copies of windows that are been selling in China. There was an agreement of using fonts in windows from Zhongyi’s intellectual property. But Zhongyi appealed that the agreement was for Windows 95 only but not for other versions of windows. 2.) In San Juan, the group was arrested by Puerto Rico Police working jointly with U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement, San Juan Municipal Police for producing counterfeit CDs and DVDs at flea market and selling them around Puerto Rico. They were arrested for violating copyrights. Local police with the help of state and federal partners and ICE launched operationalShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Intellectual Property Rights1475 Words  | 6 PagesDebate Paper: Intellectual Property Rights The world that exists today was built on two things: innovation and the pursuit of one’s self interest. Our founding founders believed intellectual property to be a way to encourage innovation. Intellectual property (IP) is what ties these two building blocks together. IP is a property right that is granted by some form of government. The government strictly enforces individual property rights, which some believe tends to attract more investment, grows fasterRead MoreLegal Liabilities of Board Members688 Words  | 3 PagesCourse questions Question 1: Legal liabilities of board members The board is critical in running an economic entity as it represents the backbone of its decision making process, as well as the backbone of the entire organizational affairs, activities and public image. As member of the board, the individual occupies a powerful and privileged position within the firm, but this position also comes with responsibilities. In other words, the board members are also subjected to some legal liabilitiesRead MoreComing Up With The Big Idea920 Words  | 4 Pagescomputer for the test. Who has the right to intellectual property at this point in time? This is the big dilemma and depending on the ethical view point of you or the company you work for, it could become a sticky situation. 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Although the law grants ownership to one party, usually the author of the work, there is a doctrine for granting ownership of â€Å"work-made-for-hire†to educational institutions (Crews, 2006). This doctrine supports that if the employee developed the work under the parameters of their scope of employment or through the use ofRead MoreThe University Of Maryland University1333 Words  | 6 Pagesedu/policies/researchpolicies/research19000.cfm In order to preserve the university’s mission to â€Å"create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge†(UMUC, 2002) the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) has created Policy 190.00 – Intellectual Property. This policy addresses intellectual policy considerations for faculty, students, and the university itself, while making sure that society benefits from the dissemination of the works involved. In the General Provisions section of this policy, the University
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving - 2242 Words
Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving Amber R. Muniz Kaplan University Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving A cell phone wielding driver weaving in and out of traffic and drifting across lanes, because they are completely distracted by the device in their hand, may be all too familiar. When using a cell phone while driving, it impairs the persons driving abilities as much as a person with a 0.08 blood alcohol level. Think of the drivers that you pass daily; how many were using cell phones? Imagine if all of those drivers were drinking instead of using their cell phones behind the wheel. Cell phone use while driving is dangerous because it causes slower response time and reduces the situational awareness of the driver. The best†¦show more content†¦Many drivers have swerved into other lanes, run red lights, or had close calls all due to using a cell phone while driving. Using cell phones while driving is very dangerous not only to the drivers but also to the people around them. The only way to keep our streets safe is to ban the use of cell phones w hile driving and make our vehicles a no phone zone. What did you learn about yourself as a writer? As a thinker? What did you learn about the process of writing? What skills did you develop that might help you in the future? What did you take from the larger conversation with others? How did your feedback from peers and your instructor affect the revision of your blueprint, letter to the editor, and presentation? I have learned that as a writer I like to use facts and statistics, and I am a technical thinker. In this class I have learned to come up with a general plan to help map out what you will be writing about. I will use everything that I have learned in this class it was all very interesting and useful information that will help me in my writing in the future. According to others I tend to put a lot of information that is backed up from a creditable source. I also have found out that I leave out some commas and other small grammar errors. Letter to the Editor To the Editor, Think of the drivers that youShow MoreRelatedBan Cell Phones Use While Driving Essay2168 Words  | 9 PagesSAVE TEEN LIVES - BAN CELL PHONE USE WHILE DRIVING The use of cell phones and driving is an ongoing issue in today s society. A large number of teens use cell phones while driving, and the number keeps going up every day. Whether it is texting, talking, or using their navigation, using a cell phone while operating a vehicle is considered very dangerous, and is the number one distraction in the US (FCC). In addition, in many states, it is illegal, and is followed by a hefty fine if caught. TryingRead MoreNo Call or Text Is Worth a Life1540 Words  | 7 Pageshandheld cell phone could be one of the deadliest decisions you could make while operating a motor vehicle. The dangers and impact of using a cell phone while behind the wheel are numerous. One of the main reasons people still use their cell phones while driving is that there is no consistency in the laws across the country. Certain states have legislation that bans cell phone use, while other states only ban certain usage situations. Tough federal legislation is the only wa y to decrease the use of handheldRead MoreWhy Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide1039 Words  | 5 PagesWhy Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide Dimuthu perera AC1304661  SP180.0.3 Principles of Public Speaking Assignment 6_06 8/26/13 â€Å"WHY BANNING THE USE OF CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING SHOULD BE MANDATORY NATIONWIDE†TITLE: Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide? A. General Purpose: Persuade B. Specific Purpose: Persuade my audience that banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatoryRead MoreDistracted Driving Is The Most Dangerous Distraction Essay870 Words  | 4 Pagesdistracted driving by understanding the risk factors, and the effects of distracted driving. 1 Topic A: Details B: Quotations C: Example 1: Explanation 2. Analysis What is Distracted driving? Texting is the most dangerous distraction because it requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention (Facts and Statistics). Distracted driving is an increasing problem in the United States and among younger drivers. According to reports, distracted driving is similar to drunk driving because it divertsRead MoreAccidents. Modern Life Today Made People Use Too Many Times1037 Words  | 5 Pagesmade people use too many times on their electronic devices like laptops, cell phones, iPad, TV†¦ People started to have the cell phone addiction. They use it every time except sleeping. Having somebody use their phones while in traffic, that is one of important brings to accidents. Traffic accidents are an important problem need to find a way to cut it. When I think about distracted driving, I will think about the attention of drivers while driving, what did they do when they are driving cars? WhatRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving990 Words  | 4 Pages Cell phones are integral to people’s lives in Canada because they are vital communication and entertainment tools. However, the use of cell phone s has remained contentious, because texting and talking on the phone are associated with distracted driving. Distracted driving is, â€Å"defined as the diversion of attention away from activities critical for safe driving toward a competing activity†(Klauer, Guo, Simons-Morton, Ouimet, Lee Dingus, 2013, p. 55). Although distracted driving is also associatedRead MoreSpeech Outline: Use of Cell Phones Should be Banned While Driving623 Words  | 3 PagesOutline Topic: Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide. General Purpose: To save lives, up to 3,000 a year in America, by reducing the number of car accidents. Specific Purpose: Keep drivers attention on the road, where it belongs. Central idea: Cell phone use while driving a vehicle should be banned nationwide because it distracts drivers and thereby causes accidents. Introduction Key point #1: Use of cell phones has proliferated to the extent thatRead MoreBanning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide671 Words  | 3 Pagesof using cellphones while driving and convince the audience why it is essential to ban use of cellphones while driving should be mandatory nationwide C. Central idea: with increased use of technology and more specifically cellphones there are an increased number of accidents due to distraction because of the use of cellphones while driving. Therefore, the government should pass legislation to ban cell phone usage while driving nationwide I. Introduction Cell phones are as common in theRead MoreCell Phones While Driving Essay642 Words  | 3 PagesCell Phones and Driving In today’s society we’ve all become attached to our cell phones. Cell phones make our lives easier in many ways we can check our email, receive phone calls, send text messages, listen to music, and take pictures, all at our finger tips. With all this convenience, however there is a dangerous side to cell phones, and that’s when we use them while driving. Most of us are guilty of using cell phones while driving, but have we ever thought about its danger? Five states plusRead MoreCell Phones While Driving1322 Words  | 6 PagesShould cell phone use be banned while driving? Since the mid–1990’s, cell phones have been a part of our daily lives. Cell phones allow us to communicate with anyone, anytime, and anywhere even while we are driving, they are convent and make our lives easier. But is it safe to use a cell phone to talk, text, take pictures, surf the web, etc. while driving? Many drivers, especially young drivers think so. Many drivers do not think that glancing down at a cell phone for a few seconds to send or
Litrature Review on Fii’s Impact on Indian Banking Sector Free Essays
Women Empowerment in India Women empowerment in India is a challenging task as we need to acknowledge the fact that gender based discrimination is a deep rooted social malice practiced in India in many forms since thousands of years. The malice is not going to go away in a few years or for that matter by attempting to work at it through half-hearted attempts. Formulating laws and policies are not enough as it is seen that most of the times these laws and policies just remain on paper. We will write a custom essay sample on Litrature Review on Fii’s Impact on Indian Banking Sector or any similar topic only for you Order Now The ground situation on the other hand just remains the same and in many instances worsens further. Addressing the malice of gender discrimination and women empowerment in India is long drawn battle against powerful structural forces of the society which are against women’s growth and development. Women empowerment in India: The need for ground level actions We have to accept the fact that things are not going to change overnight but because of this we cannot stop taking action either. At this juncture the most important step is to initiate ground level actions however small it might seem. The ground level actions should be focussed towards changing the social attitude and practices prevalent in the society which are highly biased against women. This can be initiated by working with the women at the root level and focusing on increasing women’s access and control over resources and increasing their control over decision making. Further working on the aspect of enhanced mobility and social interaction of women in the society would positively influence all round development and empowerment of women in India. Women empowerment in India: Reality check at the ground level Today there are lot of things that is happening in the name of women empowerment in India and lot of resources are spent in this direction. Keeping this in mind it is crucial to have a reality check on what is happening on paper and what is the actual ground situation. It is worthwhile to ponder on the fact that we are one of the worst in terms of worldwide gender equality rankings. In India women are discriminated and marginalized at every level of the society whether it is social participation, economic opportunity and economic participation, political participation, access to education or access to nutrition and reproductive health care. A significant few in the society still consider women as sex objects. Gender disparity is high, crimes against women are increasing and violence against women is all time high and in most cases go unreported. Dowry related problems and death is increasing and is profoundly manifesting in the urban population. Workplace harassment of women is another phenomenon which is rapidly increasing as more women join the workforce. Early age marriages are still taking place in large numbers and the number of girls going to school is abysmally low. Moreover majority of the girls who join the school drop out by the age of puberty to get married and live a life of drudgery. Female feticide and infanticide is starring the nation as one of the biggest social crisis. All this is happening despite the fact that there are number of programmes and policy initiatives that is being run by the government and other bodies. The year 2001 was declared as the National policy for empowerment of women. So it is time to ask the question whether we are moving in the right direction and where are we in terms of the paper actions and the actual ground realities. Women empowerment in India: Discrimination against women in all walks of life One of the major aspects of women empowerment in India is to change the attitude of society towards women. The problem in India is that the society never worked on the premise of gender equality from a long-long time. Atrocities and discrimination against women is a way of daily life in Indian society. There is an attitude which still prevails in India where women are considered to be only worthwhile of household activities and managing the children. The veil system, child marriage and dowry are testimonies to this truth. Women have never been part of the mainstream society in India and they are still considered as a great liability. If we just look at the sex ratio it will show the plight of women in India. It is the lowest at around 933. Female literacy is just 54. 6 % as per 2001 Census. In Indian parliament and assemblies women have never represented more than 10%. Most of the women workers in India are outside the organized sector. Administrators, managers, professionals combined together and technical workers on the other hand are the lowest at 2. 3% and 20 % respectively. Now these figures gives the real truth of the actual mentality of the society which has restricted women, marginalized w omen and discriminated against women quite openly. Can we achieve women empowerment in India with these alarming and dismal figures? djustments and sharing of gender based specific performance or tasks which are Women empowerment in India: Ending gender inequality and gender bias It has to be understood that unless we change the basic social attitude which cultivates gender inequality and gender bias we would not be able to achieve much in terms of women empowerment in India. There are many laws and there have been many amendments that have been carried out to end the discrimination against women and empower women in all aspects of life. Gender equality is enshrined in Indian constitution and constitution empowers the state to end the gender based discrimination against women. There is reservation of seats in local bodies and municipalities and another law is being envisioned for reservation in parliament. But the sad part is that all these laws and amendments have become toothless as the fundamental problems lies in the attitude of the society which is highly biased against women. Now what is the solution? The only solution is for women to come together as a unifying force and initiate self empowering actions at the ground level. Let it happen even if it is at a slow pace initially but it must happen despite however small the initial steps might look like. So the connection is very clear. Once we work towards self empowerment through small number of infinite actions, we become aware of the ground realities and then we can think about taking further recourse towards changing the mindset of the society which fosters gender inequality and bias. When we talk about women empowerment in India the most important aspect that comes into the mind is the attitude of the society towards women. Women are still considered as burden and liabilities. They are also considered as properties. These kinds of attitudes give birth to the evil of violence against women. Women empowerment in India is not possible unless violence against women is eradicated from the society. National Commission of women was created in 1992 and Convention of elimination of all forms of discrimination against women was ratified in 1993. Apart from the laws and policy formulations the violence against women can be only tackled through attitudinal change that need to take place in the family, in the society and the female members of the society as well. Only this attitudinal change and proactive action against violence by every single individual will help in galvanising the slumbering structures of the government and society towards further concrete steps and action. Unless society accepts gender equality as a fundamental principle of human existence all efforts will only partially bear results. Gender sensitisation and gender training is primary need of the hour. The struggle of gender equality should be carried at every level and it should overcome the barriers of caste, class, race and religion. RIDDLES 1. There is a bus full of people travelling over San Francisco and no one gets off the bus throughoutthe journey. But when it gets to the other side there is not a single person left. How is thispossible? A. They are all married. 2. How do you fit ten horses (pictures. All seperate pictures. ) in 9 boxes? A. One letter for each stable. [T][E][N] [H][O][R][S][E][S] 3. What can keep you alive but kill someone else? What can let you have fun but can take you away? A. The sea 4. What is seven lettersis greater than god more evil than the devil a homeless person has it a wealthy person needs it what is it? A. splinter 5. figure out if you can read this or not Yy u r Yy 4 me u b i c u Yy 4 me A. to wise you are to wise for me you be I see you to wise for me 6. there is 3houses the red house is next to the white house and the white house right of the red house the blue house is next to the white house. wheres the white house at? A. this is not only a trick question it can be a normal question the white is in the middle and washington d. c/ in the riddle you can always trick to person you told it to if they think its a normal question and say in the center or middle u can say was How to cite Litrature Review on Fii’s Impact on Indian Banking Sector, Papers
Danone free essay sample
From Zong’s perspective, there was, because he thought that the Wahaha Group had not received any technological or managerial expertise from Danone, whereas Danone did get a its place in the Chinese market, which they hoped for. From Danone’s view, however, there was managerial expertise offered to the Wahaha Group personnel in RD and marketing for the Joint ventures, but Zong kicked them out. Because of this, there might have been a learning asymmetry when taking Danone’s perspective into account. Has Danone been able to access the location-bound FSAs of the Wahaha Group? Should Danone have rejected the joint venture entry mode in the first place? In order to answer this question, one should first look at what Wahaha Group’s FSAs are. The number one reason for Danone to cooperate with the Wahaha Group was that the Wahaha Group was already a strong firm, with a good position in a fast-growing market. Overall knowledge management is a significant component of the organization to keep a competitive advantage. Introduction As globalization is leading more and more companies into the international business context, a much greater importance is being placed on knowledge management. The most basic resource, and also the most important, will always be knowledge (Drucker 1993, p8). It allows the company to be able to sense any changes, and to adapt and respond. In the end, this determines the success of the company (Gates 1999, p23). Danone is an organisation that does not believe the traditional technological methods of knowledge management are appropriate for the organization (Edmondson, et al. 2008). The company has taken a strong informal networking attitude to create a sharing culture within the organisation and its employees. The company prides itself on its spontaneous nature within networking and its ability to develop new ideas quickly and implement them efficiently (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). While this has worked for them a greater use of structure and formality may be beneficial in allowing a more systematic flow of knowledge within the Networking Attitude. However, Danone may need to consider extending its concept deeper, richer or wider to determine whether the benefits may be higher than they currently are (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). Background Danone’s success is largely attributed to the knowledge and abilities of its employees. The sharing and retaining of this knowledge is extremely important in ensuring the long-term effectiveness of Danone. The Networking attitude initiative was launched at a Danone conference in the fall of 2002 as a means of circulating good practices and enabling the sharing of knowledge across groups in the geographically dispersed company (Edmonson et l, 2008, p. 1-8). Several tools have been developed as part of the initiative, most notably knowledge â€Å"marketplaces†, a â€Å"who’s who†internal directory system and sharing networks (Edmonson et al, 2008, p. 1). From 2004 to 2007, Danone employees shared almost 640 good practices with colleagues and overall, the Networking a ttitude initiative has made practical information accessible to about 5000 of the more than 9000 Danone managers around the world. The initiative has incurred very little cost and was seen highly successful by 86% of general managers according to an internal survey (Edmonson et al, 2008, p. ). Problems Issue 1 – Lack of formal IT systems The knowledge that is shared amongst employees at these networking activities needs to be recorded so that it can be accessed at all times by both the employees that attended the activities as well as those who didn’t. While individual knowledge is shared at the activities it is only to those who are present in the room and some employees may go into information overload and forget much of what they have learnt over the course of the activity. Another major risk of networking is that when an employee quits they take all of the attained knowledge with them and if it isn’t recorded the knowledge will be lost and unable to be transferred on to new staff. While networking is embedded in Danone’s culture, the need for formal systems is evident in the size of the company and the fact that it is a multi-national enterprise. Danone does not have adequate library-type system in which information about products, practices and challenges is recorded and shared amongst employees (Edmondson, et al. 2008). Many issues can arise from the lack of such a system in such a big company. For example, Danone Brazil helped Danone France in launching a new dessert to complete with a Nestle product in less than three months (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). In this situation Danone employees managed to share their knowledge across continents, this would be made a lot easier if a database with all of the company’s products, produc tion techniques, difficulties during production and success stories were all listed. Issue 2 – Lack of incentives and rewards A major issue facing Danone’s knowledge management is the lack of incentives and rewards for participation. Although the networking practices have been quite successful for Danone, the employees are not being acknowledged and rewarded for their contributions (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). A reward system needs to be put in place to ensure that the employees are encouraged to make full use of the networking system. Unless this is carried out, learning within the organisation will suffer, as the employees will be less likely to want to contribute to the organisation and the learning culture. Many of the employees are already very loaded with work as it is, and the networking practices are adding more weight onto their schedules (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). The employees are not being recognised for their jobs well done. If the networking system has been such a success for Danone, management needs to show their appreciation to the employees (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). As it is, Danone are not displaying their gratitude towards the employees and their awareness of their contributions. Networking is taking top priority within the organisation, and is therefore a lot of work to maintain and continue (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). By rewarding or recognising the employees’ contributions and efforts, a greater awareness about the importance of a learning culture and its impact on the knowledge sharing benefits for the organisation will be created. It will also influence the employees into wanting to further the learning attitude. The front-line managers are highly critical for the networking and knowledge sharing mission, so therefore it is crucial that they be recognised and rewarded accordingly. The advantages of knowledge sharing are not being clearly displayed to the employees, such as the increase in performance and talent effectiveness (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). This is counter-productive to the learning if they cannot see the potential and importance of the learning attitudes and their impact on the organisation. Motivating the employees to learn would be more beneficial than teaching them how to network. It is not a part of the culture within the organisation to want to share knowledge and learn from other employees within the Danone network. Sharing has never been a natural part of the culture and this has created clashes and inefficiencies (Edmondson, et al. , 2008). Also, the lack of formalisation within the networking processes has created an issue for structure and feedback on the successes of the projects. This has been problematic as the employees may be becoming too relaxed with their knowledge sharing attitudes. Employees involved were refusing follow-ups as they believed they were being policed and monitored (Edmondson, et al. , 2008).
Friday, 1 May 2020
Chevy Aveo free essay sample
As I insert the key into the ignition of my 2006 Chevy Aveo, I pause for a second and take a deep breath. â€Å"Please don’t fail me this time Ole Faithful†, for my little beat-up car is known for its bad luck and awful retail value. But somewhere along the line, that atrocious black vehicle has slowly become apart of me, describing myself in ways I never thought were possible. My car is only seven years old and has already been put through the worst possible situations an automobile could go through. Me, I am seventeen and have been put through some pretty tough conditions throughout life. Even though we are both so young and eager to explore this crazy world, giving up is not an option for there will always be a car mechanic or even a shrink that can fix us. If somebody would have told me years ago that my car would change who I was I would have never believed it. We will write a custom essay sample on Chevy Aveo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is still absurd to me that my dented up, no side view mirror, and detached bumpers type of car taught me an important life lesson: â€Å"never give up, no matter what you are going through†. I will take this quote with me when I start to plan the next phase in my life and cannot wait to see what this world has planned for Ole Faithful and I.
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Things You Should Know About Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Topic Ideas
Things You Should Know About Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Topic Ideas Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Topic Ideas Can Be Fun for Everyone I've had two lovely dogs, a fantastic family and some remarkable friends. They catch a couple of fish and need to smuggle Tea Cake out of the rear gate of Janie's house so the men and women in town won't gossip. It's rather shocking to find out what the children had the ability to do with their own mother, as a result of their disappointment and even fear. Children aren't supposed to try it, for the very simple reason they are children and, thus, not supposed to understand or take note of things. Janie is made to kill Tea Cake so as to save her own life. In the long run, Janie is made to shoot her husband to safeguard herself. When Janie learns he might die, she goes to speak to him. Janie experiences several kinds of love throughout her life. In the remainder of this informative article, I'm likely to try and refrain from saying This story point differs from the books, therefore it's bad. To begin with, the story occurs at the very start of the 20th century. Analysis Mock arguments on pseudo-serious subjects, like those about the mule, found within this chapter often occupy the porch sitters since they struggle to comprehend their position on the planet. Use examples from the book to back up your position. One-off books, on the flip side, are generally better suited for an immediate adaptation. You may want to maintain a dictionary handy! Heroically trying to ace quizzes trivia. Explain the significance of the title. You may also find a variety of discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options free of charge. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. This offer is free for the first couple of times. You can't concentrate on all assignments at the same time, but it is a good deal simpler and faster to compose an essay when you experience an illustration of the way that it ought to be done. Due to our racism topics, you will be able to find out more about this severe matter. Don't be afraid to select the most fascinating racism topic for you and get started broadening your intellectual horizons! Use examples from the chapter to back up your choice. This is supposed to be a wake-up all, but there seems to be no end in sight. Let's take a minute of silence. This might take a few hours, based on how quickly you read. I spent the full day thinking about what things to wear. Let us understand your requirements and we'll help you the very best way we can. In truth, it turned out to be a grey area between both. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you find yourself getting an excellent grade. If you missed the very first segment, take a look here. Key areas in successful merging of AI and UX There ought to be no room for misinterpretation of information and users ought to be fully conscious of what they are getting involved in. Nonetheless, these are short-term solutions. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, along with make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Make your very first order at the moment and find the help you need whenever possible. Characteristics of Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Topic Ideas The Instagram stories will need to do. If you've had any experiences with the chills'' I want to know them. Admittedly, it might be argued that Pheoby is simply at the start of her Janie-like journey. Compare examples within this chapter with those in prior chapters. The Good, the Bad and Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Topic Ideas The pear tree, on the flip side, represents the beauty which can be found in nature. It is one element of nature in this chapter. To understand the character of racism, you must dig deep. The person is gone and there's absolutely nothing I can do in order to change that. Discover which aspects can be appropriate for comparison. Positive and negative effects of social networking on the struggle against racism. I'm not here in order to discuss religion or request that you ponder on the occurrence of God. Prayer has a means of seeping through and altering the mindset that you're in. We need to SEE a new vision through the opinion of the Holy Spirit. Analyze her life from the very start.
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
How to Write a Small Essay of Pari Siam
How to Write a Small Essay of Pari SiamWriting a small essay of pari siam is not that hard. However, there are some things you have to keep in mind before you start writing the essay. We all know how hard it is to write a single paragraph or two but this type of essay is going to be much more than that. So, how do you write a small essay of pari siam?First, you have to understand your individual needs. What you need to prepare for? Your essay should be something that is personal. You cannot write about the latest industry trends, the latest fashion trend, or the latest movie hit. You can write about any topic that you want and the number of words that you need to write about it will depend on how many topics you can fit in.The next thing you have to consider is the topic of your essay. If you want to write an essay about marketing, make sure that your essay is about marketing. Don't try to ramble about the Internet. The writing must be simple and clear.After you decide on what type o f essay you are going to write, you will have to prepare your essay by writing down the topics that you would like to cover. Remember that in writing essays, you have to be able to clearly articulate what you want to say. You will not be able to write an essay of pari siam if you are not able to do this.Now that you have the topics, you will have to choose a theme or thesis. This is an idea that you will build up from your topic and will tell the reader how you want to present your argument. You can write the theme on one side or you can use two or three themes.Once you have the topics ready, you will need to choose which words and sentences you will use to create your essay. You can choose between all capital letters and small letters. There are times when small letters make the essay easier to read. Also, you can find words on the Internet and dictionary that you can use to enhance your essay. You have to make sure that you do not use the same word twice in the essay.If you still do not know how to write an essay of pari siam, you should go to books on writing that are in the library. These books may help you write better. However, you should do your own research on what to write and then get a copy of the same book in the public library.Once you have finished the essay, make sure that you format it well. Do not just throw it away. Make copies of it for you and others who might want to check it out. Your essay is like a calling card for you; make sure that it does its job.
Monday, 13 April 2020
Economic Topics For Research Paper
Economic Topics For Research PaperThere are various topics that could be of interest to a research paper. Some of the subjects that you might want to consider for a research paper would include health, politics, technology, globalization, business, economics, social issues, and many others. Your research paper should contain all of these topics to be accepted by the judges.The key to writing a good research paper is to bring to light information about some topic and also to explore the topic in some depth. This will help you write an essay that is easier to understand and better research paper.Now, to write an economic topics for research paper, you can consider either your own or your student's knowledge about the subject. Both of you can use any research books available in the library to make the topic more interesting. If you have some references available, use them to help your students remember the subject matter of the paper.To make the topic more interesting, you can use the t echnology available in the classroom. For example, you can use laptops with their Internet connection or your laptops if you have Internet access. Use online forums or discussion boards to chat about the topic and to exchange ideas and opinions. In addition, you can watch videos on the internet about that topic to make the topic even more interesting.To really make economic topics for research paper a good one, you need to communicate your ideas well. This is because you will not know exactly what questions your students will ask or which topic to answer. If you are able to communicate your ideas clearly, you can avoid having any confusion.You can also use a focus group to help you out. A focus group is a group that meets for an extended period of time to talk about a specific topic and you can join one of these groups.Another way to develop economic topics for research paper is to prepare a bibliography before the main body of the paper. A bibliography is a list of references that you can use to help your students come up with the right sources to support their research. Make sure you use the type of reference that you have listed in your bibliography and your students can easily read through it to find the sources that they need.Also, writing an economic topics for research paper can be very time consuming. You need to take your time to write an interesting topic and to write a paper that is understandable to the judges. Using the technology available in the class is a great way to make your students learn by doing.
Saturday, 11 April 2020
Research Paper Topics With Pride and Prejudice
Research Paper Topics With Pride and PrejudiceHow many times have you heard the saying, 'Ranking your topic is not as easy as it looks'? It seems very simple, but it's difficult to rank the topic you're working on by its worth. In other words, you don't want to look at how good the topic is when you're trying to decide whether to accept it or reject it. And you definitely don't want to feel guilty after you've rejected it.Research paper topics with pride and prejudice is more effective than those that are ranked by merit. First of all, you know that if you rank your topic you will receive more credit and will be recognized for your efforts. The first person who ranked the topic the most likely has received the most praise for his or her work. Thus, the first step in becoming a good researcher is to realize that you can rank your topic, and to realize that no one is more deserving of praise than you. But let's get back to the topic.There are many benefits of ranking your research pape r topics, and pride and prejudice can help you to find what they are. By ranking your topic you are no longer sitting in silence, wondering whether you've made the right decision about your topic. You'll be able to communicate clearly and be proud of what you've accomplished. The quality of your research paper topic is determined not only by how much you know about the topic, but also by how much you know about yourself. If you're worried about the weight of your topic, think about how important you feel when you've written an original, meaningful research paper topic.Many people rank their research paper topics in order of importance. But what's important? Well, one should consider whether the topic is a waste of time. Do you really need to write about how to make snowmen fall in love? Do you really need to write about a new way to pronounce Castor oil? If you find that your topic is not worth your time, look for a different topic.Second, you should consider pride and prejudice. On e way to think about it is to ask yourself if the topic could benefit someone who is going through a hard time. Perhaps you have a niece or nephew that needs some help getting through an event, or perhaps you have a grandchild who just needs some extra support. If you write a research paper topic that a child or grandchild would benefit from, you'll be doing your best to create a topic that someone else will appreciate. Then, in turn, you will be creating something that will help a child or grandchild. Pride and prejudice, as always, are in the eye of the beholder.After you've looked at the value of pride and prejudice in your research paper topics, consider if it would also benefit someone else. If you wrote a topic based on your own personal experiences, would it benefit someone else? If you're looking for a topic that would help someone else, look for a topic that could help someone else even if they're the only person who reads it. Often times, if your research paper topic is ba sed on something that another person could benefit from, you'll discover that someone else will benefit from it too. The trick is to look for topics that will benefit a variety of people. If you truly think that writing a research paper topic that will benefit others would make you more proud of yourself, you'll be surprised at the fact that you'll benefit even more.One final thing you should keep in mind is to make sure that your research paper topics are based on your own knowledge, but based on topics that might benefit others as well. This means that you should never base your research paper topic on something that you think would help someone else. If you write a research paper topic that isn't based on personal experience, you'll be teaching yourself to be afraid of what you think might help others. And in time, you'll realize that your research paper topics are no better than a bunch of learned truths.
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