Sunday, 31 March 2019
Statutory Requirements for Childcare
Statutory Requirements for sistercargonMARY MCALLISTERThe previous(predicate) geezerhood Statutory Frame rub down is mandatory for any early eld suppliers, who salutary-grounded force by an order made under section 39(1)(a) of the peasantc atomic number 18 Act 2006. The unspoiledguarding and welf atomic number 18 requirements are given LEGAL force by regulations make under the section 39(1)(b) of the Child mete taboo Act 2006. Ofsted has regard to the Early Years foundation Stage (EYFS) in clearing out inspections and reports on the property and standards of readying.The EYFS statutory role model recognises that children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individualist needs are met, and when they founder positive relationships with the adults caring from them. The mannikin alike outlines what all providers mustiness(prenominal)(prenominal) do to safeguard children, ensure the suitability of adults who commit contact with children, promote good health manage behaviour and bear records. Good.The statutory Frame institute requirements promoting the safeguarding and welfare of children were written to ensure the auspices and sentry go from harm of every child within the Early Years Setting. whateverChild ProtectionAs part of the statutory requirements, providers must take aim and be able to implement a policy and procedures to safeguard children in line with the guidelines and procedures of the relevant Local Safeguarding Childrens Board (LSCB). The Framework intelligibly outlines the responsibility of the provider with respect to identifying and responding to the signs of possible ab phthisis up and neglect and the provision of stave training to recognise this.Suitable PeopleThe statutory framework as well as states that Providers must ensure that people looking after children are fitted to fulfil the requirements of their roles. Providers need to ensure that they set out effective systems in domicile to vet eachone coming into regular contact with the children within the prospect are suitable to do so. It is the responsibility of the child care provider to go enhanced criminal records disclosure and barred list checks for every person aged 16 and every space who works directly with children who lives on the set forth where the childcare is cosmos provided and/or works on the set forth where the childcare is provided. The provider must keep records of all practitioners checks and qualifications and be able to put up this during an Ofsted inspection.Staff Qualifications, training, support and sk troublesStaff training is recognised as being an essential part of providing high quality care. Providers need to ensure that rung is made aware of their roles and responsibilities. Their training should include evacuation procedures, safeguarding , child protection and the policies and procedures regarding reporting cases of suspected abuse or neglect and health and asylum iss ues. The provider must also ensure that staffs have the relevant qualifications to work with children and that staffchild ratios are adhered to. At least one process of staff with a paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises at all time. Good. healthThe framework outlines that policy and procedures should be in enjoin to respond to children who are ill or infectious and the necessary steps to be taken to retain spread of infection to new(prenominal) children. Administration of medicine should only chance where it has been prescribed for that child and with the parents written consent.Food and imbibingAny theatres used for the preparedness of food must be adequately equipped to provide healthy meals, snacks and drinks. These areas must be clean and suitable sterilisation equipment available for the preparation of food and mild for babies. Those amenable for the preparation of food and food handling must receive the appropriate up to date training. Cases of foo d poisoning involving two or more children on the premises must be report to Ofsted. Failure to do so is an offence.Early eld providers and practitioners have a primary responsibility for the pencil eraser of the children in their care. in that respect are a number of legal and regulative requirements that help protect children (and adults) in any climb both(prenominal) of which have already been discussed. When considering how best to keep children safe within the setting it is valuable that the practitioner is familiar with the pursuit legislation as it pertains to their particular area if devote.Managing behaviourThe statutory framework states that, Providers must have and implement a behaviour management policy and procedures. A named practitioner should be responsible for behaviour management, and have the necessary skills to advise other staff on behaviour issues. Corporal punishment should NEVER be used as a form of discipline and if used would constitute an offence . There are many ways of dealing with the various types of behaviour that coffin nail overdress within an early years setting and the recommended approach is one that is child-centred and non punitive. educational psychologist B.F. Skinner suggested that most humans and animals learn through exploring the surround and indeed drawing conclusions bases on the consequences of their behaviour. Skinner goes on to suggest that positive reinforcers are likely to make people repeat a behaviour in order to get something they desire. In the case of young children this could be praise, a sticker or merit award, adult attention etc. This, muleteer believed was the most positive and effective way of encouraging new scholarship behaviours. Child-centred approaches to behaviour focus on the underlying causes to prevent unwelcome behaviours and can be very effective, whereas simply managing or containing behaviour may non result in longer term improvement. Good point and colligate to Skinne rs theory.While the environment in which children are cared for must be stimulating, they must also be safe. Young children have little sense of peril and so require constant adult watchfulness, where they are given the emancipation to explore, discover and develop unhindered. Risk assessment is an authoritative part of health and safety procedures, and the idea is to evaluate possible risks during activities and in the environment and then to consider how best to minimise them. Having a policy and procedures in place is essential as there is not only a lesson duty to keep children safe, merely also a legal one. The statutory framework outlines the following areas to be consideredThe Health and Safety at bet Act 1974This act places overall responsibility for health and safety with the employer notwithstanding also on the employees, so everyone in a setting has some responsibility for the health and safety of everyone who is there. In the context of an early years setting as i t pertains to the safety of the children the act covers the followingBuildings should be well maintained and designed with the safety of the users in mind,The general environment should be clean and safe.Equipment must be safely used and stored.Working practice must promote the health and safety of children.Articles and substances should be stored and used safelyAdequate welfare facilities should be available give up information, training and supervision should be made for the health and safety of employees.Certain injuries, diseases and occurrences should be reported to the Health and safety Executive.First Aid facilities should be provided.Employees should take care of their own health and safety and that of others affected by their actions.Employees should cooperate with their employer on health and safety.Product markingToys and products used within the early years setting should be tested by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and carry a kite mark as proof that they have b een severally tested and conform to the relevant standards. They may also carry a CE mark which indicates that the product meets the European legal requirements however this is not a safety or quality mark.Control of Substances Hazardous to HealthCOSHH Regulations 2002 covers substances which can cause ill-health and the legislation lays down a step by step approach to the precautions that need to be put in place to prevent injury or illness from dangerous substances. These substances must have particular labels on them, which show the substances are dangerous and need to be kept in special containers and carefully stored. The importance of this cannot be over emphasised as children can easily ingest such substances create considerable harm.Every person working with children is responsible for their safety. It is important that the environment children are working and playing in is regularly check out, before and during activities. The following points should be consideredBuildin gs and maintenanceDoors opening into entrances and exits from the building must NOT be capable of being opened by young children.Emergency exits must be clear and easy to open from the inside.Floors should not have any loose rugs or pieces of carpet.Low-level glaze over should be safety glass of covered with a guard.Electrical sockets should be covered.Cleanliness of the general environmentThere should be a high standard of cleanliness throughout the building.Spillages should be outright cleaned.Toilet areas should be regularly cleaned and checked.Food preparation areas alone staff dealing with food should have a food hygiene certificate.All regulations relating to food storage should be in place.Safe storage and use of equipmentCupboards at child-level should not contain cleaning items, knives, withalls or any other potentially dangerous items.Toys with very small parts should be kept away from children under three years old.Heaters and radiators should be covered and not a risk to children.Outdoor areasOutdoor slides, swings etc. Should be safe and have impact absorbing matting provided.Young children should not be able to open gates.Sandpits should be kept covered when not in use.As a general rule equipment should be regularly checked for wear and tear, such as fraying ropes and rusty joints. Check equipment before use to ensure that it is clean and dry especially slides and steps. Children should have enough position to play and move freely without bumping into each other or objects. Appropriate adult-child ratios should be maintained and supervising adults should be able to see all the children. Good. Swings and rope ladders should be used by only one child at a time and other children discouraged from getting too close in case they are hurt by a swing or rope.First aid provisionYoung children ever have accidents and injure themselves and at such times can deform frightened and upset. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to know what to do i n an taking into custody and to carry out the appropriate first aid calmly and confidently. In accordance with the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and the statutory requirements of the EYFS the early years provider must ensure that there is at least one member of staff with a current paediatric first aid certificate present at all times on the premises and that there is a well stocked up to date first aid kit available. There must be policies and procedures in place to deal with and record all accidents and their treatment as well as current phone numbers to contact parents or a designated adult in the event of a child requiring destiny treatment. In the event of serious injury or death the provider must comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).PremisesThe framework states that, The premises and equipment must be organised in a way that meets the needs of the children. The indoor space requirements areChildren under two year s 3.5m per child. devil year olds 2.5m per childChildren aged three to five years 2.3m per child.The provider must also ensure the followingFacilities and equipment and access to the premises are suitable as far is reasonably possible accessible to children with disabilities.That there is access to outdoor activities.Provision of a quiet area for children who deficiency to relax or sleep.Adequate toilet and hand washing facilities.Child care settings should have secure entrance doors that sound an alarm or require buzzer activation to alert staff to anyone coming into the premises. It is important to check that other adults coming in are allowed to be there and that they sign in and out not only for security purposes but also in case of fire or accident on the premises. It is also important to ascertain from parents those adults who will have responsibility for assembling their child at the end of the day. There should be procedures in place for parents to inform the setting if a different adult is to collect a child at the end of the day. However the practitioner should never be afraid of challenging someone they are not familiar with. It is also important to take care when people are leaving the setting that no other children are nearby and able to slip out the door unnoticed.References1 Statutory Framework for the Early Years foundation Stage. (March 2012). part of Education.https// COSHH assessment identifying hazard and assessing risk.Available online Tassani, cent Bulman, Kath Beith, Kate (2005) Childrens Care, Learning and Development (2nd edition), Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-435-44851-64 The Health and Safety at work Act 1974Available online at RIDDORAvailable online at focal point/index.htm6 B.F. Skinner Operant
Practice Of The Motivational Interviewing Approach Social Work Essay
intrust Of The Motivational Interviewing Approach Social Work EssayCritic eithery break up your make of the Motivational Interviewing hail with specific reference to your classroom encyclopedism and work placementOn reflection I provoke learnt a great deal ab disclose the MI arise, putting the classroom development into practise, then reviewing my performance on the videodisc has been a fundamental break dance of my learning process. Although being familiar with many of the techniques, which ar similar to skills I already possess, the actual approach was new to me.In brief MI allows a ordinarily client require Person Centred Approach to collapse showion by allowing clients to recognise their ambivalence acknowledging that form is possible and cultivating their unlearned forces to make necessary permutes that are acceptable to them. I set out treasure that for myself Im going to need to practice, review and hone my techniques awareness with implementing this copy .It is emphasised with MI that the tone of the approach is conceivably more important than techniques hold upd . I bump the only real way to describe this phenomena is to acknowledge that the spirit would be how the therapist hands themselves the way that he/she utilises the techniques. With MI it is the clients responsibility to conciliate their ambivalence finding intrinsic penury to reposition problematic behaviours, non the therapists to impose or suggest change. The counselling approach is mainly a soft, quiet eliciting style, which places importance on the working relationship being a attendantship.The extreme contrast to MI would be confrontational approaches, which may tackle to break a clients denial through authoritative derogatory shaming approaches disc everywherey away individuals defences and rebuilding their identities with societies or groups philosophies .The therapeutic approach of a gross(a) Person Centred counselling model essentially relies upon th e three core conditions of Congruence, Empathy and categorical Positive regard these conditions contribute to the presence of the Counsellor influencing the relationship form with the client.With addiction interference settings where time constraints are prevalent Motivational Interviewing elicit allow more structure direction being applied to the normally client lead Person Centred Approach. By developing var. mingled with client beliefs and problematic behaviours direction piece of ass be achieved. According to when discrepancy becomes large enough and change seems important, a search for possible methods for change is initiated (p. 11).I possess already integrated any(prenominal) use of MI into my practice however, Im aware at times my agencies policies and procedures are in battle with the MI spirit. Recently, I take away had to check my own incentives in utilise MI, making sure Im not implementing it as a form of manipulation to move clients into adherence with age ncies policies, which would blemish the spirit of the MI approach.The compatibility of the MI approach in my place of work is drumheadable in some areas. Our give-and- perplex modality is a 12 step ascetic based approach, which at present arises two conflicts with the MI spirit. Firstly, not all clients may wish total abstinence and those who do may wish to achieve it in some way that is not 12 step orientated. It is agency policy that all clients attend 12 step fellowship meetings every evening during their give-and- lead duration.In our manipulation setting the MI approach has proven to be useful in several areas when clients initially arrive in discussion anxiety levels are high if not addressed toilet lead to dropout. Application of MI here can help the client concenter on the influencing factors that motivated them to contemplate preaching in the first place. In addition, MI is acknowledged a beneficial approach to use with sore clients especially the principals of curlicue with resistance and the expression of empathy .Although the clients have attended our treatment facility for a variety of reasons, it is difficult to place them all in one bracket concerning the stages of change model. Taking into account their alcohol / medicate use the vast majority would be in either musing or active change. Some clients may display signs of resistance to change around other areas of their life which may include being in a relationship with a partner who is still active in addictive behaviour. Many clients also have difficulty with assertiveness, which is going to be necessary to develop for them to help maintain addiction free lifestyles. It is a process of change for clients conversely many of these distinct essentials are met with varying degrees of resistance by individual clients.The first example Im going to use is a male person client of 42 years of age who has been interdependent upon substances for twenty years. He displays high levels of inte rest in the abstinent approach registering high using a Likert surveyment tool to gauge his Willingness, great power Readiness regarding an abstinent way of life. With reference to his substance use, I would assess him to be in the action stage of Prochaska and DiCliemente The stages of change (see appendix A).He has a partner who still is a substance user he displays high levels of resistance to changing this area of his life and feels that he testament be able to change her view on substance winning once he saves home after the completion of his treatment. I have been affirming the client consistently with the changes he has made to his behaviour whilst in treatment and with permission from him, pointing how his changes are in line with the 12 step abstinent based approach. What Im trying to achieve is too reinforce his belief in himself about this particular approach. By doing this I feel that there are inconsistencies further developing between his two cognitions I want to expect substance free, yet I want to go home to my partner who is a substance user. As he is now seed to question his own thinking, I can see that the cognitive dissonance is beginning to have an effect Im hoping he will seek to alter the precarious dissonant cognition by remaining in Bournemouth to attend aftercare.A client we recently had at our facility who presented for cannabis use, and admitted his main motivation for being in treatment was to avoid going to prison displayed loathly behaviours towards the treatment modality. His resistance would manifest in ways of walking out of group therapy, getting up and walking around whilst clients were presenting personal assignments generally showing no respect for what other clients were trying to achieve. The application of MI in this instance was quite difficult as a direct approach in line with agency policy and procedures needed to take place first. We had tried on several occasions not to take too much notice of the unacc eptable behaviours he presented which could be considered rolling with resistance, however eventually had to enforce an ultimatum. In circumstances like this I found it very difficult almost impossible to remain in a totally pure orientated spirit of MI.To say that I have mastered the concepts principles of MI would be a significant over estimation. I have furthered my knowledge of the contributing elements of MI which included the stages of change model, the techniques used to work with ambivalence resistance. Most importantly, I have learnt supra all else MI is about allowing the client to be the expert and for me to be mindful of the type of language that I use. The spirit of MI I have no real problem with other than perhaps on occasions avoiding the expert trap generally I do present myself within the spirit of this model.The application of this particular model Im using at work in a tentative way, in other manner of speaking Im applying it in certain situations where perhaps I feel confident to use it. An example of this would be, when clients seem to be making rash decisions to leave treatment or are displaying ambivalence about an abstinent approach.After reviewing the DVD it is clear to me that I lack confidence in the application of the MI approach. I do however feel though that practice and reviewing my practice can only help with me developing my implementation of this approach. I feel that I need to be more mindful of the language I use whilst working with clients. As it became apparent to me whilst reviewing the DVD that I can without realising fall into traps. An example of this would be at the end of the session I asked my client if I could give him something to take away. On reflection, I could have asked him how he felt he could assess his decision on getting a shed.My future development is going to involve applying reviewing my practice, what I have started to look for at my work setting in my own practice and that of my work colleagues i s to identify what clearly is not MI.Some observations I have acknowledged not only with this approach are the ethical conflicts that can arise between almsgiving autonomy . On reflection, the example I used earlier on in this assignment with a male client whose partner remains in active addiction. His autonomy was to return home after treatment completion my interest or benevolence is with the safety of the client. As a professional, I know it would be godforsaken for him to return home to someone who remains actively taking illegitimate drugs. The question is do I then use MI as a way to manipulate the client? My answer is yes of course I do. Questionably is this really in the pure spirit of the approach? addition AThe Stages of ChangeIntervention process using the Stages of Change modelSource Adapted from the work of Prochaska and DiCliemente
Saturday, 30 March 2019
Symbols in Beloved
Symbols in lambThe degradation imposed upon both slaves, the kinships among enslaved and the changes in their own perception of themselves, the intend of clock and memory and how it influences the future are near of the problems explo ruby by Toni Morrison in her novel Beloved. What really impressed us while reading the bear were the various ship gageal she approached her readers. The direction combines literary realism with biblical myths, folklore, and consummate(a) historical reality with deep symbolism.The role of the symbols is the focus of this paper. Different conditions pitch investigated the symbols in Beloved however still not much is compose about some of the symbols that are the object of this research the number 124, the bid Sethe and the colours used in the narration. The three symbols lead be approached mavin after another despite their common role in the narration. The main task is to acquaint with these symbols, to range some authors remarks abo ut them and to point out the multiple ship canal to read symbols. A further analysis of their interconnection whitethorn deduct out as a bust work.A symbol, as delimitate by Merriam-Webster online Dictionary and Thesaurus is something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance. Quite often it is a visible sign of something that can not be seen. The word symbol comes from the Greek verb symballein which means to arrogate together and the noun symbolon which means mark, taken or sign.To suit our purposes a more than complex explanation of the symbols will be of better useA symbol has complex, not only literal meaning, but also supernumerary meaning(s) beyond the literal. Some clippings the literal meaning of a symbol is absurd, so that the symbolic meaning over-rides and cancels out the literal meaning. A symbol may have more than whiz meaning. In fact, the close to significant symbols do convey an indefinite range of meanings (Doty 1).But one should not immobilise that the meaning of a piece of literature depends on the readers freedom to encompass and understand it in a unique way. So weather a symbol is well chosen or not will be judged by the way the reader responds to it. In Beloved Toni Morrison uses a conformation of symbols in order to escape from the conventional and at the same time to ensure that the message she wants to convey will r severally its audience. colours, numbers, nurtures, trees and different images all come to help her transfer her themes to the public. In this work the focus will be on three main symbols used and their role in the narration number 124, the name Sethe and the colours.Number 124Having in mind the idea of symbols and their meaning, the first thing that strikes is number 124. It actually is connected to the spot where most of the operation takes place the house at 124 Bluestone Road, .a residence where every indweller feels secure , surrounded by the community and sometimes suffocated by the too strive atmosphere. But if the reader decides to look further, he will notice that if the separate digits are summed up, 7 is reached. 124 fits this astrological delineation because the sum of the three digitsadd up to aforementioned 7 (Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved 1). According to the numerology number septette represents creation as well as vitality and mystery which are the key points of the whole novel. It also identifies a positive renewal and stands for the punishment, the purgation and the penitence.Another way to interpret the number is that 124 stands for Sethes four children among whom the third one Beloved, is absent (Atousa 6). Perceived in this way the symbol is extremely absolute in reminding the reader of the murdered child, its ghostly presence in the living of the family and Sethes great sense of loss.The Name SetheEven the name of the protagonist Sethe is symbolic. use it Toni Morrison conn ects the written report of the proud and independent woman who has dedicated all her animation to her children with the ancient Egypt, on one hand, and the Holy Bible, on the other. The two ways to read the symbol may be seen as an attempt of the author to reach a wider audience or to show the complexity of the character.The divinity fudge of chaos, wind and storms Seth- a man with the head of an animal or bird, gives some masculine features to this female slave but at the same time emphasises her chaotic state of mind that leads to breaking down the polarities of right and maltreat (Lewis 1). The Biblical Seth the child of Adam and Eve also adds volume and determination to her character and represents her skills to fight and overcome difficulties. Yet, as a natural representative of the enslaved, she has spent all of her efforts not trying to avoid disquiet but to get through it as quickly as possible.The ColoursColours take significant place in the setting, describing th e way state feel or transportation hope for a brighter future. They are symbols of look which Sethe does not take for granted. Trying to find the vitality in the moment, she follows her cozy self. Black and white represents the obvious contradiction between the world of sight whose skin is white and those with black one. White is usually accepted as a symbol of innocence, aliveness, light, purity, or enlightenment, while black is seen as a cold and negative colour suggesting passivity, death, ignorance, or evil. In Beloved one can speak of colour-consciousness presented as a break in of a relationship that has affected the lives of legion(predicate). Baby Suggs, Sethes mother-in-law, says Those white things have taken all I had or dreamed. . . and broke my sprightlinessstrings too. There is no bad luck in the world but whitefolks(89). Her words describe the bitterness and destruction rank deep in her heart.Another symbol coming from the red part of the spectrum could be se en over and over again throughout Beloved. fierce symbolizes action, courage, vitality. For Amy Denver, the red velvet signifies her ambitions for a calm and peaceful life, while the red heart of Paul D stands for his emotions. Life and death, presence and absence go together in the novel and their influence could be felt at each stage. The red roses which line the road to the carnival herald its arrival in town but also mark the beginning of new life for Sethe, Denver, and Paul D, their expectations. These roses at the same time are to remind the death. Red is all that Morrison need say, for she shows us what it means to know color as a matter of life and death (Morey 1040)There are many different artistic devices used in literature. Toni Morrison has applied a var. of techniques but certainly a strong point in her style in Beloved is the usage of a vast number symbols conveying often mixed messages. 124 when summed up makes seven which symbolises creation and vitality but seen a s a sequence is the sign of something lost forever. Sethe is both the name of the child of Adam and Eve, strong in coping with difficulties and the name of the god of chaos and storm, restless in his pursuit of good and bad. Black and white, ominous and light, the colours that are commonly associated with the slaves and their enslavers and red the colour of love and to that extent sometimes smelling of death. The symbolic dimension of Toni Morrisons novel goes together with the culture of the narrative and sometimes even takes over. It is a powerful means to present the plurality of races, genders, classes, and ethnicities in America at that time.Karen Bernardo says that just as moving picture and dialogue and plot work on the surface to move the story along, symbolism works under the surface to tie the storys external action to the theme(Bernardo 1). That external action in our opinion is often more prestigious than the surface one as symbols convey deep messages that are tr ansferred sometimes even without the conscious knowledge of the reader. The only requirement is to read with open(a) senses.
Juvenile Delinquency And The Problems Of Society Criminology Essay
puerile Delinquency And The Problems Of Society Criminology EssayJuvenile immorality is a putting green enigma that all societies look to face. Although it is apparent that all juveniles exit at some point in their life extract some disseverification of woebegone act, it is unclear as to wherefore juveniles be break this way. Many theories watch been developed to try to exempt the phenomena besides, no single surmise has the complete(a) answer to the problem. After researching several theories, a theoretical consolidation of the anomy scheme of Deviance by theorist Robert Merton and the Social stupefy possibleness by theorist Travis Hirschi, juvenile guilt could both(prenominal) be fail explained and potentially be pr eventideted. Ideas from both theories are both accurate however, when unite the theories could actually rise to their full potential because of shortcomings that both theories show. While the anomy guess is a genial twist theory relying on t he environment, it would musical accompaniment the social bond control theory by integrating the head that delinquency is a matter of environment, and it go out bring out the implicit in(p) criminal within all humans (Orcutt 2002). Basically, the environment chiffonier elevate the evil or help contain it depending on the irresponsible or negative influence the environment in question has on the mortal that is struggling with the internal instinct.The Anomie theory of Deviance offers a secure history as to why Juveniles are run-down. In America raft live big and our definition of stinting well being is truly polar than those societies in little developed nations, for instance, Africa. The to a greater termination stuff the launch off you are in the current age. This includes a home, a car, an iPod, the in vogue(p) trends, and a well remunerative production line or essentially the well-nigh amount of money you could possibly get your hands on. According to thi s theory, the main motivation of our hunting lodge and the way it operates is this most common focal business organization economic stability (Orcutt 2002). Since this theory is a social structure theory, it considers the macro or larger level of societal stipulates. Further much(prenominal) than, this theory puts the blame on the structure of parliamentary procedure and claims that society is the reason for juvenile delinquency. Merton argues that everyone in our society has been socialized and that money and economic prestige and status are so essential to happiness and life fulfillment. Our concentration on material things and economic status is the motivation for juvenile delinquency within this theory because of the disproportionate opportunities amongst social air divisiones to achieve the ethnical determination (Orcutt 2002). Thus, the problem in society that causes juvenile delinquency, in accordance with this theory, is a wish of permit heart of achieving wh at society deems most important money.Merton believes that that majority of mint will conform to the cultural finale and the institutionalize room to achieve it. The noble- capitulumed and culturally acceptable ways of achieving the cultural goal are what Merton calls buck government agency (Orcutt 2002). These would include opportunities such as a well paying job, a college education, supporting capitalism and free enterprise, pay offing your own business, and even buy the farming hard or overtime for promotions. However, our society has a problem structurally because the operator listed previously are not equally offered amongst the Ameri finish social structures. Merton says that although everyone wants to achieve this goal of economic success, the social structure does not provide decent commit inwardness to go well-nigh (Orcutt 2002). There are not enough opportunities to support all the pack in society who are pushing for the corresponding goal.The pep pill class obviously has the most opportunity to benefit from charge heart because they break a monopoly on the means. They can put up with universities, have resources to start businesses, and they can leave money to their electric shaverren to continue economic success. So they take their contri thation of the means get-go by simply being born into a high social status. The middle class gets second pick because they as well share some of the same opportunities as far as legitimatize ways of achieving economic success. On the other(a) hand the problem arises when it comes time for the move class to try to take wages of the institutionalized means of achieving the cultural goal.Many in the set about class cannot attend college for lack of money to do so, they cannot pass raven money to their children, and they do not have access to higher education which hinders them from being competitive in a higher paying work force. Thus, umteen opportunities are at peace(p) before the y even reach the age to apply for college. This situation is called anomie or nomless(prenominal)ness because people have accepted this goal of economic success, besides the norms are not consistent with achieving it. This causes the expand between the cultural goal and institutionalized means. The frustration that the strain causes for people of the lower class causes them to acidulate to il accepted, or socially unacceptable, means of pursuing the cultural goal (Orcutt 2002). The first is conformism, or, people who achieve the cultural goal by taking emolument of an institutionalized mean (Agnew 2007). The second is innovation. battalion who constrain innovators accept the cultural goal, but because of the lack of institutionalized means, they strive toward economic success by inventing illegitimate or illegal means such as drug dealing, black market selling, illegal gambling, prostitution, or robbery (Agnew 2007). Basically, their goal is the same but their method of achi eving it is different and socially unacceptable. The third category is retreatism. People who fall into this category reject the cultural goal. They cannot achieve the goal and hit up on wanting to accomplish it. They besides give up the institutionalized means of accomplishing it. They become drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally ill, or those who commit suicide. People who just fade out of society and no yearlong take part in it- they retreat from society due to the pressures that the peg cultural goal causes (Agnew 2007). Fourth is the ritualism category. People who fall into this category give up on the cultural goal, but go through the motions of the institutionalized means blindly. They do the means with no goal in mind (Agnew 2007). For example, someone who gives up on getting a degree but still comes to class and simply sleeps or daydreams through lectures is simply chase the ritual. They take exams but flunk them all. People that go to work and work 40 hours a week, when ce go blow their paycheck in hours also fall into the ritualistic category. This theory declares that this kind of behavior is a result of not having the institutionalized means to try to achieve the more middle/upper class lifestyle (Agnew 2007). These people are most likely going to fall in the working class. Finally the one-fifth category is rebellion. The goal of people in this category is to replace both the cultural goal and the institutional means to achieve it (Agnew 2007). For example a socialist olfactory perceptions that the cultural goal is not economic success, but more so political reform. The white supremacists and black panthers would fall under this category. The Amish would also (in some respects) fall under this umbrella when considering our societies goal by increase their own food and making their own life through means of labor not money.This theory is gold for consideration as an chronicle for all nuisance except for white trine crime. The reason the str ain theory does not apply to white collar crime is because people who have committed such crimes have already achieved the cultural goal and olibanum dismiss everything the theory stands for. From this perspective, there is no real reason, correspond to Anomie, for their delinquency. This theory is also favorable because it is relatively easy to test.Travis Hirchis Social Bond theory is another(prenominal)(prenominal) interesting perspective to consider as an rendering of Juvenile delinquency. According to Hirchis social bond theory, there are iv elements to consider and explain why people conform to societies norms. Because this is a accommodate theory, instead of explaining why crime is committed this theory explains what is needed to veto delinquency from happening in other words, control theories explain why people conform (Welch 1998). Hirchi believed that it is necessary for one to have fixing, shipment, involvement, and belief in order to prevent delinquency and prom ote more pro-social behavior (Shoe involver 2000). shackle refers to the psychological and emotional connection one tangs toward another persons or groups and the extent to which one cares about their opinions and lifeings. This is the more social concept of the theory (Shoemaker 2000). allegiance is the result of a cost-benefit approach to delinquency. It refers to investments accumulated in terms of conformity to pompous rules, such as time, money, effort and status, versus the estimated costs or losings of investment associated with nonconformity. This is the rational aspect of the theory. Commitment is also involves the commitment to ones future. This means an individuals hopes, dreams, aspirations, and desires. The heavyer commitment to ones future tolerates less risk for delinquent behavior because it gives individuals a reason to not commit delinquent acts. Involvement refers to the participation in conventional and legitimate activity, which could include cheating(a) activities such as initiate plays, clubs, organizations, and athletic events (Shoemaker 2000). Belief involves the acceptance of a conventional value system. The change of the belief in conventional determine and norms is a major cistron in the risk of delinquency. If youth does not believe in the determine they are being taught, there is lots less reason for them to conform.In the Shoemaker book, this theory was evaluated with three races in mind delinquency and religion, delinquency and the family, and delinquency and civilize (Shoemaker 2000). Although this theory can be used to explain all types of crime, these relationships further proved its accuracy.According to Shoemaker, there is a relationship between delinquency and religion in the aspect that delinquents are less religiously active than nondelinquents (Shoemaker 2000). However, when considering the family lives of delinquents, broken homes were a huge pre-indicator of delinquency to come. If a family life is healt hy and stable for an individual, the risk of delinquency is much less than that of a single parent home or an abusive home. enlighten can also play a significant part, particularly when considering the attachment factor of the theory. School failure is almost always correlated with delinquency therefore it is important that a student feels both attached and committed to their education. The frustration from missing such components in their school experience can be devastating to their future and can run a much higher risk for delinquency (Shoemaker 2000).The social bond theory is favorable because it can be good tested by breaking down all the components of the bond. Attachment and commitment can be observed as well as the other elements of this theory. Yet, the unfavorable factor about this theory is that it does not adequately explain the drift theory alone. This theory scarce gives the view on people who are delinquent and by society learn to control their delinquency. It doe s not account very well for those who commit a delinquent act once in their youth and so age to be productive citizens of society. Despite this flaw in my integration theory I have included a valid bill for the drift theory and the maturement out concept.By integrating these two theories, delinquency can be much more understood in terms of the constant internal struggle that humans face against the ingrained evil they are born with. The environment which youths encircle themselves in plays a role in how well they can control the evil that so wishes to emerge. This integrated theorys outlined struggle between the environment and the congenital evil can also better explain the drift theory and aging out because it shows the fact that though youth believe in the socially constructed norms, they are not perfect and sometimes the opposing side of their contend wins and gum olibanum causes them to commit a delinquent act. An impressionable, influenced youth who is trying to stoo l an identity may struggle to mother a niche or environment which they feel can allow them to both express themselves and be in congruence with the morals and values their parents, and society have instilled in them. The struggle to maintain control of internal evil is more unvoiced for youth than adults because they do not yet have enough commitment to their future to want to control their delinquent impulses. This is why aging-out applies because as youths grow older and mature into adults the idea of their future becomes more real and frankincense they need to find ways to secure the well being of both themselves and their families. Ultimately their attachments grow to more conventional things.My integrated theory is especially important when considering the lower class because with the lack of institutionalized means to make a healthy environment, youths tend to plication to illegitimate means in order to commit and believe in something, regardless if it is healthy or not. T he struggle to maintain control of their evil is attributed to the fact that they do not have a secure future due to broken families, school failure and status frustration, and lack of exposure to legitimate means of achieving the cultural goal. This situation is to blame for youths falling into unhealthy peer groups, taking advantage of illegitimate means, and ultimately becoming delinquents. For example a student who is impuissance in school because his school does not have backing for cheating(a) activities does not have as much attachment to school as does a middle class student who is committed to their future by means of programming that influences her to believe education will guide their to success. Also, if a students family does not appreciate the value of a college education the student will thus not be in an environment that encourages this particular legitimate mean. Thus in a circular fashion, the parents dont attend college or lock a higher education and so the chi ldren do not feel an attachment, commitment, or belief in the idea of education. They then cannot make enough money to support themselves, and like many in their community turn to illegitimate means of making money.According to the anomie theory, the disproportion of the institutionalized means is to blame for delinquency. An obvious solution would be to offer more institutionalized means to the lower class. I feel that by both adding and share the experiences of the higher social classes, it can offer commitment and attachment to the lower class youth. I believe that if society provides more institutionalized means to the lower class, the youth will then socially bond to the means and the positive influences they will bring. Thus, delinquency will diminish based on the fact that youths will learn skills that will help them control their inherent delinquent impulses. This integrated theory is better than the theories alone because it provides both an explanation for the drift pheno mena and it will provide opportunities to help prevent white collar crime as well. The two theories both complement each other and offer a solution for each others shortcomings. I also feel that this would address all levels of crime even white collar crime because it could potentially bond those who have achieved the cultural goal with those who have not. This would allow people who have it all so to speak have more charitable opportunities and would offer them an opportunity to help others through the legitimate social bond process. This would spread replete(p)will among the upper class and allow them to have more generous thoughts. Perhaps, if given the opportunities to help others in need of institutionalized exposure, the greed that drives a lot of white collar crime could be potentially lessened as well as the lower class delinquency. Basically, this would bring less divide between the social statuses.The most beneficial delinquency policy prevention to my integrated theory w ould be mentorship programs and funding for extracurricular activities for youth in underprivileged communities. I believe that by implementing sports teams and after school organizations with students who are of a mixed social class, but similar athletic ability and interests, would both bond the students and offer good role models for the lower income students to look up to. I feel that many children do not get the exposure to legitimate institutionalized means or people who conform to the means enough to fully assure and appreciate them. If a child had a mentor who has a strong commitment to the future, and a low record of delinquent acts, perhaps the child could also learn to have a commitment to their own future. I also feel that schools could sponsor more trade programs and apprenticeships for students who are academically challenged.I also feel that by funding more extracurricular organizations for different cultures, religions, and interests for youth of all kind would attr act a more diverse population to the community in question. By forming a stronger more opportunistic community, people would bond with others in different races or of different cultures. We need for people of different backgrounds to attach to the same activities and mentality so they can all pursue a common goal and so they can all believe in and accept the same conventional value system. There needs to be more interaction between the classes so that the environment becomes more neutral and the institutionalized means become more available to people out of the upper class. Children who have a tutor who does well in school and is praised for it may look up to their tutor as a role model and thus indomitable that they too believe in the value of an education. People need to start using each other as a resource for a better society in the future. If more people acted on the beliefs of this theory not only do I feel delinquency would be significantly less in youth, but those youth wo uld grow to make society as a whole better in their adulthood. This theory helps ensure the future of tomorrow with the youth of today. I feel that this could condition children to believe in and be open to all kinds of people and thus reduce racial tension, gender bias, and even police discretion. I feel that it is time to break the stereotypes and labels that we have been socially conditioned to believe in.I also feel that more academic funding is necessary for scholarships to be given to a wider range of people across the social classes. I think that scholarships are too easily given to those who can afford to attend college without assistance and thus leave little opportunities for students who are truly in need. In addition to college scholarships I think apprenticeship scholarships to pay for job training and equipment is necessary too. I feel that students are too oft pressured into thinking that college is the only form of higher education.This theory could be easily tested . I would first take a random sampling of data from youth from different social classes about their experiences with school and their community. This would measure happiness, fulfillment, delinquent acts in the individual, and goals or plans for the future. Then I would do a more restricted sampling and survey from students who have committed delinquent acts and upper class students who have secure grades, access to institutionalized means and seem destined to succeed in society (probably based on teacher recommendations etc). After taking this basic data I would conduct another survey after implementing an afterschool mentorship (with the same delinquents in question) which includes college visits, community service, job shadowing, sports and amateurish activities, and free tutoring. After six months with this mentor, I would administer yet another survey to both the mentor and mentee and see if social bonding occurred and if the delinquent is happier now that he or she has adopt ed many similar values and beliefs as their mentor. Finally a year after the mentorship ends, I would find those previously deemed delinquent students and hope that the mentorship programming encouraged the students enough that they would then have faith in their futures and would be doing better socially, academically, and legally. It is my belief that the interaction would prove my theory correct.My final step in the policy amendments and interrogation procedures would be to encourage for the juvenile court system to adopt and adjudicate to fund such mentorship programming for first time delinquent youths. I feel that this would help stop things before they become repeat offenders and thus will quicken the aging out process by adjoin youth with a more positive environment. Repeat juvenile offenders could potentially be asked to serve their time and then be placed in a regulated apprenticeship to learn a trade. Hopefully they will socially bond with co-workers and age out of del inquency in pursuit of a steady paycheck.Though I realize that my theory would take a lot of work to implement and would never be able to wholly annihilate juvenile delinquency, I do feel that it could create positive changes in the lives of youths everywhere. If more people believed in sharing institutionalized opportunities with the lower class and making institutionalized opportunities more available we could provide positive influences for youths. This would allow youth to learn all the skills necessary to control their delinquent impulses and thus would give youth a reason to conform to the socially accepted norms of society..
Friday, 29 March 2019
The Bargaining Power Of Buyer
The bar obligate water Power Of BuyerFraser Neave holding Bhd. was incorpo putd at category 1883 when founders John Fraser and David Chalmers Neave formed a political party named capital of Singapore Straits charged Water go with in Singapore. Few course of studys later, FN was consolidated and go in the food make whoopie fitting fabrication. FN has its own vision to become the preeminent integral beverage company in Malaysia and the region and their mission is to be a initiatory multi depicted object enterprise providing superior returns to their sh atomic number 18holders, resplendent value for their customers and a recognize c argonr for their employees.FN troupe is one of the Malaysia well known beverage company which the famous ontogeny is the isosmotic foxs 100plus launched at twelvemonth 1984. FN arrive at wide chain of mountains of beverage that can be classified as dim whoop it ups, dairies, non-carbonated beverages as well as separate stemma grap heme. They were ingress the sweetened condensed filled milk in year 1973, and the acquisition of Nestls canned milk phone line in Thailand and Malaysia in year 2007. early(a)(a) than that FN naughty tint canned milk was in addition gain excellent reputation in Malaysia. This merchandise is overlargely use as beverage mixers in chocolate, tea and chocolate drinks and now canned milk has winnerfully to export this intersection to to a greater extent than 20 countries around the world. In addition, the halal certification offers self-coloured reassurance to Muslim customers in the growth Halal marts in the Middle East and Africa.FN Company was awarded The Readers Digest Trusted Brand from year 2005 to 2008, Media Magazine Top 1000 Asiatic Brands 2007 and so on. It proves that their customer was reas positive(predicate)d when using their proceedss since they argon concern rough their health and gumshoe quality. FN Company was infinitely improve their quality and brands to ch in allenges the commercializeplace and to become the leader.FN Company is overly well-known company that caring about the social milieu and working environment. They implemented and executed various environmental stewardship and launched numerous recycling campaigns in schools to inculcate good environmental habits among young people and thus, create ken on the importance of recycling. FN Company besides set-up a RM1.2 million specie named Chairmans Award to instigate educational excellence and to recognize utmost-achievers among children of FN conferences employees. FN Company has achieved a safety record of zero accident (no loss time accident) accrued from 1 February 2007 to 21 kinfolk 2009 with a total 962 days or 2.3 million working hours. In terms of its environmental compliance misfortune and achieved zero environmental compliance status.FN Company has three main concernes which argon soft drinks, dairy farm increases and station. touchy racketFN Bever ages Marketing Sdn Bhd flirt Malaysias largest soft drinks manufacturer and distributor. There are four manufacturing plants nationwide, including its state of the art induction at its headquarters in Shah Alam, Selangor. Their products are 100PLUS, FN Fun Flavours, FN Originals, SEASONS, spyglass bargain and Fruit Tree.The company started works in 1936 when FN Ltd obtained the franchise of Coca-Cola in Singapore and Malaysia. After that FN Coca-Cola (M) Sdn Bhd (FNCC) was born and license agreement would end in September 2011, the company renamed as FNBM. In Malaysia, 100PLUS is a outstanding hintical anesthetic success story, cover 90 percent take of the isotonic drinks market and as well the No.1 ready to drink (RTD) brand in Malaysia. For non-carbonated portfolio, SEASONS is really No.2 in Asian drinks category while Fruit Tree endure to grow at bottom the juice segment.The soft drinks surgical incision perform well during the festive periods and wait to pursue w orld class excellence in dispersal so that the products are readily available with contract on market execution. all over the years, FNBM has used few strategic measures that emphasize on its brand armorial bearing by invested in advertising and promotions, product avail ability and operational efficiency. In April 2010, FNBM was selected to become exclusive distributor of ruby-red Bull energy drinks in Malaysia and has improved FNBMs beverage portfolio.Dairies ProductsNext phone line is dairy products. FN Dairies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd has earnd varity much(prenominal)(prenominal) as sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, pasteurised milk, UHT milk, juice and ice thrash. FNs dairy business had a joint venture with Beautrice Foods of Chicago, USA in 1959 with the construction of Southeast Asias inaugural sweetened condensed milk plant in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. The Carnation Company from US joined the expoundnership in 1965 to form prime minister milk as the manufactu ring arm.The aggroup constantly seeks product innovation and invention, to a greater extent products adding into portfolio and after that the Group had a successful journey into ice cream business. In 1989, the Group purchased the interests of Beatrice Foods and restructured its dairy operations under FN Dairies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. It was expanded further with the acquisition of Magnolia in 1995. In 1998, the Group started its pasteurised business.Today, FNs dairies region has a vision of beingness Malaysias leading dairy and food marketer with world class products, standards and capabilities forming part and parcel of its offerings. In 2011, FN Dairies (Malaysia) disposed off its entire ice cream business to FN Creameries (M) Sdn Bhd. steadAbout the billet business, FN Properties is a business building block of Fraser Neave Holdings Berhad, the purpose is to unlock the value of land acquired and held by the company. The for the first time spot is the former FN actory land at Jalan Foss, has been baffleed into commercial mail called Fraser Business Park. The development follows the general direction of Fraser Neaves underlying philosophy of a socially responsible corporate citizen. Key value lies deep down the wildness of continuously creating innovative designs and applications towards the development, giving its occupants a sagaciousness of the modern and the in store(predicate) a alike.More is expected from future property launches as the unit name wise to(p) ground with innovative design and product development that focus on feature that are particular to the FN brand name. In future, the property division bequeath emphasize on changing existing Premier draw plant into a landmark in Petaling Jaya. The redevelopment is estimated 5 to 8 years period.PESTMission To be a world-class multinational enterprise providing superior returns to our shareholders, excellent value for our customers and a rewarding career for our employees.Vision To b ecome the leading total beverage company in Malaysia and the region.Every company has their mission and vision statement served as overall purpose of business. The mission and vision statement above are set by FN. There are external environmental issues take away or allow for take up FN to achieve their mission. These external environmental issues are being categorized according to PEST(EL) model. PEST(EL) model is to analyze the external environment issues of company. It categorized environment issues into political, frugalal, social, technological, ecological and legal influences.EconomicImproving addition prospect of Malaysia, Thailand and the region brings much income to FN as is signals economy are in good condition and peoples are willing to spend and then will increment sales in that particular region. The growth prospects include insurrection of Malaysia GDP in year 2010 that is approximately 10% compare to 4.5% in 2009 that rise from some study chemical elemen t of manufacturing industry production with a double digit growth of 16.9% in year 2010. ASEAN countries are growing quick in their economy thus putting FN a affirmatory factor in growing of profits. FN has built up corroboratory consumer thinking to their product. For manikin 100PLUS, isotonic drink that is specialized for sportsmen to retain the metabolism. It is a theory well-built that it is voted number 1 isotonic drinks in Malaysia since its introduction in 1983. That well-built positive sentiment brings opposites drinks of FN to be well marketable. It is the consumer sentiment to the products compound the profitability factor of FN towards other foe thus is at an favor in the market. politicsalGovernment had put initiative to boost spending of consumer with untried economic model (NEM), with this model being pursue, Malaysia economic boost as consumer acquire power increases and are advised to spend. FN will posture benefit by earmark goods to be sold to the ma rket hence boosting sales.FN products are all Halal hence are entitled for Halal Hub Tax Incentive. The inducement offered had decreased FN some percentage of measure liability to the judicature. It made FN to a greater extent profitable compare to those companies which does not qualified for the incentive.Government has taken bet on some incentive in year 2009, the withdrawal method of premium of force out and lollipop has put an wallop to FN as most of the FN core businesses call for large amount of chou which is dairies and soft drink business. The withdrawal of staff of life subsidy lower the overall profit of the FN although at that place is a large improve a sales but the profit doesnt turn in to a greater extent proceeds as the sugar be increases. Withdrawals of fuel subsidy did also impact on FN as the speak to of their internal and external distribution cost increases thus reduces profit.TechnologicalIn the beginning of 2011, FN introduced new product, Ic e Mountain and it has faster share gain among bottler waters player which realized 5% market share in Malaysia.FN launched new beverage Zesta crossways Malaysia in October 2011.Zesta has remarkably great tasting berry daddy flavored soda. It content the Guarana tropical berries that originate from Amazon, South America. In addition, Guarana tropical berries invigorate the be and mind. Zesta is an extension of our already large array of FN beverages, a beverage that was initiated to equilibrize our existing range of FN brands, creating a transition vehicle for our growing heap of consumers, said Dato Ng Jui Sia, CEO of Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd. FN believes that Zesta is the illustration of growing trends for beverage call forthd soda. (Zesta 2011)EnvironmentalSichuan Earthquake of May 2008 has caused the raw material cost increase and companys profit is affected. Natural disaster is beyond expectation and control of the company. attain before interest and tax in 2008 grew only 5%. This environmental factor has affected company to achieve their mission. Natural disaster would serve as obstacle that FN provide superior returns to shareholders.Porters 5 forcesToday, Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd (FN) has extended business at more(prenominal) than 20 countries worldwide and established itself as a regional player. So that, FN need use Porters atomic number 23 forces model to psychodepth psychology and understanding the nature of the agonistical environment. FN has a lot of benefits from using Porters tail fin forces model. They can chink that way checks a wide range of potency impacts when devising strategy. They allow the division of the work in environmental analysis and make decision in time. In addition, Porters louvre forces also inspection and repair to develop effective strategies to raise FN profitability, power, and warring position in an industry. Porters five forces is divided into threat of entry, intensity of agonistical arguing, threat of substitute product, talk terms power of defileer and bargaining power of suppliers. panic of entryThreat of entry is new entrants into market will bring extra mental ability and intensify competition. The military al-Quran of the threat from new entrants will depend upon the strength of the barriers to entry and the likely response of existing competition to a new entrant. FN produce two new soft drink FN clear citrus and Zesta were launched in soft drink market at year 2011. Zesta and FN Clearly Citrus are getting customer support and the new produces also adjudge a higher drive from the buyer. Zesta sales would create other competitor charter entered the soda market, it will be posted a threat for the FN affect the market sales. Therefore, FN should defensively competitor who are entered the soda market to creating barriers that new entrants to the market find voiceless to overcome. This can ensure the Zesta sales would not affect and ensure the maximize share holders wealth. FN able to repose in the Malaysia soda market a very important role.Bargaining power of supplierBargaining power of suppliers definition with the stronger power of suppliers in an industry the more difficult it is for firms within that sector to make a profit. It is because suppliers can determine the terms and conditions on which business is conducted.Most of the products are contented sugar, sugar is essential for production. Malaysian Government has removed sugar subsidies on selective basis and subsidy for Dairies Malaysia was removed. Increased of sugar cost and global commodity cost forced price of Sweetened Condensed Milk increased by 25%. However, sugar subsidy was removed on selective basis which means FN can look for suppliers whose sugar subsidies werent removed. In addition, competitors will also search for new suppliers and it may not indulgent to reduce cost as low as before.Apart from that, FN may present to concern about any switching cost for cur rent suppliers.Bargaining power of buyerBargaining power of buyer sentiency of the powerful buyer can force price cuts and quality improvement. The government removed sugar subsidy, FN material cost increased and affected the product selling price increased. In 2011, Sweetened Condensed Milk has increased 25% of the price which cause the demand reduced. Revenue and profit was decline during the year. Buyers also redeem full information about the soft drink and dairy product market. They should know which company product cheaper, more health and trump quality. FN need to retain the customer by astir(p) product quality and introduce new product. Buyers always bugger off different prime(prenominal) for their beverage and dairy product. Apart from that, same compositors case of competitors product will be display nearby companys products. For example, Jusco will be placing same type of products together which allowed buyers to search easily. There is low switching cost for buyer s. Beside, degree of product differentiation is low which customer may feel all brands are similar. This threat is more difficult to control, because FN management need to concentrate on changing buyers preference and also maximize the shareholders wealth.Threat of substitute productPorters 5 forces have indicated that the threat of substitute product is the other firms within the industry has offers similar product with similar benefits for the customer. This threat may affects the competitive environment of the company and influence our ability to achieve profitability.On FN Magnolia have offers Pasteurised Milk and Sterilised Milk. The range of the customers is children and adults. The Pasteurised Fresh Milk can be enjoyed chilled or warm, plain or mixed with other foods or beverages and they innovate into Lo-Fat Hi-Cal Milk provide slight fat and more healthy of the Fresh Milk for our body. However, Marigold has offers HL Milk is low-fat milk No.1 in Malaysia. HL Milk has per fect balance of nutrients for eitherone in the family and it make ups high in calcium and protein, low in fat and lactose and fortified with 9 essential vitamins to supplement healthier lifestyle. Marigold HL Milk is first choice for the customers who are caring health conscious. FN should innovation their milk product provide more healthy to attract or retain consumer choices.Another competitor is Dutch brothel keeper has provided a Dutch Lady Milk pulverisation for satisfy customer needs who want mix it with other coffee or tea favour and it has a rich and creamy taste and allowed to dilute in hot or cold water easily. Furthermore, Dutch Lady also has provided different formulations to cater to children of different ages to get up their oral sex development and healthy growth. Therefore, most of the mother would choose Dutch Lady Milk products of their children rather than choose FN milk products.FN SEASONS offers soft drink products are leaders in countrys most comprehensive range of consumer, catering to every occasion. The Soya range provides protein nourishment while the Chrysanthemum and Grass Jelly provides healthier refreshment with less sugar let FN SEASONS become best quality and healthy drinks. However, they are having lesser favors for the customer choose. YEOS have more favors, such as Lychee drink, Sugarcane drink, Bandung Rose drink, coconut juice, soursop drink and guava drink for the customer to choice. Hence, consumers who are Sugarcane drink devotee may change its option to YEOS products.Although there are many competitors for isotonic drink, 100Plus still able to gain over 88% of the market share. Company has done a lot promotion for 100Plus which the reason 100Plus is successfully gain more than half of the market share. (Annual accounting 2010)Intensity of competitive rivalryIntensity of competitive rivalry among competitors in the industry strives to companies to gain competitive advantage over the rivals and drives the profit of the rivals firm to zero. The company can gains the competitive advantage by several ways, such as pricing policy, improving the products differentiation with other and exploiting relationships with suppliers. If can gain more competitive advantage over competitors can increase the profitability of the company.FN only provided soft drink products and dairy products, appears less competitive advantage compare with others. Nowadays, people more have health conscious when they buying products may choice to buy the products which consists more nutrition. In food and beverage industry also have many company has provide more diet product to at ease the requirements of the different customers.Dutch Lady Low Fat Yoghurt is a healthy raciness and it will enhance the absorption of nutrients, ensuring digestive constitution stays healthy. It contains Vitamin A, C and E, calcium and Active Live Cultures.In Addition, the Marigold have offer the Yogurt and cultured milk Vitagen which have con sists nutrition products for the body. The Vitagen has billions of put out probiotic cultures to helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Probiotic cultures in VITAGEN can baulk bile and acidic stomach juices and reach the intestines alive to fight defamatory bacteria in the intestines. Furthermore, the Yoghurt contains live and active cultures help digestion and promote a healthy digestive system and calcium for the development of strong bones and teeth. Marigold also has offers Jelly is a great-tasting double-layered jelly that is filled with fresh fruits. Its cool and refreshing taste makes it great for everyone in the family and contains no preservatives and is a healthy alternative to fruits after a hearty meal. This makes Marigold become Malaysias first and only pasteurised Jelly.This all is key reasons that the consumer may change favors to this type of products. To gain competitive advantage, FN should provide more nutrition products for the customers have more choose.P orters national competitive advantage diamondPorters diamond model suggests that there are inherent reasons why some nations and industries within nations are more competitive than others on a global scale. The argument is that the national headquarters base of an organisation provides organisations with specific factors which will potentially create competitive advantages on a global scale. (Michael Porter 1990)Porters diamond model consist of four conditions of national advantage which are factor conditions, demand conditions, connect and supporting industries and firm strategy, structure and rivalry.Factor conditionsFactor condition is about important elements that exist in a company which lead to national competitive advantage. It can be country specific or industry specific.FN Dairies had constructed plant in Pulau Indah costs RM350 million and will be completed within the second half of 2011. The new plant promotes cutting go on green technology which would have huge gains in water, energy and environmental conservation. With existence of this plant, FN Dairies could be on the top list of worlds largest producers of canned milk. (Annual root 2011 pg 41)An increase in production line is an advantage of the company. FN had launched a new RM45 million polyethylene terephthalate (PET) monoblock production line which is the first in Asia Pacific. This able to done all the things in only one production line, for example blow bottles, fill and pack all carbonate soft drinks products. (Annual account statement 2010 pg 32)FN has the latest innovation and technology that bring advantages to them. With this latest technology, FN can enhance its operations by continuing improve production lines. FN can produce more products in effective and efficient way. In addition, the new machineries increase as the production lines increases. The warehouse management system has implemented to make operation work run smoothly. Besides, the introduction of new sales prodig y tools helps in manufacturing, if sales forecast is low, the manufacturer will produce less stock.Supply chain act as an important role in a business. Without return, production would not be carried out. Improvement in supply chain lead to high efficiency of production and logistic by upgrade the systems. FN introduce higher level of operational automation and origin management to ensure the manufacturing process has no error. Besides, the product quality management has to make sure that the products are in acceptable quality and safety measures are enhanced in order the product would not aggrieve people.Demand conditionsSecondly, the demand conditions state that if the local market for a product is larger and more demanding at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global competitiveness of local exporting companies.FN non-carbonated portfolio has or so increased from 25 .4 per cent to 28 per cent in soft drinks business. This represent there is a growing demand for drinks. During the year, FN included fruit teas and juices to its range of soft drinks, and launch new drink called Zesta recently catering consumers of this segment. The ability to innovate, differentiate and manufacture new product lines will bring advantages such as gain more market share. (Zesta 2011)FN Fruit Tree released five new flavours in bottle form which are orange, apple, lychee, blackcurrant and mango. As the demand increases, Fruit Tree has becoming one of the fastest growing categories in Malaysia. The new flavours are the extension to the Fruit Tree cans range and the enquiry shows that consumer preference toward these flavours compared to other brand in the market. (Annual Report 2010 pg 36)FN Holding Berhad has built a new warehouse in Kuching which triple larger than preliminary warehouse capacity to improve the quality of service and make sure delivery to customers i s on time. Furthermore, it utilised advanced warehousing technology such as high selective racking, super flat flooring and genuinely Narrow Aisleway (VNA) trucks.Related and supporting industriesThirdly, the related and supporting industries mean that when local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative products.In February 2010, 100PLUS signed a partnership agreement with AirAsia Berhad, officially sell 100PLUS on AirAsia flights which depart from Malaysia. AirAsia Berhad is a Malaysia top airlines company, being a partner of AirAsia Berhad has a real competitive advantage for FN. This agreement is a big shout for division to extend business offshore. Passenger dehydration happened frequently in air travel, with 100PLUS the passenger can get over the dehydration. Support from AirAsia is like an advertisement effect, whenever there is a flight, there is an appearance of 100PLUS. (Annual Report 2010 pg 038) warm strategy, structure and rivalryStructure and management system can affect competitiveness. FN is running beverage and dairies business in addition to food business too. FN buy 23.08 per cent share in Cocoaland Holdings Berhad. Cocoaland is a major snack food manufacturer in Malaysia. FN is diversifying the business risk to various subsidiaries. FN develop the food business to supplement beverage and dairies business. As the Malaysia grow into high income economy country, the consumption of middle income will increase and food business will be benefited.GE model3 portfolio business spacedairy product brushed drinkGE business intercellular substanceIndustry Attractiveness- Economic FactorBusiness Strength-Brand Strength gameyMediumLowHighInvestment/ reapingSoft drinkSelective GrowthSelectivityMediumDairy productSelective GrowthSelectivityHarvest/DivestLowSelectivityProperty businessHarvest/DivestHarvest/DivestFNs business has divided into 3 portfolio and that are Soft Drinks, Dairy Products and Properties. First of all, we will use the environmental factor and brand strength as the industry drawing card factors and business factors benchmark.Soft DrinksFNs core soft drinks business portfolio will be classified at the classes of selective growth. The company soft drinks 100plus and Zesta are popular in Malaysia and have helped the company in bringing certain level of stable income.100plus as the companys core product have promoting an active lifestyle and healthy lifetime to consumer. Many events have been run to promote 100plus as it is isotonic drink of choice at major sporting events. 100plus is present at top sports events such as Piala Malaysia Final 2011 100plus Tunku Abdul Razak Cup, KL Marathon 2011 and so on to continue building prestigious images of 100plus to consumers. Profit of division has been growing from year 2007 to 2011. However, sugar subsidy withdrawn by Malaysian Government has major impact on price of su gar. The division has lesser growth rate for year 2011. In addition, global commodity cost has increased which is unfavorable economic factor. Soft Drink division has very high brand strength but economic factors are not really favourable to the division.Dairy ProductsFNs dairy products will be classified at the classes of selectivity. Companys dairy products have included sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, pasteurised milk, UHT milk, juices and ice cream. Dairy Products also suffered from withdrawal of sugar subsidy and global commodity price increased in 2011. FNs dairy products business has classified at selectivity, with medium level of attractiveness and medium business strength on the dairy products.Although the product milo is popular in Malaysia, Milo is not owned by FN, it was franchised. This product reduces business strength as it is not the only major player in the market. The dairy products will seem less attractive to the investors to consider investing because the deliberate of the milk market is very dear(p). In addition, the cost for hire workers and the cost to obtain technology for producing the dairy products are costly for subsequent production of dairy products. Moreover, the dairy products license also difficult to be approved by the government. New entrant will find difficult to entry, because the market has been controlled and played by a few major competitors. New entrant will find difficulty to enter to the market as these factors created entry barriers.PropertiesFNs property business had generated more revenue in year 2007 compared to the year 2006 by 6%. Revenue for the year 2008 had declined by 24% compare to year 2007. FNs property business has classified at selectivity with high level of attractiveness and low business strength. The company is more concentrated in the soft drink products and has no initiative to promote companys property to the public, not many people knows that FN has already entered into properties. F Ns property business is non comparable with beverage business that seems to be so successful and FNs property business strength is low in this industry. The property business that has high profitability in the industry will attract more investors to invest. The government encourage removing of old building and build more new business park in order to bring in more successfulness to our country. Moreover, our property business is at growth stage because it is newly introduced into the industry, hence it does not have strong business strength on the property business.Ratio analysis and Key performance IndicatorsRevenue of continuing operation continues to grow from 2009 to 2010 by 11.2% and 2010 to 2011 7.6%. In 2010, the revenue is able to grow break down than 2011 due to improved economic conditions. Malaysia Government has introduced New Economic representative 2010 helps to boost spending in Malaysia.Profit before interest and tax growth rate also decline from 2010 to 2011, 31% to 14%. The impart was affected because of particular division wasnt doing well in 2011.Soft DrinkSoft Drink division has current ratio of 1.77 and 1.99 for year 2010 and 2011. It indicated improvement in managing assets and liabilities.The growth momentum of soft drink division has continued. The division has been doing well over the years. It contributes the largest profit to FN. In 2010, the soft drink division was able to generate revenue 21% more compared to last year. Soft drink was delivering higher volume especially during festive periods such as Chinese New Year. In addition, sales volume of 100Plus Seasons have grew more than 20% and reflected strong consumption and growing popularity of the brands. 100Plus generated over 88% of market share in isotonic category and Seasons generated 27% market share of Asian drink category. While Badminton competition doubting Thomas Cup was around, 100PLUS Thomas Cup 1 Million Support Campaign was held for Malaysian to show their suppo rt for Malaysian badminton team. Apart from that, the division served as distributor of Red Bull energy drinks in Malaysia and commenced from 1 April 2010. Soft drink volume was able to benefit from Red Bull which contributed 2.2% helps to improve the divisions beverage portfolio. (Annual Report 2010)Soft drink division grew only 16% from 2010 to 2011. The growth rate is eroded due to the reason of Malaysian government has withdrawn the subsidy of sugar and fuel. Therefore, raw material cost has increased and causes the profit gross profit border diminished. Coca-Cola business exits the FN in September 2011 which also the reason of profit margin diminished. However, 100Plus and Seasons still generated volume growth 10% and 14% to benefits the division. 100Plus and Seasons are the leading brands in the division and continue to enhance the divisions beverage portfolio. 100Plus was being promoted continuously as 100PLUS New Thematic Launch in July 2011. Beside, FN SEASONS Nourishing You Malaysia interior(a) Consumer Contest held between March and April 2011 to create consum
Thursday, 28 March 2019
The Good, the Bad, and the Apathetic Essay -- Voting Election Voter Vo
The Good, the Bad, and the Apathetic Another presidential election year rolls around for America and what pull up stakes the vote decide? Sometimes equally debated and foretold, another(prenominal) issue exists that does not appear on the voter turnout. How many people will carriage at the polls to cast their vote for their governmental representatives? The patterns of American history would say that not very(prenominal) many will collection up. Indeed, voter turnout has fallen from its peak of 63 percent in 1960 to just below half during the last presidential election, in 1996. As a result, the worlds lasting democracy ranks 140th in voter turnout among democratically elected governments (Cooper). They make this point at what seems like either election in recent years and the problem has existed off and on for the entire history of the United States. No easy solution exists to lead more people to the polls without enacting a law requiring the vote, but a few things could help in a small way. Some of the mildew for addressing this problem stems from my own personal experience with trying to register for ballot in my first presidential election. Complicating my situation is the fact that I go to school in Pennsylvania, but am an Ohio resident. I plunge it very difficult to complete my registration forms. My first trouble encountered appeared when I found out that no matter what I looked up on the internet, I still had to send away for a registration form and wherefore send it back in. It said that I could print out a form, but that it required me to print the form on number 40 cardstock. What a hassle? This seemed like a lot of effort for such(prenominal) a simple form. Secondly, I have to vote by absentee ballot and thus am required to let the el... ...ection. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Online.22 Mar. 2004 <http//, Bill. So maybe low voter turn out isnt always a bad thing? The Houston Chronicle. (7 Dec. 1997). 22 March 2004 < http// obstacles to voting. (2001). In Moore J. L., Preimesberger J. P., & Tarr D. R. (Eds.), Guide to U.S. elections (Vol. 1). capital letter CQ Press. Retrieved March 31, 2004, from CQ Electronic Library, CQ Voting and Elections Collection gusel1-152-7218-392799.Shesgreen, Deirdre. Internet Could Upend lucre Race. St. Louis Post Dispatch. 9 Nov. 2003, pg. A.7.Utley, Garrick. Low voter turnout expected on Election Day. (3 Nov. 2000). 22 March 2004 < http//
Unrealistic Expectations of Women :: Media
Unrealistic Expectations of Women I good dealt tell you how many times I have receptive up a fashion snip, listened to adds on the radio, watched commercials on TV, or find the stereotyping in todays extremely judgmental society and seen the do that our expectations have had on people, especially young women. There are so many instances throughout the course of everyday life, that I rule pass judgment to live vicariously through the body of a Victorias Secret model. I can only wonder how many others feel this way as well. I was recently leafing through the pages of the 2002 playing periods Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and within a matter of five minutes, I was majorly downing my body and my looks. I couldnt help but oppose my body to that of a woman who is 510 and weighs 105 pounds, when the just female is 56 and weighs 140 pounds. Its no wonder there are so many cases of anorexia and bulimia when a model, comparable to the stick figures drawn by kin dergarteners everywhere, is yet another symbol of what is considered to be beautiful. Another article that caught my eye was in an old Cosmopolitan magazine I just had lying around. It was entitled, Five Fixes Thatll Make Him Want You. Now, my sign reaction was one of frustration. Why is there so much insisting to make the opposite sex want you. Its a dreaded curse that is utterly inescapable. We will always be trying to dissemble the opposite sex. There is always going to be something about us that isnt quite right, or one flaw that if we could just in some way fix, wed be perfect. Girls, let me ask you something. Do you think those models are happy? They are constantly under an grand amount of pressure to keep the body they have, to not eat, and to be dead flawless.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
River Journey In Brazil :: essays research papers
Dear Irene,I would kickoff like to thank you, for encouraging me to enter the competition and I could non believe that I won. As soon as they called out my secernate on the radio, I went running around my house, crazy, jumping up and trim on my small bed, which I think I ruined the springs in it. Although its a pity you could not come with me, because the fact is that I had a spectacular holiday. There was a variety of choices on where to go, notwithstanding n unmatchable of them interests me except for one that I have not time-tested yet, and that was Rafts and river journeys in the Amazon river, Brazil. I have never, in my life, experient river journeys and I heard it could be a lot of fun and stern so I can face my fears.My best friend, Mike, and I went on a first class ticket in capital of Brazil Airlines that was actually comfortable for a six-hour trip. As we landed on the capital of Brazil, Brasilia we didnt imagine that this city can be strikingly beautiful, and fo rtunately is a lot better than Jeddah. We then met our raft experts in the airport. They were two female, which was really unexpected, because the experts are usually male, well one of them is called Joila and the other ones called Lavita, I find Lavita real attractive. She had a tall, fit body, keen-sighted blonde hair and a face more beautiful than Cindy Crawford. They took us to the city. The city had un forayed landscapes, different types of antique markets around a distinctive building, there were several skyscrapers in the middle of the city, but that didnt spoil the scenery, if you were in the middle of the city you would see lime-green mountains at a very long distance. They drove us to their camp, which was far out of the city and close the Amazon River. The cantonment was in a charming location, along the campsite was pale green bushes around the campsite, caravans just beside the entrance was very galactic because it is used for their office, a small lake can be se en just a few hundred metres beside the camp for us to practice, there is an exotic adopt if you looked on top of the small hill, it was as if you were on top of the world.Lavita firstly showed us to our small white caravans for us to unpack.
Wicked White World :: essays research papers
Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted persons attempting to find a moral will be banished persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot - By Order of the Author, ( both 1) reads the Notice in advance The Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. Twain claims that he wrote the entire novel stringently as an adventure story, and had no intention of creating a deeper statement virtually the human condition. On the contrary, Twain creates an insight into humanity that the reader but expects from the authors impractical notice. He does this by using the both main characters in the novel, Huck Finn, an uneducated boy running forth from civilization and Jim, the runaway slave. As these two misfits float down the disseminated sclerosis River on a raft, Twain uses the character of Jim and his interactions with others to defy the white acquaintance of the Negro and to ultimately demonstrate his place in American society. Twain doe s this by showing how Jim does not form to the mold of the stereodistinctive slave, has in truth emotions just like anyone else and is an example of the Negros social standing(a) at that time.In the beginning of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain introduces Jim by describing the stereotypical Negro. Jim represents the ignorance and superstitions that most white believed to be the slaves persona. As seen through the eyes of Tom sawyer beetle and Huck Finn, Jim personifies the stereotypical characteristics of the carefree and often ridiculous Negro. This is demonstrated when the reader first meets Jim, as Tom and Huck attempt to sneak step up of the house. Jim, hears the boys moving and decides to wait until he hears it again but promptly waterfall asleep. Tom moves Jims hat by hanging it on a tree limb. Afterward Jim said the witches bewitched him and put him in a trance, and rode him all over the state, and then set him under the trees again, and hung his hat on a limb to s how who done it, (Twain 6). This ignorant and illogical business relationship illustrates the stereotypical white opinion of Negroes in America. Later in the novel, Huck goes to Jim for help in conjuring the future. The reader sees the ridiculous side of the typical Slave classification. Jims prized possession is a hairball that was taken from the confirm of an ox. He said there was a spirit inside of it, and it knowed
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Beauty, Biology, and Society Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
Beauty, Biology, and SocietyWhat is smasher? How do human beings answer who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of messages telling us what is beautiful, solely what are those definitions based on? Do we consciously decide whom we are attracted to, or is biology somehow involved? The issue of mantrap and how we nail down it has been studied for centuries. Scholars from all fields of study gull searched for the formula for beauty. Darwin in his book The Descent of Man wrote, It is certainly not true that thither is in the mind of man any universal standard of beauty with respect to the human body. It is however, possible that certain tastes in the course of fourth dimension become inherited, though I apply no evidence in favor of this belief. (1) Science has tried to look at beauty beyond the conscious level. It has tried to determine what roles biology converges in human attraction. Scientists have discovered that symmetry and scent play a role in defining human at traction. (3) But while this can begin to rationalize beauty on the most basic of levels, what accounts for variations in the standard of beauty? The idea of beauty varies within different societies and communities. Do these cultural preferences have a biological basis? What is the relationship between biology and society in relation to the idea of beauty? How do they relate to each other, and how do they differ? In particular what role does science play in the preference that many societies, (in particular South Asian, East Asian, and atomic number 7 American Cultures), have for fairer skin? Beauty is experienced through opthalmic stimuli. The human beings intake of beauty is through both conscious and unconscious mind decisions. (4) (4) The question is what motivates our unconscious decisions... ...t/html/astrid/femphers.html3) Evolutionary Psychology of Sexual hookhttps// The Biological Purpose of Beautyhttp// The Role of Afrocentric Features in Person comprehension Judging by Features and Categories , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology http// When shocking Isnt Beautiful, , The Guardian.http//,4273,3899316,00.html7) Whats In a Colour?.http// The Colour stripes of Beautyhttp// Races and Racism http//
Free Essay on Homers Odyssey - Odysseus and Telemachus :: Homer Odyssey Essays
The Odyssey - Odysseus and Telemakhos At the beginning of the book Telemakhos is troubled with the suitors attempt to marry his mother. He tries to keep them in line but they are rampant, especially when theyre drunk. They kill Odysseuss herd for their own feedings and disrespect the house of Odysseus. So Telemakhos is obliged to search for his father because he is his last and only rely of keeping the suitors away. He is determined to search for his father and must view him at all costs. When Odysseus is stuck on the island of Kalypso, Athena had obliged him to leave the island in search of his home, Ithaka. She tells him of the memories he had there and he remembered how much he had longed for Ithaka. So he was determined to get home. Just like how Telemakhos was determined to honor his father. They were destined by the gods to come together. In book 16, it talks round Telemakhos and his father t alking to each other planning how they were going to defer over the suitors. They talked and talked and were happy to see each other. When Odysseus told Telemakhos that he wished to stay as a beggar for a little while and get employ to the town before he attacks the suitors, Telemakhos didnt feel it was right. He knew that if he were to go into town he would be mocked by the suitors and antagonized by them. He may even be beaten. This shows that Telemakhos cares for Odysseus and his honor. But Odysseus knew that he must be a beggar until it is the right time. Let your ribs cage up your springing heart, no calculate what I suffer, no matter if they pull me by the heels or use shots at me, to drive me out. Look on, hold down your anger. (16, 326) So Telemakhos had no choice but to agree. Ah, father, even when danger comes I think youll insure courage in me. I am not scatterbrained. (16, 369) This may greatly affect his honor and maybe create hatred towards the suitors so he will be pumped up and ready to kill the suitors at any time.
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